Jumper: 10 Seconds or Less (a bad boy romance) (North Side Kings Book Book 3)

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Jumper: 10 Seconds or Less (a bad boy romance) (North Side Kings Book Book 3) Page 5

by Scarlett Winters

  “So, what’s the plan? Why won’t you tell me what this idea to blow off steam is.” She asked.

  Dean put the truck in gear, looked over to her and smiled.

  “I’m going to take you sky diving!” he said.

  “What? No way! I’ve always wanted to but, I’m scared.” she said nervously. “I don’t know if I can Dean.”

  Dean placed his hand on her leg.

  “Listen, if you don’t want to just say it and I won’t bother you about it. But, first hear me out. Your first jump, you will go with me. You will literally be strapped to me as we jump. I will be in complete control the whole time, and we will land perfectly. I promise you, I would never hurt you. It will be fine and you will love it.” he said trying to calm her nerves.

  “I don’t know. That sounds exciting, what if I can’t jump once we get up there?” She asked.

  “No problem, we will just have a scenic plane ride.” Said Dean with a kind smile on his face.

  “Okay, as long as you don’t mind if I do chicken out.” Said Paige smiling to herself.

  “For sure! I love you Paige.”

  “I love you too Dean. Okay, let’s do this!”

  Dean continued driving away from the downtown area and to the place where he always went for a skydive.

  “Hey, Dean! Back so soon?” asked the lady behind the counter

  “Yes, taking my girlfriend up with me today. She has never jumped before.” he said.

  “You know she is supposed to go through an orientation class.” said the lady.

  “She is with me. I explained everything to her on the drive up.” replied Dean.

  “Okay. Here miss, please sign this waiver and come with me. We will get you suited up.” She said.

  Paige signed on the line at the bottom without reading a word on the page.

  They followed the woman to the back area where the jumpsuits and parachutes were kept.

  Dean got into his gear and helped Paige into hers.

  “Hey, Dean! Good to see you back so soon!” said a man walking towards them.

  “Hey, Bill! Good to see you. This is my girlfriend Paige. She will be jumping with me today.” replied Dean

  Bill was a much older man. Well into his 60’s if Paige were to guess.

  “Nice to meet you, Paige. It’s a beautiful day for a jump.” Said Bill as he shook her hand.

  “Are you guys ready for some fun?” asked Bill.

  They walked out the back door to a plane that was sitting on the tarmac.

  “That? That is what we are going to jump out of?” questioned Paige.

  “That’s a Twin Otter, it’s debatably the most common plane used for sky diving.” Replied Bill as they neared the plane.

  Paige looked over at Dean. He could see the terror on his face. He smiled at her which gave her a little comfort. Paige thought to herself, Am I crazy? It sounded fun but, this is insane.

  Bill opened the door to the plane and pointed to them to hop in. Shortly the plane was running.

  Suddenly a thousand questions raced through Paige’s head.

  “What about cabin pressure. When we open the door to jump won’t the pressure be lost?” she asked nervously.

  “No princess! We will jump from about 7,000 feet. Being your first time, we will jump and I will pull the parachute pretty much right after we jump. We are not high enough to lose cabin pressure.” He explained.

  “What if the parachute doesn’t open?” she asked.

  “There is always a second string, a backup string in case the first one fails.” He said.

  “What if?” she was about to ask a second question when Dean put his finger over her lips.

  “Shh, if you don’t want to jump we won’t.” he said with a reassuring smile.

  The plane started to taxi down the short private runway. A few moments later they felt the plane lift off the ground and start gaining altitude.

  “How do you know when to jump?” she asked.

  “Once we reach 7,000 feet. Bill will turn on this green light, signaling it’s ok to open the door and jump.” he said.

  Paige was feeling comforted knowing whatever she asked he had a reasonable and logical answer for.

  She looked out the window and saw the ground a long way down. Dean came up behind her. He fastened his hook clips to her body. Two on each side so their bodies became one. He wrapped his arms around her.

  “Remember to breathe. How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “It’s beautiful up here, I can see why you love it.” Said Paige as she looked out of the plane. “I’m feeling good, I can do anything when I’m with you. Let’s do this!” she said excitedly.

  Dean looked over to the green light. It was only a few more minutes before the light turned green. He opened up the side door and then held three fingers in front of Paige. Then two. Then One. Paige closed her eyes as she felt him jump out of the plane and she screamed. He floated in the sky with her for about 10 seconds before pulling the rope to the parachute.

  The parachute deployed perfectly and they got yanked up from the parachute. Paige stopped screaming as they were now gracefully falling to the ground at what seemed to be a reasonable speed. She looked down, and somehow the artist inside of her took over her brain.

  No longer did she feel frightened or scared. She saw the beauty of the earth as she had never seen it before. Peace filled her body as she watched the wide-open field getting closer. The treeline was about a mile away. The highway that was just behind the treeline.

  This was a painting she had never seen before and she was mesmerized by its stunning beauty. Dean was holding the two straps of the parachute, controlling their descent back to earth. Paige watched as the ground was approaching fast. Fear started to come rushing back as she started to scream again.

  Dean pulled hard on the two ropes controlling the parachute and just before they hit the ground, they floated up a couple of feet and came to a perfectly soft landing on the ground. Dean tried to run to avoid being swallowed up by the parachute, but with Paige in front of him, they ended up falling to the ground.

  The parachute landed on top of them and came to rest completely covering them both!

  Dean released the clamps tying them together.

  “How was that?” he asked.

  “Terrifying!” She said. “But, you are right, it was beautiful.” she added.

  Their eyes locked and Dean kissed her. The parachute made the perfect cover for them. His hand unzipped her jumpsuit and found her breast as he gave it a firm squeeze. Their tongues explored each other’s mouths as he helped her out of her jumpsuit.

  They pawed at each other removing the jumpsuits and then their street clothes. A moment later they were naked under the parachute and Dean wasted no time sliding his cock into her tight pussy. Paige lay in the middle of the field, legs spread wide, welcoming her lover deep into her body. She could feel the light wind blowing through the parachute as Dean fucked her.

  His cock pushing deep into her tight pussy as he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his body and held him tight as she felt his cock pounding deep into her needing pussy. He could feel her fingernails digging into her back as he continued to slam his cock into her body deep. She moaned uncontrollably as he kissed her. He could feel the heat from the center of her body. He knew she was close as he fucked her harder. His cock slamming hard over and over into her body. “Oh, Yes!” she cried out.

  Her pussy erupted as he felt her juices trickle over his cock and balls. He continued fucking her through her orgasm. Harder and deeper his cock slammed into her body. It was now his time to erupt as she felt his cum coat the walls of her pussy. He continued fucking her as his cock continued to explode. He finally collapsed on her as the last of his cum dripped into her body. He kissed her softly, tenderly. He looked into her eyes and brushed her hair away from her eyes.

  “Let’s go visit Blake.” He said continuing to kiss her.

  They got up, got dressed and Dean picke
d up the parachute and rolled it into a ball. This was not the way he normally returned a parachute to the company, but, today he had other things on his mind.

  They got back to the tarmac and Bill was standing next to the plane.

  “Everything ok?” he asked Dean.

  “Yeah, why?” Dean asked.

  “You were stuck under that parachute for quite a while. Thought you may have landed on a coyote or something!” he said with a smile.

  Paige blushed as she knew they were busted.

  “Oh! No, I had a problem with one of the hooks on the jumpsuit. That’s why we had to take them off!” He said.

  Dean handed the parachute and the jumpsuits to Bill.

  “See you next week Bill!” he said as they walked away holding hands.

  Dean and Paige continue to fall deeper in love, they complement each other perfectly. Turns out Dean’s big deal needed a special touch from an artist. Paige caught her big break. Then put in an art gallery in the high rise. She’s a renowned artist and has some of the finest art gallery exhibitions around. They continue to sky dive and have all kinds of adventures.

  More Books By Scarlett Winters

  Read all about Hunter and Octavia in book 1

  Continue the story with book 2 Ethan and Brooke’s love.




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