You Are Mine (Bad Boy 9 Novel Collection)

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You Are Mine (Bad Boy 9 Novel Collection) Page 65

by Amy Faye

  “Aaaand Brant will be fighting… Nathan Harwood!” Nathan came up onto the ring and we shook hands.

  Then he pulled me in, grinning. “Is that woman with the black hair your new girlfriend?”

  “Something like that,” I answered, pulling away from him.

  “By the end of the night, she'll have forgotten all about you while she begs for my cock.”

  It took everything I had not to knock his fucking teeth in then and there, but I had to wait for the fight to actually start.

  Once it did, though, I took that first punch. My fist connected with his cheekbone, slamming his hard harshly to the left. Unfortunately, that punch opened me up to a hit in the gut, which nearly knocked me out. I stumbled back to catch my breath, but Nathan didn't ease up at all.

  His hands pummeled my face, and he kept trying to sweep his legs under me to make me fall. I knew that if I fell, it would all be over. He was too big for me to fight from the floor. I had to keep standing.


  I was on the edge of my seat while Brant was fighting, waiting for it all to be over. He was being seriously hurt, and that Nathan guy was huge! He was definitely bigger than Brant. How could they allow that?

  Each punch he took broke my heart. I wanted nothing more than to jump in there and break up the fight. The men around me were enjoying the display of animalistic rage, but I was just horrified. Who could enjoy something this violent?

  Oh, God. I still have feelings for him. The thought was depressing and irritating. I didn't want to be in love with Brant, not after all these years, not after how I treated him. I just wanted to clean up Mom's house, get it on the market, and get on with my life.

  I absolutely did not want to fall in love. I did not want my guilt over how I treated him when I left to get worse. All of those emotions were useless, they just made me feel like shit and they didn't change anything. I was still leaving as soon as the house was ready to be sold, no matter what I felt for anyone.

  No. I refuse to love him. Loving him will get me nowhere, and I have control over my own feelings. Once this fight is over, I'll have him take me home and forbid him from seeing me again. Somehow that seemed like it would be impossible, but I had to follow through.

  If I fell in love with him, I would be stuck in Bell Bend. I would be stuck in my past, instead of focusing on my future. And how could I love someone that willingly went into a ring where he might die? How could I love someone that risked so much just for some money?

  He fell to the ground with a kick, but scrambled back up again. His face was red and sweating, like he was in a lot of pain. At some point, his eyebrow got cut, and blood was streaming down his face.

  And then things changed. Brant finally got a punch to connect, and sent Nathan reeling. Even though Nathan was heavier, Brant was more skilled and had the harder punch. Nathan seemed tired, too, and was panting heavily as he backed away from Brant.

  Could the tides have turned like that? Would it really be that easy for Brant to win after all? “Come on, Brant!” I yelled. “You can do this! Kick his ass!”

  It felt good to root for him. He glanced up at me, and then punch after punch hit Nathan on his chest, arms and face. Nathan got a few more punches in, but each one made him more tired. I kept rooting for Brant, screaming for him to beat the hell out of Nathan.

  It was thrilling, even though it was terrifying.


  Her voice was all I needed to find my strength again. Everything she did solidified the idea that we belong together. This all happened for a reason. I need to fight to have her!

  Nathan managed to grab me and pin me against the walls of the ring. I struggled to get free, slamming my arm down against his shoulder until he finally pushed back and away from me.

  I knew that Nathan wasn't the kind of fighter that was used to losing, and he wouldn't let me win easily. Not even with him being as tired as he was. I would have to work for my victory.

  I slid forward and gave him a swift uppercut, pushing him back. Grabbing him, I pulled his head down to my knee, just once, but it was enough to disorient him. He was swaying as he stood back up, and one last punch sent him to the ground.

  Knocked the fuck out!

  The crowd shouted as I celebrated, screaming and grabbing the gate that surrounded the ring. Looking up, I saw a huge grin on Vivian's face as she watched me. I raised my arm and shouted at her. She mimicked the movement.

  I fucking loved her.

  After the short celebration and being handed my check, I bounded up the stairs to take Vivian's hand. There would be more fights after me, but I knew she didn't care. I definitely didn't care! I just wanted to get out of there and spend more time with her.

  “That was terrifying,” she said as I pulled her out into the cool night. She pressed her body against mine, shivering. Taking off my leather jacket, I draped it over her shoulders.

  “Yeah, but I was pretty fucking great, wasn't I?”

  She laughed. “This cockiness is new, too!”

  I stopped, grabbing her arm and spinning her to face me. I tipped her face up, and I wanted so bad to kiss her again, but I didn't. “Do you want to go grab some drinks or something?”

  “Um,” she said, hesitating.

  “Please. Just a few drinks to celebrate. Plus, that bartender I told you about, she would love to hear about the fight and how I beat the shit out of Nathan Harwood. She might buy us all of our drinks for the night!”

  She laughed again, shaking her head. “Alright, alright. I'll get some drinks with you.” She took my arm and let me lead her to my car. Her soft body being so close to mine (in such a tiny dress) was already stirring my hormones, but I knew I had to play this right. If I wasn't a gentleman, I would ruin my chances with her.

  Vivian didn't deserve some horny asshole that just wanted to fuck her and leave her. She deserved someone that loved her and cared more about her feelings than her pussy.

  But still, 'Little Brant' was thinking all about her pussy while we drove to the bar.

  Chapter Five

  Before I left, I never had the chance to really drink or party. I was only just 18, and I wasn't a party girl until my first college boyfriend turned me into one.

  The bar was near the diner, and it seemed really busy. The parking lot was pretty packed full of cars, all of them much older than Brant's. That was just how it was in Bell Bend. The people were pretty poor, in spite of the somewhat large houses we all had. The land was cheap and the houses were old.

  My mom had dial up internet until my sophomore year of college, we were such a small town. I was pretty excited with that upgrade. I think it was the last one we've had.

  “This is my usual haunt. I come in here… well, more often than I'd like to admit,” Brant said bashfully. His eyebrow had been taped up to stop the bleeding. His cheek was swollen, too, but he otherwise seemed perfectly fine.

  We went inside and Brant told the bartender all about the fight. She was enthralled, but she looked at me suspiciously. It made me uncomfortable, but I just stood back and waited for Brant to order our beers, then he led me to a table near a group of men playing darts. A big group of middle aged women were all wearing jean skirts and cowboy boots, dancing in the middle of the room.

  “So, why did the bartender give me such a mean look?” I asked, trying to make my voice sound casual. “Is she your girlfriend?”

  His eyes bugged out as he gulped down a mouthful of beer. “No way! I mean I've tried to ask her out, but she's not interested at all. I think she's just protective of me. I've had a few shit girlfriends over the last few years, and she gets to hear all about them.”

  “Ah,” I said. “I know how that is. The shitty exes, I mean.”

  “You have some, too? I don't believe it. Who would do anything to fuck up a relationship with you?”

  I laughed and shrugged. “Well, two different men, it seems. They both cheated on me, and then went on to date the other woman for a good long time.” Sighing, I
rolled my eyes and gave him a sarcastic grin. “College is a whole different world, especially compared to a small town like this. You don't really get to know anyone, even if you're fucking them. There's a lot of secrets that just never come to light, and guys… well, I never really found someone that quite lived up to your legacy.”

  I was talking too much, saying shit I shouldn't say, but the beer was already getting to me and I felt the need to apologize. “I'm sorry. For how I treated you, I mean. You deserved better.”

  “It's fine, Viv. Shit happens. We were both young.”


  I pounded my beer, feeling a little buzzed. It was a nice bar, surprisingly, but I didn't feel like being there anymore. “You wanna come back to my place?” I asked. I didn't want to go home alone, and I missed the way his hands felt. “I want you to come back to my place with me,” I added, since I saw that he was going to try to say no.

  He looked at me for a good long while, then nodded. “Alright. Let's go.” We left the bar.

  As soon as we got into my house, his mouth was on mine. Sudden unexpected emotions forced themselves upon me as I realized this felt right. Lust washed over me, but maybe that was just because of how drunk I was.

  Brant broke the kiss and tipped my head to the side, revealing my neck. His lips left quick kisses on it before he bit down just hard enough to raise goosebumps on my skin.

  “Ahh,” I moaned, gripping his suit. He bit me again, then pulled me over to the couch. He sat down and draped his arms over the back. It was clear what he wanted.

  I thought for a second, then took a deep breath and bent down. My black dress hiked up over my thighs. Brant leaned back against the couch, smiling in anticipation.

  Closing his eyes, he looked innocent for just a moment, but I knew that something much less innocent was hidden in those pants. I slid my hand up his thigh, gripping his muscles and enjoying how hard they were. I wanted him to feel in every movement I made, just how much I wanted him.

  Taking the clasp of his buckle, I pulled it loose and slid the thick leather out from under him. My dainty hands pulled at Brant's pants, unbuttoning the clasp and pulling down the zipper. Brant sighed happily, running his hands through my hair.

  His touch sent a shiver down my spine as I prepared to take him into my mouth for the first time in 4 years. Anticipation was building up within me.

  Tossing back my hair, I grabbed his pants. He lifted himself so that I could easily pull them down to his ankles, along with his boxer briefs. As soon as I saw his glorious cock, my eyes widened and I held my breath.

  That was the cock I had been missing for so long. God, it looked delicious. It was so beautiful and so big, and it was already half hard and ready for me to take it. It twitched while I looked at it.

  Licking my lips, I took his penis in my hand and gripped it tight. Merely holding his unbelievable cock in my hand forced a moan from my lips, a shiver down my spine. The muscles in my lower abdomen began to tickle and my mount was hot and starting to become quite wet.

  In a word, I was fucking horny.

  My eyes flicked up at him, and I caught him watching me with a smirk on his face. His hand left my hair so that his arm could drape over the couch again, allowing me to take complete control over his prick.

  “I'm going to suck your cock until you cum down my throat,” I told him, flashing him a grin. I was feeling suddenly very slutty, and it felt damn good. Brant smiled back down at me, his rebellious jaw set, then leaned his head back and waited for me to get started.

  His cock was so smooth, and it twitched in my hand. Moving it up and down, I allowed his foreskin to slide along with my hand. He shifted in his seat, his stomach muscles tensing then relaxing.

  After only a few seconds, precum began to leak from his prick. I was absolutely salivating while I watched it. I wanted to taste it so bad, so I leaned forward while pushing my hair over my shoulder to get it out of the way.

  With my tongue held out as if I were about to taste an ice cream, I pressed my wet muscle against his velvety skin and tasted his salty precum.

  “Ah,” he sighed, his fingers scratched against the couch.

  I took that as a good sign. Opening my mouth as wide as it could go, I placed it over his cock. Only taking the tip of his prick into my mouth at first, I sucked hard on it and teased him. He sucked in a hot breath and held it as I played with him.

  His precum was a salty, naughty taste in my mouth. I took another inch, then another, until his manhood was in my throat. Looking up, I saw that Brant brought his hand to his mouth and was covering it in an attempt to keep himself quiet. He muffled a moan behind that fist, which made my cunt drip.

  A quick movement and his whole member was deep down my throat. My gag reflex was going to kick in at some point, but I held myself down as long as I could. Brant's thighs were quivering beneath me. It felt so good to give him pleasure like that.

  The hand that wasn't covering his mouth was gripping the couch tight as he writhed in ecstasy.

  With a few coughs and sputters, I lifted my head and choked in some air. As soon as I was composed I went back down, though, stuffing more of that cock into my mouth. With my head bobbing up and down, I teased him and sucked him as much as I could.

  He gasped and moaned beneath his hand, his hips scooting down so that he could get closet to me.

  I pulled my head up and looked at him, waiting for him to notice that I stopped sucking him off. “Now, I'm going to ride you until you come in me. Are you ready?”

  He only nodded eagerly, holding my hips as I stood to guide me over him. He watched me with those fierce eyes as I kicked off my shoes and hiked up my dress. Pulling my panties to the side, I revealed my glistening cunt and showed him that I was completely ready for his huge dick to be inside of me.

  Stepping up onto the couch, I grabbed Brant by the shoulders and used them to keep me steady. He cradled my hips and back with surprising tenderness and strength, not allowing me to fall as I positioned his prick at my entrance and lowered myself onto him.

  “Sssshit,” I moaned through clenched teeth. Once he was fully within me, I wrapped my legs around him and placed my arms around his neck.

  His large, strong hands grabbed the top of my dress and pulled it down, revealing my tits. His eyes ate them up, and then his hands gripped both of them.

  I didn't move and inch, but his cock twitched inside of me. Even just that sent a wave of pleasure through my body. It had been too long since I had some good cock in me, and it had been way too long since it was Brants. Our past be damned, I wanted this man more than anything else.

  I rubbed my palm against the back of his neck, kissing him as I stroked it gently. Then I ran my fingers through his hair, a move that I knew he found relaxing. His shoulders relaxed and, finally, I moved my hips back.

  His cock moved with me, hitting me in just the right spot. Pulling myself forward again, I pressed my lips against his. They were incredibly soft, and so familiar. I realized I had never really forgotten how gentle his kisses were, the soft curve of his upper lip.

  I was blushing when his cock twitched in me again, and something in both of us switched gears. Wrapping his arms around me, he pushed my hips forward then pulled them back again. We moved rhythmically, his cock buried deep within me. I got goosebumps when he hit that one super sensitive spot within me, crying out a moan. Shuddering, I could feel the tension inside of me building up.

  His fingernails scraped my hip's skin as he frantically pushed me back and forth, grinding me on top of him. He felt so big within me, his cock so deep that it was nestled against my cervix and hit it with each wiggle. It was just the right kind of pain.

  Brant forced my legs open wider, pushing my hips up, somehow getting even more of his huge cock inside of me. I gasped, my nipples stiffening. He sucked one into his mouth.

  Grabbing his shirt, I used it to help me move. I rode him hard and fast, pushing myself closer to orgasm with each stroke of my hips.

  As I felt my own passion growing and suddenly swell, his cock twitched within me and suddenly shots of his hot cum coated my insides. That feeling, that one sensation was what finally sent me over the edge. I screamed as all of my muscles shoot violently.

  I let go of Brant's shirt and almost fell before he caught me. He held me, his cock still inside of me, and carried me to the stairs. “We're going to your bedroom, and I'm going to make you orgasm,” he said. “Over and over again, until we both fall asleep together.”

  “Sounds absolutely perfect,” I said, taking him by the hand and leading him up the stairs.


  The first words I heard when I woke up were, “Oh shit!” And then I felt a foot press against my hip, sending me out of the warm bed and onto the floor.

  “What the fuck?” I asked. “Viv, you're having a bad dream.”

  “You're damn right I'm having a bad dream! I need you to go, now!” She jumped out of bed, too, and ran to the bathroom. Slamming the door behind her, she left me alone in the dark.

  “What's your fucking problem?” I asked.

  She sighed loudly. “It doesn't matter! Just get out, Brant, now!”

  Well there wasn't really much else I could do but leave. I grabbed my pants and put them on, then my shirt. I carried my socks and shoes downstairs and out to the car.

  I don't fucking get her, at all. I don't understand where her shitty attitude comes from, I don't understand why she kicked me out, and I don't understand why she won't just talk to me!

  Even worse, I don't understand why I just want to march back inside and kiss her, force her to talk things through with me. Why was I so ready and willing to put up with so much bullshit from someone who clearly wasn't interested in me?

  I thought she had a good night, but apparently I was wrong. I sped the whole way back to my apartment, pissed off and ready to beat someone's head in, but I didn't want to get into a stupid fight. I knew that if I got thrown into jail again, that would be the end of it for me and Vivian, if it wasn't already over.


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