Shelby’s Angels: Sometimes I’m Not

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Shelby’s Angels: Sometimes I’m Not Page 6

by Stephanie Burke

  “Yes, and it usually works on the other ladies.”

  “But not you?” Del asked.

  “I’m made of sterner stuff.” Christi smiled, pulling two bottles of water from her cooler.

  “And your bra is made of quality material!” Before she could comment, Del reached out and cupped her breasts in his hands. “They feel so lifelike too!”

  “Because they are real!” Christi snapped, stepping back and glaring at Del.

  Confused, Del turned to Shen, who merely raised both eyebrows.

  “She is an actual she?”

  “Yes,” Shen confirmed.

  “But… but… she is too pretty to be a woman! Shen, her makeup looks flawless and it’s not overdone! Her clothes actually fit the atmosphere of this club!”

  “She’s in a club full of drag queens, Del,” Shen said, patting Del on the shoulder. Del looked like his head was going to explode. “I’m sure someone taught her.”

  “Oh!” Del sighed, relief coloring his voice as his right hand came up to pat his chest. “For a moment, I thought that womankind had, how does the saying go, gotten a clue?”

  Christi, of course, exploded into laughter. “Woo hoo, baby! If I go and tell the secrets I have learned, the women would take over!”

  Both Shen and Del looked horrified.

  “Have you done modeling?” Shen asked, peering closely at the barkeep. “I mean, female models were taught by men, but wit you cannot teach. You have to be a model or close to a male who is one!”

  Still laughing, Christi waved at Shen. “Sorry, hon. I’m just me. I was born this way. May be a genetic anomaly or something.”

  “Oh!” Del brightened. “You could be a glitch in the genes, as it were! There are no others like you. The world is safe!”

  That thought out, Shen and Del thanked the still giggling Christi and made their way backstage as the first customers began to filter in.

  Back in the truck, it took Blain and Adan to hold Shelby back.

  “Have to be around models to have wit?”

  “True, in most cases,” Adan assured her, his Spanish accent filling the crowded van.

  They were all waiting in the surveillance truck, ready to tear into Club Double Take at a moment’s notice, and keeping an ear on their fellows.

  That was, until the conversation with the bartender.

  “I have wit!” she snapped at Adan, but settled down because she knew their cover would be blown if she raced in and gave them both wit on the tops of their coifed heads.

  “Because you work with us!” Blain said, with a grin in his lilting voice.


  “Quiet!” Adan reminded her. “Barika and Nalu are entering the establishment.”

  Shelby glowered at the two men and wondered why she had decided to go on surveillance. She could have been at the club with Raidon, looking over his old connections and learning about his life before the fighter came to Angels…

  Then again, maybe it was safer in the truck.

  Chapter Seven

  Their initial performance was a hit!

  The audience was filled with eager men and women, all in for a good time and out to have as much fun as possible.

  There were a few people from out of town. Barika quietly described them to those in the van, snapping pictures with a cool spy camera that sat in the top button of his shirt.

  Nalu quietly sipped his water -- it was the healthiest thing on the menu, he’d decided -- and watched for any suspicious characters. Other than the two transsexuals who were waving at him from a rear table.

  Both men took a note of those who seemed extra interested in Shen and Del and waited for the spectacle to be over.

  Shen and Del wowed them with their cultural singing and dancing, and raised a fire in the blood that refused to be quieted.

  True to her word, Dickie, dressed as Shirley Temple of all people, in a ruffled pinafore and pigtails, sang “Hanky Panky” to Nalu, gyrating on the stage as if she were Madonna herself. Nalu was not interested, but Rika had to hold in a laugh at all the fawning the queen was dumping over his taciturn friend.

  Then the lights dimmed and a low, almost jazzy beat began to fill the room.

  Feenixxx emerged from a red and gold light show, her hair long and free, huge Marcel curls framing her face in a style reminiscent of the beauty queens and actresses of the late forties -- all glamour and totally feminine. Her fiery gown dipped below the waistline, proving she had to be wearing very specialized undies or going commando in the stunning get-up.

  Winking one long-lashed eye at the crowd, the songbird began to sway her hips and run her hand over her hips, over her breasts, then above her head as she began a sinuous, erotic dance. Seductive music pumped in the background. She began to sing, a sultry rendition of “She’s Not There” by the Zombies.

  She stepped off the stage and began to circulate the floor, brushing a red-gloved finger over one man’s cheek, ruffling her fingers through another’s hair.

  She noted the placement of Barika and Nalu, but paid them no more attention than any other man or woman at the show.

  As the last, sultry words flowed from the slim column of her throat, the lights faded to black and the tinkling, upbeat bars of Queen’s “Killer Queen” exploded from the speakers.

  When the lights slammed back on, Feenixxx stood there, in a new gown, split up to the waist on both sides. It created some Princess Leia fantasy gone horribly right. How she’d managed to change was anybody’s guess. Let alone how she fit into that skimpy metal bra!

  The crowd hooted and erupted into applause. Feenixxx again winked and blew kisses. She wiggled her hips, sending the pale cream material waving jauntily, then spun around in her five-inch stiletto-heeled gladiator sandals and blew a few kisses to the crowd.

  Then she began to sing.

  Whereas before her voice had been low and seductive, causing more than one erection in the crowd, this time it was melodic and happy, filled with laughter and light. The audience had no recourse but to clap with her as they felt their spirits lighten.

  Feenixxx was a consummate showperson, dancing as she belted out the old Queen tune, a broad smile on her face, her hair flying all around her, always framing that face and perfect body.

  As she sang, the others took turns joining her on stage, showing off their costumes and bowing once again to peals of enthusiastic applause. Shen and Del joined the others, dancing in the style of their previous performances.

  By the time all the dancers were assembled on stage, and the last chords of “Killer Queen” rang out in Feenixxx’s soaring voice, the crowd was on its feet, giving a standing ovation to all the queens of Club Double Take as Feenixxx took center stage to finish the song. Her smile said everything she sang was true. Her people were guaranteed to blow your mind, any time!

  * * *

  Backstage, Feenixxx laughed and congratulated each of her people, grinning and complimenting them on their work.

  “And you two?” She chuckled, gesturing to Shen and Del. “I’m simply amazed by your talent!”

  “It is what I was trained to do,” Del said, not really modest, but simply stating a fact.

  “I was trained thusly, as well,” Shen added, primly adjusting his robes as the other performers began to make their way to their dressing rooms. “Feenixxx, might I have a word?”

  “You can have a dictionary, darling.” Fee suddenly looked tired and worried. “But you can have your words in my office. I need to get out of these heels.” She turned to Del and arched an eyebrow. “You coming, honey?”

  Del took one look at Shen and then at Feenixxx, and a wide grin spread across his face. “No, I think I’ll excuse myself. I want to remove this makeup and --” Looking around for an excuse to leave Shen and Feenixxx alone, he spotted Barika and Nalu coming toward the stage entrance with Cara. “-- talk to Rika and Nalu. I’m sure they have something interesting to tell me.”

  Del scurried toward the men with a squeal and de
manded a critique of his performance.

  Chuckling, Fee turned and led Shen through a set of doors he hadn’t noticed before in the rear of the staging area.

  “Where do these lead?” he asked, his curiosity building despite the fact that his gaze was glued to Fee’s tantalizing rear.

  “The basement level, and my lair,” she chuckled as she pulled open a steel door and flicked on a light. They began to descend a padded spiral staircase. As they reached the bottom, Shen’s eyes widened in delight as he took in the room beyond.

  It was roomy and bright, with a fireplace against a far wall, a huge desk just opposite, and behind that, another door, this one made of polished mahogany.

  “Nice office,” Shen said, spying an overstuffed couch to one side of the fireplace, and the prerequisite collection of pillows and soft furry rugs in front of it.

  “It works, darling.” Chuckling, Fee walked behind the desk to the door, twisted the knob, and walked inside. “Give me a second to change out of this get-up and then we can talk.”

  “So modest,” Shen purred. “Or you are hiding things?”

  “What do I have to hide?” floated Fee’s disembodied voice from the other chamber, presumably a private dressing room.

  “Several things, Feenixxx. And I believe I know what one of them is.”

  “Really?” Feenixxx sounded amused as she walked back through the door, wearing a silky pair of pajama pants and a matching robe, a makeup cleansing cloth in one hand. She blotted her face free of the stage paint. “And what secret would that be, little man?”

  “One that you cannot hide from one as versed as me in the way of the world.” Shen walked over to stand in front of Feenixxx, his eyes solemn and serious as he stared into her eyes, noticing how the color leeched from her face and all amusement fled.

  “Is that so?” Her voice got deeper, more menacing, but Shen was not intimidated.

  “That is so. I’m just shocked that no one else has noticed.”

  “Is it that obvious?” Feenixxx sat on the edge of her desk, staring intently into Shen’s face.

  “To one who knows what to look for.”

  “And you are not scared?” Feenixxx’s eyes flashed as she stared at the man who was shattering her illusions about herself.

  “Why would I be scared? It is not all that uncommon.”

  “True, but most people don’t know about us. Yet I can still sense your desire for me.”

  “All of us have a yen to take the forbidden and desire what is usually unobtainable.”

  “This is turning you on.” Feenixxx took a deep breath, inhaling the manly scents of arousal wafting from Shen. The aroma made her blood boil as her passions rose to meet his.

  “I have been very much turned on by you, from the moment we met.”

  Grinning, Fee came to her feet, walking over to Shen and running her fingernails over his chest. “Most men run from my kind.”

  “I’m not most men.”

  “You have… fortitude,” Fee whispered, lowering her head to lap at Shen’s neck, sending waves of pleasure shuddering through his body.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” he whispered. He pulled his earrings from his ears and wadded them up into the material of his obi, then stuffed the sash into a hidden pocket in his robes. “I would never betray you, or any who desire the same things as you.”

  “You’ve been with my kind before?” Feenixxx asked, examining his neck and running her fingers through his soft, silky hair. “I see no scarring!”

  “As if I would allow scarring to mar the perfection of my form,” he snorted.

  “Then how did the other vampires --”

  “Vampires?” Shen took a step back, examining her carefully.

  “Yes. You said you knew my secret.” Feenixxx grinned as two long incisors slid from her gums -- sharp, pointy, fang-like incisors.

  “Wow!” Shen clapped his hands in delight. “You have fangs!”

  “I’m a vampire.” Fee rolled her eyes skyward. “You weren’t this excited a few minutes ago.”

  “Ahh! But I didn’t know then! Can you hop after people?”


  “In China, the vampires hop from rooftop to rooftop. I have not seen you leap, as of yet, but I’m sure it would be magnificent!”

  “Um, Shen?”

  “Wow! A real vampire! And I thought vampires were all wiped out at the turn of the millennium!”


  “Are you going to hop now?”


  “I’m excited! I have never met a vampire before!”

  “But I thought you knew my secret?” Feenixxx wrinkled her forehead in confusion.

  “I know your secret.” He grinned. “And do not squeeze the muscles of your face so. Even if you are preternatural, you can get wrinkles.”

  “What?” Shock drove the creases out of her forehead and drew her fangs back into her mouth.

  “And I do know your secret. But the secret I was referring to is that you are really a man.”

  “I thought you knew I was a vampire!”

  “I do now!” Shen crowed. “So are you going to hop for me?”

  “Hop? You should be running for your life!”

  “Because you have a cock or because you have fangs?”

  Feenixxx stared at Shen, confused as to what had just happened. The man should be scared out of his wits, but arousal still poured off him in waves, and his eagerness showed in his eyes.

  “They know I’m a man?”

  “No, everyone else thinks you are the lady proprietor of this establishment. But I know better.”

  She stared at him, still. And she thought she had everyone fooled. “So what do we do now?” she asked, giving up as her mind ran in circles. How could one small man screw up her thought processes so quickly?

  “Want to fuck?”

  She blinked at that as well. Then shrugged. Suddenly it seemed like a good idea. “Let’s do it!”

  “Bite me,” Shen stated boldly, “and I’ll kill you.”

  “I can do whatever I want to you, little man,” Fee growled, her eyes turning the bright red of fresh blood.

  “Mar my perfect skin and I shall pluck your fangs from your head.” Shen moved close to Fee and wrapped his hands around her shoulders. With one burst of movement, he shoved the vampire through the back doors and into an ornate bedroom.

  “I’m letting you do this,” Fee hissed, grinning. He was being so forceful, so domineering. She loved it!

  “I can do what I wish.” Shen backed her up until she tipped backwards and fell on the huge four-poster bed, sinking into the thick comforter. “Because I also know you desire it.”

  He grinned as he peeled off his robes. He used his fingers to break the seal on the adhesive and pulled his prosthetics from his body. They fell to the floor with a muffled plop, and the rest of his outfit hit the carpeted floor.

  Naked and erect, he crawled up Fee’s body, letting his hair caress the quivering skin exposed by her open robe. Growling deep in his throat, he ripped her robe fully open and exposed her to his roving eyes.

  She had breasts.

  They were small and pert and perfect, topped with dark raspberry colored nipples, and looked utterly delicious. Her soft, hairless skin was flawless, shining with health and vitality, warm to the touch.

  “I did not expect such heat,” he whispered, and Fee grinned.

  “I have a donor, love. Why do you think I keep Trevah around?”

  “Her sparkling personality?” Shen quipped.

  Feenixxx giggled, until he bent low and sucked one nipple into his mouth, worrying at the hard tip.

  “Oh, Shen!” Fee groaned, pulling in a deep breath, arching up into the touch.

  His hands continued to map her body, over the strong muscles of her stomach and sides, easing into the baggy pants, his fingers encountering more of her smooth, soft skin.

  “Shaved?” he asked, licking a trail down to her stomach.

  “Made it stop growing years ago,” she purred.

  Impatient to see the rest, Shen shoved her silky pants over her arched hips and pushed them from her body to the floor.

  “Gods, you are beautiful,” he gasped, taking in all that was unabashed and unashamedly Feenixxx.

  Her cock was swelling harder before his eyes, slim and graceful. It curved toward her navel, its thick head uncut like his own, its foreskin peeking back to reveal its secret treasures. Her balls were hairless and silky smooth, rolling gently in her sac, small and elegant.

  He had to taste!

  Lowering his head, he began to lick a trail from her navel to the base of her cock, murmuring his pleasure as she writhed under his skilled touch.

  “You taste like vanilla,” he purred.

  Her hands tangled in his hair, massaging his scalp and showing her approval. “Mmm, yes. You know how to work your tongue, baby.”

  He gripped her in his hands, holding her firmness, stroking her firmly until beads of pre-cum welled up on the tip of her exposed cock. Greedily, he bent his head and lapped at the salty sweetness, savoring her flavor on his tongue.

  “You are going into my phonebook.” He pulled her foreskin back and enveloped the sensitive head between his soft lips.

  “Gah!” Fee gasped, arching up and spreading her legs wide. “Your mouth is so hot!” Her teeth clenched and her eyes narrowed as she struggled to watch this pretty man pleasuring her. “Mmm, you know what you are doing!”

  He pulled off long enough to inform her, “I enjoy my work.” Then he was suckling and licking at her, trying to draw her very life out through her cock.

  “You’re gonna make me blow!” Fee moaned, her head rolling back and forth, her eyes a burning red as sweat rolled down her forehead. This boy was making her feel things she hadn’t felt in years. She cooed, feeling his hands travel over her ass cheeks, kneading them and parting them, and she let him.

  For over a decade, she had been a consummate top, but now she was going to let this young, tender, juicy thing top her. She placed one foot flat against the bed to give him easier access.

  Shen, for his part, was enjoying himself. Feenixxx tasted sweet, so sweet, and was a dizzying combination of woman and man. He felt his cock throb as he partook of the feast she so eagerly offered.


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