Beast of Venery

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Beast of Venery Page 2

by Lawless, Isabell

  Moving into a new house also meant new, clean, and white appliances around the house to use. The Whirlpool washer and drier he had given her for her birthday the year before the house purchased was fully set in stone, and the phenomenal light switches he had installed that could actually dim the lights, not just turn them on or off like night and day. She loved it all: the house, the hubby, the appliances, but the pride of investments, especially for Andy, was the new, heavy duty, DeWalt nail gun, perfectly made for all the wood work on their old hobbling house. No cheesy plastered walls in sight, less work hammering each large nail in by hand through the redwood, just plug in, push, and shoot. That sharp nail would go through those wood beams and boards like a hot knife through soft butter. She loved to use it. Andy didn't have to work too hard and, it would without a doubt, be finished a lot faster now that she could help out as well.

  On rare mornings when Andy didn't have to rush out to a job site to oversee his construction crew, he would pour himself a cup of warm coffee, and leisurely sit down, wearing only his pajama bottoms on one of the chairs at their dining room table and play around with different design ideas for their house. He had done a fabulous job creating an architectural drawing of the outdoor patio and the rest of the outdoor design of the house. That porch would be THE place for sweet cuddles under a thin blanket on warm summer evenings, enjoying the heat of an open fire pit, some smoky hot barbecued ribs, and cold wine. God, that was life in a bottle right there.

  She remembered what had happened a few weeks ago as they started the porch work. To celebrate putting the beams and wooden floor down, they decided to take a whole relaxing weekend, doing nothing but eating and drinking good food, and not to have Andy run away for work at some construction site.

  “Can't wait for this porch to be finished. You've done such a great job on it.”

  “No problem. Yeah, I'm just debating if we should have a roof on it, or not. We probably should, so we can sit out here in the summer when it's still hot but the rain is pouring down. What do you think?”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me. I'd never decline a snuggle, no matter what type of weather it is.”

  “And, thank you for that.”

  “Are the ribs done?”

  “Yep, just gonna let them cool down for a little bit.”

  “Here love.” She handed him a well filled glass of chilled Chardonnay, and sunk down next to him on the couch outside. “Cheers to a great weekend, with delicious food, and a hot husband.”

  “I think you'll stand for the hotness babe.”

  “Alright, cheers to that too. My hotness, ha-ha!”

  “Yep, cheers to a woman with the best assets and the bubbliest laugh a man could dream of.”

  “Assets. Really? These?” Wine glass in hand she pointed to her ample chests with a slight distaste in her voice.

  “For sure. Yeah really. And after we got married, these assets,” he laughed and cupped them both with his hands making her squirm in delight, “became mine. I'm finally allowed to touch these as much as you are.”

  The sun was starting to set, and the little table in front of the porch couch was covered in all the delicious weekend foods that everyone thinks they deserve after a hard week at work. Ribs, mac'n cheese, blue cheese salad, two bottles of white wine, and a cheery pie were crowding the tight space of the table top.

  Not even thirty minutes into their meal, Danielle started to gravitate towards the pie on the opposite side of the table.

  “No more ribs? Just pie for you now?” He laughed leisurely.

  “I like pie, alright. Pie and white wine go hand in hand like the cheese covering the macaroni over there.” With fork in hand, she pointed over at the heaping bowl of glowing, golden melted cheese covering the pasta. “Or peanut butter and jelly, or you and boxer shorts.”

  “You haven't even tasted my special sauce for the ribs, babe.”

  "Your special sauce alright... what are you actually talking about here?” She gave him an evil side glance, and stuck her fork into the pie shell allowing the red cherry filling to seep out over the fork.

  “Oh, you have a dirty dirty mind, my dear.” With eyes blazing he aimed his gaze at her face and slowly shook his head.

  “It's not my mind, it's the wine working.”

  “Then by all means, have some more.”

  “You're bad...” Cherry pie now covered half of her plate, but didn't stay long enough to heat up the porcelain. Her fork was piled high as the first round went into her mouth.

  “Oh, if you only knew, honey. It's hard to be good around you.”

  “It sure is hard alright.” She let her eyes roll down his upper body and land on his crotch.

  “Oh, you mean this?” He said, as he pointed his hand down at his erection. “If I smear cheery filling over this bulge, would you eat that the same way you're hungry for that pie on your plate?”

  “Try me. As I said, I like pie.”

  “Ah, woman. You're driving me nuts.”

  “Nuts and hard. Hm, any other word games we can play here? You're making it too easy for me.”

  “These are my favorite jeans. The cherry would stain my crotch.”

  “I'm sorry, but are you telling me you'd actually prefer to have clean jeans opposed to having my head between your legs?”

  He laughed, and for a second, it seemed like he weighed the options in his mind.

  “That decision shouldn't be that difficult to make, babe. I think I'm actually insulted. You picking clean clothes instead of having me lick cheery pie off of your hard on. You do know there are these things called washing machines right? They're quite amazing, in fact I've even heard they can clean stains off fabrics. You should consider that next time you're given an offer like this.”

  “Save some of the pie, and I'll take you up on that offer later, without pants on.” He smirked.

  “Sorry, offer has expired. You ought 'a be quicker next time.” More giggle spread over the backyard during their late evening meal.

  The sun had set, releasing small moths into the air all along the pathway across their yard, where the solar lights had kicked into action. The porch was now immersed in the darkness of the late evening, while Andy and Danielle cuddled underneath one of the big blankets usually covering the back of their living room couch. The food was mostly gone and the second bottle of wine was half empty. Their conversation had gone from relaxed and casual, to asking intriguing questions about likes and dislikes of anything from beer to sex.

  “You're funny when you're drunk. It's like you’re letting go of all your restraints and just say what the fuck is on your mind, straight out, without a filter. So let me ask you again, you've never been attracted to a woman? But you have kissed women?”

  A wine infused laugh escaped her lips as his interest had peaked when she mentioned kissing two different women at two different parties during her college years.

  “Alright, let me explain this in guy terms. A woman can be good looking, even kissable, but it doesn't quite resemble how my vagina cramps for a good cock, or a really good, hard pounding. Stretched out and filled up with hard masculinity is what great romance is made of, babe. Cock. A really good, hard, big, smooth, cock. Having a great cock inside you is like drinking ice-cold lemonade on a hot summer day – it's hard to survive without it.”

  “Ah, man. This is why I love you. You speak my kind of poetry and you're fucking hilarious. And we fit so well together. I have a cock and you have a vagina. It couldn't be any better. We both fulfill each other's needs. You're tight, deep, and warm...”

  “And you're big, hard, and taste fantastic.”

  “Really? Do I? Women don't usually like the way men taste, especially not when they come.”

  “It's doable, but I'm talking more about the way the skin of your cock feel inside of my mouth. Not so much your cum. Salty liquid is not a favorite on my menu, but once in a while I don't mind having a taste. I like the taste of you, because it's...well, it's you. I lick behind
your balls, I swallow your cum... potato potata. It's all you and I like you.”

  “Ah, these are the things great love songs are made of. We need to write this down.”

  “Licking of balls, and salty cum?”


  Outrageous laughter escaped her throat making her bend forward under the blanket, clasping the muscles of her stomach trying to get some air into her lungs.

  “Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Laughter spread from their spot on the patio couch and across the backyard. On their shared pillow they closed their eyes and drifted slowly to sleep in each other's arms. Only a light whisper cut through the sleepy daze between the two.

  “Will the offer of cherry pie on my naked crotch be available tomorrow?”


  “Now that's my type of girl...”

  Chapter 2

  She adored every single part of him. He was so damn handsome, it stopped her right in her tracks the first time she saw him from the sidewalk. She passed by one of his construction sites that he was lucky enough to work at that day. She watched him step away from a table covered in architectural drawings while he rubbed his hand over the light blonde stubble covering his jaw. When he turned his head in her direction, his eyes locked on hers from underneath his hard hat.

  A slight smile spread over her lips as she nodded a polite 'hello' in his direction. Really expecting nothing in return, she continued down the street to the local library where she worked at the time. He responded with the same polite nod. Sneaking a glance back over her shoulder, she noticed him not turning his head all the way back to the table, but smiled at her once more.

  Her gaze automatically tracked to his left hand. Bare, from what she could see. Good. Very good, indeed. However, that didn't have to mean anything. He worked with his hands, and most likely he had taken it off not to get stuck in any machinery or flatten it with a hammer.

  'Because look at him. Why wouldn't he be married?' She thought. Tall, muscular, ruggedly masculine. A man's man, with a sexy as hell, well kept stubble over his face, and dirty blonde hair pulled into the tiniest ponytail at the back of his neck. What woman in the world could ever have said no to him in the past? Way out of her league. If he was married, that woman was a lucky, lucky lady for sure.

  She remembered the butterflies bursting out into a rumba dance inside her stomach as his mouth had turned into a fantastic smile before she dropped his gaze. Almost making her take-off from the ground. She could have soared in the air all the way to work that day and hid among the bookshelves inside the library, daydreaming about the gorgeous man covered in a two-day stubble and a smile licensed to kill.

  She was so desperately in love him. Her tall, blonde, looking great in a suit, looking wonderful freshly out of the shower, smoothest skin in the world when snuggling naked in bed, her knight in shining armor - Andy. Protecting her from the rest of the world, cherishing her, and hiding her away from all the bad. The bad people. The bad person. That person they both knew was a little bit scary and a hell of a lot of nuts.

  He was so wonderfully straight forward when he talked. He had always been. No chance to think about or second-guess what he wanted or what he was thinking. She admired that. No chance for mental games being with him. She'd experienced that to fullest and didn't plan to do it again. Not for all the tea in China.

  During their third date out on the town, they had both been too eager to wait for sex at home. With intense enthusiasm, he had kissed her deeply and passionately in the middle of the dance floor in a crowded club. She had been drunk before, but no wine in the world had ever made her as out of control as his kisses did. Out of control, yet oddly safe. It felt amazing being so admired, and that he wanted to publicly show it to everyone. She was still laughing with giddiness at his quote that escaped his mouth that evening. As if there hadn't been a filter between his brain and his mouth, or even perhaps his erection.

  “I just want to take you to some dark corner of this room and feel you up against a wall. I don't even care if people see us. Are you game?”

  She pulled back from him at arm's length and asked if he was serious. His blazing eyes met hers in the darkness of the club before he pulled her back into his arms and let his hands wander over every inch of her body. The club was very noisy, colored lights in all directions. People didn't even notice them practically eating each other's mouths off in one of the nooks along the wall. Or perhaps this was something common at these venues, she didn't know. She'd never done anything like this before. Her life until she met Andy was controlled by jealousy, where a scene like this could end in hours, if not days of sarcastic lectures.

  Being this close to him, feeling every warm inch of his body, was both familiar and fresh. His look alone turned her inside out. Turned her on. Turned her on high and hot. Steam coming out of her ears.

  When one of his hands started to travel up the inside of her top to squeeze one of her luscious breasts, she pulled back for a gasp of air and told him it would be better to continue this at her place.

  Never had she made it that fast out of a big crowd before. Hand in hand, she followed close to Andy, holding one hand on his back for stability before they got out on the street and waived in a taxi. Waiting together, his thumb rubbed her hand over and over in anticipation of what to come.

  The yellow city cab finally arrived and stood parked along the curb for a few short seconds while Andy opened the door to the back seat and ushered her inside before sliding himself in on the seat next to her. When the taxi driver watched them in the rear view mirror and asked about an address, she was astonished Andy already knew her street and number by head.

  “Don't worry, I'm not a stalker.” He tried to assure her. “I just wanted to know it in case I was picking you up for a date. Really.”

  She smiled slightly and moved closer to him over the leather seat in the back of the car. She tangled her fingers with his and just stared happily into his face for the fifteen minutes it took the cab to drive them to her place just outside of downtown. It felt like the longest fifteen minutes on earth.

  Andy had the cash ready even before the cab even came to a complete stop outside her condo. He told the driver to keep the change, took Danielle's hand, and led her out of the car.

  She couldn't wipe that smile off of her face. His eagerness to get inside her apartment was so amusing and sweet, that in her heart, she knew she would probably do anything this man wanted tonight. Never had she felt this desired in her life. Up the few steps to her place, the key in the lock and inside they went. Andy gently moved his hand up and down her back the entire walk from the cab to inside the front door of her home.

  The door shut hard behind them, and was quickly locked with one hand. The other was already tugging at hers, getting her back into his arms, the way they had been at the club. She dropped her purse on the floor and tried to wiggle her hands between his arms that was already back under her shirt. She was determined to loosen his tie at the neck. She needed to unbutton that shirt of his and get some topless chest time, now.

  He seemed to get the hint. With one hand under her shirt and squeezing her breast, his other hand crept up to help her untie the knot of the black tie around his neck. In between open mouth kisses they managed to loosen it enough for him to move it over his head and toss it to the side.

  “Which way is your bedroom?”

  With a slight push backwards, her fingers tangling in his hair, she moved him back down the narrow hallway, over the low threshold to the main bedroom, until his calves bumped into the wooden frame of her queen size bed.

  She couldn't stop kissing him, couldn't stop tasting him, and it seemed like he was having the same problem. Suddenly his other hand joined the other underneath her shirt and pushed it all the way up and over her head.

  “You won't need this one either.” He had said, swiftly unclasping the back of her bra, letting it fall off her shoulders to the floor.

sp; “God I've been waiting to see this. To touch and bury my face in between them.”

  With desire shining in his eyes, he cupped both her breasts in his hands as to feel the weight of them before he gently swiped his thumbs over both her nipples. She moaned and dipped her head backwards, gripping his upper arms for support.

  He bent down and lavished them with his tongue. Every single inch of the skin under his hands tasted to perfection. How long had this been going on? She didn't know. She didn't count the minutes. But any more of this and she might just come at the spot from his unmistakably talented tongue.

  He must have noticed the weakening strength of her legs as he moved his tongue away to investigate the depths and goose bumps around her neck instead of the hard peaks of her breasts.

  “Come, lay down.”

  She was already too taken with him to even utter an answer. They were in her apartment, but she was having no problem following his directions. He made it easy that way. And from what she had learned already, it would involve nothing but pleasure.

  With her back flat against the smooth sheets she leaned up on her elbows taking in the gorgeous view at the end of the bed. His towering height was massive. And so fucking edible.

  “Don't move. Just stay there. I just want to watch you while I undress.”

  She did not decline his wish and felt she wouldn't want to do anything else but watch each part of him being revealed as well. The buttons of his shirt opened slowly and showed off a flat muscular chest dusted with light blonde hair between his nipples. Man nipples – cute and tasty. Her eyes traced the way his shirt opened. Lower and lower his fingers went, until the last button came loose. However, that didn't stop her eyes from moving even lower. Yep, this was going to be a very good evening indeed.

  As his shirt fell to the floor, he bent down to untie his shoes and pulled off his socks. Not taking his eyes of her body, his hands went down to his belt and zipper of his jeans.

  Her eyes were glued to every single move his hands made. He slowly pulled down the zipper to reveal dark blue boxer shorts and a very awake erection. This was her grand prize. 'Just hurry up and whip it out, would you?' Her mind was racing.


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