A Little Bit of Trouble

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A Little Bit of Trouble Page 28

by A. E. Murphy

  As it happens, I actually end up carrying her about a mile until we find a place that does food. My back hurts. Fucking woman.

  “Bacon,” Is the only thing I say when a plate of food appears before me. “Need bacon.” So I shovel some into my mouth.

  Her phone starts ringing, she winces a little, “Hey Loryn.” I tense and her eyes glance at me before she turns a little. “Yeah, I’m okay. No. I’m just with Lucas. We’re having a late lunch.” She laughs. What’s so funny? “No, that’s okay. Sure. Of course, no problem. Tomorrow?” Maya checks her watch. “Definitely. See you there.”

  “What was that about?” I ask with a frown, my jealousy spiking again. “Did she ask about me?”

  “No.” she eats in silence for a moment until I press her for answers. “You sure you want to know?” I nod slowly, I’m not sure but I’ll say I am because I think I need to hear this. “As predicted, Loryn is going to see a movie tomorrow with Greg.”

  I drop my fork as images flood my brain. Greg with his arm around her, whispering in her ear and nuzzling her neck before making his move on her in the theatre.

  “She asked me if I wanted to go out afterwards. Apparently there’s a band playing down at Club One and Marie is going too so I said I would,” she gives a small shrug. “Greg is taking her there too. I wonder if they’ll get drunk, those two and alcohol seems like a pretty good way to break the ice don’t you think?”

  I remain indifferent even though I feel fucking sick, “Yeah. Can I come?”

  “Sure, James is going.”

  “Awesome.” No it isn’t awesome at all. But at least if I go I’ll know she’s safe. I really don’t trust Greg, at all. Loryn deserves better than him. “Shit, I have to go. Amelia will be home soon and I promised her we’d go to the playhouse.”

  Maya remains in her seat, “Have fun!”

  I kiss her cheek and dash out of the restaurant before racing back home just in time for Sylvia to arrive.


  “Dude, chill out, we’re meeting them in there and all will be fine. You’ll see,” James reassures me as we climb into the waiting car. “Although I haven’t heard great things about this supposedly awesome band. It’ll be nice to have my brother there… not moping about a female.”

  I roll my eyes, “You owe me from all the crying and drunk nights you spent pining over Maya. So suck it up.”

  “Good point,” he nods slowly. “But I’m in love with Maya. Big difference. And no starting shit or Maya will have my balls.”

  “She already has your balls,” I snort earning me a punch on the arm. Rubbing the sore spot I smile wickedly at my brother and open my mouth to continue but he punches me again. Bastard.

  We sit at the bar as the club fills up and the band takes the stage, my eyes never leave the doorway. I’m waiting, watching and waiting for them to arrive. Double on the waiting because I’m being impatient.

  So far no show, so I nurse my beer and make conversation with James who is actually being really funny tonight and has started talking a little bit like Maya, so I’ve noticed. Her crazy has rubbed off on him.

  I catch sight of Summer and Chris coming through the doors and wave them over. She smiles and rushes over to hug us both, we give Chris the manly hug back slaps.

  I watch the crowd thicken with people, the dance floor by the stage becomes a mass of bodies and heads squealing and bouncing around. It doesn’t take long for the place to start stinking of sweat, alcohol and cigarette smoke even though it’s illegal to smoke inside. I’ve seen a few people sparking up cigarettes before the bouncers escort them outside.

  “Your hair is looking great,” I say to Summer. When we first met I remember it being in a bleach blonde pixie crop, it was thin and wispy from using bleach. She unfortunately had to cut it all off. Now it’s a nice shade of natural red and cut mid neck in layers. It’s finally thickening a little too.

  “Thanks, Loryn has been treating it for me every few days. It’s really helping.”

  Chris smiles fondly at his wife, “I missed your natural color. It’s one of the many things that made me fall in love with you.” Summer melts into a puddle at his feet, a cute smile stretching her face.

  As if connected to her telepathically, my head, heart, knees and neck tingles as Loryn finally walks through the door with Greg’s arm around her neck. She looks… gulp… stunning. In tight black shorts that shimmer in the lights and a backless top. She’s not wearing a damn bra!

  My fists clench on my thighs as she laughs at something the asshole says. I quickly turn, I can’t see this. My beer is drained in seconds, I order two more followed by a shot of tequila.

  “Slow down,” James laughs and snatches the fourth beer from my hand. “It’ll be fine.”

  I shake myself to relieve the aching in my chest and the jealousy caused by the fact, that dickhead is with her and I’m not. He’ll be the one buried between her thighs tonight and the mere thought sickens me to my core.

  “Baby,” Maya squeals and jumps on James. She claims his mouth in a rather steamy kiss, a little too steamy for public. Summer pulls her away when James lifts her to straddle his lap on the stool.

  “No, bad Maya. Naughty,” Summer chastises her like she would a dog. Maya just pouts and whines. Sigh.

  “Go have fun,” James laughs and slaps her ass. She grins wickedly at him, her eyes promising him a good later I assume. I chuckle and lean back against the bar, deciding to face the club rather than act like the pussy I’m becoming.

  Loryn stands awkwardly to the side, this gives me a great time to peruse her, my eyes follow her soft curves, the delicate skin of her waist disappearing into those shorts that hug her snuggly. Then my eyes zone in on the dickhead’s hand on her bare waist. He laughs at something Marie has said, his arm around my girl… my ex girl I mean.

  I look up and find Loryn staring at my face, I give her a polite nod and a thin lipped smile. She frowns but says nothing, although I love the fact she feels uncomfortable when Greg pulls her closer and whispers something in her ear. At least she did seem uncomfortable until she just started giggling. Why the fuck is his face still in her hair? I bet his lips are touching her ear.

  His other hand plays with the fingers of her right hand so he’s almost pressing her against his body. She smiles up at him, it’s a real smile. Fuck. I can’t watch this. I’m going to go crazy.

  “Come on!” Maya groans and tugs at Summer and Marie. “Come dance!” And they do, I watch them clear a spot on the floor and dance around and with each other. The men join them even though the music is a bag of shit. Now I’m on my own and my eyes don’t leave her as she dances with Greg. I’ve never danced with Loryn, not like that. She’s really putting on a fucking show.

  After three more songs the group come back and order drinks, by this point my eyes are spinning, or the floor is. Either way I’m drunk I think. Shouldn’t have had that last tequila.

  “You’re swaying a bit there bro,” James laughs and wipes his face on his shirt. “You look miserable.”

  “I am fucking miserable,” I mumble but he doesn’t hear me as Maya is wrapped around him again. “Get a fucking room,” Marie laughs and pushes them out of the way. “How you doing there Lucas?”

  “Fine,” she doesn’t wait for my answer as she’s whisked away by Summer. Leaving me alone with Loryn and the dickhead.

  He takes her hand, she glances at me but follows him onto the dance floor. Fucking asshole. He’s doing this on purpose.

  His hands grab her ass as they move, I see red. No fucking way is he touching her. I start to head towards them when somebody touches my arm, definitely female. “Where you going?”

  I look back at her and give her a quick once over, she’s hot, but mostly fake, “Wanna dance?”

  She nods and smiles before waving over to her friends who start cheering for her. I roll my eyes and tug her close. Two can play at this game Loryn.

  “What’s your name?” I ask her over the music.

/>   “Charlotte.”

  “I’m Lucas.”

  “Great name.” Umm, thanks? “You live around here?”


  “I’m just in the city for the week. Visiting friends.”

  “Awesome,” I feign interest and pull her closer. “Are we going to dance?”

  A smile lights up her twenty something face, “Hell yeah.” And dance we do. She grinds her ass into my hips as I grind up behind her, she warps her arms round my neck, sways her ass and moves fluidly and gracefully to the beat. She’s not a bad dancer but it’s not her that holds my interest. It’s the female now gaping open mouthed at me from across the dance floor.

  “Who’s your friend?” Maya shouts as she dances with James. I introduce them quickly and return my attention onto the beauty in my arms. Sure she’s gorgeous, nobody can deny that, but she’s not Loryn.

  We dance through two songs before I be my usual gentleman self and buy her and her three friends a drink. They pull me to sit down with them and shower me with compliments, lifting my shirt and telling me to flex. It’s fun for my ego, he’s definitely having a good time receiving all of this attention from beautiful women.

  “We’re going,” Maya says as she comes over. “James and myself. The others are staying I think.”

  “You coming bro?” James asks, I glance at the four females awaiting my reply and shake my head, “Nah, I’m happy here.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid,” Maya whispers in my ear.

  “I won’t,” I think. They leave as I down another beer. This kind of reckless drinking is stupid but fuck if it doesn’t make me feel numb, and numb is exactly how I want to feel right now.

  “So what’s a good looking guy like you doing unmarried?” one of the females asks me as her friend returns to the table with more drinks.

  I shrug and avoid the question by complimenting her on her eye color. They all seem to swoon, that’s not new. According to Loryn I’m swoon worthy and hell if I aint playing on that right now.

  Summer comes over and asks if I want to dance with her, Chris is moaning about his feet. I decline and suck down another shot. That one was the killer. I’m completely fucked. The worst part is, I have no idea where Loryn is.

  Charlotte’s hand rests on my thigh as she leans in to whisper in my ear, “Want to get out of here?” Do I?

  I blink, look around quickly and then shake my head, “I better not.”

  “And why’s that,” she looks a little embarrassed at my rejection and a little pissed.

  “The night’s still young, let’s wait a while. I’m just going to the men’s.” I throw thirty dollars on the table. “Why don’t you get another round in?”

  I climb out of my seat and stagger walk to the toilets. As I enter two men leave laughing to themselves. Huh. When I open the door the room is empty so I quickly relieve myself and go to wash my hands. My eyes are so fucking unfocused it’s unreal.

  “Stop,” I hear female giggling come from one of the cubicles. “I can’t do it if you don’t stop moving.” That’s… no it’s not… it’s not Loryn. She’s not like that. She wouldn’t. Not in the men’s toilets.

  “Would you hurry,” I hear Greg laugh. “Ah.” He hisses through his teeth. “You’ve got it, Jesus.” My vision focuses but slowly turns red. “Move your leg.”

  “There’s not enough room,” she snorts and they both start laughing.

  Before I can stop myself my foot connects with the flimsy cubicle door. My eyes adjust to the scene before me, Loryn sat on the toilet, all I can see is her legs between Greg’s who is standing in front of her.

  “Ah shit,” he says with wide eyes. “Loryn.”

  “He’s standing right there isn’t he,” she whispers and looks around his leg at me. “Lucas this isn’t…” Thwack. My fist connects with Greg’s jaw, I don’t give him chance to fall as I grab him by the neck and bring my knee up into his nose.

  “You fucking bastard, she isn’t a god damn whore!” I shout and throw him to the ground, somehow Loryn falls with him. He scrambles backwards and cups his clearly broken nose with his hand. I reach for Loryn but she’s already back on her feet.

  “LUCAS!” Loryn screams and shoves me backwards. Of course she’d defend him! “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “You let him use you… here?” I shout in her face, my own face no doubt a bright shade of angry red.

  “It’s not…”

  “Save it. I thought you were better than that. And you…” I point my finger in Greg’s face. “Are a god damn ass hole.”

  Greg stands and glares at me, his lips and chin covered in red fluid, “You’re a crazy piece of shit that doesn’t deserve her.”

  “I don’t deserve her?” I laugh once. “At least I haven’t dragged her into the men’s for a god damn quickie.” Someone walks in I glare at the man. “Fuck off. Now!” He nods and retreats.

  “Come on,” Loryn says softly to Greg.

  “I hope you enjoy jail time Lucas,” Greg sneers at me. “And for your fucking information. Her hair was stuck in my zipper! She leaned over to sort her shoe strap out and when she stood up her hair got tangled. We couldn’t fucking see anything in the club and the ladies have a queue a mile long!”


  He cups his bleeding nose again as Loryn dabs at it with a ball of tissue. “She’s not even yours, she’s not a damn toy. You’ve made your choice, you lost out. I take care of my friends, and Loryn is just that, a friend.” I notice the look he gives her that clearly ends that sentence with a silent, “For now.” She doesn’t notice, she looks to be on the verge of tears. Her soft voice mumbles apologies to him over and over again.

  “She’s not…” I start but Loryn places her hand over my mouth, “You were right Lucas. We are completely wrong for each other. And I take back what I said… I don’t love you. I only love the idea of you.”

  Wait… what? What does that even mean?


  “Just go.” She says with a disappointed shake of her head. “And don’t bother coming back.”

  “Asshole,” Greg snaps as they both walk past me and out of the door. I’m stood there for three minutes when two bouncers are handling me, practically carrying me through the club before throwing me onto the sidewalk like the piece of trash that I am.

  I climb into a cab and head home feeling like a fool.

  Lucas: I’m sorry. Please believe me. Tell Greg I’m sorry.

  She doesn’t reply. Not that I expected her too. I’ve really fucked up.


  Bringing it All Back

  “Daddy,” Amelia asks me sweetly as I tuck her into bed. “Where’s Loryn?”

  It’s been four weeks since I saw her in the club, four weeks since I got arrested for assaulting Greg and three weeks since he dropped the charges. Thanks to Loryn. Of course I thanked him and apologized, it was the right thing to do. He punched me in the nose and I’ll admit I deserved it. But he didn’t punch me because of what I did to him. He punched me for what I’ve done to Loryn. Sweet Loryn who won’t take my calls, won’t respond to my emails and texts and won’t acknowledge me when we cross paths which we have done twice now.

  “She’s busy sweetie,” I pick up the rabbit from the ground and place him in bed beside my daughter who giggles when he starts running up and down her body.

  “Doesn’t she like you anymore?”

  I smile and kiss her forehead, “Sometimes adults argue baby. It’s the way things are. We’ll make friends again soon.”

  “Maybe you should buy her a present,” I’ve tried honey, she’s rejected all of them. “Or tell her you miss her and you love her?”

  “Good idea princess. Now go to sleep.”

  “I love you daddy.”

  “I love you too baby. So much. You know that right?”

  She grins and nods, “Yeah… Hey daddy?”


  “Will you tell me about when I was a baby?”

  My smile falters, I touch her cheek and sigh softly, “I don’t remember sweetheart. Daddy hit his head and some things he just can’t remember.”

  “You remember my mommy though right?” she looks panicked.

  I laugh. “Yes, of course I do. I remember your mommy and your big sister I just don’t remember everything. I remember you being inside your mommy’s tummy.”

  “Yuck.” Her little face scrunches up in disgust. This makes me smile.

  “She had to keep you in there like Maya did with Evelyn.”

  “Didn’t I sucfate?”

  “It’s suffocate Princess and no, you didn’t suffocate otherwise you wouldn’t be here now would you?” she giggles when I dig my fingers into her ribs. The rabbit starts going crazy again. “You were a big baby. I remember your mommy struggled to get you out for a little while and daddy got so scared. Then you were born fifteen minutes later.”

  “How do they get babies out?”

  “With magic powder, now go to sleep,” I kiss her again and turn out the light. “Goodnight Princess.”


  My phone rings, what time is it? Shit, four in the morning, I must have fallen asleep on the couch again, “Hello?”

  “Lucas, it’s Marie,” why does she sound like she’s crying?

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Loryn,” she lets out a shaky breath. “Something’s happened.”

  Her next sentences don’t seem to register as I pull Amelia out of bed, get her dressed, take her to the car and drive straight to the one place I really don’t want to visit. Amelia sensing my distress remains calm and quiet as I lift her out of the car and head into the hospital. Marie waits for me in AE reception. She takes Amelia and points the way to the recovery ward. Why the fuck is Loryn in recovery? She’s okay right?

  My legs carry me to the room after numbly asking the receptionist where Loryn is, they escort me to her bedside. It’s times like this I’m thankful Maya has connections, I’m not family so I wouldn’t have been able to get in if I didn’t have that extra push.


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