You Belong With Me

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You Belong With Me Page 14

by M. R. Joseph

  Carter gave Eva a kiss on the cheek and told her they would have her back in time for her nap. They retrieved Haley's carseat and strapped it into Casey's car. They seated Haley in it and drove to the aquarium.

  They parked and got Haley out and made their way in. Haley was in between Carter and Casey and they both held her hands and swung them back and forth. They walked around to all of the exhibits. Haley got to touch a stingray and pick up a star fish. She ran to each tank to see the beautiful fish and sea turtles. Carter bent down to her level when a sea turtle swam up to the viewing window. Carter pointed to it and Casey stood back and watched their interaction. Carter was terrific with Haley. He was loving and playful with her. He was crazy about her. She loved to watch them together. She thought Carter had a natural fatherly instinct about him. Casey admired that about Carter.

  "Look, Hales. It's Crush from 'Nemo.' I bet he's really old. Let's blow him kisses."

  The both of them began blowing kisses at the turtle and Haley started to wave at it.

  "I wuv you, turtle. Bye, bye." It swam away.

  "Where he going Uncky?" She asked

  "He's swimming back to his wife, I think."

  Haley turned around to Casey and grabbed her hand to put it into Carter's.

  "Auntie is you wife, Uncky Car. You wuv her," Haley said smiling up at them. Carter and Casey looked at each other and their eyes locked. Trying to break away from the awkwardness of the moment Carter focused his eyes on the glass before him. Though most people were taking in the sights of the fish, Carter's eyes were intently focused on Casey's reflection in the glass.

  "Excuse me sir," A sweet woman standing beside him said with a tap on his shoulder.

  "I think your daughter needs to use the bathroom." Carter looked down at Haley wiggling around trying to contain her need.

  "Oh, thank you. She isn't my daughter, she is my niece."

  Casey pulled her hand out of Carter's and took a small step back. " Well you certainly look like a happy family." The woman smiled.

  Casey felt her heart speed up and she looked down then back up to the lady. "We are just friends." She told the lady.

  "I see. Well enjoy the rest of your day." She walked away from them. Carter and Casey made eye contact but Casey broke it almost immediately and pulled her lip into her mouth and sucked on it. Carter needed to break this uncomfortable silence so he suggested they go look at the Dolphins outside. They made their way out and he held up Haley so she could get a better look. Haley was so excited and kept waving to them. A man stood next to Carter and turned to say, "You are one lucky man."

  "Excuse me?" Carter asked.

  "You have two beautiful girls I must say. She looks like her mom." Carter shook his head and shut his eyes.

  "I'm sorry but you are mistaken. This is my friend and my niece. They aren't mine."

  Just saying those words squeezed Carter's heart. They are not mine. She is not mine. He subconsciously told the man he loved this woman and he wanted to spend his life with her. He wanted to have babies with her and they would be perfect like Haley. He just turned away and asked Casey if she was ready to go. Casey nodded yes.

  Haley had fallen asleep on the way back. When they pulled up to his brother's house. They both turned to look at the golden haired sleeping angel and smiled.

  "I'll be right back." He said and got out and lifted Haley out of her seat. He carried her sleeping body to the front door where Eva stood. Casey got the seat out and placed it back in Eva's car. She got back in and waited. A few moments later he got back in the car and they drove back to Casey's in almost complete silence.

  "Good day," she said to him.

  "Yep." That's all he could muster up. They pulled into the driveway and headed inside of the house. Carter started to make his way to his room. He seemed dismal and distant. Casey put her keys on the coffee table and looked at him going up the steps.

  "Where are you going?"

  "I'm going to lay down for awhile. What time should I be ready?" he asked.

  "The limo is coming at 6:30. Ly is coming to help me with my hair at 5:30."

  "Limo." He mumbled and made his way upstairs.

  Casey stood there and was perplexed at the events of the day. How could so many people mistake them for a family? For a married couple and in love? How did that happen? They were best friends. How did bystanders mistake them for being in love? It was a total case of mistaken identity.


  White Trash Nurses

  Casey got a shower. She shaved, exfoliated, shampooed, conditioned, waxed. Whatever she could do to perfect herself, so she would feel comfortable amongst the millionaire guests with whom she would be in the company of this evening. She knew she wasn't worth a million bucks, but she wanted to look like it. She wiped the fog from the mirror and wrapped her head in a towel. She looked at herself and took a few cleansing breaths. She started to give herself a pep talk.

  "You can do this Casey. You have been in their company before. You can't be nervous. Just be yourself. Carter will be... I mean Jordan will be by your side."She bit her lip. "Fuck me!" She said after speaking Carter's name first. Why had she done that? Why had she thought about him being beside her and not Jordan first? She exited to her room and blew her hair dry. Lyla was coming soon to do her hair so she needed to start her makeup before she got there.

  Carter had showered when she was drying her hair, and made his way downstairs. He sat on the couch with his lounge pants on and flipped on the t.v. for the sports' scores. Lyla waltzed in a few minutes later.

  "Hey, Lond. What's up?" She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  "I guess I should be asking you the same thing."

  She looked at him perturbed. She crossed her arms in front of her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "Ly, I saw you and Tommy last night go into your house. It was late and Jake gave me a ride home and we saw the both of you, together. What's the deal?"

  She rolled her eyes and fell in the chair across from him.

  "Nothing. He called me. He said you guys got into an argument about stuff and he stormed off. He called me and I picked him up not to far from Chloe's house."


  "And what?" Her voice slightly raised.

  "Come on, Lyla. You've hated him for years after what happened back in college. I know you put up with him for me and Casey's sake but what's so different now?"

  Tears began to form in her eyes and her lips shook. Carter got up and went over to her. He crouched down and took her hand and held it.

  "Ly. Tell me? Please? I didn't mean to make you upset. Talk to me."

  She wiped away tears.

  "He called and begged me to talk to him and I gave in. He told me where he was, I picked him up and we went down to Beach Bums. We talked about everything, but I wasn't giving into his bullshit. It got noisy in there and we couldn't hear each other speak, so I suggested we go to my house and talk. When we got there we talked some more and then he..." She trailed off and began to cry again. Carter squeezed her hand and gave her a reassuring smile that it was ok to continue. "He said he still loved me after all this time and no matter where he was or what he was doing or doing it with, I was always on his mind.

  Carter laughed. "I could have told you that, Ly. He carries your picture around and some nights after a show, I would find him asleep on his bunk clutching your picture. The one of you on the rocks near the pier. You know the one?"

  She giggled and nodded yes. She took a cleansing breath in and looked up at Carter.

  "You still love him, Ly?"

  She nodded."I never stopped, Carter. I don't think I ever could."

  "Then don't let anything get in the way. There are hurdles but you have to jump, get over them, and seize what's yours."

  "As the wiseman once said." She grinned at him and kissed his cheek. She got up and made her way upstairs to help Casey get ready. She turned to him.

  "Are you ever going to get over your hurdle and
seize, Lond?" She flicked her head towards the upstairs. Carter gave her a knowing smile and winked at her.

  Carter went up to his room and got ready. He put on his tux, tied the bow tie, spritzed some of his favorite cologne on and put just a bit of wax into his short, black hair. He packed some mints and put cash and his I.D. in his money clip. He went downstairs to wait for the girls. They seemed to be taking forever.

  At 6:30 there was a knock at the door. Carter opened it to find a middle aged man dressed in a black suit and cap.

  "Can I help you?" Carter asked.

  "Mr. London, I presume," the man said.

  "You presume correctly," Carter replied.

  "I am Nelson. Mr. Reid sent me for you and Miss Colbert."

  Then it dawned on him. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the man."Limo, right?"

  Nelson nodded.

  "I'll let Miss Colbert know that you are here. We'll be out in a few minutes."

  "Very well, sir." Nelson turned on his heels and made his way back to the limo. Carter went to the bottom of the steps to call for Casey. Before he got a chance to do so, he saw an angelic vision that literally stopped his heart and sped it up all at the same time. His breath was taken out of his lungs and he thought if he went blind tomorrow, he wouldn't have cared because the face before him would forever be etched in his memory. Casey stood there in her dress. The color was that of the warm water of their favorite beach. Hues of turquoise and jade green were mixed together and it illuminated around her when she swayed her way down the stairs. Her makeup was done to perfection. Subtle on the cheeks and lips with nude pallets. Her eyes were a completely different story. Smoky gray with hints of blue to accentuate the sea colored sparkle of her eyes. Her hair was pulled back on the sides and the rest flowed down her back and shoulders in blonde, full tendrils. Lyla was a genius.

  Casey watched his eyes as hers met his. He was an impeccable sight to behold. He was dressed in a black, straight cut Armani Tux. His crisp white shirt lain against his brooding shoulders and chest. His short, black as night hair was lightly spiked with a pomade and his dazzling blue eyes looked almost sapphire in color behind his dark, long, soft lashes. She felt her heart fluter manically when she saw the Rock God standing before her. This was an unfamiliar feeling to her. One that captivated her. It was a feeling that made her sad. Why this attraction now? He was the same Carter that had been her best friend for nine years. She cussed around him, belched in front of him, peed with the door open as he stood there waiting for her to finish. He knew all there was to know about her. Her love of chocolate cheesecake, horror movies, and Converse sneakers. So why was she nervous to see him standing there? What made her have a lump in her throat? It bemused her because of what was happening this evening. She had to make a good impression with Kingston Reid. She did love and care about Jordan and she was happy with him so being the attentive and regal girlfriend role was one she needed to play the right way.

  Carter held his hand out for her to take. He glanced up at Lyla who was behind Casey on the stairs and saw her hand clutched to where her heart was. She bit her lip and shook her head is an approving fashion.

  "Wow, Car. You clean up nice." She needed to act like her normal self and pretend like his masculine, majestic, suave stature didn't affect her. She loved Jordan. End of story.

  Carter wasn't so lucky in the normal department. His acting skills at this moment were not Oscar worthy. He tried and failed.

  "Case, I don't think in all the years I have known you, have I ever seen you look so breath-taking and, believe me you have taken it away a lot." He wanted to retract that statement but knew it was too late so he stammered for what to say next. "Uh, what I mean is that you always look pretty but I think you have a booger hanging out your nose." Casey's jaw dropped and Carter laughed. Whew! That was a close one. That remark didn't even give Casey time to comprehend what he really meant.

  "Limo's here. We should get going." Carter grabbed Casey's wrap that was placed on the sofa next to him. He held it out for her and she backed into it. He wrapped it around her shoulders and that's when that familiar and her addictive smell reached his nostrils. Magnolias.

  They hugged Lyla goodbye and got into the limo. They drank a glass of champagne on the way. Casey twirled one of her blonde locks.

  "Casey, stop doing that. If Ly saw you fucking up your hair, she'd be more than pissed. Don't be nervous."

  She stopped twirling and gently put the piece of hair back over her shoulder. Her eyes shot up to Carter's.

  "How do you know I twirl my hair when I'm nervous?"

  "Christ, Case. I've known you for what seems like forever. I know all your little ticks. You twirl when your tired too."

  She looked up at him surprisingly, "I do?"

  He studied her for years. All the time they spent together he watched her, focused on her, and took it all in. Everything Casey.

  When they pulled up to the Bell-air mansion of Kingston and Laura Reid, Carter and Casey looked up at the splendid Spanish Colonial revival style home. It really wasn't a home, it was a colossal compound of bricks and mortar.

  "Hoooooly shit." Carter drug out.

  " Holy shit, is right. I've never been here before. I haveonly been to a few company dinner at restaurants. Not in their home."

  "What? Where does Jordan live?"

  "Here. He lives here. It has eight bedrooms and ten baths." Casey said still taking in the lush property.

  "You mean to tell me he has never brought you to his home to meet his parents? Case, you said you have been seeing him for six months right?"

  "Yes. So? It's not a big deal, Car. He just comes to my house."

  "If you say so. I think it's weird but if it doesn't bother you."

  She snapped back at him. "Well, it doesn't so, drop it." She swallowed hard as Nelson, the limo driver open the door for Carter to get out. He got out and extended his hand for Casey. She stumbled on her Gucci shoes and Carter caught her by the elbow.

  She looked up at him. "Sorry, Car. Legs aren't working well today. I can hardly feel them."

  He noticed them shaking from nervousness.

  "Just lean into me on the way in. I have you."

  Carter linked her arm in his and led her up the grand stone staircase to the front of the mansion. She turned to him and said, "I know you do, Car."

  They entered the marble foyer. There was a large round gold table in the middle and place cards were lined up on it. A waiter dressed in a black tuxedo and white gloves took two flutes of champagne and handed them to Carter and Casey. They made their way over to the table, to find their place cards. When they picked them off the table Casey looked through the crowd for Jordan. She spotted him talking with a few gentlemen from the company. He looked delicious in his Tom Ford tuxedo. His blonde hair fixed to his head with perfection. Their eyes met and he excused himself from the conversation. He swaggered over to Casey and Carter with a huge grin on his face. When he reached them he grabbed Casey's arms and stretched them out to the sides to get a better look at her beauty. He shook his head and leaned in and whispered to her, "You my love look nothing short of amazing. I'm going to have to fight these dirty old men off of you this evening. Gorgeous." He gently kissed her cheek. Casey blushed. He stepped away from her and stuck his hand out to shake Carter's.

  "Well, sir, I must say you look dashing."

  Carter chuckled slightly and took Jordan's hand.

  "I can say the same about you. Thank you."

  "Let me introduce you to some people and then we can find my parents."

  Jordan led them both past the foyer into what was to be the ballroom. There were at least ten round tables set with beautiful gold linens. Ivory china, and gold flatware. Water goblets were etched with gold around the edges. Huge floral arrangements were centered on each of the tables. The room was surround by ten foot windows with burgundy and gold custom draperies hanging from ceiling to floor. Crystal chandeliers hung over top of the tables. There had to be at le
ast six of them. They were massive and sparkled from the illuminating candles and lighting that adorned the room. The floor was a mixture of Italian marbles. It was subtle and gave a different look to the room. Jordan led them to the main table where they would be the honored guests of Kingston and Laura.

  Casey spotted Kingston Reid standing by the main table speaking with a few business associates, and they made quick eye contact but Kingston broke it and went back to his conversation. Jordan did not notice the exchange but Carter did. He scrunched up his face and looked at Casey. She shook her head quickly and lightly as if to say don't say a word.

  "Oh, there's my dad. Come and let me introduce you, Carter."

  The three of them made their way over to Kingston. He tapped his dad on the shoulder. "Excuse me, dad, excuse me, gentlemen. You remember Casey, right dad?"

  Kingston looked her up and down as though she was a meal. He was tall, had salt and pepper colored hair and had huge hands. No doubt the hands of a yacht builder. Now he was in the offices and no longer used them for manual labor. The way he looked at her made her feel uncomfortable and she began pulling her lower lip into her mouth. Carter saw this and reached up patted her forearm lightly. She stopped and glanced at Carter.

  Kingston spoke, "Oh yes, of course. Hello, my dear. Such a pleasure to see you again. You look devine this evening." He took her hand and gently kissed the top of it.

  "And dad, let me introduce you to Casey's best friend. This is Carter London."

  Kingston, extended his hand to Cater and they shook.

  "Oh, yes the rock star, correct?" Carter nodded.

  "That's right. Pleasure to meet you sir. You have a fine home here and I appreciate you inviting me."

  Kingston smiled at him. " Terrific of you to come. Jordan tells me you have just gotten back from a West Coast tour with your band."

  Carter took a sip of his champagne. Jordan locked arms with Casey and he leaned in to kiss her temple.

  "Yes, sir. We were the opening act in California and Vegas. In a few weeks, we will be touring up East for a few months then finishing it up in Tampa."


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