Queen Bess

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by Preston, Jennifer

  Page 317. former assistant cultural affairs commissioner: Confidential source, interview with author, 1988.

  Page 318. Paul Moses: Interview with author, 1988.

  Page 322. “No one would have any reason to send me flowers.…”: Bess Myerson, interview with author, 1988.

  Page 323. Tony Bailey: Interview with author, 1988.

  Page 326. one of the jurors later said she was moved to tears: Sheila Adler, interview with author, 1988.

  Page 326. he thought for sure that Abrams’s summation would compel the other jurors to vote to convict: Daniel Handley, interview with author, December 1988.

  Page 328. “I think the judge chose me because he saw I was pro-defense.…”: Jeannie Kasindorf, “How Bess Got Out of the Mess,” New York, January 16, 1989.

  Page 329. Berardi felt strongly: Linda Berardi, interview with author, December 1988.

  Page 329. Daniel Handley: Interview with author, December 1988.

  Page 331. Bess grew more worried: Bess Myerson, interview with author, December 21, 1988.

  Page 332. Bess said she understood why her daughter couldn’t be there: Bess Myerson, interview with author, December 21, 1988.

  Page 332. “I thought that after they heard what Mayor Wagner.…”: Milton Gabel, interview with author, December 21, 1988.

  Page 332. Judge Gabel was also worried: Judge Gabel, interview with author, December 21, 1988.


  “A Woman’s Place,” 100

  ABC, 100

  Abramowitz, Alton, 189, 203

  Abrams, Morris, 91

  Abrams, Robert, 182

  Abrams, Stuart, 282, 292, 310–11, 313–14, 317–18, 322, 325–26, 333

  Abzug, Bella, 106, 109, 110

  Adams, Cindy, 153, 284, 289, 290, 340, 343

  Adams Theater, 36

  ADL. See Anti-Defamation League

  Adler, Bill, 156

  Adler, Sheila, 333, 334

  “Ain’t She Sweet?,” 64

  Allen, Betty, 242

  Alvarez, Zenaida, 330

  Amalgamated Meat Cutters Union, 81

  American Beauty Review, 36–37

  American Jewish Committee, 67

  American Jewish Congress, 176

  Ames, Charlotte, 116, 118–21, 122, 129

  harassment of, 119, 121, 135–40, 141, 143

  Anderson, Arlene, 32

  Anderson, Robert, 62

  Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 41–42, 46, 48, 51, 66

  sponsors political debate, 132

  Arzt, George, 319

  Association for Autistic Children, 74

  Astor, Brooke, 242

  Avildsen, John, 124

  Babinec, Tony, 183, 185, 197, 212, 321

  Badillo, Herman, 97, 110

  Bailey, Tony, 160, 170, 323–24

  Bannon, Peter, 113

  Barrett, Wayne, 108

  Bartel, Jean, 39

  Baum, Joseph, 79, 82–83, 90, 105

  Baum, Olga, 83, 105

  Beame, Abraham, 97, 98, 106, 108, 110

  Becker, Jerome, 120, 248

  Berardi, Linda, 287, 327, 328–29, 330, 331, 334, 335

  Bergen, Polly, 129

  Berman, Susan, 112

  Bernikow, Leonard A., 4

  Berry, Virginia Freeland, 28, 32, 37

  on Myerson’s show, 50

  Better Business Bureau, 77–78

  Biaggi, Mario, 97

  Bienen, Betty, 262, 309

  “Big Payoff, The,” 51–53, 54, 62, 64

  Birchwood Camp for Girls, 22

  Blum, Barbara, 73–74

  Blum, Robert, 73–74

  B’nai B’rith. See Anti-Defamation League

  Bollinger, Ann, 289, 290

  Botnik, Victor, 229

  Bourscheidt, Randy, 205, 207

  Breslin, Jimmy, 229–30

  Brezenoff, Stanley, 244

  Bribery trial, 284–336

  Babinec’s testimony, 321

  Canter’s testimony, 317–18

  character witness testimony, 324

  Harrod’s testimony, 310–12

  jury of, 286–88, 329–31, 333–34

  Kennedy’s testimony, 321

  Koch’s testimony, 318–20

  Leventhal’s testimony, 291–92, 293

  Mulhearn’s testimony, 324

  Pagan’s testimony, 321, 322

  Rickman’s testimony, 312–17

  Sukhreet Gabel’s testimony, 293–307

  verdicts of, 334–35

  Bristol-Myers, 104, 108, 125, 131

  Brodsky, Fanny, 10

  Brodsky, Samuel, 10

  Brody, Jane, 157

  Bronx Home News, 36

  Bruck, Lilly, 90, 95

  Bruno, Richard, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 246

  complaints about Sukhreet Gabel, 208–9

  Bryn Mawr College, 70

  Brynner, Yul, 117

  Buckley, William, 106

  Burden, Carter, 120

  Bureau of Nutrition, 156

  “Buying Time,” 100

  Byrne, Brenden, 105

  “Candid Camera,” 70, 71

  Canter, Walter, 100, 317–18

  Capasso, Carl Andy, x, 146–54, 158–66, 169–174, 226, 229, 230, 245, 246–49, 251, 268, 340, 341–42, 343

  age difference between Myerson and, 144

  buys car for Myerson, 161

  company of. See Nanco Contracting Corporation

  divorce settlement and, 172–74, 189–90, 192–93, 197–98, 203, 214, 220–23

  early life of, 146–47

  fundraising for Myerson, 130

  generosity of, 152, 156

  imprisonment of, 1, 4, 260–61, 262, 274, 341

  income of, 190

  indictment for bribery, 1, 3, 4, 5, 265

  indictment for tax evasion, 246

  infatuation with Myerson, 130, 144, 155

  investigation of, 231–35, 237, 241–42, 252, 254, 258, 259

  Judge Gabel’s recollection of, 186–87

  loyalty to Myerson, 143–45

  marriage of, 150–54

  Myerson assists in defense of, 247–48

  Myerson’s disparagement of, 155–56, 165

  organized crime associations and, 151, 172, 231–32, 233, 237

  pleads guilty to tax evasion, 246–47

  pleads not guilty to bribery charge, 267

  release from prison, 341

  sentencing of, 249

  social aspirations of, 152, 156

  as stepfather, 150

  taped by ex-wife, 216–19, 238, 252

  tax evasion scheme of, 215–18, 221, 223, 278

  trial and, 285–86, 287, 289, 292–93, 308–9, 310, 311, 313, 323, 324, 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 335. See also Bribery trial

  violence of, 163–64, 169

  Capasso, Debbie Herbert, 150

  Capasso, Helene Herbert, 150, 162, 163, 340

  Capasso, Josephine, 147

  Capasso, Michael, 147

  Capasso, Nancy, 120, 145, 147–54, 171, 193, 201, 231, 247, 285, 291, 323, 324, 339–40

  Capasso’s affair with Myerson and, 158–65

  Capasso’s violence toward, 163–64, 169

  cooperates with investigators, 258

  criticized by son, 340

  depiction of at trial, 289, 293, 311, 322, 327

  divorce settlement and, 172–74, 188–90, 192, 197, 198, 216–20, 221, 222–25

  appeals of, 214, 225, 240–41, 261–62

  requests Judge Gabel’s removal, 220

  suspicious of Judge Gabel’s ruling, 213–15

  unable to collect, 340

  first marriage of, 147–49

  marriage to Capasso, 150–54

  publicly criticised by Myerson, 250, 251

  removal of property and, 266–67, 269–70, 271–72, 273–74

  resentment of Myerson, 217, 257, 261, 262, 272, 339

  subpoenaed by investigators, 232–33

  talks to press, 236
br />   taping of Capasso, 216–19, 238, 252

  at wedding of Myerson’s daughter, 159–60

  Capasso, Steven Herbert, 150, 153, 340

  Capasso, Michael, 186, 261

  Caplovitz, David, 76

  Carey, Hugh, 105, 107, 117, 124, 128, 178

  Carnegie Hall, 242

  Myerson’s debut at, 42–43

  Caro, Robert, 177, 324

  Carroll, Maurice, 133

  Carson, Johnny, 67, 68

  Catalina Swimsuits, 38

  CBS, 68, 71, 103, 157

  Chanin, Pam, 111, 133

  Chase, Ken, 279–80

  Chicago Sun-Times, 103

  Chisholm, Shirley, 98

  Christian, Joseph, 184

  Citibank, 100, 102, 103, 104, 108, 125, 127, 131, 132, 133

  Citicorp, 157

  Cody, John, 151

  Coffey, Diane, 205

  Cohen, Barbara, 184

  Cohn, Al, 175, 176

  Cohn, Roy, 175

  “Colgate Comedy Hour, The,” 52

  Columbia Pictures, 67

  Columbia University, 43, 48, 50

  Commission on Human Rights, 98, 209–11, 238, 253, 280, 338

  Commission on Judicial Conduct, 240

  Conboy, Kenneth, 237, 245, 265

  Connelly, Maureen, 128, 132, 134

  Conover, Harry, 21, 22, 31, 43, 131

  Consumer Guide to Product Information, 108

  Consumer Protection Act, 82, 100

  Continental Airlines, 67

  Cooper, Gary, 67

  Corry, John, 113

  Costikyan, Edward, 184

  Cotton Bowl parade, 38

  Crosby, Bing, 67

  Cullen, Bill, 62, 64

  Cuomo, Mario, 110, 111, 113, 114, 184, 259

  Curtis Institute, 43

  Dali, Salvador, 68

  Davidoff, Sid, 76, 84, 95

  Dayan, Moshe, 126

  de la Renta, Oscar, 242

  Delfiner, Rita, 80, 97

  DeLorean, John, 124

  Department of Consumer Affairs, 73, 79–80, 81–82, 90, 93–96. See also Myerson, Bess

  Department of Cultural Affairs, 167–69, 199, 207, 237, 238, 252, 253, 258, 338. See also Myerson, Bess

  Department of Environmental Protection, 150, 222, 232, 234

  Department of Investigation, 252

  Department of Licenses, 75

  Department of Markets, 75

  DeSapio, Carmine, 108, 180

  DiBernardo, Robert, 232

  Dietl, Bo, 271

  DiNapoli, Louis, 232

  Dinkins, David, 182, 338

  Dorn, Frances, 29, 33

  Douglas, Michael, 64

  Dowd, Michael, 229, 230

  Duffy, Kevin Thomas, 278–79

  Dworkin, Susan, 19, 260, 268

  Eaton, Dick, 125, 126

  Endervelt, Jeffrey, 120, 129, 130

  “Ernie Kovacs Show, The,” 52

  Esposito, Meade, 99, 100

  Fantaisie-Impromptu, 42

  Fantasia on Themes, 42

  Fashions in Music, 64

  Feldberg, Michael, 5, 266, 280, 281, 282

  at trial, 290–91, 292, 301–4, 317, 324, 327, 332

  Felder, Myrna, 224, 240, 270, 271, 272, 292

  Felder, Raoul Lionel, 120, 161, 162, 215, 224–25, 270, 271, 272, 274, 292

  confidence in Judge Gabel, 203, 214

  questioning of Myerson, 273

  Feldman, Chester, 63, 64, 70

  Ferrare, Christina, 124

  Fiddler on the Roof, 9

  Fleischner, Mort, 157, 158

  Flender, Harold, 41

  Fletcher, Aubrey, 86

  Ford, Gerald, 227

  Ford, Kevin, 232, 233, 237, 241, 262, 282

  Forster, Arnold, 41, 42

  Framer, Walt, 51–52

  Fredman, Sam, 162

  Freeland, Virginia. See Berry, Virginia Freeland

  Friedman, Stanley, 227, 229, 249

  Capasso’s friendship with, 171, 222, 224, 230, 231, 234, 247, 248, 310

  “Full Moon and Empty Arms,” 42

  Funt, Allen, 70, 312

  Funt, Marilyn, 118, 133, 134, 312

  Furness, Betty, 73

  Gabel, Hortense W., 175–79, 180, 181, 182, 185, 199, 200, 201, 205, 210, 222, 246, 279, 339, 340–41

  appointed to state supreme court, 178–79

  birth of daughter, 177

  competence questioned, 281–83

  concerned about allegations, 202–203

  delegates Capasso motion, 198

  early life of, 175–76

  helps daughter with job search, 179, 184, 207, 209, 211

  indictment of, 3–5, 265–66

  investigation of, 237, 240, 252, 254, 258, 278

  leaves matrimonial division, 219

  Myerson and, 186–87, 192

  not guilty plea of, 267

  poor vision of, 3, 175, 176

  reduces Capasso’s alimony, 188–90, 196–97

  removal requested by Nancy Capasso, 220

  reputation of, 174

  retirement from bench, 259, 263

  rules in favor of Nancy Capasso, 169

  ruling questioned by Nancy Capasso, 213–15

  ruling reversed, 214

  talks to press, 236, 257

  taped by daughter, 263–64

  trial and, 286, 290–92, 294, 295, 303, 306, 307, 329, 330, 332–33, 334, 335, 336. See also Bribery trial

  urban renewal and, 177, 178

  warned against daughter’s hiring, 204

  Gabel, Julie Bess. See Gabel, Sukhreet

  Gabel, Milton, 3–4, 176, 181, 185, 187, 195–96, 252, 279, 286

  at trial, 303, 332, 335, 336

  Gabel, Sukhreet, 179–85, 193–96, 203–212, 213, 222, 235, 242, 245–46, 250, 257, 258, 278, 320–21, 337, 341, 342

  birth of, 177

  cancer of, 294–95

  cooperates with investigators, 4, 252–53, 279–81

  depression of, 179, 181–82, 185, 211–12, 253

  divorce of, 183

  electroshock therapy of, 212

  hired in cultural affairs department, 196

  indiscretion of, 199–200

  job at human rights commission, 209–11

  job performance of, 200, 207–209, 210

  marriage of, 182–83

  name change of, 181

  relationship with Myerson, 187–88, 191–92, 193–94, 196, 197, 202, 206–7, 238–40

  resentment of mother, 180, 212, 281, 305

  resigns from cultural affairs department, 210

  talks to press, 201–2, 259

  tapes phone conversations, 262–64

  television appearances of, 333, 338–39

  trial and, 286, 288, 308, 309–10, 329, 330, 332–34, 335, 336

  testimony of, 293–307

  Gambino family, 151

  Garson, Greer, 124

  Garth, David, 105

  Koch’s campaign and, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115

  Myerson’s campaign and, 128, 132, 134

  Gateway Playhouse, 62

  Geldzahler, Henry, 167

  Genovese family, 151, 232

  Gersten, Steve, 280

  Ghetto, The, 10

  Giuliani, Rudolph, 226–28, 230, 231, 235, 237, 238, 240, 241, 245, 248, 252, 256, 257, 258, 264, 278–79, 282, 319, 343

  early life of, 227

  indictment of Capasso, 246

  indictment of Myerson, 265

  investigation of organized crime, 227, 231–32

  learns of verdict, 337

  mayoral campaign of, 338

  Myerson’s criticism of, 250, 251

  Godfrey, Arthur, 64

  Goldberg, Jay, 233, 246, 247, 248, 249, 324

  at trial, 285, 289, 292–93, 304–7, 310, 311, 316, 318, 321, 323, 324, 326–27, 328, 329, 332, 333

  Goldberg, Rema, 287, 309

  Goldin, Harrison J., 231

  Goldstein, Arnol
d. See Grant, Arnold Goldstein, Hannah, 67

  Goodelman, Aaron, 10–11

  Goodman, Roy, 111, 114

  Goodson, Mark, 63, 124

  Gould, Milton, 184, 278, 332

  Grace, Sylvia, 8, 10, 15, 23, 32, 38

  supportive of Myerson, 21, 27, 30

  Grace, William, 38

  Grant, Arnold, 66–72, 74, 82–83, 86, 93, 99, 117

  committment to Jewish causes, 67

  death of, 92

  domineering personality of, 69, 76–77

  first divorce from Myerson, 70

  first marriage to Myerson, 67–70

  marital battle with Myerson, 86–92

  prenuptial agreement of, 71, 87, 88

  remarriage to Myerson, 71

  second divorce from Myerson, 92

  supportive of Myerson’s career, 74

  wealth of, 66–67, 90

  Grant, Barra, 54, 62, 64, 67, 99, 133, 134, 193, 259, 332

  adopted by Arnold Grant, 70

  attempt to intercede in Myerson’s marriage, 91

  birth of, 48

  custody battle over, 55–58, 60

  father’s funeral and, 61

  Myerson’s closeness to, 52

  Myerson’s illness and, 103

  wedding of, 159–60

  Grant, Nancy, 67

  Grant, Sally, 67

  Gray, Barry, 124

  Gray, Judith, 199–200

  Gray, Lucy, 329, 331, 333–34

  Great Depression, 13, 74, 176

  Greenspan, Moe, 79

  Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A Minor, 24, 29

  Gross, Lloyd, 64

  Grove, Betty, 52, 54

  Gutman, Jeremy, 272, 273

  Haas, Richard, 147

  Hafetz, Fred, 3, 242, 243, 244, 255, 257, 265, 272, 277–78

  at trial, 284, 285, 290, 296, 297–300, 310, 311–12, 314–16, 318, 319, 320, 324, 327–28, 332

  Hammer, Armand, 242

  Handley, Daniel, 329, 331

  Harriman, W. Averell, 177

  Harris, Patricia, 103

  Harrod, Ray, 171, 310

  Harrod, Shirley, 171, 172, 173, 174, 194, 195, 258, 296, 330

  trial testimony of, 310–12

  Hartnett, Joel, 110

  Hatcher, Gwen, 237

  Hayden, Jeff, 52

  Heller, Ben, 130

  Helmsley, Harry, 117, 124

  Helmsley, Leona, 117, 124

  Herbert, Howard, 148, 150

  Herbert, Nancy Roth. See Capasso, Nancy

  Hertz Corporation, 67

  High School of Music and Art, 17, 25, 168

  Hill, Nancy, 275–76

  Holocaust, 41

  Holtzman, Elizabeth, 123, 126, 131

  Myerson urged to support, 124

  Myerson’s attack on, 132–33

  wins nomination, 134

  Humphrey, Hubert, 66, 72

  Hunter College, 19–20, 21, 25

  Hyman, Mort, 120

  I Love New York Diet, 157

  Ianniello, Matthew, 151, 161, 232, 248

  “In the Public Interest,” 105

  International Workers Order, 11


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