Call of the Lycan (Secrets of the Sequoia Book 3)

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Call of the Lycan (Secrets of the Sequoia Book 3) Page 17

by Deidre Huesmann

  “Before we begin,” he said. “Since you brought your little friend here, and we both know I will not kill her for what she sees, how about we make a small compromise?”

  Holden eyed him darkly. “No fight to the death for you? Shirking the lycan custom isn’t really your style.”

  Aaron waved his insult aside. “When I am done thoroughly beating you senseless, I must ask you to leave the county. Without Ms. Adair, of course.”

  “Fine,” said Holden. His voice was akin to reinforced steel and twice as icy. “But when I win I’m still going to kill you.”

  Petulant child, thought Aaron with a grin. “Well, then,” he said softly. “Shall we begin?”

  Holden struck first, and when he did Aaron distantly hoped Rachael was watching. The speed and force of his hit was precisely what he wanted her to see: lycans easily outmaneuvered humans.

  Aaron took the hit and used his twisting body to land a hard punch just below Holden’s sternum. His former charge fell back a few steps but remained upright.

  “You’re exactly the same,” Holden breathed, an odd smirk pulling his mouth.

  Aaron just shrugged.

  Holden bared his teeth and lowered his head. Then, in a move that genuinely startled Aaron, his former charge began to change. Cracking filled the air and Holden fell to his hands and knees, letting out the most terrible, agonizing scream as he continued to shift.

  Aaron narrowed his eyes. It made sense for them to fight as wolves, but Holden had spurned his lycan nature for so long that Aaron had never truly considered the possibility.

  “Rachael,” he said quietly, reaching up to unbutton his shirt. “Be prepared to run.”

  “No,” she breathed, her voice trembling even as stubbornness backed her words. “Not unless you go with me.”

  She was going to get herself killed. Rather than scold her—she wasn’t a child, after all—Aaron shed his shirt and looked back to her with a devilish smile. The snapping of Holden’s bones echoed in the forest, and off to the side Lacey stared in open-mouthed horror.

  “Suit yourself,” were Aaron’s final words.

  He gave himself in to the change.

  The first lycan Rachael had seen transform into a wolf had been Nathan back when Aaron had introduced her to their existence. At the time it had terrified her. She’d screamed, tried to run, and when she couldn’t escape she’d fallen into a bawling mess entirely certain they were going to kill her.

  She didn’t know if it was a difference between individual lycans, experience, or something else entirely, but Aaron’s transformation was so fluid it was close to beauty.

  When Holden or Nathan changed their bones snapped, literally breaking as they shifted. It looked and sounded painful. But when Aaron shifted instead of bones snapping it was like a line of electricity crackling over naked wire. Where Holden screamed, Aaron appeared to accept the change with utter grace. His arms thinned and grew sinewy as he drifted to the ground, the motion fluid like a dancer gliding into water. The wolf’s fur—Aaron’s fur—grew down his back and around his now very canine-like legs.

  It was over shortly before the white wolf—Holden—could even pick himself up off the forest floor. The black wolf stood his ground proudly, baring carnivorous teeth at his opponent.

  This time Aaron attacked first.

  Once it started the fight occurred mostly in blurs. Rachael tried not to stare too long once she realized she could hardly see what they were doing. Instead she looked over at Lacey, and the woman watched the battle with morbid fascination.

  She was definitely handling her reveal better than Rachael had.

  A yowling cry jerked her attention back to the fight. Her stomach sank to realize it was Aaron pulling away to catch his bearings. His fur was too dark to see, but Rachael could smell the blood that seeped from his flank and dripped to the forest floor.

  And the white wolf looked ready to pounce without a single injury on him.

  Holden’s rage used to be his downfall, but somehow it was feeding his skill this time, thought Rachael. Perhaps instead of using the heat of anger he had turned it into a frozen, linear concept. Cold and methodical—like Aaron. Rachael fought the urge to bite her nails as she often did in stressful situations.

  Instead she glanced around, wondering what she could utilize as a weapon. But there was nothing immediately useful. No heavy branches, no large stones, nothing. And even if she had those things they would do her little good. The lycans fought so quickly that if she tried to take aim she was just as likely to hit the wrong one as if she blindly lashed out.

  Another terrible, puppy-like yelp ripped through the air. Blood flew. This time it was Holden who was hurt, but rather than pause he leapt back at Aaron, his muzzle open in a terrible cry. They scuffled on the ground and Rachael saw Holden’s paw connect with Aaron’s face, tearing skin from the side of his long nose.


  Aaron was losing the fight, she thought hysterically. But how was that possible? Holden was younger than him, and Aaron couldn’t have been that old for a lycan... could he?

  She had no idea and the lack of knowledge made her sick.

  If Aaron lost, then the pack would suffer. Holden loathed Nathan, and it would only be a matter of time before Ana Sofia’s matter-of-fact attitude toward her new life made him decide to put her down as well. Jackson would never respect Holden, if he ever had. They would all hate him if he murdered Aaron. Nobody would accept him as alpha. So the pack would either fracture or they would all end up dead.

  Except for Holden.

  That enraged her. Much as lycans initially terrified her, Rachael had come to care for this pack. Jackson was her brother, so of course she would love him no matter what. But as a lycan he’d gone from a shut-in to a young man with hobbies and a practical way of thinking. Nathan and his adorably cunning smile would be gone; Ana Sofia and her calm, simple way of speaking would no longer grace the earth, and Aaron...

  If Aaron died, Rachael didn’t think she could handle it. Not after her mother, Vera, and Coleen. Not with the imminent threat looming over the younger three of the pack. No matter what Aaron had said, Rachael was consumed with feelings for him that were unadulterated by the tragedy in her life. Even if he was frigid and ruthless he was more so a caring father figure to the pack, a stoically compassionate gentleman, and at heart a lycan who reveled in his nature.

  And wolves had always been her favorite animal.

  A terrible crunch resounded and the black wolf fell. He attempted to stand but his left front paw buckled beneath him. It was broken.

  Rachael only had a split second to act. Holden did not hesitate to take his aim, his haunches preparing to lunge. Aaron no chance to so much as scurry back. Across the clearing, Lacey remained riveted to her spot, a frightening glimmer in her dark eyes. She was going to be no help to Aaron.

  So when Rachael screamed, she said the only thing that came to mind.

  “Holden, stop! Please! I still love you!”

  The white wolf’s head snapped up to look at her. For an eternal moment Rachael stared into the same eyes she had fallen in love with; the first eyes of a lycan she had ever looked upon. Two years ago, not far from this same sequoia, a white wolf had stumbled into her path, bleeding from the torso. She would later learn that wolf was Holden, that Aaron had been the one to inflict the injury on him for attempted desertion. Over time Rachael would fall for the standoffish teen and just glancing at these very eyes would give her butterflies.

  But all of that felt like a distant dream.

  That one distracted second was more than enough for Aaron. Without a sound the black wolf leapt using all the strength of his hindquarters. Another crack sounded and the white wolf screamed as the impact broke his ribs.

  “Holden!” shrieked Lacey.

  Aaron didn’t stop there. He clamped his strong jaws on one of Holden’s front legs and jerked hard until those bones also broke. Rachael flinched from the sound but couldn’t stop watching, eve
n as Aaron repeated the gesture to the next leg.

  “Stop it! You’re hurting him!” Lacey suddenly became mobile, thrashing forward and throwing herself over the white wolf. Aaron limped back; disdain clear even on his canine face.

  Rachael hurried forward as well, prepared to block Holden if he still tried to go for Aaron. But the white wolf lay still beneath the beautiful young blonde protecting him, wheezing in pain.

  Aaron couldn’t turn back, she remembered. Not unless he wanted to face them naked—and with both her and Lacey there, Rachael didn’t think he would. So she drew herself up as tall as she could, glaring down at the two lying on the ground.

  “You both need to leave,” she said, though she shook with untimely nerves. “And don’t ever come back here, Holden. I mean it.”

  The white wolf just stared at her. Agony that was more than physical drenched his already wet eyes.

  Then an awful impulse overcame her. Rachael reached into her pocket and removed the necklace Holden had given her for her birthday. Her heart thudded as she held the wolf’s gaze. Then, still staring into his eyes, she let go.

  The pendant hit the forest floor with the barest of sounds.

  Lacey gasped and whirled to glare at Rachael. “Get away from him,” she snarled. “You’ve made your point!” Then she scrambled to face Holden, gently touching his furry face. “Sweetie? Hang in there. I’ll get you help.”

  Rachael didn’t think she could stand to see more. She walked backward a few steps, warily eyeing the two, but Lacey seemed too preoccupied with Holden’s well-being and Holden didn’t so much as twitch a muscle at her departure.

  While Aaron hobbling on his weak paw just paces before her, Rachael made sure they both got away clean. The going was slow between his injury and her looking over her shoulder constantly. But after several minutes of trekking off the beaten path, she finally started to feel safe.

  She slowed to a stop and watched Aaron do the same. He kept a couple feet away from her and his shoulders hunched as though wary.

  “I’m so sorry,” murmured Rachael. She knelt to the ground. “Are you okay?”

  Aaron gave her a sober look.

  Rachael reached out to get a better look at his muzzle but Aaron bared his teeth. He didn’t growl, but the anger was obvious. She sighed tiredly. “I’m sorry I interfered. But if he killed you I just couldn’t... I mean after everyone else....” Her voice trailed off.

  The wolf lowered his dark lips over his teeth, uttering a small grunt. Then, grudgingly, he took a step forward and tilted his head.

  As delicately as she could manage, Rachael traced the tiny hairs over his snout. Around the cuts it felt hot and puffy, but nothing seemed broken or out of place as far as she could tell. She managed a shaky smile and said, “I’m glad you’re alive.”

  Aaron bowed his head.

  “Can we go home now?”

  With a slight nod the wolf turned and teetered off toward the Moreno house again. Both relieved and deflated of joy, Rachael followed.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It took Rachael over an hour to clean herself up and relax. First she languished in a hot shower, and then after she toweled off and redressed she locked herself in her room. After the past couple hours, she needed time in complete silence to process everything.

  The pack didn’t seem to mind. They were fussing over Aaron and his injuries, much to their alpha’s annoyance. Rachael lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling. After the fact, she found it hard to believe that they had just walked away like that, even with Holden so grievously hurt.

  Eventually her nerves calmed enough for her to note the desolate emptiness in her stomach. Rachael sighed and pulled herself up.

  Time to face the aftermath.

  Just as she left her room a loud crash and shout drew her attention. Alarmed, Rachael hurried up both flights of stairs and back to Aaron’s room. When she threw the door open she found him sitting on the bed, glowering at Jackson who stood before him with his hands in the air like a man on the cusp of surrender. An old tin medical kit lay on the floor, its contents scattered across the floor.

  “I will reiterate,” seethed Aaron. “Do. Not. Touch. Me. With that.”

  Annoyed, Jackson said, “It’s a freakin’ needle, dude. Do you want that stitched shut or not?”

  “Not. Scars add character.”

  “Yeah, well, on your face they make you look like a convict. So hold still!”

  Rachael stared at the two of them. They were apparently so heated they hardly noticed her presence. “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  Both men looked at her; Aaron cross and Jackson just as irritable. “I’m trying to fix his stupid face,” he said.

  “Please remind me how one’s face can possess any level of intelligence,” said Aaron scornfully.

  “Boss, seriously, you’re starting to piss me off.”

  “If you do not remove that needle from the vicinity of my eye I will personally bestow upon you a matching set of scars.”

  Rolling his eyes, Jackson turned to her and said sarcastically, “You can tell he’s mad when he pulls out the thesaurus. Big words, huh?”

  Rachael bit her lip to keep from laughing.

  That didn’t escape Aaron’s attention, and he turned his deadly glower to her. “Rachael,” he said curtly. “Please close the door on your way out.”

  “Hey, RayRay, just answer one question for me,” Jackson said as she started to back away. “What do you think? Scar or no scar?”

  Rachael tried to temper her throbbing heart as she looked at Aaron. He met her gaze levelly, his eyes betraying none of the emotion he’d displayed back in the forest. But she was positive it was still there, lurking beneath the surface where Jackson was not permitted to see. Her chest painfully restricted to think of his rejection, no matter how much sense it made.

  After all, he’d never asked her to like it.

  So she tilted her head while she observed Aaron’s face, her eyes trailing down the bright slashes Holden had gifted to his left cheek.

  Then, with calm that surprised her, she said, “I’m not a big fan of scars.”

  Before either could react she shut the door and hurried down the stairs.

  She wasn’t too surprised to find Nathan and Ana Sofia in the living room, and even less surprised that Nathan sulked on the couch. But Rachael still said, “I thought you’d be up there with your brother.”

  Nathan scowled and slunk down even lower. “He kicked us out.”

  Ana Sofia pointed at him. “Too loud.”

  “I was not,” he argued. “Aaron was just bein’ a jerk.” Despite his complaining, worry inundated his eyes.

  Rachael smiled faintly and sidled over to sit beside the kids. She wrapped an arm around Ana Sofia and leaned over to look at Nathan.

  “He’ll be fine,” she said softly.

  Nathan blinked, turning the same black eyes he shared with his brother toward her. “I know,” he said, almost puzzled. “But it bothers me he didn’t kill Holden. It’s not like he didn’t deserve it.”

  Ana Sofia nodded with enthusiasm. It took all Rachael had not to wince; no matter how much she adored them, there was a kernel of truth to what Holden had said. They looked like kids, but they were also lycan. No doubt about it.

  “I don’t think Holden will be back,” said Rachael with more confidence than she felt. “Aaron made sure he’d be hurting for a while.”

  “Good,” said Ana Sofia softly. She tilted her head to look up at Rachael, all the animosity gone. Her little eyes crinkled in the corner sweetly. “No more hurting Rachael.”

  Rather than speak lest she choke up, Rachael kissed the top of her head.

  Nathan sighed loudly and sat up straighter. “Are you still gonna train, Miss Rachael?”

  The question was so out of place that it took her a moment to digest it. “Well... yes, I don’t see why not.”

  A small frown creased his mouth. “Even though you’re not worried about Hold

  She had no answer for that. Rachael glanced away, thankful to see Jackson and Aaron descending the steps.

  The kids were equally overjoyed, both jumping from the couch and running to their alpha. Nathan tackled his brother with an affectionate hug and Ana Sofia hung back just a step, looking both sad and relieved.

  In addition to fresh stitches on the left side of his face, Aaron also sported a brand new splint on his left hand. He patted Nathan on the back with his good one, and then nodded to Ana Sofia.

  “I have an announcement,” he said.

  His tone made Rachael’s back stiffen. There was something lacking there, something made her not want to hear the next words to come out of his mouth.

  Aaron continued, “As you well know, Ms. Adair will be returning to her father’s in a few weeks. It may be a little sooner, or possibly a little later.” Not once did he look at her, instead keeping the questioning gazes of his pack. “As soon as that day comes we are to leave Keeton. We will begin preparation effective immediately.”

  Rachael closed her eyes and tried not to look too disappointed. Not an easy feat, considering how raw her emotions still were. When she opened them again another pang struck her. Aaron still wouldn’t look her way, preferring to meet the loud protests of the boys.

  “But what if Holden doesn’t keep his word?” demanded Jackson.

  “Miss Rachael still has training!” said Nathan shrilly.

  Ana Sofia said nothing. Her eyes trailed toward the downstairs door.

  After a few more rhetorical arguments, Aaron finally snapped, “Enough!” He drew away from the three, his back straight and shoulders imposing. His stance and tone were enough to quiet his pack. “Holden will not return to Keeton. Ms. Adair will start college soon, where she can take whatever self-defense classes she desires. More importantly, I am considerably displeased with this pack as of late.” He particularly glared at Nathan. “I expect you all to have your own thoughts and opinions, but I tire of my decisions being constantly questioned and spurned. Since the chain of command is not effective in a town you are all quite fond of, we will vacate. We will make a temporary home elsewhere. If that does not work, then somewhere else, and so on until we have repaired the respect for me as alpha in this pack.”


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