Sound of Summer

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Sound of Summer Page 12

by Annette Broadrick

  She smiled at the thought. She'd been the recipient of his total concentration on numerous occasions and definitely considered the personality trait to be an asset

  Facing the fact that there was no way to get into the cabin without getting soaked, Selena gamely gathered her suitcase and bag and trudged up the hillside.

  The cabin bore little resemblance to the original she'd first seen on another dark and rainy night. The main room was now used as a living room, while a kitchen and dining area, two spacious bedrooms and a marvelous modern bathroom had since been added. The covered porch gave relief from the rain, and she gratefully set her belongings down while she fished for the key in her roomy handbag.

  After getting the door open, she nipped on a switch, pleased to see that so far they had electricity. Of course with this fierce summer storm there was a good chance they'd lose it at least for a few hours, but Selena had to admit that she enjoyed the added light.

  She had never been able to appreciate fully the earlier cabin's rustic charm. She stepped to the door of the bedroom, again flipping a switch, and smiled. Adam had been here since her last visit

  He constantly amazed her with his nearness. Not that she was messy, but she remembered having left in a hurry their last time up there together and had only hastily straightened the room. Now it was immaculate and included a card propped up against the mirror with the words "I love you" printed neatly on it.

  Stripping off her soggy clothes, Selena started running the bath water and tried not to wonder when Adam might be able to join her. She had never made any restrictions on him during their relationship. At times she still felt as though she'd managed to coax a lone wolf from the wild. He was tame enough for her, but she recognized that he would always have a lack of domesticity—it seemed to have been left out of his emotional makeup.

  She had been aware that Adam had been uncomfortable with the emotional hold she had over him, until he discovered she wasn't going to use it to restrict him. He'd always had the freedom to come and go in her life at will.

  He had come a long way since the first night he'd made love to her. She had cheerfully bid him goodbye the next morning, just as though she were in the habit of seeing him off before she went to work each day. Then she proceeded to wait to hear from him. It hadn't taken long. He phoned to see if she would meet him in San Francisco. Without any questions, she had happily agreed and they had spent two days together. Selena refused to bring up the future; instead, she waited for him to choose the subjects they would discuss.

  He drove her to a prestigious office building on Saturday. "I've been looking at office space," he began.


  He glanced down at her with a slightly mocking smile. "I thought I'd better find something to do with my time while I'm waiting for you to visit."

  "What kind of office are you considering opening?"

  He paused, searching for words. "I got the idea when I was talking with the insurance executive in L.A. With my background I could go into insurance investigation work, but I don't care for southern California that much and I'm not at all sure I can take orders from anyone. So I thought about doing free-lance work, maybe hiring myself out as a consultant"

  Selena knew what it must have cost him to make such a decision and she knew that her presence in his life had a great deal to do with it She was touched. Glancing around at the building, she asked, "Is this where you plan to set up offices?"

  He looked a little uncertain. "That's why I wanted you to come up. I'd like to show them to you... get your opinion."

  Selena smiled at the memory. She had never known him to be unsure of himself, but he had waited for her approval and suggestions before signing the lease.

  The decision had been a sound one. It hadn't been long until he was inundated with offers for work.

  Six months later, Adam called to see if she would meet him at the cabin for a long weekend. They had both been busy and had actually spent very little time together. Just knowing he was part of her life had been enough for Selena.

  She would never forget that weekend....

  She heard Duke barking by the time she was halfway up the trail. I wonder how he likes the confines of the big city. From the sound of his bark he was much more in his element up here, overlooking the rest of the world.

  By the time she rounded the corner of the cabin, the door stood open and Adam was in the doorway. Instead of stepping back to allow her to enter, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her tightly against him.

  "My God, but I've missed you!" he muttered into her hair. He slid his thumb under her chin and brought it up so that her mouth was directly below his. "I can't take much more of this." When his lips found hers she was more than ready for him. Her suitcase and purse were forgotten, along with the display of affection being given by Duke. All that mattered was that she was with Adam once again.

  His kiss told her more than he ever had — of his love and his passion, of his need for her and his distrust of that need, of his everlastingly independent nature that warred with his desire to spend every day with her.

  All she could do was to give him herself, totally, and wait for him to discover that she was no threat to his independence and strength. She didn't intend to take anything away from him—only give of herself.

  Slowly he let go of her and absently closed the door behind them. "You look tired."

  She laughed. "That's one of the things I really like about you, Adam. I never have to worry about any of your compliments going to my head."

  He ignored that. "You've been working too hard."

  She shrugged. "Who hasn't? Isn't that the name of the game these days? Work hard and you, too, will become a success?"

  "But is it worth it?"

  "Good question. Someday I may find an equally good answer and astound both of us." "Have you eaten?"

  "Since when? Yesterday? Yes, I have. Sometime before lunch I think I found a few things to nibble on."

  "You need to eat more. You're too thin."

  He strode to the kitchen area and placed a pot on the stove."

  "Thank you, kind sir. You're looking smashing yourself."

  He glanced over his shoulder and saw her watching him with amusement while she leaned her hip against the back of the sofa.

  "I worry about you," he finally admitted with a sheepish shrug.

  "Is that what all of this is about? I thought you were in training as a consultant for one of Elizabeth Arden's make-over salons." She walked around the end of the sofa and sank down with a blissful sigh. "I don't know what it is about this place, but I always feel as though I've returned to nature whenever I come back."

  "You have. You're also breathing fresh air for the first time in months. Be careful you don't get high on it."

  Selena ran her fingers through her hair. "Oh, don't worry. I brought tanks of smog with me in case I can't handle the pure stuff up here."

  Adam handed her a bowl of what looked to be goulash—it smelled delicious. She needed no encouragement to dive in and enjoy. "How long can you stay?" he finally asked, after pouring them both steaming cups of coffee.

  "I have to go back Sunday. We're rehearsing all day Monday and Tuesday."

  "Don't you ever get a break?"

  "Sure. I had two months off last summer, or have you already forgotten." She shook her head. "How soon we forget," she added with a smile. She sipped on her coffee and waited.

  It wasn't long in coming. Adam leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I've been flunking."

  She refused to comment. His serious demeanor was making her nervous and she knew that whatever she might say would be totally unsuitable for the occasion and probably outrageous as well. Selena was learning to control her unruly tongue.

  He glanced at her and she schooled her expression to reveal attentive interest.

  "I don't really think this arrangement is going to work."

  Her heart bounded into her throat.

br />   "I've discovered that I want to wake up with you every morning, not just occasional weekends. I'm not satisfied with having an affair with you."

  "But I thought that was what you wanted," she responded quietly.

  He stared at her in surprise. "I thought it was, too."

  "What is it you want?"

  He shook his head wearily. "What I want and what we can work out are two different things." He slowly picked up her hand and stroked it. "What I really want, more than anything, is to marry you, but that really wouldn't solve the commuting problem."

  It certainly wasn't the most romantic proposal she'd ever heard of, but Selena's heart soared at his words, even though they'd been delivered with a slight frown. "Would it help you to know that my contract expires in six months?"

  "I'm sure they intend to renew it."

  "But I don't want to renew it"

  Adam drew Selena into his arms. "Oh, love, don't make sacrifices like that. I never meant to do that to you."

  Selena laughed. "It's hardly a sacrifice. I've been planning my new career for some time."

  "What new career?"

  "I've been learning how to write screenplays, and Clay tells me I'm getting rather good at it"

  "Are you serious?"

  "Yes. I helped write a couple of the recent episodes on our series and they went over very well. Clay assures me I have enough talent to make it, if I'd prefer that to acting."

  "Do you?"

  "I think so. I really do. But even more importantly, I can write anywhere, even in San Francisco or up here."

  "You mean you'd actually consider marrying me?"

  She grinned. "I've never had any intentions of not marrying you. My intentions have always been honorable, if, perhaps, a little unorthodox." She threw her arms around his neck. "I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to ask!"

  "Oh, my love, how was I ever so fortunate to find you?"

  "Actually, I believe it was the other way around...but there's no reason to quibble over it"

  For the past two years, Selena had made her home in San Francisco, in the condominium Adam had purchased. She'd just spent the past three days in Los Angeles at a writers' conference concerning a new series. Adam had been called out of town before she left so that it had been almost a week since they'd seen each other, a week that had seemed more like a lifetime to her.

  She glanced around the room with pride. She'd enjoyed helping him remodel his mountain retreat and was delighted with his response to her suggestions, He'd finally mellowed in the years they'd been together and she'd also found what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. She'd been surprised to discover talents she'd never known existed— a depth she'd never attempted to plumb. And now it looked as though it was going to pay off.

  If only Adam would get there so she could share her latest news!

  Selena was sound asleep when Adam stepped into the bedroom. She'd left the bathroom night-light on, and he paused beside the bed to enjoy the sight of her.

  She was still the most gorgeous woman he knew—and she was beautiful all the way through. She'd brought a richness and fullness to his life that he'd never imagined experiencing.

  He hadn't gotten her message until late and should have gotten some sleep before making the trip, but he couldn't wait to see her. He decided to shower, hoping to relax the tired muscles in his neck and shoulders.

  I'm working too hard and I don't even know why. He stepped under the hot, steamy water and sighed with pleasure. Selena had been right. They could enjoy the retreat just as well with hot and cold running water.

  What a difference she'd made in his life. He sometimes felt as though his life before they'd met had been someone else's. She'd added a special dimension to his existence.

  He shut off the water and grabbed a towel. After briskly drying himself he entered the bedroom once again. She hadn't moved. Lifting the covers he slid in beside her. "Adam?"

  "Who else were you expecting?" he whispered.

  He heard her drowsy chuckle. "What time is it?"

  "After two."

  She moved into his arms and sighed. "I've missed you so much. Remind me not to ever go away again."

  "I knew that sooner or later my unusual charm would work its magic and you'd never be able to escape me."

  Selena settled on his shoulder with a nod. "That's what did it, all right. Your magical charms." She drifted off to sleep once again.

  For the first time since she'd left, Adam relaxed and fell into a restful sleep. They were where they belonged—in each other's arms.

  Selena came awake slowly, basking in the warmth of the muscular body alongside her. Adam stroked her soft curves, his hand sliding from her shoulder to the indentation of her waist, then slowly following the contour of her slim hips.

  Her eyes opened and she feasted on the view of Adam's broad, muscular chest. She couldn't resist running her fingers over the wide expanse.

  "Good morning," he murmured, kissing her.

  "It certainly is," she agreed, increasing the pressure of her mouth on his.

  Adam never seemed to get tired of holding Selena, making love to her, enjoying her. He wanted to absorb her through his pores, become one with her. While their kisses deepened he pulled her on top of him, her long blond hair making a veil around his head.

  With the ease of two people who know how to please each other, they shared the depths of their feelings in various, pleasurable ways. Their mutual cries of release echoed throughout the cabin and Selena limply slid to one side of him.

  Adam stroked her hair away from her face.

  "How was Los Angeles?"

  "Hot... crowded... but well worth the trip."

  He heard the note of excitement in her voice. "What happened?"

  "I was offered a position as one of the writers on a new series."

  "That's marvelous. No doubt you said yes."

  She smiled. "Actually, I did have some conditions. I'm not going to move back down there."

  "And they agreed?"

  "Yes. One of the nice things about the electronic age is being able to hook up computers. I'll send my scripts and revisions over the phone."

  "I'm proud of you."

  "Thank you. I'm rather pleased myself."

  Adam shifted, making sure her body fit snugly against him. "I'm thinking about cutting back, myself. Would you mind having me around home more often?"

  Selena's eyes blinked open in surprise. "Are you serious?"

  "I've never been more serious in my life. I realized coming up here that I've been pushing myself, trying to prove something—I don't know what, exactly. Perhaps I wanted to prove to myself that I could make it in the so-called civilized world. Well, I've done that. But you're more important to me than anything else and I miss you when I have to be gone."

  "Oh, Adam, I've missed yon, too, but I didn't want to give you the impression I'd be a clinging wife."

  He laughed. "You? Clinging? About the only clinging I've managed to coax out of you is here in bed."

  "I just wasn't sure you wanted much of a domestic scene."

  He stretched and sighed with sensuous pleasure. "Oh, I don't know. I think I'm becoming downright attached to a life of domesticity."

  "I'm so glad to hear it. I was a little concerned about how to tell you my other bit of news."

  He leaned up on his elbows to see her expression. She looked a little apprehensive. "What is it?"

  She hedged. "Well, you know how Clay and Carolyn have been teasing us about providing a playmate for Adrienne—"

  "So you want to start a family, is that it? Why would you think I'd mind? I haven't said anything because I knew your career was important to you and I didn't want to push you into anything you weren't ready for."

  She slipped her arms around his neck and gave him a fierce hug. "Well, ready or not, it looks like our family is on its way." She pulled back and studied his dear, familiar face with love.

  Adam felt that he could warm him
self by the glow on her face. There was no denying Selena's sincerity. She wanted their baby.

  He couldn't help wondering how Duke would handle the new arrival.

  Carolyn and Selena sat watching their offspring with maternal pride and amusement. Five-year-old Adrienne was trying to keep the eleven-month-old twins off Duke but was having little success. Duke, showing the patience and fortitude of a saint, relaxed regally in the shade on the Kenniwick lawn, while Timothy and Tricia crawled and tumbled over him as if he were a mountain.

  "He's really great with kids, isn't he?" Carolyn marveled.

  Selena nodded. "I'm always amazed to watch him with them. You know, they learned to walk by hanging onto his side. I got some marvelous pictures of him strolling across the living room, a twin on each side. The expression on his face was priceless."

  Carolyn glanced at the slender woman next to her. "You amaze me. It's hard to believe you ever were large enough to carry twins."

  Selena grinned. "Oh, but I was. That was an experience, all right."

  "I think Adam was in shock for a week when the doctor told you there were going to be two."

  "Oh, he adjusted all right. Have you told Clay your news?"

  Carolyn giggled. "I didn't have to. Ever since you managed to catch up and pass us in the family division, he's been eager to have another one."

  "Who would ever have believed those two would be such proud fathers and doting husbands?" Selena mused. "I can think of no two people who would be less likely prospects than Clay and Adam."

  "Yes, but we knew, didn't we?"

  "Let's just say I hoped. You really think Adam is happy?"

  "Disgustingly so. He carries the twins with him everywhere he goes like a couple of cuddly bookends."

  Selena smiled. He was very good with them—patient, loving and very gentle. No one seeing him now would ever believe he had inspired the character of Derringer Drake.

  She caught a movement out of her eye and turned her head. Adam stood in the doorway of the house, watching her, his heart in his eyes. Yes, he was no longer the man she'd met living alone on a mountaintop, refusing to face the world. Her lone wolf had found his home.


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