A Little Bit of Trouble

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A Little Bit of Trouble Page 5

by A. E. Murphy

  Maya ignores him, “Thanks for taking those clothes for me.”

  “No problem,” ah, I remember something I wanted to ask. “Why do you take your clothes to Carey’s?”

  Maya looks up towards the ceiling as if thinking, then looks back at me, “My dad used to know the man that owned it. It’s where we’ve always taken clothes since I was little. I think they were friends or something. I never really asked.”

  “Do you know the owner now?”

  “Nope, I haven’t been there in years. James took loads of stuff of mine when I was pregnant,” she looks at Evelyn and starts with the baby talk. Sigh. “With this little pumpkin. Yes I was, oh yes I was.” She starts kissing the giggling baby’s neck. James scowls even more. I laugh, that’s funny shit right there. Poor James. She suddenly looks back up at me. “Why’d you ask?”

  I shrug nonchalant, “Just wondered. I know the girl there, she’s the cousin of a friend of mine.” We also used to bully her in High School.

  Let’s keep this part to ourselves.

  “Can we watch the mermaid movie?” Amelia asks. I help Maya with the plates as James attempts to sooth Evelyn. She doesn’t calm down so James and Maya swap over.

  The girls leave us in the kitchen.

  “I asked her if we could have another baby,” James says with a pained smile. “She went out and got the Nexplanon or whatever it’s called, some kind of new and improved birth control... behind my back. Didn’t even discuss it.” He rinses a plate and passes it to me a little angrily, I slot it into the dishwasher. “And then she threatened my balls.”

  “I thought she’d want another one, she’s fantastic with Evelyn.”

  “She’s a brilliant mom. Unfortunately she only wants one child.”

  I grin, “That’s what Crystal said. She’ll change her mind in a year or so.”

  I grab Amelia and we head home at about seven, it’s her bedtime. She really doesn’t like me all that much right now. It’s lame. I miss her being a daddy’s girl.

  When we get home I give her a bath where we have a bubble fight and then I tuck her in with a bedtime story. She falls asleep before I even get to page ten. Slowly and gently I remove my arm from under her head, lean forward and kiss her little nose, I then place the book on her nightstand and head to the door. With one last glimpse at my little girl I switch off the light and head to my room.

  After a much needed shave and a long shower I head to bed and turn on the TV. Straight to the music channels. It has nothing decent and doesn’t hold my interest so I turn it off and shut my eyes.

  It’s smoky in here, lights are flashing and I can feel the beat of the music going straight through me. As if I’m none existent. So many faces, no features. Keep moving, keep going forward. She’s waiting. I can feel her, smell her, taste her.

  People move, the crowd parts. Where is she?

  There! I can see her, her back is to me. Her shining, brown wavy hair is resting on her bare shoulders. She laughs at something, I can’t hear it. I can only see her body shake and tense with it. There’s no longer sound.

  I squint through the smoke, she turns, looks straight at me and catches my eyes. A soft smile lights up her features and I instantly heat. We take a step towards each other and another and another until we are only inches apart.

  She looks up at me through thick lashes, her eyes sparkle in the flashing colored lights that shine all around us, coming from no direction in particular. Everyone is gone. It’s just us. I say nothing, she remains as silent as I. We reach forward at the same time, her hand grips the front of my shirt and her forehead rests against my chest, right under my chin. The top of her hair tickles my throat.

  She’s shy, I lift her face gently with a palm on her soft cheek and give her a reassuring smile. A smile then lights up her face. Mesmerizing.

  Then she starts to turn, I don’t want her to leave. My hand wraps around her arm of its own accord, the warmth of her skin hums through me. With a sharp tug, she slams back into my chest, I press my lips to hers without a second thought, without even a first.

  Expecting a slap I brace myself, it never comes. Instead she grips the top of my shirt and pulls me closer so our bodies are flush with one another. I instantly harden, every single one of my nerve endings alight with a passion I have long since forgotten. Then her tongue touches mine and all is lost.

  Everything vanishes, the smoke, the lights, the room, everything. My feet hit something soft as we land from a fall I didn’t even realize was happening. Now we are stood on a floor of fluffy pillows, lips and bodies touching, tongues dancing. I hear her heart beat in sync with my own, gradually getting faster and faster.

  She pulls at my top, we part for a moment as I lift it over my head. Her lips press against my throat. I need her, I can’t wait any longer. My cock is throbbing angrily, I can feel her arousal as my fingers sink into her depths. She’s naked, I don’t remember this happening. I wanted to take my time undressing her.

  Before I can move or take control her hand slides down my bare abs and wraps around my pulsing length. I’m going to lose it, it’s been too long. She drops to her knees. Fuck.

  Fuck. NOOOO! Why? Why?

  I wipe the sweat from my brow and look down at the tent my dick is making. It’s so solid it actually fucking hurts.

  Don’t lose the image…

  I wrap my hand around myself after tugging my boxers over it and fist it tight. It’s not my hand, it’s her mouth. Her hand squeezes my balls, I groan. With a popping sound she releases me, stands and forces me down onto the cushioned ground. Shutting my eyes tight I imagine her perfect fucking breasts bounce and move as she adjusts herself and finally sinks onto me, she moans long and loud as my dick disappears into her, right to the fucking hilt. A glove, she’s like a fucking glove.

  My hand pumps up and down, following her movements. The burning in my stomach comes back tenfold. Fuck. I imagine the words I’d whisper to her, the way I’d touch her skin and grip her hips with both hands. Her head would fall back and her mouth would open as she cried out in ecstasy. That would be it, I’d be lost. I am lost.

  I keep going, keep moving my hand, trying to find that release with her. She’d be almost there. I’d beg her to say my name. No. I’d tell her to say it, I’d demand it and then I’d latch on to her pebbled nipple with my lips and tease it with the gentle swirling of my tongue before releasing her and pressing our chests together. Our hearts would be beating erratically, heavily and loudly together. Come on baby. Come on. Don’t stop. You feel so good.

  Tingles spread down to my toes, my entire body burns for release. Come on. This is it. She’s stroking me, it’s not me it’s her.

  “LORYN!!!” I groan into the darkness as my stomach clenches, my balls tingle and my cock erupts. Oh my fucking god.

  I need clean sheets.

  Making breakfast and handling an excited and screaming child whilst half dead from an eventful night, is torture. Amelia is bouncing off the walls as is normal for her five year old body and mind, she really loves her new school, I’m happy to see her excited about learning. I slide a bowl of cereal to her and a spoon and head back to my room to take a shower and get dressed. Then what?

  “Come on Daddy,” Amelia says, I follow her to the car and press the button on the key to unlock it. The car beeps and flashes, with a loud yawn I start buckling her in. Christ I’m drained. I literally have zero energy. Need coffee. “Daddy.”

  “Ugh.” Yep, this is the only response I can manage at this current point in time. Give me a break, I went three rounds last night with Loryn.

  In your head. Potato, tomato. Details.

  “Can Tegan and Bailey come to play?”

  I shake my head, “Not tonight.”


  “Not tonight sweetie. Daddy is very tired and you’re staying at Uncle James’ tomorrow. I want you to myself.” For once since becoming a part of this crazy ass family.

  She starts humming to herself. I’ve bee
n dismissed by a five year old. Go figure.

  “Shall we rent a movie tonight?” I suggest, even though she has loads she seems to love picking out movies from the video store. “You can choose?”

  “Nah.” She continues to stare out of the window.

  “We can get some popcorn too?” please cheer up. I really don’t know how to handle moody women, no matter the age.

  “Fine,” she sighs… and rolls her fucking eyes. What the hell is up with that?

  We exit the car and I walk her round to her usual entrance. I’m relieved when she gives me a proper hug and kiss. Stubborn little brat. She gets it from her mother!

  “Hey Lucas,” it’s Tegan and Bailey’s mom, her name is Helen, her kids are identical female twins in Amelia’s class. I watch as Helen brushes her blond hair out of her face, the wind keeps catching it unfortunately for her. “How are you?”

  I nod, “I’m great. You?”

  “Good. So, I was actually wondering…” who you gonna call? “Would you like to come over to dinner sometime? My husband would love to meet you.” Say what? “As a way of saying thanks for the times you’ve had the girls.”

  “Sure,” I shrug not really sure how to handle this, in Amelia’s old school you were lucky if one of the parents didn’t try to mug you. “Just let me know when.”

  “Feel free to bring a date, and Amelia of course. I’ll give you a call about four tomorrow.”

  With a smile and a wave she walks in the opposite direction. Huh. Maybe I will make some of my own friends after all.


  Being a Master Creep

  After an uneventful evening with Amelia, I went to bed not long after she drifted off to the land of nod. It’s safe to say I’ve officially become boring. What ever happened to the Friday’s I spent with my buddies down at the local bar? Oh yeah, I got married, had kids and then became a hermit when my kid and wife died… anyway let’s not think about that. I have a date tonight and nothing to do all day to pass the time.

  “Want to go to the movie theater?” I ask Amelia as she plays with her toys in the middle of the room. She shakes her head, “Can we go to the park?”

  I look at the rain hitting the window and back at my daughter. “It’s raining.”

  “I can wear my rain coat and my rain boots,” she whines and crosses her arms across her chest. Lucas style. “Please!”

  You know what? It has been a long time since I enjoyed the rain. “Ok, go get ready.”

  She squeals in delight and dashes into her bedroom. I pull on my own boots and coat and wait by the door. Amelia comes running out with her pink raincoat on inside out and buttoned wrong up the front, I chuckle and fix it for her. Then I help her with her gloves, grab her pink umbrella from the closet, and take her tiny hand in mine before heading out.

  “Daddy! Daddy! Watch!” Amelia squeals and jumps into a deep puddle a few times. She laughs and moves onto another one. “Daddy! You’re not looking.” Actually my eyes haven’t left you… “Daddy! Look, look!” I am! She splashes around in a huge puddle along the sidewalk and stamps each foot before kicking some at me.

  “That’s great baby,” I grin and push my wet hair back from my eyes.

  There’s something peaceful about the rain, I’ve always loved it. Crystal used to hate the rain, she was always too scared of her makeup running and her gorgeous blonde hair becoming frizzy. She was an idiot, she looked beautiful all the time to me and her girls.

  Amelia continues squealing and splashing, as I walk besides her just feeling the light shower coat my clothes, face, hair and neck. Best day this month. There’s nothing I love more than seeing Amelia smile at me, as if I’m the greatest person in the world.

  We head back home after drinking some hot cocoa at a nearby coffee house. Yes, I had cocoa too, I haven’t had it in years. I want more. We also dashed to the store to get some cocoa, whipped cream and marshmallows, but let’s not say this part out loud. I’m a man, I drink coffee and beer and shit like that. Man drinks.

  I’m snuggled up with Amelia on the sofa drinking a very manly cocoa when my cell rings. It’s Helen, for once I actually check the caller ID.

  “Hello,” I say and squeeze out from behind Amelia so I can go into the kitchen to talk.

  “Hi Lucas, its Helen.” I pull myself up onto the breakfast bar. “How are you?”

  Pretty damn good actually. “I’m great thank you, and yourself?”

  I hear a door open and close on her end, “All good here thanks. So, I was wondering if you were free next week on Friday. Wesley has the evening off.” Wesley is her husband, she’s mentioned him once or twice.

  “That sounds good to me, I don’t have anything planned,” for some reason Loryn flits through my mind. “Should I bring anything?” Because I really do not know how these things go.

  “Just yourself, I trust you know where we live?”

  “Yeah, I haven’t forgotten,” I respond and stifle a yawn by tapping my foot on the ground and clenching my jaw. Rule number one whilst talking on a phone, never yawn… according to, Summer. “What time?”

  “Be here for six thirty.”

  “Sounds awesome. I’ll see you then.”

  “Perfect, oh, are you doing anything for field day?”

  “Probably not, I don’t even know what that is.” I chuckle, she laughs with me.

  “I’ll fill you in next week. I’ll let you go. Take care Lucas.” She hangs up before I can respond. I’ve never met her husband, maybe this is another way of networking as Maya calls it. Maybe he’s interested in the business. He’ll be out of luck, I know nothing. James has tried teaching me but I end up playing on Angry Birds or another addictive cellphone app whilst he waffles on with his speech on how this works with this and that goes with that. I shut down, I hated Science in High School and I hated Math. I hated any subject really. All of my grades were average. I wish I’d paid better attention.

  I drop Amelia off with Maya, give my niece Evelyn as many kisses as she’ll allow, before she manages to hit me over the head with a toy or her fist, and head back to mine. Time to get ready.

  I opt to wear jeans and a white tee with my boots and leather jacket, to be honest, I just grabbed whatever was closest in my closet. Checked to see if they were clean, which they usually are and creaseless, which they also are because the cleaner rocks. And now I’m good to go. Unfortunately I still have an hour to burn, maybe I should just go early. Actually, that’s not a bad idea considering Loryn doesn’t actually want to go to dinner so she’ll probably lock up and leave before I get there.

  With a devious smile that would rival that of Maya’s, I grab my leather jacket to complete my outfit and head down to my car. I hope Loryn doesn’t think I’m coming on too strong. Who cares? Not me.

  The rain has slowed to an almost stop by the time I pull up outside Loryn’s store. I climb out of my car and mind my step on the slanted slabs of concrete that make the sidewalk. This area really needs doing up.

  As usual the little bell rings as I walk in and yet again I’m assaulted with the smell of bleach. Loryn’s head pokes around the door behind the counter, her eyes searching for the customer before settling on me.

  “You came,” is that relief I hear? “I’ll be out in just a sec.”

  I don’t respond, but I do head over to the counter and jump over it like when I left last time. She pokes her head back around the door and points to the wooden surface that lifts, creating a door of sorts that separates behind the counter from the store. I shrug and step into the back, it’s not a huge room but it’s big enough to hold two washing machines and two dryers along the back wall. There’s a kitchen area with a small refrigerator, a counter and a sink also. As well as a small round table with the same plastic chairs we used whilst having lunch the other day.

  “Sorry, it’s not much to look at. Probably not what you’re used to,” she says with a bashful smile.

  “What I’m used to?” What is she talking about?

>   “Your expensive car,” she points to the entrance and then points to me. “Your designer clothes. The fact your family can afford to buy six hundred dollar dresses and never wear them. And then you come in here. You must be appalled.”

  I laugh, that’s fucking funny, “Please. Just stop.”

  Her hands go to her hips, her fucking beautiful hips and her also fucking beautiful lips stick out in a pout, “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, are you ready?”

  She motions to her black trousers and white top. “Do I look ready? You’re an hour early!” She self-consciously straightens up the bun in her hair.

  “Ok, let’s go, I’ll give you a lift home and you can change,” I offer.

  “Fine, but you’re wasting your time!”

  Why is she so obsessed with the thought I want to fuck her? I mean… yeah, I do but that’s not why I’m here. “Do I have sexual predator written on my forehead?” I feign hurt, her face softens. “Am I not allowed to take a beautiful girl out to dinner without her thinking I only want into her panties?”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

  I nod, pretending to be satisfied with her answer. She has no idea I’m playing with her. “As you should be. Now let’s go.”

  She points to the ceiling. “There’s an apartment upstairs, I live there.”

  I grin wickedly, “Okay, let’s go.”

  She shifts uncomfortably, “Can I umm, get you a drink or something? While you wait?”

  I look around the room, noticing two doors across the way, one must lead to the upstairs. Ignoring her completely I swing the first one open. It’s a toilet.

  “What are you doing?” she hisses and watches as I swing the next door open. Revealing the stairs. Score.


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