Ryder (Player Card Series Book 3)

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Ryder (Player Card Series Book 3) Page 9

by Ellie Danes

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I was in the area and decided to check in on you to make sure you’re getting your ass in line for the next fight.”

  “It’s two weeks away. Of course I'm working hard.”

  “I’ve heard. Bret let me know that you were actually working out a little too much and maybe a little too hard. You trying to make up for shutting me out last weekend?” He smirked as he leaned against the treadmill behind him.

  “I told you I was sorry about that. I had to get a few things in line.” I turned back to the machine and pulled the pin, putting a little extra weight on for the next set of reps.

  “Just giving you a little grief. You know, I’m here to help you get things in line, and once you trust me completely, this will be a lot easier.” He motioned his hand between us.

  “It won't happen again,” I replied and turned back to lift the weights.

  “I want to bring in a trainer who will push you in the right ways. I think at this point, you need a little extra motivation.”

  “Oh, I have plenty, trust me. Knowing that Jackson signed with 360 and will possibly be fighting me in the near future, I've got all my ducks in a row and my legs under control. No weak legs here, man,” I assured him.

  He stood and took a step toward me. “I don't have any doubts about your ability and that it will show in the ring, as long as you keep your eyes on the prize.”

  “It's where they've been for as long as I can remember,” I said.

  Tristan nodded, gave me a half smile, then turned and walked away.

  * * * * *

  As the days passed, I pushed myself to a point that I was stressing over the idea that I wasn't good enough. The tape I had been watching wasn't showing any clear weakness in my opponent, and I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to take him down the way I wanted to. I pulled the weights up and started my reps, adding more and more weight to each set. I didn’t know what happened, but I felt the weight shifting at one end and suddenly the bar hit my chest. A tiny squeak escaped my mouth as the weight landed. I was struggling under the weight and pushed, but couldn’t seem to move it. It wasn't until I felt the weights being pushed away that I realized I wasn't alone anymore. I rolled to the side, dropping to my knees and gasping for air.

  “What the hell, Ryder?” Zoey’s voice.

  Figures, it would have to be the one woman I didn't want around.

  She reached over an put her hand on my shoulder as if she actually cared enough to make sure I was okay.

  “Get off.” I pushed at her.

  “I came to talk to you. I needed to clear some things up,” she said quietly.

  “Well, it’s perfect fucking timing,” I snapped at her.

  She stood her ground and looked me over. Her hands crossed over her chest, and I watched the expression on her face harden as she tilted her head to one side ever so slightly.

  “Get over yourself. You were a prick, and you deserved it,” she stated matter-of-factly, shifting her hands to position them on her hips. “If you thought your behavior the other night was okay, then you were wrong. And just so we’re clear, I don't give a damn about the women hanging all over you, but I do care that you completely forgot I was there. I think that's what hurt the worst.” She stood there looking down at me as I pulled in deep heavy breaths.


  “I'm not finished,” she stated, her tone a little louder. “I want you, dammit. And I want you to be mine, but I need to know that you’ll put me first and that even with all the women throwing themselves at you, that I will be the only one who has your attention outside of the ring.”


  She held up her hand to stop me again.

  “If you think for one minute, Ryder Rollins, that I will tolerate being pushed aside because of your career, then we might as well quit this back and forth shit right now. I have plans and the only way that you can fit in them is for me to make sure that we are in this together one hundred percent, all the time. We come together and have a great connection then something stupid happens, and we fall apart again. I don't want that to happen again. I want us together for the long haul. I wasn't sure, but I am now.”

  I stood up slowly until I towered over her, glaring down. “You finished?” I asked.

  She swallowed hard. I could tell by the look on her face she wasn’t sure just how mad she had made me.

  I reached around her waist and pulled her to me, sinking my mouth to hers. I kissed her hard as I pushed her against the nearby treadmill, my intentions anything but pure. I wanted her, needed her, and there was nothing that would stop me from getting deep inside her. I shoved at her, and she shoved back. The push and pull of our movements turned the machine on, and I lost my footing going down. She managed to save herself, somehow, until I took her down with me. We laughed — guttural belly laughs.

  “What the actual hell, Ryder?” she said through her laughter.

  “I hit the button. I didn't mean to, but those are some kick ass reflexes you have.”

  She snorted which caused another round of laughter. We laid there laughing, and when it would quiet to a soft giggle, we’d look at each other and start laughing again. This went on long enough that I felt like I’d done an ab workout when we finally calmed down.

  “How did you push that bar off of me?” I rolled toward her and smiled. “I didn't know my girl was that strong.”

  “Your girl, huh?” She gave me a shy smile and straightened the hem of the skirt she was wearing.

  “You heard me.” I winked at her. “Besides, just because you didn't think you were, never meant you stopped being mine. What’s meant to be is going to be. Look, Zoey, I didn't realize what your perception of my behavior with the fans was. I’m sorry. And I didn’t try to reach back out to you because, one — you made your point clear, and two — I needed to train. So, I threw myself into that and then, all of the sudden, here you are.”

  “I just needed to tell you how I felt. I’m sorry I freaked out on you—I didn't understand.”

  “I'm glad you're here now. Let's get this going. I have a fight in two weeks, and this will help me more than you know.” I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. “I'm sorry I assaulted you earlier, but seeing you being all assertive was hot as hell.”

  “You like assertive Zoey, do you?” she teased.

  “Yes, I do.” I reached for her hand and ran it over my hard dick.

  “Apparently, he does too,” she laughed and moved over to straddle me.

  “Maybe we should move somewhere a little more private.” I went to raise up off the floor, but she pushed me back down.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” she asked. “Where is everyone, anyway?”

  “Out to lunch.”

  “Perfect,” she said.

  I felt her hands as they moved down to my workout shorts and pushed them low enough to release my cock. Her hands surrounded me and pulled slightly, enough to get a reaction from my hips. I ran my fingers over the curves of her thighs moving, toward her ass. I gave it a squeeze and tried to push her down to get some friction, but she pushed against my hands and let me know without any words that she was in charge.

  When she pushed her skirt up and her thong to the side and slid down onto me, I almost lost it. She settled herself once I was fully inside her. I watched the expression on her face as she shifted forward a little bit and then backward. The moan that escaped her throat was all I could take. I grabbed her hips and pushed her harder onto me, thrusting rhythmically. She gasped and started to shake.

  I knew I couldn't last, so I went to work on her clit to make sure she came with me. I pinched it between my fingers, rolling it. She panted and grabbed at my chest. Watching her break apart was sexier than watching my dick push into her. I remembered the way it looked and felt the tingling as it traveled up my cock and shot out of me. I had a flash of panic and realized I wasn't wearing a condom, but it was a flash and moment that was lost as fast as it hit when
she yelled my name as I came into her. I pulled her down and kissed her. I pushed my hands into her long hair and used the grip to turn her head so I could deepen our kiss. We laid there on the floor until our breathing returned to normal.

  “Let's go to my place.” I sat up, bringing her with me.

  “Sounds like a good idea to me,” she replied.

  * * * * *

  “Sorry, it's a mess.” I looked around at the gym clothes lying everywhere. My cleaning wasn't a priority with a fight in less than two weeks.

  “It looks like mine since Annette’s boyfriend moved in,” she stated.

  “He lives with you two?”

  “Apparently,” she shrugged.

  “Not happy about that, I assume.”

  “If I had been asked, it might be different, but I wasn't. It was like he came to stay a night and then he never left.”

  “Ouch.” I moved around the room, picking up whatever was in my reach.

  “Whatever. It is what it is.” She scrunched her nose and began filling the sink with water and soap. She hummed as she started washing the dishes. I stopped, folded my arms over my chest, and stood watching her. It was the most natural thing I had ever seen.

  “What?” she asked when she caught me staring.

  “Um, you’re doing my dishes.”

  “Well, yes. I am.”

  “Why are you doing my dishes?” I asked.

  She puckered her lips out and made a face like she had to think about the question. “Because they needed washing?” she said as though she wasn’t sure she was giving the right answer. “You’re not one of those guys that has to have your dishes washed a certain way and your towels with so many folds, are you?” She raised an eyebrow.

  It was pretty damned cute.

  “You don’t have to do my dishes, you know,” I said.

  “Well, were you going to do them before we could settle in for the night?” she asked.


  “Then consider this selfish. You go do something else, so it all gets done faster and then we can get naked, I mean, cuddle on the couch.” She grinned.

  I smiled. “I like the way you think.” I quickly began picking up things around the apartment.

  “So, are you ready for your fight?” she asked as she ran a rag over the glasses.

  “I feel like I am, but I'm not. I should feel like I’m bulletproof and I don't.”

  “So how do we get there? Let's make it happen.”

  Having her support meant more to me than she would ever know. I couldn't express that to her, no matter how hard I tried. Once we were done picking up my place, I set out to make some supper. I knew that she would want more than the grilled chicken and brown rice I was eating at the moment. I pulled some vegetables out of the freezer and stuck them in the microwave as I flipped the chicken over.

  “Who are you cooking for?” She leaned around me and looked into the grill pan.

  “Me and you.” I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

  “I hope that's all for you, geez.” She laughed and wrapped her arms around my waist.

  “Most of it is, but I figured you would want something else, so there are green beans and broccoli in the microwave.” I flipped the chicken and wrapped my fingers into hers. A peace settled over me, an awareness that everything was right in the world because this girl was standing with me. That awareness traveled down my spine, back up, and stabbed me in the heart.

  “I am crazy about you. Did you know that?” I said and turned, wrapping her in my arms.

  She kissed me and looked into my eyes as she smiled. “I think I might be kinda crazy about you too.”

  I went in to kiss her again and laughed when she pushed me away.

  “You might like your chicken tough, but I don't.” She winked, then moved out of my grasp and poured herself a glass of wine.

  We had dinner then moved to watch some TV. I picked up the DVD of some of Jackson’s older fights that I hadn’t been able to find on YouTube, then put it back down. I really needed to watch some film. I had been watching for weeks and couldn't find the weak spot. Maybe it was going to be the hardest fight of my career like Tristan had warned. My dad had watched the films, and he couldn't find it either. After I had heard a little chatter from Bret and Curtis, I’d looked at a couple of his moves a little closer.

  “It's fine if you need to work,” she assured me, then cuddled up next to my side.

  “I don't want to work with you here.” I rubbed her thigh.

  “It's really okay. Maybe I can help. Fresh eyes.” She fluttered her eyelids up at me.

  I reached for the remote and pulled up YouTube, finding the latest fight. She sat up and watched as I started and paused. Fast forwarded and then rewound the fight. She grabbed the remote from me and then fast forwarded to the part I had just skipped over.

  “Look.” She pointed at the screen.

  “What?” I looked closer.

  She got up and walked toward the TV, pointing. “Right here. He’s leaving himself open. You could sweep him, and once you have him down, he won't stand a chance.”

  “When did you start learning about fighting?” I looked at that part of the video again with no clue how I’d missed it, but she was right. I watched again and then again, picking up on the lazy punch. Maybe it was a fluke, but it was all I could find. He was so well trained it was weird that he’d have such a sloppy fault. Maybe that was why I’d missed it. As well-trained as he was, I didn’t expect it.

  “I happen to have a brown belt in jiu-jitsu, for one. My dad made me go when I was younger, so I’d be able to protect myself. And two, I’ve been watching fights so I could at least talk to you about something, ya big meathead.” She elbowed me, and I immediately began to tickle her in retaliation. I held her as she squealed and tried to get away from me.

  “Stop!” she shouted as I ran my fingers over her sides.

  “But watching you squirm is my most favorite thing in the world,” I said, tickling her harder.

  “Oh my god stop!” she squealed again, laughing.

  I let her go and looked her in the face, loving the carefree laugh coming from her mouth. Moments like this with her came so easily; we didn't have to work at being good together. Hopefully, now that the misunderstandings had been worked out, it would be golden from this point forward. The only thing standing in our way was distance.

  I needed her here with me, or I needed to be in New York. And she had made it quite clear that she had dreams to follow there. I decided not to think about it for the time. I was going to go sleep with my girl and wake up in the morning to my new future.

  I lifted her from the couch, her breaths still coming fast after her laughing fit. I wanted to snuggle with her. Make her feel my love without sex being the factor. I pulled my shirt over my head and handed it to her. Then removed my gym shorts. I stood in my black boxer briefs, trying my best not to get an erection. She pulled her shirt over her head and slipped mine on. She dropped her skirt and then reached inside the shirt and took off her bra. Everything she did was sexy as hell, and my body was ready for any clue that she wanted to get down and dirty, but she didn't give the signals. Instead, she jumped on the bed and pulled back the covers, slipping under them and then flipping over, so she was facing toward me.

  “Your pillow smells so good.” Her words came out a bit muffled as she shoved her nose into the pillow and took in a deep breath.

  “Right now, that pillow looks the best it’s ever looked. And you look really, really good in my bed.”

  A small smile covered her lips. She pulled the covers back and patted the bed. “Come on, Tiger, get in here.”

  I walked to the wall and hit the light switch, then moved to the bed, climbing in and getting nose to nose with her.

  “Are we good?” I brushed my lips across hers.

  “Yeah.” She kissed me softly.

  “Awesome.” I pulled her against me.

  She nuzzled into the crook of my neck,
and I held her until I felt her breathing even out.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I could feel his warm breath across my cheek as I opened my eyes. He still had me pulled against his chest, his arm wrapped around me as if he were holding on for dear life. I adjusted a little, and I heard him suck in a breath. I felt exactly what had happened and I smiled to myself, then stifled a chuckle and wriggled against him once more, just for the reaction.

  “It isn't funny,” he mumbled.

  “It kinda is.”

  “I can't help it. It's nature, right?” He chuckled. “It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that a sexy as hell woman is wrapped in my arms at the moment.”

  “What time is it?”

  “It's gotta be before five, my alarm is set for then.”

  “Ugh.” I groaned and pulled out of his arms. I walked to the bathroom and looked around for his toothbrush, but hit the jackpot with one in a drawer that hadn’t been opened. When I came back into the bedroom, I stopped and looked him over. He was on his back and had an arm over his eyes. I wanted to enjoy the moment of silence and watch him.

  “I can feel you staring at me,” he said, breaking my moment.

  “I'm not staring, I was looking at how peaceful you were.”

  “I would be a lot more peaceful if you would get your ass back in this bed.” He never moved, but continued to speak. I chose to climb over him instead of walking around the bed to get back in. I shivered and reached for him. He pulled me against him and kissed my neck as he wrapped me back in his arms and intertwined our legs. I must have fallen back asleep shortly after because the next thing I knew, his alarm was going off.

  He grumbled. “I have never in my life wanted to blow off a workout more than I do right now.”

  I kissed his chin and rolled away from him. “Go get your workout in, I'll be here when you get back.”

  “Hopefully still in my bed,” he countered with a kiss.

  I listened as he moved around the apartment. The blender came to life and then the sizzle of a pan. The aroma of bacon wafted in the air, mixed with the smell of coffee. A few minutes later, I felt the bed dip with his weight. He had pulled on gym shorts and a tank top and I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to run my eyes over him once more before he left.


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