A Little Bit of Trouble

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A Little Bit of Trouble Page 26

by A. E. Murphy

  A moment passes before she finally responds. “Okay.”

  Tension gone. “Thank you,” I stand up and clear my throat before turning and gripping the door handle ready to open the door.

  She inhales again, I wait a moment, she clearly wants to say something and I really don’t want to hear it because I’m afraid it will change everything. “Make a pot of coffee and have a movie ready please. No more Disney.”

  “Yeah.” At least I have a couple of tasks to handle. That should keep my mind off things.

  Okay, so it’s a choice between RED with Bruce Willis or… “I want to watch this,” Loryn says and places a disk into the Blu-ray player.

  “What is it?”

  “Something I picked up earlier, I forgot about it. Just found it in my handbag.”

  “Your bag could hide a body Loryn,” I snort. “It’s got that much shit in there.”

  She scowls at me, “It has my necessities.”

  “Yes, I can see a six month old receipt for hairspray being a necessity.”

  “Stop going through my bag,” she gasps and slaps my arm.

  I shrug, “I couldn’t find Amelia. I thought maybe she was hiding behind the three empty chewing gum wrappers and the year old bus ticket.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “An adorable ass.”

  “Shut up and watch the movie…”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Amelia cuddles up into my side, Loryn cuddles up into the other. Smiling inwardly I pull them both tighter. This is the life. And then my smile drops. “What the fuck?”

  “It’s Jacob!” Amelia squeals excitedly and jumps up to apparently sit closer to the TV. Great.

  “I am not watching this, it’s weird.”

  “Stop being such a baby,” Loryn laughs. Jacob enters the screen in nothing but boxers and a towel hung loosely around his neck. Oh dear god. Then he leans forward and kisses the shoulder of a naked woman on her front in a bed by a large window. “Damn… he’s so hot.”

  “You’re a bitch.”

  “Naughty word,” Amelia chastises and comes over to tap my hand. “Don’t never say that to Loryn again.”

  “It’s ever.”

  She sighs and taps her little foot in frustration, “That’s what I said.”

  “Okay, I’m out,” I say after half an hour when Jacob starts undressing again. Going to stand, Loryn clamps her hand on my thigh and pulls me back down before shoveling more popcorn into her mouth. “This is like sexual harassment because you know him.”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  “Yeah daddy, you’re an idiot.”

  “You shouldn’t even be watching,” I narrow my eyes on her and turn my scowl onto Loryn. “She shouldn’t even be watching.”

  “Quiet, naked male on screen. Damn he’s hot.”

  “Jacob’s my boyfriend,” Amelia announces into the silence. I blink a few times and shake my head to clear my ears. She did not just say that. I refuse to believe she just said that. “He said he’s gonna marry me.”


  “Aww, how cute is that?” Loryn giggles and slides onto the floor beside Amelia. “Did he get you a ring and get down on one knee?”

  “Yeah, but I ate it,” Amelia grumbles seeming a little embarrassed. “It was made of candy.”

  Why don’t I know about this?

  “Can I be a bridesmaid?”


  “You are not getting married,” I laugh once in disbelief. This can’t be happening, how does she even know what this is?

  “Hey daddy?” apparently the conversation is about to change. “Are you and Loryn gonna get married?”

  “No,” my reply is instant and a little harsh. Loryn’s face remains impassive, thank god for that.

  “But you love each other right?”

  Loryn strokes Amelia’s hair and meets her inquisitive eyes, “Honey, your daddy and I are just very good friends.” Well, we’re a little more than that but Amelia doesn’t need to know that.

  “But you kiss and stuff and that’s what married people do.”

  “We aren’t getting married,” think Lucas think. “But Maya and James are! That will be fun right?”

  And finally that subject is dropped.

  Loryn helps me get Amelia to bed after the “Ten more minutes Daddy!” Argument which lasted twenty…

  “She made it to page thirteen this time,” Loryn whispers and kisses Amelia’s forehead as I place the Fairy tale book back on the shelf.

  I smile warmly at her and stop beside her. She looks up at me with questioning eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I touch her cheek with my fingertips, “You make me happy Loryn.”

  A beautiful smile greets me, she touches my hand that is against her cheek and kisses my palm. “You make me happy too.”

  “Sucky, sucky?” I joke and laugh when she growls and aims a punch for my balls. Fortunately I dodge it and scoop her up into my arms. Rubbing my nose along hers I kiss her lips and her neck and carry her to my bedroom where I spread her out on the bed and do exactly as I promised earlier. I bury my face between her legs and don’t stop until she’s screaming so loud the windows rattle.

  “Where’s my shoe?” a boot flies from the closet, narrowly missing my face. Ducking quickly out of the way I wait for her to finish throwing stuff before I tell her it’s in the hallway. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “Because it was fun watching you panic.”

  “You’re a bastard.”

  “You’re late.”

  She gasps and checks the watch on my wrist, “Shit, shit, shit. Give me your keys.”


  “I’m late!”

  I shrug, “I don’t care.”


  “Loryn,” I mimic with a whine. “Come on. I’ll drop you off.”

  She grunts and heads to the hallway. I follow on her heels, scoop Amelia up and we head on out.

  “You’re going the wrong way,” Loryn snarls and checks my watch again whilst I drive. “Please stop being so damn awkward.”

  After turning the radio up a beat, I turn the car in the right direction.

  “Left! Left! Here!”

  “Oh, would you look at that… I missed the turning,” dramatic sigh. “I guess we’ll have to go round again.”

  “Stop being a damn caveman! Greg is expecting me… like an hour ago!”

  “Sucks to be him.”

  We finally make it to the Animal Shelter after another ten minutes of me being awkward. What makes it worse is the fact dickhead… I mean Greg doesn’t look the least bit upset by our tardiness. I was sort of hoping he’d fire her and then I could have her more but no dice.

  “Loryn,” Greg grins and Loryn goes straight to him for a hug. “How are you today?”

  I lift Amelia out of her booster seat, she holds my hand tight as Loryn and Greg greet each other like they haven’t seen each other for weeks. It takes everything I have not to punch him in the face when he places his hands on Loryn’s hips, my hips, the hips I grab when I’m driving into her from behind.

  “You remember Lucas right Greg?”

  I lean forward and shake his hand briefly.

  “Can I see the bunnies?” Amelia asks and Greg nods eagerly, “Sure, come on in sweetie.”

  I use this moment to pull Loryn to my side, she rolls her eyes and tucks her hand into my back pocket.

  Notice my smug smile Greg? Oh yeah, you definitely do. It’s saying… she’s mine! And my ego is doing a little dance around you too and flipping you the finger.

  “Lordy, lordy, lordy,” a familiar female voice says as we step inside the sterile smelling building. The sound of dogs barking comes from somewhere further in.

  Oh dear god, it’s the woman from the store, when I first asked Loryn out, “Hey Penny.” Loryn hugs the woman known as Penny as she eyes me up and down.

  “My, my, my, you’re even better than how I remember,” sh
e smiles flirtatiously.

  “Penny,” Greg chastises and rolls his eyes. “This is my aunt. My incorrigible aunt who drives our family crazy.”

  “They love me really,” she gives me a wink and chuckles a little. “And who is this gorgeous little girl?”

  “I’m Amelia,” my daughter says without hesitation accompanied by a huge welcoming smile on her face. At least she’s not shy.

  “Well aren’t you just adorable.”

  “She wants to see the bunnies,” Greg announces and leads us to a door at the end. “Loryn, you coming?”

  Loryn glances at me with those doe eyes before shrugging and following him through, leaving me with the fortyish woman and her flirtatious smile. I shift nervously on the spot.

  “So,” she says and smiles. I don’t like this smile, this smile says danger. “Care to show me your abs?”

  “Wait for me,” I shout and push through the doors that Loryn vanished through a moment before. I ignore the cackling coming from Penny. What kind of name is that anyway? She sounds like a British coin.

  Where the hell are they? So many rooms… so many animals.

  I finally find them in a small room with small cages lined against the walls. Each one containing small animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, mice etc… ewww.

  “Daddy, daddy, can I keep it,” Amelia runs up to me with a small fluffy gray rabbit in her arms.




  “Please Lucas,” Loryn pouts at me, shit, I’m getting ganged up on by two women with puppy dog eyes.

  “No.” Groan, don’t do the lip!


  “Dude, rabbits are totally easy,” Greg says and hands me a small booklet. “All you have to do is change their bedding, let them run around a bit, feed them and love them but mostly they’re independent.”


  “Please!” All three of them are at it now. Jesus Christ.

  “Lord help me,” I mumble and pick up the bunny by the scruff of the neck. “What’s wrong with it?”

  “Nothing, it’s still a baby,” Loryn snatches it from my hand. “Stop being mean, you’ll hurt it.”

  “The answer is still no.” I watch as Loryn hands the rabbit off to Greg and slides up to me. She wraps her arms around my waist and looks up into my eyes.



  And then she leans into my ear and begins to whisper… she whispers sweet, sweet promises that make my head spin and my dick thicken in seconds. I’m fucked, totally fucked.

  “Okay, but you’re looking after it,” I say to Loryn and turn around so I can adjust myself.

  Suddenly there’s someone hugging my leg and two people hugging my waist and shoulders. Why the fuck is Greg hugging me?

  “If you don’t release me right this second, I’ll change my mind,” they all jump away and go do their shit, leaving me alone again. Sigh.


  Pieces of Me

  It’s safe to say I like rabbits, especially this rabbit which Amelia has named Godzilla because I wouldn’t let her name him Floppy. Poor rabbit needs a manly name. Of course I don’t declare my fondness for the furry creature out loud and I only show it affection when everyone is busy.

  At present the fluffy gray fuzz ball is resting beside me on the couch with its legs flat behind him. We’re watching TV, well, the rabbit is watching, I’m just staring at it and not really paying attention.

  “Hi honey, we’re home,” shouts Loryn as she enters our apartment carrying two grocery bags in her arms. Our apartment? I mean my apartment.

  As she walks past towards the kitchen I tilt my head back, she kisses my forehead before disappearing. I smile, sometimes I wonder what I ever did without her.

  “That’s okay darlin’,” she calls from the kitchen with a thick southern accent. “You just sit your butt right there. I don’t need no help.”

  “Okay darlin’, and when you’re finished bring that butt through here and give me some lovin’,” I respond with an equally brilliant southern accent.

  Amelia skips into the room with a sucker in one hand and a strange powdery dip in the other. I kiss her sticky cheek and gag when I lick my lips. Damn that is sour. Amelia smiles and sits herself on the rug on the floor where her toys lay from before she left for the store.

  “You hungry darlin’?” Loryn calls through, still using the accent.

  “As hungry as a horse,” my belly grumbles to prove it.

  “Your belly sounds like an animal,” Amelia says without turning to look at me. “That’s gross.”

  “Tell that woman in our kitchen to feed me then.”



  I wince, how loud?





  Amelia then says, without looking at me, “She says no.” Because I’m apparently deaf and unable to hear their screaming conversation. A moment passes. “LORYN!” Oh Christ.



  “OK SWEETIE!” The fuck?

  This time Amelia does look at me, with the smuggest little smile known to man. What have I spawned?

  I stand with a sigh and head into the kitchen. My dick throbs as it always does when I catch Loryn bending over, my hips also thrust forward but unlike the first time this happened in her kitchen a couple of months ago, I actually let them touch her. With a throbbing pole in my pants I grip her hips and grind against her, making her squeal and drop whatever it is she was reaching for at the bottom of the refrigerator.


  I don’t wait, I can’t wait, so I slam her face first against the door. She squeals and places her palms against it which makes her hips push back against mine. Fuck.

  This way Amelia can’t walk in on us.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We haven’t had sex in… three days. Need it. Horny,” I reach around her front and undo the button on her jeans.

  “Amelia could try and get in.”

  “Better be quick then.”

  “We are not doing it… oh my god,” she hisses through her teeth when my foot kicks at her ankle making her spread her legs more and my fingers slip into her panties before rubbing at the moist clit beneath her folds. “Lucas… don’t… ugh. Please. Wait until later.”

  “No.” I seem to be saying this a lot at the moment.

  She makes no move to get away so I hastily tug my dick through the zipper in my pants, it’s a difficult process but I manage it after a painful tug.

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

  I slide the head up and down her folds, my chest resting against her back, my sharp exhales making the skin of her neck quiver. My god this feels good. Quickly poising the head at her entrance I slide in a few inches, she’s so tight. Like a fucking glove. I shudder and pull back, she moans loudly at the loss so I place my hand over her mouth and slide in a couple more inches, my entire body tenses.

  Control, need control. Okay, I’m good. I’ve got it.

  “Lucas?” her voice is muffled because of my hand.

  “Yeah baby?” I release her face to let her answer.

  “Will you fuck me already? You’ve been still for about a minute.”

  “Yeah,” I pull out and push in. My toes burn, my bulls clench, my jaw aches as I grit my teeth, sweat beads on my brow as every cell in my body rushes to the one place I don’t want them to be right now.


  “Don’t talk.”


  “Because your voice does things to me.”


  “Shush.” I pull out slowly, she moans, my hand goes back over her mouth as my other frantically plays with her clit. Shit. Come on baby.

  She grunts as I pull out again, needing to give my cock some cool air hop
ing that will stop it from blasting before takeoff. It’s a no go, the extra movement puts me closer to the red zone, my control needle right in the orange before meltdown. Fuuuuuucccckkk.

  “Baby, remember how I said this was gonna be quick?” I release her and stand up straight.

  “Really? Because I’ve been bent here for five minutes admiring the floor tiles.”

  “Seriously, your cocky shit is only making this harder.” She clenches me with her soft, warm and wet walls. “Do that again and I’ll blow.”

  “Just pull out for a minute,” she wriggles her ass and I grunt.


  “Will you stop saying no to me?”


  “You’re an ass,” she goes to pull away and I’m done.

  My orgasm tears through me like…. Shit I can’t think coherently. Oh dear god, it won’t stop. I gasp and pump frantically into her, my fingers probably bruising her fucking gorgeous hips as my hips collide with her ass cheeks.

  “Don’t stop,” she whimpers. Shit. I rub her clit frantically and grind into her. Why does it feel this damn good? She whimpers, quivers and clenches. Her orgasm begins as mine slowly dissipates into a slow burning tingle through my abdomen.

  The last thought as my orgasm vanishes and my dick slowly softens is, I didn’t use a fucking condom. Shit.

  “Don’t worry,” she says as she quickly cleans herself with a cloth. I tuck myself back into my pants, my mind racing with thoughts I shouldn’t be having concerning a knocked up Loryn. “I’m on the pill.” She’s reading my mind isn’t she?

  “Isn’t there a pill you can take? The next morning? To bring on your cycle?”

  “Yeah, the morning after pill. Why?”

  “Okay, I’ll call my doctor for a prescription.” I state and pull my phone from my pocket.

  She laughs a little nervously, “Lucas, I’m on the pill. I’ve been on the pill for years now.”


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