Dirty South Divas

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by Kia

  Dirty South Divas


  Kia Jones

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  © 2016

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents


  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Chapter One


  Out of all the people to end up in love with, how did I fall for a murderer?

  Today was the big day. Not my big day, but his big day. My boyfriend, AJ, had been fighting three murder charges for three years now, and the time had finally come for everyone to know his fate. My palms were sweaty as I looked around to see who all came. The look on everyone’s face let me know that this wasn’t a dream, and in fact, very real.

  Honestly, everyone knew that he wouldn’t get off due to the nature of the crime. I think we had a small hope that he wouldn’t get the book thrown at him. That’s all we were waiting on. To see how much time he would get. Or the death penalty. Don’t know why we even had that much hope of him ever being home again. Looking over at the victims’ family, I noticed everyone had grins on their faces as we waited for the sentencing.

  Years ago, AJ had got into some shit, and ended up killing some niggas from the other side named Kenny, Mo, and Rasheed. Word around town was them niggas tried to rob him, but I knew better. So did the people and the family. But that was my nigga, though. I’d never get in front of a crowd and down him to anybody.

  “They need to hurry up so I can finally put this shit behind me,” Kenny’s mom said to her other son, Kentrell, but everyone called him Slick.

  He must have felt me looking at him because he swiftly turned his head and glanced at me. For a moment, we made eye contact until his mom looked at me too and rolled her eyes.

  There were some ill feelings between us because I used to date Slick back in high school. He was my first everything, so everyone felt like I should have been on his side. But that’s not how shit worked. AJ was my man, so that’s whose side I was on. Shit. How was I supposed to know his ass would turn out to be a killer? If I turned my back on him now, I would be labeled a fake ass bitch, and I wasn’t that. More like down-ass bitch. Though everyone threw dirt on my name because I chose AJ, Slick and I had an understanding. An unspoken understanding. It was understood that it was too late to straddle a fence. He stood on loyalty, so he wasn’t tripping on me being loyal to my nigga. Because once upon a time, I was loyal to him.

  Rasheed’s mother was being overly dramatic too. Crying and shit like this was the funeral. Never understood why the fate of my nigga was so important to them. Didn’t they have jobs to be at? Kenny’s mom and Rasheed’s mom were on some bullshit, trying to push for the death penalty. That ain’t real. Mo’s mom was the only one who was calm. But she had been like that all her life. Meaning she’s been through worse shit. When everything first went down, she stated that she knew it would happen sooner or later because her son was in that life. That’s why I fucked with her. She was very logical about shit.

  “All rise,” the bailiff said as the judge entered the room. He asked AJ if he had anything that he wanted to say. AJ didn’t respond, he just smirked.

  “Stupid-ass,” Kenny’s mom whispered.

  “Shut up ’fo you get us kicked out on some contempt of court shit. Nigga ain’t bailing you out of jail no more this year,” Slick said as he consoled his mom. He was right. She had been in contempt several times during this trial. Hell, I’m surprised they let her in today. Bitch looked at me again and rolled her eyes.

  “Old, ugly ass,” I said loud enough for her to hear me, but not everyone else.

  She literally sat right across from me on the other side. I’m convinced she did it purposely because we somehow always ended up sitting directly across from each other.

  “Tuh,” she responded and tapped Slick on the shoulder. It was too hot and too crowded for her bullshit. Still didn’t understand how in the fuck she had the audacity to be mad. I wasn’t with her fucking son anymore.

  “Adrian Watkins, I must say that this is the coldest case that has run by my desk. Not only did you kill these young men, but you literally fed them to the dogs while they were alive but too weak to move. These poor women couldn’t even have a proper funeral because of the overkill. I pray that God has mercy on your soul, young man, and you one day get the help that you need,” the judge said as her eyebrows sank low. She was one of those white women who thought they were black, and it was obvious by the way she dragged her words. She wore her hair cut short like every other judge. I’ve always wondered why all female judges rock the short haircuts. Was it policy or something? Look at Judge Judy.

  “Adrian Watkins, I now sentence you to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Court is adjourned.” The judge slammed the wooden hammer and walked through the side door while shaking her head.

  Meanwhile, all hell was breaking loose. AJ looked at me like someone had just taken his life away. The other side roared in excitement. Not AJ’s side. We were all fucked up.

  “Life?” AJ yelled, giving the bailiffs a hard time. “Nah, fuck that shit! She ’bout to give me my mothafucking fair trial!”

  He was now trying to head butt the officers as they ran to aid the others. Who the fuck he thought he was? Chad Ocho Cinco? All I could do was shake my head as it all unraveled in front of me. To top it off, his mama was now up and talking shit to everyone on the other side.

  “Damn shame,” Malina, my cousin said over all of the chaos.

  “Agreed. Let’s go before they start spraying in this bitch,” I said as I grabbed my knockoff Coach purse and made my way to the exit.

  Before walking out the door, I looked at AJ one last time as they threw him against the wall. I loved him like hell, but I wasn’t about to wait my whole life for a nigga to die in prison.

  Just look at him. Acting like he’s surprised he got life.

  The cold part about it, he was supposed to be with me the night all that shit happened. He told me he had to go handle some quick business. Didn’t nobody tell his ass to go on a fucking killing spree. Had him all on camera and shit.

  “Let’s go,” Malina said, grabbing my hand as the police began to rush through the doors. Rude ass cops pushed Malina and I all out the way to get to the chaos.

  When we finally got into the hallway, it was quiet. Malina left me sitting on the bench as she went to the ladies’ room. Putting my face into my palms, I couldn’t help but cry. It all hit me at once. AJ and I had grown to have a bond out of this world. Literally, he was so good to me. The sweetest a guy had ever been to me. This wasn’t like him. Mistakes happened all the time. Some were just bigger than others.

  As I was crying, I heard the doors to the courtroom swing open beside me. It was the police taking everyone out in handcuffs except for Mo’s mom and Slick. Everyone else was on their way to jail, and I was happy about it. They had lost their damn minds in there acting like idiots.

  “Pick ya head up, G,” Slick said as he came and sat beside me.

  “Don’t start, Slick,” I hissed, preparing for one of his ruthless jokes. Slick was doing a small bid when all of this first happened, so it fucked him up that he couldn’t be there for Kenny. I understood that.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were good.” He leaned back and spread his arms across the top of the bench.

’m straight,” I responded as I picked my head up and looked at his tattooed face.

  This nigga literally was tatted every fucking where; his face, arms, legs, back, chest… everywhere. His skin was the color of a Hershey’s Kiss. Dark, but not that dark to the point where his tats didn’t show. Looking at his neck, I noticed he still had my name tatted on the right side.

  “Yeah, it’s still there. I’m getting it covered sometime this week. My bitch been on my ass ’bout this damn tat.” He began to rub his neck with his round eyes still glued on me.

  “I don’t know why. She should know that I don’t want your ugly ass by now.”

  “Oh, a nigga ugly now? Fuck you and that fake ass bag.”


  “Nah. Nigga just came to make sure you were good. I’m about to go so I can bail my mama out again,” he said as he stood up and pulled me up with him to give me a hug.

  “Thank you,” I said as I pulled away from him.

  “Take care of yourself. Be safe out here. These lil’ niggas killing ’bout nothing.”

  “Got you,” I replied as I watched him leave.

  He threw his black Guess hoodie over his low cut hair and disappeared.

  “Umhmm,” Malina hummed behind me. I didn’t even have to turn around to see her arms folded with that stupid smirk on her face.

  “Mind your business, Malina,” I joked as she grabbed my hand.

  “Just admit it. You still love Slick,” she giggled as we walked outside to the car. Though Malina was my cousin, everyone thought we were sisters because we looked that much alike. Brown and smooth skin, high cheek bones with some pretty brown and round eyes. We even did our makeup the same.

  “I don’t,” I said as I grabbed my keys from my purse and unlocked the door to my old Explorer.

  Fuck, I hated driving this truck. Yes, I was thankful to have transportation, but not in the summer. Felt like the sun picked my truck to beam down on, and these leather seats didn’t help.

  “Well, you wouldn’t mind if I hit that? Slick looks like he’d tear some shit up,” she joked as we hopped in the truck.

  “Go for it. That nigga packing like a mothafucka. He’ll hurt you. I know he’d hurt you because he hurt me with it. And that was back in high school. We twenty-three now.”

  “I’m twenty-two,” she corrected.

  “You know what I meant. You want that nigga… go get that nigga. Ain’t no cock blocking going on over here.”

  “I was just playing.”

  “Nah, you weren’t. On my mama, I ain’t tripping. You want to taste that dick? Taste it. It’ll change your life,” I said, cranking up the ignition.

  “So why didn’t it change yours?”

  “It did.”


  “Just know it did.”

  “So why did you leave him?” she asked.

  “He hurt me too many times. A nigga will never have that same power over me again. Had me all weak and shit. Crying to my mama and shit. He know.” I could laugh about it now, but back then I was hurt.

  “Bitch, I can’t deal with you,” Malina said as she let her window down. I also let mine down

  Malina was my girl, my family, my best friend… my everything. That’s why I knew that she’d eventually test the waters. That was her business. Knowing Slick, he wouldn’t turn it down. He was known for that shit. That’s why I left his ass. I used to be an A honor roll student and everything. Fucking with Slick, I lost my damn mind. AJ was the only one who could get me over his ass. I told God that if he got me over Slick, I’d never be that weak over a nigga again, and I kept my promise. Never could I be with someone who knew my weakness for him and took advantage of it. That’s why I’m so cool on Malina fucking with him. If she wanted a taste of that life… she could be my guest. Because I for damn sure wasn’t fucking with it no more.

  Besides, I had other stuff going on.

  Chapter Two


  “Why the fuck you going through my phone anyway?” Pernel, my boyfriend, yelled back at me as I stood over him while he played the PS3 on my TV. The TV that I paid for.

  “That’s beside the point! Why in the fuck do you have twelve missed calls from Pizza Hut? Huh? You think a bitch stupid?”

  “Mane, I had ordered some food and changed my mind. They just tryna remind a nigga. Move, dawg. I can’t see the TV.” He moved his head to the side to see past me.

  I rushed to the TV and turned it off before throwing the phone in his face.

  “Get the fuck up outta my house!” I yelled as he dodged being hit in the head.

  “This a mothafucking apartment, bitch. Don’t flatter yourself. I ain’t going nowhere.” He stood his giant ass up and walked to the master bedroom and shut the door.

  “Oh hell nah!” I ran to the back and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

  “Open my mothafucking door, you big ass bitch!” I yelled as I contemplated kicking it in.

  “Who you calling a bitch?” He asked as he swung the door open and grabbed me by my hair.

  “Let me go!” I yelled. He picked me up by the neck with one hand and threw me into the wall.

  Pernel wasn’t from Dallas. He was from Oakland, so they did shit a bit different. He was tall, brown skinned and built like a football player. When I say tall, I mean tall. My nigga stood at 6’10”. With me only being 5’3”, I had to talk shit because I couldn’t whoop his ass. Shit, I had to speak some kind of volume.

  “You do this shit every day, then wonder why a nigga cheat. Shut ya bitch ass up sometime and maybe I wouldn’t be creeping on ya crazy ass,” he said calmly as he turned the TV on in the room and lay down like everything was cool. Fuck that.

  “Oh, so you is cheating?”

  “I didn’t say that, Neiman. Damn!”

  “Yes, you did! You just said it!”

  “I was speaking in general, baby. Goddamn!”

  “Nah. You need to get the hell up outta here. Right now!” I was now standing on the side of the bed ready for him to leave my sight.

  “Where I’ma go?”

  “I don’t know. Hell, go to Pizza Hut,” I said as I waited for him to get up. I really wanted him gone. Couldn’t stand to see his face no more today.

  “Baby, you know a nigga love you. Why you be tripping like that?” he asked as he pulled me onto the bed with him and climbed on top of me.

  “You not just about to fuck on me and everything gonna be good. Not today. Get up.” I tried to push him off of me, but I was pinned down. Could hardly even breathe. My mouth twisted as he landed them sloppy-ass kisses all over my face. He knew I hated that mess.

  “If you give me a kiss, I’ll leave you alone,” he whispered as he used his free hand to slide my panties to the side.

  Tilting my head, I thought about taking him up on his offer. I wanted him out of my face ASAP. I finally gave in and kissed him. One kiss turned into two. Two kisses turned into three. Three kisses turned into his dick sliding in my soaking wet pussy. My arms were still pinned over my head so I couldn’t push him off. It was feeling too good for me to even think of pushing him off. He knew exactly what to do to shut me up.

  “Hmmm, baby, that feels so good,” I moaned into his ear as he glided in and out of me. Pussy was so wet that it felt like it was raining warm water down my thighs. The sheets were even wet under my ass.

  “Why you be doing a nigga like that? Huh. You don’t love me?” he asked, kissing me all over my neck as he pumped in and out. Made my whole body shiver.

  “Baby, you just make me so mad sometimes,” I confessed as he looked me dead in my eyes.

  “You who a nigga come home to. I’m holding you every night. I’m fucking you every night. You my bitch,” he moaned as he sped up the pace. “Tell me you my bitch. Call me daddy,” he said. My head began to knock against the headboard.

  “Yes, daddy. I-I-I’m your bitch,” I moaned as I felt myself about to explode.

  “You ’bout to cum?” he ask
ed. I nodded my head yes. “Cum with daddy. Cum all over daddy right now,” he moaned as he released himself inside of me while I came all over his dick.

  “Oooooh man, daddy,” I huffed and puffed as he plopped down on my titties.


  “Yes, baby?”

  “Can I have some money to get a haircut?” he asked. I wanted to say no but I reached down into my purse, like a dumb ass, and gave him thirty-five dollars. He hopped his ass up and got dressed the minute that money touched his hand.

  It wasn’t until he left that I realized that his ass didn’t even need a haircut. And he took my car.

  Chapter Three


  “Bitch ass nigga, run me my money,” Percy said while he shot dice with his friends in our garage. The weed smoke was so loud that I could smell the kush and I was way in the kitchen with the door closed to the garage.

  “Nyssa, come get ya nigga. He out here cheating!” Slick yelled.

  All I could do was laugh. I didn’t mind my man hanging out and having fun because he handled his business at home. Though our house was small, it was ours, and all of our bills were paid on time each month. My car wasn’t the best, but it was paid off. I was happy. We were doing good to just be twenty-three.

  “What y’all arguing about now?” I asked as I opened the door and walked over to sit in the lawn chair on the side of Percy.

  “This nigga mad ’cause I done broke his pockets, baby.” Percy laughed as he passed me the blunt. Taking a quick puff, I passed it to Slick.

  “Let me see them dice. Bet not be no trick dice, hoe ass nigga,” Slick said as he examined the dice.

  “Nah, nigga, you just suck ’round this bitch,” Percy said, taking the dice from Slick.

  I never really understood their friendship. My man was a yellow-bone, pretty boy. Slick was a certified hood nigga who was about that life. Not saying Percy wasn’t about that life. My man wasn’t a bitch by any means. But Slick was known to shake the world. That’s why everyone was mad that he was locked up when Kenny was killed. They know if Slick was out, that never would have happened. And if AJ wasn’t in jail during his whole trial, Slick would have killed him too. This was a fact. Everyone knew that.


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