Saved by the Alien Warrior: A Sci Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Agron Book 3)

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Saved by the Alien Warrior: A Sci Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Agron Book 3) Page 9

by Hope Hart

  I sigh. “I am. I want to get back to Earth. You have no idea how much.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “There’s no problem. It’s just…Zarix…”

  “Ah.” She sits back and reaches for a handful of nuts. “A man. Don’t they just ruin everything?”

  I laugh as she grins at me. “They sure do.”

  “So what’s going on?”

  “Nothing, really. It’s just…he’s the definition of emotionally unavailable, you know? But he kissed me. It was short and sweet and probably the best kiss I’ve had in my life. How sad is that?”

  “It’s not sad at all. Girl, maybe you need to tell him how you feel.”

  My cheeks heat as I imagine him staring at me with those dark eyes. “I don’t know how I feel. Plus, he’s not really the kind of guy you whisper sweet nothings to.”

  She rolls her eyes. “So make some kind of move. Life is short. If you get off this planet tomorrow, will you think about what could’ve been? Will you imagine kissing him?”

  I stare at her. “You’re a romantic.”

  She laughs, and the sound is slightly bitter. “I used to be.” She glances around at her lush surroundings, and her mouth twists. “I wish I could come help you find the other women,” she says softly, and that’s the moment that the red cloth parts and Dexar steps inside.

  His eyes are hard, and Alexis jumps to her feet.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks. “Don’t you have minions to be ordering around?”

  He glowers at her, no trace of the longing I saw on his face. “Zarix is asking for Beth,” he says, and I raise my eyebrow.

  Seems fishy to me. Alexis must think the same because her eyes flash as she stares at him.

  “What, I’m not allowed to talk to my friends now?”

  Dexar looks at me, and I sigh. My bet is that someone has been listening outside and he’s pissed at the idea that Alexis is planning to leave his ass.

  “I should get back anyway,” I say, holding out a hand.

  Alexis helps me up and hands me my crutches.

  “Come back soon,” she says, ignoring Dexar completely, and I give her a hug before making my way out the door.

  Chapter Ten


  The healers’ kradi is empty when I wake again, and I fight the urge to growl. Somehow, over the past few days, I’ve become used to the sound of Javir’s endless chatter. I’ve enjoyed Beth’s presence, come to search for her laughing gaze.

  And her lips…

  I frown. I don’t know what came over me. I know better than to play with a female. I have nothing to offer her. No sweet words, no promises of a life together, of children.

  It was a mistake.

  Perhaps the best mistake of my life, but a mistake all the same.

  I cannot stay here, flat on my back, for a moment longer. I sit up, testing my muscles, and nod approvingly. Whatever the healers have done is holding nicely, and while painful, it is nowhere near the sharp edge of agony that plagued me during the long trip back to camp.

  I swing my legs over the side of the bed, taking my time. I do not need to have one of the healers—or worse, Beth—arrive to see me lying on the floor.

  My legs hold, and I nod, pleased. I turn as someone steps inside, all pleasure leaving me as Tazo stares at me.

  “Should you be on your feet?”

  I ignore the question. “Thank you for getting us back to camp. I am in your debt.” My last words come out from between gritted teeth, and Tazo snorts. I turn away, finding my shirt and pulling it on.

  “What’s your plan now, Zarix?”

  I tense but force myself to meet his gaze. “I will talk to Dexar and then travel to Tecar’s tribe to warn them. Dexar will then decide how many men to send to help.”

  If one Braxian tribe falls, the repercussions could be enormous for all of us. We must not allow that to happen. We must put the Voildi in the ground. Where they belong.

  “And what of the female?” Tazo’s voice is slightly amused, and I grind my teeth.

  “She will stay here.”

  I turn away. It’s a decision I have only just made. But looking at Tazo, and thinking of the wealth of unsaid words between us…

  Tazo snorts. “You believe she will stay where you put her? These human females are not like Braxian females. Ask Dexar if you don’t believe me.”

  “She will have no choice.” I reach for my pants, a slight groan leaving me as I bend.

  Tazo curses and moves forward, handing them to me. “I never blamed you, you know.”

  I pull on my pants, gritting my teeth as the movement tugs at whatever the healers have done to my wound. “I won’t talk of this.”

  Tazo’s face is grim as I move past him.

  “Eventually you will need to,” he says, and I ignore him as I stalk from the kradi.

  Dexar’s mood is as dark as mine when I meet with him.

  “I need some fresh air,” he tells me sharply. “Can you walk?”

  I narrow my eyes at him, and he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I did not mean to imply that you were weak,” he says, and I nod, following him out of his kradi.

  Guards trail us at a distance, but if Dexar even notices them anymore, he doesn’t show it.

  “I’ve sent warriors to Rakiz’s tribe,” he says after we’ve been walking for a few moments. The sun is hot on my skin, and I gaze up at the sky, Beth’s words floating through my head. I can barely imagine a blue sky.

  I turn my attention back to Dexar. “If the Voildi have the numbers I fear they do, we will need many warriors from a great number of tribes.”

  Dexar’s mouth thins, and for a moment he looks older than his years.

  “Agreed,” he says and then glances away, speaking between his teeth. “Alexis believes we are wrong to avoid contact with other tribes.”

  “Beth has said the same.”

  “And do you agree?”

  I take a moment, and we pause by the river, both of us watching as the water pounds over rocks and stones. Just a few days ago, I would have dismissed the idea. These females are from a different world, where their males have no need to hunt. Beth speaks of something she calls “television,” which sounds like sorcery. She talks of camps—cities, I think she called them—which hold millions of people at once, sprawling into the distance.

  And yet perhaps these strange females have a point.

  I turn back to Dexar, choosing my words carefully. “Before Gerax’s tribe chose to turn on other Braxians, we were becoming open to the idea.”

  Dexar growls, and I nod, echoing the sentiment. I have not thought of Gerax for some time, but there’s little doubt that his actions contributed to the mistrust amongst Braxian tribes.

  Not content with the sprawling lands his tribe called home, Gerax wanted more. More of everything. While most tribe kings want nothing more than the health and security of their tribes, Gerax imagined himself as the king of this entire planet.

  His tribe attacked, raped, and murdered their way across the face of Agron until we had no choice but to stop them.

  Thousands of lives were lost.

  Dexar turns, and we begin walking again. “Our trade agreement with Rakiz’s tribe began shortly before Gerax inherited his title,” he says.

  I nod. “And this has been successful for both tribes so far.”

  “I will think on it,” he says. “In the meantime, we must get word to as many tribes as possible. Many will not believe us, but our messengers must convey that without joining to help protect Tecar’s tribe, they may fall to the Voildi next.”

  I shake my head at the thought. “Who could have imagined that the Voildi would be an actual threat to Braxian tribes?”

  Dexar growls. “We live in confusing times.”

  “I need to ask for a favor.”

  “What do you need?”

  “Javir, the boy. Someone needs to take him back to his mother.”

  Dexar raises
an eyebrow, amusement clear on his face for the first time since we left his kradi. “And I suppose this someone will not be you.”

  I shake my head. “I will go directly to Tecar’s tribe. I will leave the boy and the female here.”

  Dexar’s amusement deepens, and I scowl as he smiles.

  “You believe this is a good idea?”

  I ignore the pang of guilt at leaving Beth behind, the strange longing I feel when she is not near. Instead, I think of how close she came to death in the tavern.

  I nod to Dexar, turning back toward camp. “I do.”


  The music sounds, and I’m dancing, arms fluttering up and down in the illusion of flight.

  “Arabesque! Point those feet! Good, now plié.” Miss Jay is demanding, but a simple approving nod from her is worth more than glowing praise from almost any other dance teacher.

  I sink into a plié, feeling my body stretch. Then I’m twirling, pausing briefly with my arms raised in the air. I jump into an entrechat six, beating my feet together as I leap as high as possible.

  “Now get high for that grand jeté,” Miss Jay says, and I leap across the studio, both legs lifting into the air until they’re parallel with the ground.

  My leg hurts as I point my feet, and I jolt awake, staring down at my leg. The worst thing about being injured on this planet? There are no X-rays, MRIs, or ultrasounds.

  I have no idea how badly I’m really hurt.

  I’ve been dancing since I was three years old. Of course, at that age, I wasn’t truly dancing, but I loved it. My parents wanted me to try a range of hobbies and interests when I was a kid, but I always went back to ballet. I adored the music, the costumes, the way the ballerinas would float across the stage. When I finally began performing, I was hooked.

  I sigh. Thinking about it is just making me depressed.

  I glance over at Zarix’s bed and freeze.

  It’s empty.

  It wasn’t empty when we went to sleep last night. In fact, Zarix looked at me for a long moment, his gaze searching my face as if he was memorizing it. Finally he gave me a brusque “good night” and closed his eyes.

  I can tell by the darkness in the tent that it’s still early. Javir’s soft snores sound, and I sit up slowly, careful not to wake him.

  My crossbow is lying on Zarix’s bed. Someone has carefully cleaned it, and the canvas bag of bolts sits beside it.

  The bastard has left me.

  The feeling sinks into me with the same kind of certainty I felt when the Voildi lifted me and carried me out of that clearing.

  Panic flutters in my chest, and I swing my legs over the bed. I pull on one of the gauzy dresses Alexis left for me and reach for my crutches. Then I run my hand over Zarix’s bed and turn for the door.

  His blankets are still warm.

  He thinks he can leave me behind like a puppy he changed his mind about adopting?

  Game. On.

  I gasp with exertion as I swing my leg, the wooden crutches digging into my skin as I haul myself through the camp. I’ve seen where the mishua are kept, in a large, guarded area close to the camp entrance.

  I’m out of breath, but I make it. Zarix is standing by his mishua, packing provisions into saddlebags.

  “You son of a bitch!” I shout, panting as I force myself to move faster. “You were seriously going to leave me here?”

  Zarix’s face is completely blank, and that just pisses me off more. He watches me approach, and Rexi snorts as I get close.

  “Yeah, fuck you too,” I tell her and then turn back to Zarix. “What is wrong with you? Haven’t you ever heard the definition of ‘teamwork’?”

  A muscle beats in his jaw as his dark eyes bore into mine. “I’m going to Tecar’s tribe,” he finally grits out. “It’s too dangerous for you.”

  “Too dangerous for you, you mean. Admit it—you’re scared I’ll almost get you killed again.”

  My voice is bitter, and his eyes widen slightly. “Is that what you think?” he asks.

  I wave my hand. “Regardless, we had a deal. I still have no information about Ivy and Zoey. You know how important it is that I find them.”

  “Is that all this is about?” he asks, his gaze suddenly intent. “The other human women?”

  I glower at him. “What else could it possibly be about?”

  He lets out a rough curse, and I yelp as he takes a step closer, buries his hand in my hair, and crashes his mouth into mine.

  All thought flees my brain.

  His mouth is hard and hot, and my thoughts grind to a halt as a lightning bolt of desire flashes through my body.

  I slide my hands under his shirt, fingers playing over the bumps of his abs. He shudders, and then he’s pulling away, his face fierce as he glares down at me.

  “You drive me insane,” he growls, and a breathless laugh leaves my mouth.


  His brow lowers, and then I squeak as he leans down, lifting me until I twine my legs around his hips. He grabs my crutches in one hand and then he’s striding back toward our kradi.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’re going to finish this,” he says, and I narrow my eyes on his face. His jaw is hard, eyes flinty as he stalks down the path between the kradis.

  Oh no, my grumpy warrior. We’re just getting started.

  It’s as if he heard my thoughts because his eyes meet mine, his growing hotter as we reach the kradi. I expect him to let me go, but he simply ducks his head, holding me close as he steps inside and drops my crutches on the floor.

  Zarix sits on the furs, taking care not to bump my calf.

  He pulls at the string at the front of the dress, and then he freezes, a muscle ticking in his jaw as he stares down at me.

  I look down and blush. My breasts are small, but the cut of the dress has created cleavage where there is usually none. My boobs are popping out of my dress, framed by the gauzy material. I raise my hands to cover them, and Zarix shakes his head, pulling the dress over my shoulders, trapping my arms by my side.


  He ignores that, and then his mouth gets busy as he leans down, running his lips along the tops of my breasts. I gasp, ridiculously turned on, and he glances up at me, watching my face as he pulls my dress down lower and moves his mouth to my nipple.

  My thighs clench as he laves it, caressing, playing, and slowly driving me out of my mind.

  “Zarix,” I moan, but he simply continues, taking his own sweet time.

  “You make me crazy,” I say, and he meets my gaze, the look in his eyes wicked. I move my hips until he’s aligned against me, the thick length of his cock right where I need it. I rub against him, and his eyes darken as his hands tighten on my arms.

  Two can play at this game.

  He raises his head and takes my mouth again, his tongue sliding past my lips, erasing the memory of any man who kissed me in the past.

  I sigh into our kiss, still unable to believe that this might finally happen.

  Zarix pushes the dress up my thighs, sliding his hand down to gently play with the damp, sensitive heat of my sex.

  Pleasure runs up my spine, leaving me gasping as he finds my clit. I moan, and he swallows the sound, continuing to claim me with his mouth.

  I tremble, flooding his hand, and he slowly draws his head back, staring at me, his cheekbones flushed with arousal.

  I clutch his shoulders, my nails digging in as he continues to watch me steadily. I’d think he was unaffected if not for the blazing heat of his gaze and the almost pained look on his face as he clamps his teeth together.

  I reach down and find his cock, butterflies playing in my stomach at the size of him.

  “Will you even fit?” I whisper, and humor lights his eyes.

  “I will. I promise.”

  I’m nervous, but the idea of him inside me, filling me up…

  He brushes his finger over my clit again, and I grind against him, on the edge.

de me,” I gasp, and he slowly shakes his head, his gaze on my face.

  He slides a finger inside me, twisting it until he finds that spot, and I break out in a sweat, groaning. His thumb plays with my clit while his finger steadily thrusts, and I grind against him as his hard mouth finds mine. He fucks my mouth with his tongue as he strokes me with his fingers, and I whine, on the edge of something incredible.

  I almost scream as my body explodes, pleasure peaking as I arch against him, moaning as my hips twitch uncontrollably.

  He groans against my mouth, and then I’m blinking up at him as he lays me gently on my back.

  Within moments he’s naked, and I help him pull my dress over my head. His skin is warm and smooth, and my fingers dance over his chest. His scales glimmer, and I trace them, fascinated, but Zarix is already finding my mouth again as he gently pulls my thighs apart, sliding his cock inside me.

  He goes slow, allowing me to get used to the size of him. There’s a moment of discomfort as my body stretches around him, but he slides his hand down, once again finding my clit. The brush of his finger along my sensitive nub makes me arch against him. He slides further inside me until his pelvis is hard against mine, and then he’s filling me up in a way I hadn’t thought possible.

  He slides his arm under my hips and pulls his head back, his dark gaze meeting mine as he thrusts. I gasp, and his eyes light with something like triumph as he pulls back, thrusting again.

  Oh God. An orgasm is positioned on the horizon, just out of reach, and I know instinctively that it will destroy me. It’s almost frightening, and I slam my eyes closed, twisting my hips away.

  “Oh, no you don’t.”

  Zarix’s low voice is amused, and I open my eyes to find him smiling at me even as his whole body shakes with the effort of holding back.

  He leans down, taking my nipple in his mouth again. My breath catches in my throat as he grazes it with the edge of his teeth, and he does it again, twisting his hips and grinding against my clit as he thrusts deep.

  I explode.

  He slams his mouth down on mine, muffling my loud cry as every muscle in my body shakes and my vision dims. My orgasm is so powerful it’s almost scary, and it goes on and on as Zarix continues to thrust, drawing out my pleasure. Finally he stills against me, a low groan leaving his throat as he climaxes.


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