Tried & True

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Tried & True Page 18

by Charlie Cochet

  Winters chuckled. “You know you’re always welcome to come talk to me. No flying bullets or apocalyptic events needed.”

  Dex nodded, grateful for the support. He squeezed the pillow to his chest and let out a heavy sigh. “It feels like I’m getting slammed from every angle, and I’m trying to focus on one thing at a time, but it’s hard. I mean, I’m supposed to be getting married in a few days, and I keep thinking maybe I should call Lou and have him cancel the whole thing, and I said as much to Sloane, and man, he’s just so amazing. He always knows exactly what to say or do to pull me back from that ledge. But even then, I can’t stop thinking about how what if instead of me enjoying the happiest day of my life, I’m arranging a funeral? I don’t know if I can come back from that. How am I supposed to come back from losing another father?”

  Dex ran a hand over his face in frustration. “And then I get pissed, because really? One time wasn’t enough? Am I so fucking cursed that the universe keeps trying to take people I love away from me? I lost my parents, I almost lost Sloane, my brother was kidnapped by Hogan, Tony was shot, and God knows how that could have turned out, and now he’s out there somewhere in the hands of killers who are just biding their time.” Dex swallowed hard and blinked back his tears. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “You can,” Winters assured him. He sounded so confident. Like if Dex just agreed with him, it would be so. “You’re strong, Dex. What’s more, you have a brother who looks up to you, depends on you. What would happen to Cael without you? What if the worst comes to pass, and he no longer has his father? What will he do if he doesn’t have you to turn to?”

  “No. I know. You’re right. I’m just… tired. To be honest with you, Doc, right now, I’m exhausted. My head is a mess, but my heart is, like, ‘don’t you fucking dare.’”

  “Then it’s clear you need to listen to your heart.”

  Dex nodded his agreement, and Winters sat back in his chair. “You’re not as restless as you once were. It’s good to see Sloane’s influence helping you through such a difficult period.”

  Dex couldn’t help his smile at the thought of Sloane. “There’s something about him that makes me… breathe. Just having him close by makes me feel calm, and if I start not to be calm, he touches me, and it’s like everything’s going to be fine. He grounds me.”

  “You’re both perfectly suited for each other, and I’m so happy for you both. You’ve come such a long way.”

  Winters’s words touched Dex. “Thank you.”

  “Now, are you prepared to do what needs to be done? Are you confident you can perform your duties to the best of your abilities? That your teammates can rely on you?”

  Dex nodded, putting as much conviction behind his words as possible. “Yes, I’m confident in my abilities, and I’m here for my team. We’re going to find Tony and bring him home.”


  THIS WAS really happening.

  Sloane stood in the middle of the empty training bay. It was one of the biggest in Sparta. The most high-tech with the newest equipment. This was where he’d be training agents and Team Leaders. At the end of the bay was a large locker room split into two for male and female agents, and to the right of the bay was his new office.

  He headed into the sleek office twice the size of the one he shared with Dex. As he looked around, he wondered why a training officer would have such a big office with so much hardware and gadgetry, and the answer became clear. When he wasn’t out in the field as a TIN operative or at home with Dex, he’d be here. He’d need everything at his disposal because this wasn’t who he was first; he was a TIN operative moonlighting as a training officer. It was all so very surreal.

  “Where the hell is he?”

  Sloane checked his watch for the third time. It wasn’t like Ash to be late. His best friend was always punctual, and he expected everyone else to be. If he got delayed, he always sent a quick text. Sloane decided to go see what was holding Ash up. He walked out into Sparta, greeting his fellow agents along the way as he headed up to Unit Alpha, stopping by his old office. It was tough, seeing only one desk in there now. Ash’s desk. Sloane imagined Ash wouldn’t be spending much time in there. While Dex and Sloane had been off, they’d moved Rosa, Letty, Cael, Calvin, and Hobbs to a much bigger space they now shared, each with their own desk. As soon as Dex and Sloane were sworn in, Destructive Delta would start in their new role of training team, so it made sense that they’d need to share the same space to collaborate and plan.

  Sloane walked through the bull pen toward the conference rooms, and he found what he was looking for, well, the second thing; Ash was still nowhere to be found. The shiny new digital screen beside the door read Destructive Delta—THIRDS International Training Team.

  Sloane opened the door, and five sets of eyes greeted him.

  “Sloane!” Cael jumped from his chair. He rushed over to Sloane, surprising him when he threw his arms around Sloane and hugged him.

  Sloane laughed. “What’s all that about?” It had only been a couple of hours.

  “He’s feeling a little nostalgic,” Rosa said, motioning around them.

  The room was impressive, but then it had been one of Unit Alpha’s largest conference rooms. It was state-of-the-art, with sleek new desk interfaces and a wall-to-wall digital board. Another wall had a huge flat-screen built into it, while the third wall was lined with comfortable seating. At the far end were three doors, the left the bathroom, locker room, and shower for the female agents. The middle door led to the kitchen, of which Sloane could see vending machines and all kinds of appliances, and the right door led to another bathroom, locker room, and shower for the male agents. It was a pretty sweet setup.

  “It’s a nice office,” Calvin said.

  Cael nodded. “We got our own kitchen.”

  “But it’s still weird,” Rosa added.

  Sloane understood. They were still together, but separate. “Hey, when this is all over, the Sarge will be just down the hall, Ash will be just around the corner, I’ll be downstairs in Sparta.”

  “When you’re not away,” Cael said, frowning.

  Anyone who heard Cael’s words would think Cael meant when Sloane wasn’t off training abroad or in another state, but what Cael actually meant was when Sloane was off on an op with Dex for TIN.

  “Dex and I still represent Destructive Delta. We haven’t left, and when we’re not… on assignment, we’ll be right here. We’re family. That’s not changing. I’m proud of you guys. This is a huge deal for the THIRDS. You’re the first International Training Team. Sparks wouldn’t have given this to you if she didn’t think you could make a difference in these agents’ lives. They need to see what a real family’s like, and no one can do that better than Destructive Delta.”

  Rosa came over to Sloane and hugged him with a sniff. “Jerk. You’re not supposed to be the one reassuring us.”

  “We’re supposed to reassure you,” Letty offered, hugging Sloane from his other side. He wrapped his arms around them and tried not to give in to his emotions, but when Hobbs stood, Sloane couldn’t help it.

  “Oh fuck me,” he said with a laugh as everyone crowded him for a hug.

  “Don’t tell Dex,” Calvin muttered.

  “We’ll never hear the end of it,” Rosa said.

  “Don’t forget, you guys are going to have to be ready for when Dex and I need you. You’re our backup, same as it’s always been.” Destructive Delta might be the new training team, but they were also Dex and Sloane’s assets. It was going to be a challenge for all of them, balancing their old lives with the new.

  “Hell yeah!” Letty wiped at her eyes before turning to head back to her desk. “Your boy’s in the new team training bay, feeling sorry for himself. He’s been in there since he got back from seeing Winters. I think they talked about him being Team Leader.”


  Cael nodded sadly. “When I asked him what was wrong, he said he just needed a few minutes on his own
, how Winters had talked to him about his new role on the team and how he was going to do a great job.”

  Shit. “Okay, thanks, guys.”

  Sloane left Unit Alpha and took the elevator down to Sparta. He needed Ash to be at his best. Strangely enough, Sloane found himself feeling nervous all of a sudden, which was ridiculous. This was Ash. No one knew Sloane better than Ash. Dex might know Sloane intimately, but Ash and Sloane had been together for almost thirty years. Fuck, he was getting old. He couldn’t help his smile, knowing Ash would curse him out for thinking that since they were the same age.

  Just next door to his personal training bay was the Destructive Delta’s new team training bay, the one Ash had asked Sparks for when she offered Destructive Delta the position. It was just as high-tech as Sloane’s, but much bigger. It was divided into different training sections, and he found Ash on a bench, hunched over, near the boxing ring, his hands covering his face. Knowing Ash would hate being caught in an emotional state, Sloane called out as he approached.

  “There you are, Keeler.”

  Ash jolted upright. He wiped at his face before clearing his throat, his voice rough when he spoke. “Fuck. Sorry, I didn’t even realize what time it was.”

  “That’s okay. I stopped by the office. Saw everyone’s new digs. Cael seems happy about the kitchen.”

  Ash chuckled. “Yeah. Him and Hobbs. Couple of dorks. They already stocked the fridge.”

  Sloane took a seat on the bench and patted the space next to him. “Talk to me.”

  “Oh no. Fuck that. I ain’t having no come-to-Jesus moment with you. I’m fine. This is all so… fucked-up. I can’t stop thinking about the Sarge out there, and now all this shit. Anyway, I’m fine.”

  Sloane called bullshit. Ash had just been sitting in an empty training bay, hands covering his face, and from his reddened eyes, it was more than obvious this was all hitting him harder than he expected.

  Sloane nodded. He glanced over at the ring and grinned. “Okay. How about a few rounds?”

  Ash eyed him. “If I bruise you, your annoying fiancé is going to bitch at me.”

  Sloane shrugged before he started to remove his boots. “Guess I’ll have to make sure you don’t bruise me.”

  Ash laughed. “Oh shit. So now that you’re TIN, you think you can kick my ass?”

  “I still have a few days before it’s official. What’s the matter? Afraid your CQC isn’t up to snuff? What have you been doing during all those TIN training sessions?”

  “Fuck you. I can kick your ass no matter what title you got.”

  “Come on, then.”

  “When your man comes whining, just remember you asked for it.” Ash grabbed a pair of gloves and began slipping them on.

  “Gloves? What happened to ‘you asked for it’?”

  “Are you kidding? Sarge will kick my ass if I bruise that pretty face of yours just before your wedding.” He wrinkled his nose, and Sloane got it. None of them wanted to think otherwise. Tony had to be okay. They had to get him back.

  Ash hit his gloves together and winked at Sloane. “I’ll make sure they’re small bruises that’ll heal quickly.”

  Sloane pulled on his own gloves. “Or you could just not hit me in the face.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “Right. Okay, then.” Sloane climbed into the ring as Ash did the same. He hit his gloves together, hopping on his toes and rounding his shoulders as Ash prepped himself. When Ash was ready, he hit his gloves together.

  “Okay, hotshot. Show me what you got.”

  Sloane shook his head, amused. Ash had no idea.

  “No? Okay. Me first, then.” Ash approached, and Sloane readied himself. He waited patiently as he’d been taught to do.

  Over the course of the last few months he’d been trained in all kinds of different martial arts and combat techniques along with Dex, until they each found a fighting style that worked best for them. For Dex it had been easier. He was fast, adaptable, and far more flexible than Sloane. Sloane was bulkier, heavier, and although he could be quick, his movements were better suited to techniques that required less-fancy moves and more focus on precision and force. Moves that aimed to get the job done as quickly as possible and fewer of them. So when Ash threw a fierce left hook, Sloane dodged it, slapping his arm away and retaliating with a right hook to the ribs.

  Ash cursed under his breath, quickly pulling back.

  “Come on, Ash. You left yourself wide-open,” Sloane teased.

  Ash came at him again, keeping close to Sloane, who worked to anticipate Ash’s moves. He’d watched Ash train and fight for years. He was familiar with Ash’s strengths and weaknesses. Ash liked to mix things up, and although his left was almost as strong as his right, he tended to favor his right. Out in the field, they didn’t come across a lot of perps trained in CQC, at least not until lately. For someone as big as Ash, he moved fast, but most importantly, he hit hard. Sloane was quick to block Ash’s fists, making sure to stay away from Ash’s elbows and knees. They moved around the ring, and Sloane could see Ash getting frustrated with Sloane not only constantly blocking him but not hitting back.

  Ash struck with a fierce combination of left and right hooks, the last of which Sloane ducked under, rolled, then popped up behind Ash and kicked at the back of his knee, sending Ash down onto one knee. With a growl, Ash got to his feet and turned.

  Sloane held his arms out to his sides and shrugged, his grin smug.

  Ash laughed. “Okay. So that’s how it is. I was gonna go easy on you, but now”—he hit his gloves together—“it’s on.”

  Sloane grinned. “I hear a lot of trash talk, and yet I’m still looking pretty.”

  Ash threw his head back and laughed, and it was a good sound to hear. With a nod, he pulled off his gloves and tossed them out of the ring. Sloane smirked and followed his lead. This was the Ash he knew and loved. Confident, cocky, and ready to take on the world.

  Ash charged, relentless in his attack, and Sloane put his training to the test, blocking Ash’s punches, anticipating the blows by what he knew of Ash and his fighting technique. Sweat dripped down Sloane’s face as he protected himself from an elbow to the head, uppercuts, punches to his ribs and kidneys. The more Sloane blocked, the fiercer Ash became. Lion Therians had incredible stamina. They would fight until their dying breath, and Ash was no exception. He was fueled by his inability to land a hit. Sloane knew if he kept this up, he’d eventually tire Ash out, but what would be the fun in that?

  Sloane brought his hands down on Ash’s fists, smacking them away from his body before kicking out, sending Ash reeling. Sloane moved in close, striking Ash in the chest, hearing his sharp intake of breath. He threw his arms around Ash’s waist, lifted him off his feet, turned, and brought them both hard against the canvas with Sloane landing on top of him. He tried to roll off, but Ash was quick.

  “Fuck!” Ash threw his arm around Sloane’s neck, wrapped his leg around Sloane’s waist.

  “Are you… seriously… trying to fucking knock me out?” Sloane asked, feeling his airway constricted. He grabbed Ash’s wrist and pulled down with all his strength, bringing his chin toward his chest as far as he could go, giving himself more breathing room.

  “That’s right, fucker. You’re not the only one who’s learned a few new tricks.”

  Sloane laughed. He managed to roll onto his side, bringing Ash with him, and got to his knees.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Ash growled.

  “This.” Sloane lifted them both just enough to make it hurt when he dropped down.

  “Fucker!” Ash ground out, but he didn’t let go of his death grip on Sloane.

  Sloane punched Ash in the ribs, receiving a smack in the head. “Ouch! What the fuck?”

  “That’s what you get for leaving me, asshole.”

  “I’m not… leaving,” Sloane grunted, punching Ash again on his side.

  “Fuck! Stop doing that.”

  “Then let go.”
  “Fuck you!”

  Sloane rolled over, pushed up again, and dropped them, landing on Ash again.

  “Motherfucker,” Ash laughed.

  “Remember when we were kids, and we’d push our beds together so we could pretend we were wrestlers?” Sloane pushed at Ash’s arm, but Ash was having none of it.

  “I recall kicking your ass,” Ash replied, panting. His grip loosened, and Sloane smiled.

  “Only because you were bigger.”

  “And stronger,” Ash added.

  “But you always make the same mistake.”

  “Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

  “Thinking you’d won before the fight was over.” Sloane grabbed Ash’s right foot, pulled it toward him, and jammed his elbow into the side of Ash’s knee.

  “Son of a bitch!” Ash let go of Sloane’s neck, and Sloane rolled off him, landing next to Ash. They both lay on their backs, panting.

  “I know you’re not leaving, but you’re not going to be with us. We’ve done everything together since we were kids. We’ve been on the same team since we joined the THIRDS, before you were a Team Leader.”

  “Yeah, and you remember how weird that was at first? Me giving orders, and you following them?”

  It had been a big transition for them. Ash had always been the one to look after Sloane, to advise him, lay some hard truths on him. Sloane had happily followed Ash in everything when they were kids, and suddenly, Sloane was the one leading, and Ash was the one following.

  “I remember,” Ash muttered.

  “But no matter what, you always had my back.”

  “I still do.” Ash sat up, and Sloane followed suit. “Don’t get me wrong. I know why you’re doing what you’re doing, and I support that.” He averted his gaze, his lips pulled into a frown. “I’m proud of you. Not a lot of people would have the balls to do what you’re about to do. I just hate that everything has to change.” He motioned around them. “Look at this place. There’s going to be teams of agents in here looking to me for help. These guys are already at their lowest point, and Sparks thinks I can bring them back from that? I mean, Jesus, Sloane. Most people are offended just by my presence alone.”


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