The Real McCoy_A Fake Boyfriend Secret Baby Romance

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The Real McCoy_A Fake Boyfriend Secret Baby Romance Page 1

by Lexi Aurora

  The Real McCoy

  A Fake Marriage Baby Romance

  By: Lexi Aurora

  © Copyright 2018 by Lexi Aurora- All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction

  Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  PREVIEW: The Big Billionaire by Lexi Aurora

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  PREVIEW: Wrong Job by Lexi Aurora

  Chapter 1: Violet

  Chapter 2: Cooper

  All Books by Lexi Aurora

  The Real McCoy

  Chapter One

  RILEY HATED THESE EVENTS. Well, okay, maybe ‘hated’ was a strong word, but she disliked them immensely. The idea of networking and being polite with all of these strangers just made her skin crawl and reminded her exactly why she’d chosen to become a writer and not someone who was constantly in the spotlight. For her parents, though, she would do just about anything, even if it meant going to an event she didn’t want to attend.

  Her mother, Tracey Byrne, worked with children and those in need, utilizing fundraising and charity events to help them in any way that she could. Dad, on the other hand, was a bigwig investor and thrived on functions like this. To top it all off, Riley’s grandmother, Alice, had passed away five years ago from cancer; this very event was dedicated to cancer research and how to offer financial aid to those families who couldn’t afford it.

  “This is for you, Grams,” Riley murmured under her breath as she slowly walked through the large front doors and into the foyer. Even from here, far down on the main floor, she could see the view through the windows on the opposite side of the building. An expanse of wilderness, winding rivers, and rocky bluffs greeted her eyes, making her smile the faintest bit; at least the view was fantastic. If she felt too ‘squeezed in’ by all the people later, she would just go up to the rooftop terrace and breathe in the fresh mountain air.

  “Miss Byrne, what a pleasant surprise! I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  Riley turned around in response to the intrusion and plastered a fake smile onto her mouth to at least appear comfortable and confident in the setting she was immersed in. Just a few more hours, she thought to herself. Just a few more hours and then she could go home.

  “Belinda, hello!” Belinda Awning was a close friend to Riley’s father; she had helped him with his research endeavors once or twice, but Riley couldn’t say that she knew her well, if at all. Still, she could pretend as much as she needed to – anything to get out of this event as quickly and early as possible.

  “Hey! What’s brought you out here, aside from your dad?”

  Awkward. “I’m just supporting the family name... you know how it is.” She smiled more and tilted her head, reaching up to push a stray lock of brown hair from her eyes.

  “Well that doesn’t sound very exciting. Why didn’t you just stay home if you’re not that into it? Or are you just here to find yet another date?”

  Both of her eyebrows shot up, and she let out a scoff of disbelief. Was this woman actually serious? “Why don’t you mind your own business and carry on your way? I have people who actually care about meeting me.”

  Her shoulders back, hackles up, Riley narrowed her eyes in a glare and stared at Belinda as she shoved by her and walked further into the crowd of people. It was the last place she wanted to be, but anything was better than being around that poor excuse of a woman. Who the hell did she think she was, talking to her like that? Unbelievable!

  She was in such a hurry to get away from Belinda that she wasn’t paying full attention to anything in front of her. Several long strides later, she came up short when her shoulder crashed into someone’s chest, driving them back from her. At the familiar yelp of surprise, she spun on a heel and blew a few strands of hair from her mouth. What the hell? Was that Brad, of all people?


  “Yeah, but you could work a little on your ‘hello.’”

  His typical snark made her laugh, but it was short and humorless. First Belinda and now Brad? Maybe she should have skipped this event. “Yeah, sorry, I uh... I just got caught up with looking for my parents is all.” Not a great lie, but he should fall for it. Riley had dated Brad once or twice about a year ago, but she hadn’t really felt a strong connection with him; she hadn’t been sad about the idea of never seeing him again, but now here he was. Ready to add to the epic collapse of her evening as always.

  “Nah, it’s okay. Good to see you, though. You here for long? Could I get you a drink or something?”

  Yeah, or you can go away. “Sure, yeah. A drink would be nice.” Riley resumed her fake smile; he fell for it a year ago, he’d fall for it now, she was sure of it.

  The way that Brad’s face lit right up like lights on a dark night made Riley’s heart drop, but she needed to stand her ground; she wouldn’t fall into the trap of that handsome jawline and dreamy blue eyes, not again. “Come on, there are far better booze choices up on the balcony. Right above us.” He pointed and wriggled both eyebrows before he made his way toward the stairs. She hefted a quiet sigh, one that she was sure he wouldn’t be able to see or hear, and reluctantly followed him up the stairs.

  As she climbed, she looked over the railing at all the people below her. They sure looked gorgeous, what with all of their shining sequined dresses and custom-tailored suits. The venue was exceptionally modern with glass tables and chairs, white floors, walls, and ceilings, and accents of color that made everything appear sharp and sophisticated. Maybe in a different life Riley would have enjoyed this kind of event, but as it was she just wished she was back in her apartment writing or lounging with her best friend.

  “So... there a reason why you never called me back?”

  Riley barely managed to hold back a groan, internally cringing. Really? Was that why Brad had led her up here, away from everyone else? A frown touched her mouth, and she paused just before the top of the stairs. “Why are you asking me this now? It’s been like a year.”

  “Look, I just wanna know. I really felt like we had a connection, you know?”

  “No, not really; we dated a year ago, Brad. I’m not obligated to return your calls.”

  He grimaced at her and leaned against the railing with his arms folded across his chest. “Ouch... a little harsh, don’t you think? Come on... just tell me: why didn’t you call me back?”

  Riley’s patience was growing thin as she joined him by the railing, her eyes narrowing. “Honest answer?” After a pause, she said, “I didn’t feel like we had any connect
ion. We’re not interested in the same things at all. We have literally nothing in common. And I just... I don’t know... can we move on? Please?”

  He let out a snort and rolled his eyes, a drunk little smile pulling across his lips. “Ahh, water under the bridge and all that, right? We could be best buddies instead!”

  With a laugh, he draped an arm around her shoulders and lifted his free hand in a wave. Who on earth was he waving at? As Riley tried to pull away from her ex –if he could even be called that– camera flashes burned in her eyes. She withdrew with a shallow gasp, half pushing him away at the same time when she spotted the event photographer set up below; Brad must have set all of this up earlier. That was why he’d called her up there? What a presumptuous ass!

  “Are you serious? Did you actually just lie to me to get a picture with me? Brad, what the hell??”

  “What? No, of course not!” After a pause, he spread open his hands. “Look, it was a solid opportunity. You were bored, right? Now it’s exciting!”

  “You’re unbelievable. And not in a flattering way, now don’t you dare follow me!” She shoved him again, not caring that the event photographer was still taking pictures, and walked briskly up the stairs, higher and higher. There was a rooftop terrace up there –she’d seen it on her way to the event– and she was determined to decompress and get some serious quality alone time. How dare that fool of a man trick her into getting a picture taken with her; why didn’t men just give up? She was so done with them!

  The sound of her high heels clicked against the stairs as she climbed up and up until she reached the big double doors that led out to the rooftop terrace. As soon as she pushed the doors open, she breathed in the fresh air and closed her eyes. She loved finding time for herself just like this, especially since it didn’t happen often. Even better, she was far away from everyone, especially that asshole Brad. And she couldn’t say that Belinda had been at all pleasant, either. Hopefully she’d never see either one of them again.

  The wind danced and played with the long white dress that hugged her curves. It tugged at her dark hair, too, and a smile lit up her face. It was so stifling down there with all the people, and it felt wonderful to be out in the open air again.

  It was gorgeous up there, too, with a lounge-like atmosphere. There were couches, chairs, a few tables, and even a small bar which was currently empty; the floor was soft with wine-colored carpets, and there was even an area near the back of the roof which resembled a sun room. Even better, no one else appeared to be around. For Riley, it was the next best thing to being at home.

  After she took in another deep breath, she turned the volume down on her phone so she wouldn’t be disturbed and lay down in one of the lounge chairs. The breeze tickled at her face, and her mouth curved into a small, contented smile as she decompressed from the insanity that had taken place earlier down below. She still couldn’t believe Belinda. What a bitch! At least she’d expected something like that from Brad.

  “You come up here to be by yourself often?”

  The voice Riley didn’t recognize made her jump, and she shot up. She swore she could hear the sound of her heart pitter pattering within her chest, roaring in her ears. Her lips parted, and she paused briefly when she spotted him. Had Brad sent this poor bloke up here to try and coerce her back down to him again? Not a chance!

  “Whoa, easy.” The stranger laughed a little and put both of his hands up into a defensive position. “You don’t have to look at me that way; I’m not a serial killer or a thief or anything, I swear it.”

  “But you were sent up here, weren’t you? Tall guy, lots of muscles, blond hair, blue eyes, pushy?”

  “Nope, can’t say I’ve met anyone like him. Look, how about we start off fresh? I really didn’t mean to startle you, I just came up here to get away from the crowds down below. Promise.” He held his hands up a little bit higher and offered a charming smile.

  Riley narrowed her eyes at him and slowly swung her legs off to the side of the lounge chair. She folded a strand of hair behind an ear, her eyes automatically taking him in. He was, she had to admit, the most attractive man she’d ever seen. His dark brown hair was cropped short, not going beyond his ears, and his eyes were an alluring shade of azure that she’d never seen before. His build was slighter than Brad’s, but she imagined he was incredibly fit under that solid black suit he was wearing. He had a poise about him, like he was exceptionally confident or at least pretending that he was; for some reason, Riley couldn’t tell despite that she’d always had a knack for reading people.

  “Well, as long as you promise.” She gripped the edge of the chair and used it to push herself to her feet, finding herself drawn in by that magnetic smile of his. She couldn’t help but smile back at him, her voice more playful than she’d intended it to be. Who was this guy?

  “You have my word.” He inclined his head to her with a wink and walked slowly over to the edge of the terrace. As she watched, his hands clasped behind his back and he looked down at the event below.

  There was a brief hesitation, but Riley eventually walked over to the edge of the terrace and stood next to him. She tried to focus on the people as they came and went, but constantly wanted to shift to his face; it made her feel awkward and a little bit silly. Why on earth did she feel so giddy about a man she had never even met before?

  “So, do you come to these kinds of events often?” What a lame question, damnit. What was wrong with her?

  The stranger seemed to take it all in stride, and he gave her a brief shrug. “I’ve got a few investment companies, and I’m interested in learning more about sustainable energy and medicine, that sort of thing. The usual. Since we’re both up here trying to stay away from all of that stuff, though, how about we talk about something else? You choose the topic.”

  She shot an eyebrow up, and then smiled some more. This man was either genuinely charming or an incredible actor. “You have a point, I suppose. How about we start by me asking you why you want to get away from the craziness down there?” She gestured with her chin.

  “I spend almost my entire life doing things like this. Integrating myself with people, talking to people on the phone, communicating with them in person, writing emails, chatting to them via text; it can be pretty exhausting. So when I come to these things, I always like to scout the places out, you know? Find all the private nooks and crannies so I can get a breather when I need one.”

  “Yeah... I can see that. I feel the same way, really. Usually I bring a book or my tablet, but I didn’t have time to grab anything today.”

  He was quiet for a few moments, just nodding. That little smile still there on his lips. “What sort of books do you like?”

  She sucked on her bottom lip, her brow wrinkling. She could lie, she supposed, but she had a feeling this stranger would see right through her if she did. Besides, there was something about him that made her want to tell him the truth and open up; it was both maddening and terrifying.

  “That bad, huh?” He swung his eyes to her and snorted; the look of amusement and curiosity on his features was all but irresistible. She had to tell him.

  “Oh my god, okay... but you’re not allowed to laugh.”

  “Got it. No laughing.”

  She drew in a breath and held it. “I’m into graphic novels. Mostly in the fantasy genres with werewolves and dragons and... you get the idea.” Don’t laugh. Don’t you dare laugh...

  “Huh.... that’s weird...”

  He’s going to laugh... it’s going to happen. While Riley braced herself internally and tried to tell herself that she didn’t care about his opinion, she knew how untrue that was. She couldn’t stop asking herself why, her gaze intently searching his blue eyes for an answer.

  “You promised you wouldn’t laugh!” She had to remind herself to breathe, and to withhold any and all snarky comments born from disappointment and annoyance. Tonight, it seemed, was just not her night.

  “I’m not, I’m not! I’m just saying it’s we
ird because I really enjoy graphic novels, too.”

  She scoffed at him. “Okay, now I know you came up here to mess with me.”

  “No, I’m serious. I’ve always loved graphic novels, ever since I was just a kid. Like I said earlier, I just deal with people all day, and that includes all kinds of paperwork, emails, and everything else that goes with it. After a while of just staring at words, my eyes start to feel like they’re bleeding. So reading graphic novels is one of my favorite things to do on break. I can read a book without really reading it; the pictures tell the story instead.”

  There was no way that he could be serious. No way. “Not to judge or anything, but I’ve never known anyone who wears a suit like that to enjoy what most call ‘picture books.’ So what’s the deal? Really?”

  He laughed, and his shoulders rolled back in a shrug. “I just told you, that’s it! Believe it or not, but that’s the God’s honest truth. I’m not messing with you, I love graphic novels.”

  “Uh huh... okay then... what’s your favorite one and why?”

  He turned away from the edge of the terrace and folded his arms across his chest. His head canted to one side, and he gazed beyond Riley, off into the distance somewhere as though he was trying to relive some kind of memory. Then he dipped his chin in a nod and focused on her. “Okay, I got it. I’m not sure if you’ve heard about it or not, but it’s about this woman who was raised by a group of harpies. And they–”


  “Crap, hold on.” He retrieved a phone from one of his pockets and looked at the text. A frown tugged his lips downward, and he hefted a sigh. “Damnit. I have to go, duty calls. I’ll come find you later, okay?”

  “Yeah, of course. It’s okay, go do your thing.” She plastered one of those fake smiles on her mouth again, quietly hiding her disappointment. He had to be the only guy here who she didn’t want to run from, and now here he was running from her.

  He gave her a quick, apologetic smile and strode quickly through the door. As soon as he vanished from sight, Riley gave her head a shake and turned back toward the edge of the terrace. The thought of going back down there was as intimidating as it was frustrating, especially considering Brad could still be there. She really didn’t have the mental stamina to deal with him twice in one night.


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