A Little Bit of Trouble

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A Little Bit of Trouble Page 21

by A. E. Murphy

  And the game begins.

  We separate around our base, leaving Chris to defend as he’s the smallest and can squeeze under the small hut which is only a few feet from where our flag is tied to a two feet high stick in the ground. Jacob and I go right, James goes left. We weave in and out of all of the buildings, check inside, check behind, check every-fucking-where and find not one female.

  James meets us in the middle, “This shit has Maya all over it. She’s so fucking good at disappearing.”

  “Back to base,” Jacob suggests. We do as we’re told and return to our flag. “They must be moving as we’re moving. Where the hell could they be?” This place is hardly huge but James is right about Maya. She can vanish in their own apartment by silently moving around whilst James does, like some kind of fucking Ninja. “Shit. Where are they?”

  “What’s going on?” Chris asks and slowly works his way out from under the hut. We all shrug. “Can’t find them?”


  “CHARGE!” We hear Maya scream and we’re suddenly surrounded before we can react. Loryn wags her fingers at me and shoots me right in the eyes. The pellets hit my mask and explode. All I can see is purple.

  I rub at the paint but it only spreads it further, so I start firing blindly as someone starts shooting my ass and back repeatedly. Shit that stings.

  “RETREAT!” I hear Chris yelp as the sound of paintballs being fired continues.

  A whistle blows, the shooting stops and male laughter follows. “Oh man, you guys got creamed,” A wet rag is placed in my hand. As I scrub I realize the other guys are doing the same. They all got us in the fucking eyes, those crafty ass bitches.

  I look at their black coveralls decorated with the colors, pink, purple, yellow and orange. I notice on Jacob and James there are a few green. Shit. I’m green. I must have hit them when I fired blindly.

  “They’re gone, they took your flag,” another guy laughs and brings our flag back to us.

  The whistle blows again not long after the men leave. Let the games begin.

  This time Christ stays under the building, we realize that the girls never would have shown themselves if Chris had stayed in hiding. Or they may have done but he could have gotten a few shots in.

  Our group stays around the base and unfortunately I have been volunteered to go and grab their flag. The others aren’t taking any chances. If I’m hit I’m to scream… yeah right. So, like something you’d only do on a games console dive for cover, hide behind a car before rolling behind a building, checking every angle as I go.

  Something clicks behind me, I spin… nothing. Fuck, this is weird. Something clicks again this time to the left of me. I turn abruptly, my weapon raised. Nothing but a barrel. Keep moving, you’re being paranoid Lucas.

  Then suddenly, like before, I’m surrounded by Marie, Loryn and Maya. Three guns aimed at me. I sigh, thinking they’re going to shoot me, instead, they drop their guns giggle between themselves and dive on me. Taking me straight down to the ground. What the hell?

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I shriek and kick, and writhe beneath them. They just laugh harder and I feel my arms being tied behind my back with some kind of cloth. “You do realize this is just a fucking game right?” No my ankles. What the fuck? “Maya, I’m so going to get you back for this.”

  She just sniggers. Now what are they doing? Okay, I’m being lifted. “Jesus he’s heavy.” Marie mumbles. I’m carried past their flag and into the hut behind it where they practically throw me on the floor. “GUYS!” I scream. I know I said I wouldn’t but I’m fucking stuck. Loryn even has the cheek to kiss my head, squeeze my ass and vanish out of sight. What the hell are these women doing to my woman?

  What feels like hours later, but is actually more like minutes, there’s a thud beside me. I laugh when Chris rolls his eyes. “I can’t believe they’ve done this. This is just psycho on a whole new level.”


  “Who do you reckon they’ll get next?”

  “Roll over,” I say quietly and glance towards the door. “Place her hands near mine. I’ll try and untie you.”

  He nods and rolls, I do the same, it’s harder than it looks and hurts the shoulder you lean on. Unfortunately, the girls tied the knot close to the back, and my fingers can’t reach around far enough to do it. Clever bitches. Never, ever, bringing Maya back to one of these unless I get to be on the same team. This is fucking humiliating.

  There’s another thud. “Hi James,” Chris laughs. I feel my foot knock against something solid.

  “Dude, that’s my head,” James snaps.

  Oops. “Sorry Bro.”

  Now we wait… and wait… and wait… and… “Was that…?” James and I shush Chris as we listen to paint pellets being fired. Summer screams and curses. I’m guessing she’s out. Come on Jacob!

  “Get the fuck off me!” I hear Jacob shout after about five minutes of silence. “JAMES? LUCAS?” He has no qualms with screaming for help.

  There’s another thud followed by loud cackling and slapping which I assume to be high fives.

  “Welcome to hell dude,” James sighs. “They’re just going to keep running the flag back and forth now aren’t they?”

  “Yep, that’s what Summer was doing when I shot her.” Jacob laughs. “Remind me why the hell I left LA for this shit.”

  “To help us kill our women?” I suggest and try to itch my cheek on my shoulder.

  Twenty minutes, twenty long fucking minutes until the round is over and we are untied. They certainly won at capture the flag. Now it is last man standing. Every man for themselves. I immediately take shelter behind a building at the far end. The guys and I silently communicate before vanishing. We have to get them back. There’s no way in hell we can leave it like this. We’ll never hear the end of it.

  So we take out the leader. Maya, we have to aim for her. No doubt the girls will stick together just like we have done.

  Unfortunately for Summer I spot her first and shoot her in the back of the head, she screams, curses and pads over to the safe area looking dejected. Creeping around slowly, I peek out, I see nothing. So I dive behind a barrel and scan the area.

  The next person I see, sneaking up on Jacob is Marie. Yes! He’s crouched in a building, I can see the top of his head. The next event shocks me… Marie crouches down too. And the top of their heads come together, then disappear from sight.

  From the corner of my eye I see Maya, she’s also seen the display and looks… pissed. She looks really pissed off. What’s that about?

  Back in the changing rooms I’m proud to say I won that round, although the celebrations are short lived when Maya gives Marie the cold shoulder. Everybody seems to notice unfortunately and Marie seems a little shocked by it, not to mention upset.

  “What’s wrong?” Marie asks Maya quietly. Mara shrugs and pulls her coveralls off and boots. “I asked what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing,” Maya responds flippantly and glances at me.

  During the time she was frozen by the display of Marie and Jacob seemingly making out, I shot her in the back of the head to get her attention and gave her a look that said ‘do not comment.’

  Marie shrugs and continues getting ready herself. I head over to Loryn and pinch her ass. She squeals and slaps me away with a playful smile on her face joined by an excited twinkle in her beautiful brown eyes.

  “I still can’t believe you won,” she sighs. I go down on one knee, pull her feet over my leg and tie her shoe laces. “Is this special birthday treatment? Or can I expect this all the time?”

  Kissing her inner thigh briefly, I smile up at her through my lashes and kneel between her legs. Tilting my head, I teasingly slant my lips over hers. As always, she accepts me with no hesitation and it feels good. Damn I’ve missed her. I lock my arms around her back and pull her closer so our chests are flush together.

  “And why should I tell you?” we immediately break apart when we hear Marie’s screeches. “Why the fuck shou
ld I tell you anything?”

  “What’s going on?” I ask Chris and Summer who both shrug and watch the argument brewing.

  “Well it seems like something you wouldn’t keep from me,” Maya shouts back, James goes to grab her arm, she spins and glares angrily at him. He reacts like he would to a ready to strike Cobra and lurches back. Although I will admit an angry Maya is a scary Maya. “I mean… what the hell Marie? I thought we were friends.”

  “We are! But you were going through your own shit Maya! I tried to tell you but… it just didn’t seem as important,” I hate the defeated look on Marie’s face.

  “I’m calling bullshit, it doesn’t matter how fucking busy I am if you need to talk to me, you should fucking talk to me Marie. So I don’t find out like this!”

  “Why are you even so bothered? We just fucked, it’s not like we’re getting married, or in love or something.” Jacob shrugs in agreement to Marie’s words. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. By the time I had a chance it didn’t seem a big deal anymore.”

  “You’re not keeping anything else from me?” Maya’s eyes narrow. “You swear?”

  “Maya, babe there are a lot of things I’m keeping from you, all too dirty for you little mind to comprehend,” Marie sniggers with a wink. Maya feigns offence and slaps her shoulder, Marie slaps her back. They end up having a cat fight, it’s a playful one though so we leave them to it.

  “Does anybody wanna tell me what I’ve missed?” Summer says looking a little annoyed.

  Maya shrugs, “Marie and Jacob got funky when I was pregnant and are now pretending they don’t like each other even though I caught them dry humping in a hut ten minutes before the game ended.” She inhales and exhales. “I’m hungry. Anyone hungry?”

  Jacob starts laughing, Marie’s mouth drops open, James face palms and Summer looks startled. She looks at Marie, “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” Here we go again.

  With Jacob wearing a decent disguise we all head to the movie theatre, fortunately no one recognizes him. Except Loryn who sighs every fucking time he talks. We stand in the queue waiting for popcorn when I watch him put his arm around Loryn’s shoulder and whisper in her ear, she immediately starts giggling. Maya, Marie and Summer all watch and start snorting among themselves.

  I roll my eyes when Marie mentions, “Looks like Lucas has some competition.”

  “I can’t believe he got Loryn a birthday present when he forgot mine,” Summer says and scowls at Jacob who gives her a crooked grin.

  Maya raises her hand, “He forgot mine. He only remembers if he’s on his way.”

  “I can hear y’all,” Jacob laughs and releases Loryn to join me in the line.

  “Do I wanna know why your lips were against my girl’s ear?” I ask with a quirked brow and a smirk.

  “I only told her to think of me…” I slap him round the head before he finishes that sentence. He jumps forward and starts laughing whilst adjusting his black wig back into position.

  “Ass hole.”

  I sit in between Loryn and Jacob, Marie sits between him and Maya and James sits between Maya and Summer who is next to Chris. All I hear through the first fifteen minutes of the movie is Maya and Marie giggling like little schoolgirls.

  “James. James,” Maya hisses, I roll my eyes. If they get us thrown out I will hurt them. “James.”

  “Yes Maya?” James sounds exasperated. “What now?”

  The only sound that comes from her mouth is muffled, followed by a little choking.

  James starts laughing, “Thanks Summer.”

  “No problem.” I’m assuming she shoved something in Maya’s mouth. Thank god for that.

  “Puh-lease, I could totally pull that off without a stunt double,” Jacob laughs and motions to the screen where one dude has just jumped from a moving car and onto a van.

  “You’re such a liar, your last movie you even had a stunt double to do a rolly poly.” Marie cackles quietly.

  “I can’t do it, I just can’t fucking roll over my head. That’s not my fault!”

  “But you think you can jump from one car to another, yet you don’t have the coordination to roll over?” Marie taunts and stretches her legs out. “Just admit it. Even in his prime, Bruce Willis would kick your ass.”

  “He would not.”

  “I’m certain he would. But I’ll bite, to save your pride,” she snickers. “OUCH! Dude.”

  “Ahhh! Get off my balls.”

  “I can’t believe you twisted my nipple.”

  “Balls. Off the balls,” Jacob chokes out. Loryn starts giggling beside me. “Aaaaaah,” I’m guessing she squeezes harder. Christ, why can’t these people just enjoy the movie?

  Marie finally releases him. She doesn’t stop there, “Yeah… he’s still hotter than you though.”

  “Fucking bitch.”


  “You’re crazy Marie, Jacob is way hotter than Bruce Willis,” Maya announces into the silence. “But nowhere near as hot as Channing Tatum.”

  “Channing Tatum is hot but Jacob completely outshines him in that department,” Marie scoffs and pats Jacob’s thigh.

  “Yeah, completely agreeing with Marie on that one,” Loryn speaks up with a laugh. “Channing is hot but…”

  “Are we suddenly no longer here?” James chips in. “I mean…”

  “Baby, be quiet,” Maya leans forward so we can see her. “Jacob, you are the second sexiest man in the world. Happy now? And James, you are the first.”

  “I really don’t care, just watch the damn movie.” Jacob laughs and somehow makes Marie squeal again.

  We head back to mine and continue our celebrations with a couple of bottles of whiskey and of course a birthday cake. At present, the girls are dancing around the living room with cocktails in their hands whilst I stand in the kitchen attempting to light candles on a fucking cake with James. And not just any cake… a penis cake. Never trust Marie to purchase a god damn birthday cake.

  “YES!” I exclaim in triumph and pick up the now lit cake. The triumphant cheer is because it took me twenty minutes to light the first candle. “Ready?”

  And the singing begins. Then laughter follows when they see the cake. Damn you Marie.


  Gags are useful

  When everyone leaves I walk over to Loryn and press my forehead against hers, “You had fun?”

  She nods with a smile, “I can’t believe Maya got me all of this.” She motions to the top of the range hair equipment. “These straighteners alone cost about four hundred dollars. And she got me five of them.”

  “She wanted to give you a decent start. Maya is nothing if not generous,” I say softly and suck on her neck.

  “I feel bad though, these people don’t even know me and they’ve accepted me so easily.” She frowns a little solemnly. “I feel like a bum.”

  I roll my eyes and kiss her nose, “There’s one more thing I want to do before I fuck you senseless.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “Come on.”

  Taking her small hand in my own I pull her out of the door and down the hall and into the elevator. Her eyebrows scrunch in confusion when I hit the button for the top floor and we go up. We land on the empty service floor. I lead her straight to the stairs and cover her eyes.

  “You’re not planning to push me off the building are you?” she giggles as a blast of cool air hits us as I open the final door and lead her outside.

  Because the building is pointed, there’s only a small secure flat space about the size of an average living room with a four foot high wall. I smile when I see the blanket I sent with James and Maya spread out on the ground, surrounded by tiny candles in cute little glass jars.

  With the stars above and the candles flickering, it gives this experience a surreal feeling to it. I roll up the top of the blanket with my foot and slowly lower Loryn to the ground before releasing her eyes. She gasps and smiles instantly at the view of the city. “Wow.”
/>   I lie down beside her, turning on my side so I can face her as she looks up at the stars.

  My eyes follow the curve of her neck, down to the swell of her perfect breasts. Leaning on my elbow I reach down with my lips and touch the soft, plump globe closest to me. Her fingers instantly wind through my hair and tug my face up to hers where she kisses me, softly and sweetly on sweetly on my lips. I drink her in, her touches, her scent, the feel of her body against mine, the way she sighs with contentment, the way her tongue massages my own with exquisite slowness. Everything about this woman drives me crazy.

  I hitch her top up to her breasts and lick and kiss the soft skin of her stomach. She groans and rubs my shoulders with delicate fingers. Dammit, I’m hard. So fucking hard. Pushing her top up further I flip the cup down over a breast and take her nipple into my mouth. She gasps sharply and pushes her groin into my hips.

  “Lucas,” her whimper sets me on fire, but this is for her. For her to enjoy. With swift fingers I unbutton her jeans, what shocks me is the fact she lets me. Normally she gets shy or embarrassed when I want to taste her there, right now she’s pushing my head down and fuck if it isn’t hot! “Please.”

  “Tell me what you want baby,” I remove her jeans and kiss her inner thighs. “Tell me.”

  “You, I need you.”

  “How do you need me baby?” my tongue follows the seam of her panties.

  She groans and shudders, her legs clamp around my head. “Do it.”

  “Do what?” my hands grip the lace, I rip the panties away and throw the fabric over my shoulder. “Do what baby?”


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