The Green Road Into the Trees

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The Green Road Into the Trees Page 29

by Hugh Thomson

  and women priests 227

  Churchill, Winston 116

  Clare, John 211

  Clark, Kenneth 190

  class distinctions 234–5

  Claudius, Emperor 206

  Cleeve 126

  Cobbett, William 58–60, 121

  coca tea 273–4

  Coetzee, J M 250

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 210–11

  Commentari de Bello Gallico (Caesar) 216

  Connolly, Cyril 233

  Constable, John 186

  Cool, Kenton 148

  Coombe 73

  Coombe Hill 208, 210

  Cope, Julian 246

  Corn Laws 60

  Corton Hill 42

  Council of British Archaeology 246

  Cox, Norman, gamekeeper 161–4, 182

  Cranbourne Chase 53, 54

  Cromwell, Oliver 160, 192–3

  Crooked Billet and gastro-pubs 181–2

  Crowmarsh 136

  Cymbeline 206

  Cymbeline (Shakespeare) 206–7

  Cymbeline’s Castle 206, 207

  Cynric 101

  Dada 250

  Dancing in the Street: a Rock And Roll History 251

  Danegeld 238

  Danelaw 237

  Danny, traveller 178–80

  Dartmoor 201

  de la Pole family 173–5

  see also Alice, Duchess of Suffolk

  de la Pole, John, Duke of Suffolk 174–5

  de la Pole, William 174–5

  Deakin, Roger 146, 184

  deer, skinning 4–5

  Defoe, Daniel 17, 36, 242, 262

  Didcot Power Station 148, 201

  Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations (David Montgomery) 222

  Domesday Book 202, 203

  Dorchester (Dorset):

  centre of 33,

  monuments around 26

  Poundbury 33–5

  Dorchester-on-Thames (Oxfordshire) 118, 147

  Jerome K Jerome’s description of 153

  Dorset 12–13

  Defoe’s description of 36

  diminishing importance of 28

  Dorset Ridgeway 24, 26

  Dorsetshire Gap 35, 37

  Douglas, Lord Alfred 125

  Drabble, Margaret 30, 31

  Dragon Order and washing-up rota 98–9, 100

  Druids 62, 63

  and ravens 102–3

  and Seahenge 278–9, 280

  Dufy, Raoul 186

  Durrington Walls 67, 72

  Dyer, James 215, 216

  Dyke Hills 118, 152–3

  Earth Trust 149

  Easington 183

  East Anglia, lack of hills in and Brian Eno 230

  East Chisenbury, midden 79

  East Saxons 7

  Eddington 124

  Edward IV 45, 57

  eels 5

  Eliot, T S 254

  Ely 258

  Ely Cathedral 258

  Enfold 73

  English Civil War 199

  English Heritage 23, 66, 84, 116, 280

  Englishwomen, as nude models 187

  married sex lives 223

  Eno, Brian bad temper 230–1

  Ethelred I 121–2, 123–4, 238

  Ethelred II (‘the Unready’) 155

  Ewelme 173–6

  falconry 154–5, 156–9

  Harris hawks 159

  Farming in Crisis 221

  Fens 263

  Fighealden (Wiltshire) 73

  Fittleton (Wiltshire) 73

  Flag Fen 263, 265–6, 268–9, 278

  Flagstones (Dorset) 26

  Folly (Dorset) and its old drovers’ inn 35

  Forestry Commission 202

  foxes, dumped in countryside by London boroughs 131-3

  Fox and Duck pub 241

  Fox and Hounds pub 182–3

  Fox Talbot Museum 189

  Frost, Robert 125–6, 211

  Fry, Stephen as charming but inconsequential 252

  Gamekeeper at Home, The (Richard Jefferies) 105, 106

  gamekeepers 105–8, 162–3, 221

  Gareth of Orkney, Sir, Malory’s knight 145–148

  Geoffrey of Monmouth 44

  George III 50

  Getty estate 135, 176, 208

  Gewisse, see West Saxons

  Gibbings, Robert, naturalist and bohemian 150–2

  Glastonbury 43, 98

  and ley lines 136

  Glastonbury Festival 261

  Glastonbury Romance, A (John Cowper Powys) 30, 31

  Glastonbury Tor 48

  Godric 239

  Gog Magog Hills 242–3

  Gogmagog: The Buried Gods (T C Lethbridge) 243, 245

  Goring-on-Thames 125

  Goring Gap 117, 118, 164

  Grahame, Kenneth 110, 128, 138–44

  and walking 212

  great bustard 74–9

  Great Bustard Group 75–9

  great crested grebe 152

  Great Orme mine 264

  Great Stones Way (proposed trail from Stonehenge to Avebury) 70, 79

  Griffiths, Eric 252–3, 254, 255

  Grim’s Dyke 9–11, 57

  Guthrum, King 124

  Hanging Langford Camp 56

  Harald Hardrada 237

  Hardy, Thomas 8, 16, 26

  on Maiden Castle 27

  Harley, Steve, tries to walk on water 261

  Harris hawks 159

  Harrow Way 54

  Hart, Stephen 163

  Hastings, battle of 156

  Havel, Václav 256

  hawking, see falconry

  Hawkins, Gerald 70

  Hawley, William 66

  Heath, Edward 236

  Henley 8

  Henry II of France 175

  Henry VI 174

  Henry VII 175

  Henry VIII 18, 74

  Herne Way 86–7

  herons 144–5

  Higher Melcombe 35

  hill carvings 81–2, 113–16, 117, 119, 199, 204, 243, 257

  hill-forts 16, 27–9

  Alfred’s Castle 117

  Barbury 101–2, 111, 117

  Cadbury Castle 42–3

  Casterley Camp 80

  Cymbeline’s Castle 206, 207

  Liddington 101, 105

  Maiden Castle 24, 26–33

  Poundbury 34

  Ravensburgh Castle 214–16

  Uffington 101

  Wandlebury 243, 257

  White Sheet Hill 53–4

  Wittenham 147–8

  Hirst, Damien 282

  History of the Countryside, The (Oliver Rackham) 202

  Hoare, Henry 49

  Hofmann, Michael 253–4

  Hoggart, Richard 234

  Hollis, Matthew 126

  Holme 277–8, 284

  homelessness 97–8

  Homer End 170–1

  Honest to God (John Robinson) 226–8

  Horse Hoeing Husbandry (Jethro Tull) 60

  Hoskins, W G 267

  Howard, Maurice 295

  Huancacalle, Peru 19–20

  Hudson, W H 36–7, 56

  Hughes, David, falconer 156–9

  Hughes, Thomas 115

  Hughes, Tracy 156

  Hunstanton 276–7

  Iceni 242

  Ickleford 225–6

  Icknield Way:

  assumption concerning level of 203–4

  England’s most ancient route 16

  fort defences connected by 117

  in Kenneth Grahame 139

  Harrow Way loop of 54

  in Richard Jefferies 109–10

  Kelshall as staging post along 236

  ‘Lower’ 204

  map of 14–15

  name, possible derivation of 80

  old, farms along 137

  remains uncommodified 6

  ‘Ridgeway’ as alternative name for section 125

  surviving traces of 16

  as trade route 28

  Icknield Way, The (Edw
ard Thomas) 125, 126–7

  Ignatieff, Michael 172

  Illchester estate 19

  Ipsden triangle similar to Bermuda 8

  Ipsden wood 161

  Ipswich 155

  Irena 217, 224–5, 256, 257

  and chickens 131–2

  Iron Age:

  hill-forts of, see hill-forts

  jewellery from 215

  ‘Iron Man’, Black Sabbath song 257

  Ivinghoe Beacon 209–10

  Jefferies, Richard 3, 61, 105–10, 145

  Jerome, Jerome K 153

  Jerusalem (Jez Butterworth) 191

  Jordan (Katie Price) 274

  John of Gaunt 52

  Jones, Steve, Sex Pistols guitarist 181

  Judge Business School, Cambridge 248

  Kayser Bonder building, Baldock 228

  Keats, John 188, 211

  Keiller, Alexander 86

  Kelshall 236, 240

  Kemp, Will 192

  Kennett East Barrow 85

  Kermode, Frank 250

  Kilimanjaro 148

  kingfisher 58

  King’s Barrows 68–9

  Kingstanding Hill 121–4

  Kingston Russell 23, 24

  Knight, Mark 270–3

  Knowles, Tony 133, 134–5, 136

  Langford Lakes 57

  Larkin, Philip 173

  Last Chance to See (Douglas Adams) 71

  Latitude festival 261

  Laurie, Hugh 252

  Lawrence, D H 108

  Lawrence, T E 18

  Leatherne Bottel pub 182

  Lennon, John 169

  Lethbridge, T C 242–7

  Levi, Peter 170

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude 255

  ley lines 135–6

  Liddington 101, 117

  Liddington camp 111

  Liddington Hill 105, 109, 111

  linden tree (small-leaved lime) 204–5

  Lindisfarne 122, 237

  Little Stoke, Oxfordshire 125, 128–30, 135, 137–8, 145–6, 164–6

  Long Lane, Somerset 49, 52

  Longstreet 73

  Lorimer, John 277–8

  Lothbrok brothers 122

  Lothbrok, Ragnar 122

  Lovell, Lyn, Rainbow Circle 89–90, 95, 98

  Lowell, Robert 253

  Lubbock, Tom 252

  lungwort 213

  Lynne (Great Bustard Group) 75–9

  Lyscombe Bottom 35

  MacCabe, Colin 249

  magic mushrooms 260–1

  Maiden Castle 24, 26–33

  entrance to 32

  Maiden Castle (Powys) 30, 31

  excerpt from 31–2

  Making of the English Landscape, The (Hoskins) 267

  Maldon, battle of 154–5, 238–9

  Malory, Thomas 44–8, 54–6, 57–8, 177, 241–2

  Marlborough Downs 101

  sarsen stones from 65

  Matisse, Henri 187

  Maughfling, Rollo, ‘Archdruid of Stonehenge and Glastonbury’ 279

  Maxwell, Glyn 126

  Medici, Catherine de 175

  Mercia 122

  Merlin (BBC) 44

  Mike, farmer 40–2

  Milk Marketing Board 21

  Milton Abbas 35

  Milton Lilbourne 59

  minicab drivers 245, See archaeologists

  mobile phones 225

  Mold Cape 264

  Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de 211

  Montgomery, David 222

  Mor Regan, witch-harridans 102

  morris dancing 191–3

  Mort le Roi Artu, Le 55

  Morte d’Arthur, Le (Malory) 44–8, 54–5, 57 see also Arthurian legend

  Moulsford Common 122

  Mount Badon, battle of 111, 117

  Mount Tounot, Switzerland 212

  muntjac deer 169–70

  liver of, on toast 163

  music festivals 261–2

  Must Farm quarry 268–73, 278

  Mutlow Hill 242

  Nash, Paul 148

  National Trust 116, 189

  Neolithic Age:

  barrows of, see barrows

  stone and wood used as commemoration materials during 67, 71

  stone circles from, see stone circles

  Stonehenge as burial ground of 61–2; see also Stonehenge

  Nettlebed 11

  Nettlecombe Tout 35

  Never Mind the Bollocks 181

  Neville, Richard, Earl of Warwick 241

  New Age travellers 61–2

  New Yorker 25

  Ngatoluwa, Michael 148

  Nineteen Eighty-Four (George Orwell) 167

  Nineties: When Surface was Depth, The (Michael Bracewell) 250

  Noakes, John 196


  Bronze Age boat find in 269–73

  music festival at 259–61

  remains of civilization under 263

  Russia compared to 274

  Norman conquest 156, 237

  Northumbria 122

  Oddie, Bill 76–7

  Offa 239

  Offa’s Dyke 11

  Ogbourne St George 104

  Old Adam Hill 81–2

  Old Vicarage Farm, South Stoke (Oxfordshire) 133–4

  Operation Sea Lion 118

  Optical Stimulated Luminescence dating 114, 116, 198

  Orwell (née O’Shaughnessy), Eileen, see Blair, Eileen

  Orwell, George 166–8, 231–4, 236

  Wallington house of 231–2

  O’Shaughnessy, Eileen, see Blair, Eileen

  otters 145

  Overton Hill 85

  Pagans, including Aylesbury Pagans 93

  Parker Pearson, Mike 67

  penis, as pet 198

  Peterloo massacre 60

  pheasants 20, 158, 219, 221

  Philip of Spain 16–17

  Phipps, John 133–5

  Phipps, Sarah 133–6, 177

  pies 22, 42, 52, 217, 228, 274

  Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan) 213

  Pink Floyd 256

  Piper, Edward 184–90

  Piper, John 184, 185, 189, 190

  Piper, Myfanwy 190

  Piper, Prue 187, 190

  Plantagenet, Edmund 176

  Plantagenet, Richard 176

  ploughing 220–1, 222

  see also soil, science of; ‘zero tillage’

  poaching 3–4, 20, 105

  poets, and walking 210–11

  Pop Art 185, 188

  population, rural 263

  Porius (John Cowper Powys) 31

  Portia (dog) 196

  Poundbury 33–5

  Powys, John Cowper 29–32, 34

  Preseli Mountains, bluestones from 64

  Prynne, J H, cycling lugubriously 251

  Pryor, Francis 66, 266–9, 279, 280

  Purbeck 28

  Quartermaine, Roger 183–4

  rabbits, skinning 4

  Rackham, Oliver 202

  radiocarbon dating 29

  Rainbow Circle 87–90, 94–101 passim

  Raleigh, Walter 16

  ravens 102–3, in Iron Age myth

  Ravensburgh Castle 214–16

  Ravilious, Eric 186

  Rawle, Sid 97

  Reade, Michael 163

  Reading 122

  red kites 73, 135, 176–7, 208

  Reformation 18

  Rew, Kate 129–30

  Richard II (Shakespeare) 283

  Richard III 175

  Ricks, Christopher 250, 253–4

  Ridgeway, 124, 125, See Icknield Way

  Rings of Stone (Aubrey Burl) 23, 188

  Ringstead (Norfolk) 276

  Road to Wigan Pier, The (Orwell) 233–4

  Roberts, Peter 220–1, 223

  Robinson, John 226–8

  Romans in Britain 24, 28, 29, 117, 206–7, 265

  as anomalous interlude 204

  and woodland 201–2

  rooks 102

  Roxy Music 230<
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  Royal Institution 247–8

  Runcie, Robert 227

  Rural Rides (William Cobbett) 58–9, 121

  St Albans, first battle of 241–2

  St Catherine’s Chapel 12–13, 16

  St Edmund (King of the Angles) 122, 236–8, 239–40, 277

  St Edmund’s Chapel 277

  St George 240

  Salisbury Plain 50, 53, 56–7, 73–81, 201

  bleak beauty of 79

  and great bustard 74–80

  in Malory 55–6

  military use of 73, 78, 79–80, 80–1

  see also Stonehenge

  Salisbury Trust 19

  Sanctuary, Avebury 85

  Sandford, Jeremy 96–9, 179, 184

  funeral of 99

  Saxons 7, 33, 43

  as austere rulers 238

  at Avebury 70; see also Avebury

  beginning of end for 155

  falconry obsession of 154–5, 158

  hunting lodges of 156

  at Kingstanding Hill 121–4

  legal system of 117

  and Mount Badon 111, 117

  obsessive lawmakers 160

  and sexual ethics 160

  Wessex created by 101

  see also Alfred the Great; East Saxons; West Saxons

  Scouring of the White Horse, The (Richard Hughes) 115

  Seahenge 16, 72, 268, 278–82

  Second World War 19, 118, 200

  Secret Garden Party 261

  seed drill 60

  Self, Will as Martin Amis simalcrum 250

  Sense of an Ending, The (Frank Kermode) 250

  Seven Years War 50

  Sex Pistols 181

  Sexton, David 252

  Shakespeare, William 177, 206–7

  Sharples, Niall 26, 28, 29

  sheep 36–7, 170–2

  Shelter charity 97

  Shepherd’s Life, A (Hudson) 36

  showmen 193–5

  Silbury Hill 28

  Smith, Adam 59

  soil, science of 222

  see also ploughing; ‘zero tillage’

  South Stoke 133, 169

  Southey, Robert 211

  Spanish Armada 16–17

  Spartacus (dog) 196–7

  squirrels, eating 4

  Steeple Langford 57, 58–9

  Steinbeck, John 196

  Steinberg, Saul 25

  Steiner, George 30

  Stephen, Leslie 126

  Sterne, Laurence 250

  Stewart, Rory 37

  Stoke Row 169, 181

  stone circles:

  Avebury, see main entry

  Balquhain 188

  Flagstones 26

  Kingston Russell 23, 24

  Stonehenge, see main entry

  Stonehenge 16, 26, 61–70

  ‘Altar Stone’ at 65, 67

  Amesbury Archer found near 230

  bluestones at 64–5, 66

  Cursus near 68, 69

  evolving design of 64

  fenced off 63

  Great Stones Way proposal for 70, 79

  illegal parties at 97

  and ley lines 136

  as Neolithic burial ground 61–2

  Piper photographs 188

  sarsen stones at 65, 66–7

  Times article regarding 293–4

  Times letter regarding 295

  topsoil at 271

  trilithons at 65, 67

  see also Salisbury Plain

  Stonehenge Riverside Project 67

  Stoppard, Tom 256


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