Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1)

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Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1) Page 1

by JF Holland

  Immortal Flame

  Eternal Mates

  Book 1

  Author JF Holland

  Editor Maria Lazarou

  Copyright © 2017 J F Holland

  The moral right of the Author has been asserted.

  All characters and events within the story, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission, in writing of the Author and owner of the publication. Nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser

  Also by JF Holland

  Contemporary Romance

  Dennison Property Story Series:

  The Only One

  This Time

  Second Chance

  Full Circle (coming 2017)

  Single Titles

  Blue Christmas

  Date Night

  Paranormal Romance

  The Bound Series:

  Moon Sworn June

  Bound by The Moon

  Fire in the Moon

  Light up The Moon

  Eternal Mates (The Bound Series Spin off)

  Immortal Flame


  First and foremost, I always acknowledge my children as they are the ones who must deal with mother being in her own head as I write. My poor husband - as always has to deal with picking up the slack when he comes home from a long day at work. He shops and cooks so that I can quieten the voices in my head and get them down and out.

  Then you the reader, your response and appreciation makes the long hours of writing, restructuring, editing and proofing worthwhile.

  Lastly, I need to thank Graham, part of my friend; and fellow writer Trace’s gang. He helped me out of a pickle when I couldn’t think of a word, and google wasn’t playing. So, thanks Graham.

  Dedication: -

  Maria, this one is for you. You wear many hats; Editor, Super-star trailer maker and cheerleader, but most importantly, you’re my friend. You’re the one who’s always at the end of a message at stupid o’clock with something positive to spur me on. So, thank you. I couldn’t do it without you.

  Immortal Flame

  Eternal Mates

  Book 1


  Looking for that special someone. Someone made, just for you? Then look no further. Here, at ‘Eternal Mates,’ we can match you to your Soulmate. That certain special someone, guaranteed to complement you through eternities’ trials. Also, if you are unhappy with your chosen date, we offer you a no quibble, money back guarantee. So, what do you have to lose?

  “Ooh Jill look, this site looks promising,” Amanda giggled as she read the information on the screen of her tablet while she sipped her white wine. Jill rolled her eyes and flopped back against the sofa, cupped hands dropping into her lap, as she morosely cradled her own untouched glass. She was already depressed; and horny, she didn’t need reminding that her love life was a joke. “Come on Jill, what harm could it do?”

  “How about, me not being matched to a single eligible male within five-hundred-miles.

  “Don’t exaggerate…”

  “No, I tell you, I’m sick of dating sites, they never

  produce what they promise,” Jill sniped. Amanda rolled her own eyes as she took another sip of her drink, staring at the screen before her, reading through the details.

  “Lies, what about Giles?” Jill crossed her eyes, stuck out her top teeth and Amanda snorted, eyes lifting above the screen. “Philip?” Jill tucked her chin into her chest and squinted,” again Amanda snorted. “Lance was okay, right?”

  “Sure, if you didn’t mind sharing him with his wife and boyfriend,” she shrugged.


  “Oh yes, Lance was already in a ménage relationship. Apparently, the boy wanted to add a little spice to it.” Amanda just blinked, then frowned and Jill rolled her eyes yet again as she could well imagine what was going through her friend’s mind. She watched as she put the tablet in her lap, glass in hand as she moved her head from side to side and squinted. She would be trying to imagine exactly what went on in their bedroom. Well, she could tell her that herself, without her having to pop an aneurism as she tried to work it out.

  It was also nothing she was interested in being a party to, if that’s what they were doing. Nothing of interest. She had no interest whatsoever in sharing, none, zilch, zip.

  Was it so wrong to just want a nice guy? She thought dismally, one that wasn’t too good looking, nor too arrogant or full of himself. She’d also like it if he could be faithful, that would be a definite bonus. The last wanker she’d dated probably had frost bite on his balls his pants were off so often. She’d also like a man who was under forty but over twenty-five, therefore not looking for a mummy substitute.

  I mean, was it too much to ask? she didn’t think so, but it was like searching for the holy, fucking grail, trying to find an unattached, half decent male.

  B.O.B. would be getting a work out later, again, she thought, sulkily.

  Twenty-eight-years-old and she was still on the bloody shelf.

  Now, how depressing was that? It was alright for Amanda, she had Polly, she didn’t have a clue how hard it was to find a semi-decent, unattached male.

  Maybe she should look for her own Polly? Then Jill shook her head at the thought. Not that she had a problem with it, no, not at all, it was just that she already had her own vagina, where was the fun in playing with another. Then there was the monthly hormone overload, two women in one house, nope. It just didn’t do it for her.

  She looked up again as Amanda shook her head, obviously deciding that she didn’t like the idea of a ménage or more, especially with males. Jill snickered at this one, imagining Amanda trying to figure out what to do with a penis that had a male attached to it.

  “What’s so funny?” Amanda looked up.

  “I was just trying to imagine you with a man.”

  “And that would be funny, how?” she prickled.

  “Because it would be a male at the end of the penis you’d be sitting on, and not Polly.” Jill burst out laughing as Amanda shuddered. “See, so not your thing.”

  “No, they have body hair and weird odours. So, no, it’s most definitely not, but it’s yours. Now, come on grumpy pants, if you want a penis with a male attached and not long-life batteries, fill in the damn form,” Amanda growled, holding up the tablet and glaring.

  “Fine, but if he turns out to be yet another loser, you can date him yourself.”

  Amanda squealed, jumping up from the sofa, wine and tablet in hand, then plonked herself down on the floor between Jill’s knees.

  “This is going to be fine, you’ll see. We’ll find you a perfect mate,” she snickered, and sighing, Jill downed her wine in one gulp. Then leaning forward, began to read through the questions so Amanda could input her information. Seeing the first question about what she wanted in her perfect mate, she groaned and leaned back.

  “I just need a man who knows how to give me a tongue lashing,” Jill mumbled.

  “Ha-de-ha-ha, I take it you mean in the literal and not the proverbial sense, because I can’t imagine you wanting a man who’s going to give you grief?” Amanda laughed as she went through the questions.

  “How about a man who’s mute, but knows how to use his tongue. That would be a definite bonus,” Jill grumbled, eyeing the ceiling.

  “I’m not sure there’s a box on the form for that,” Amanda told her dryly. “How about I fill it out and you just wait for the replies?”

  “Good idea, that way I can just be surprised, instead of disappointed,” Jill sighed.

  “I’ll find the perfect man for you, you wait and see.”

  “Yeah, you do that, how about another drink?” Jill asked, leaning over and grabbing the bottle of sauvignon blanc from the end table.

  “Fill it up, I’ve got my work cut out for me,” Amanda laughed, holding her glass out as she read through the questions on the tablet.

  Chapter One

  L eonard Smyth had come up to Upper Lunaton, from the smaller village of Lower Lunaton, and was just making his way out of the coroner’s office at Lunaton General. Jaden Matthews; a black jaguar shifter had needed him to pay a visit to the coroner’s office. One of the shifters sons had been killed recently by a psychotic witch on a power trip. The kid had been a brown bear who hadn’t even had his first shift. He’d needed to make sure the paperwork went through quickly, without any hold ups or questions asked. His parents wanted to bury him, and if the police or hospital thought there was any foul play it would hold that up. It could also cause the immortals in general a few problems if people found out they existed. With him being a vampire, he had the capabilities of reading minds and altering perceptions. His job today had been to help the coroner; Phillip James, who was a Lynx Shifter, to smooth the way. It had gone off without a hitch and had only required a little whammy, nothing major. The problems were caused by a local reporter sticking his nose in and sniffing around for a story. Now it was done, he could go back and let Michael’s parents know that it was all set, they could bury their son.

  His jaw ticked at the thought of Michael. He’d only been fifteen-years-old, a baby really, and one who’d just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. All Michael had been doing was picking wildflowers for his mother’s birthday, but he’d come across Maisie; the black witch’s, hide-out. The psychotic bitch had taken Balin, a Jaguar shifter; and brother to Jaden, and had him captive in an old underground cavern. Michael had been searching for flowers nearby, he hadn’t known that she was holding and torturing Balin there. When he’d come across him in one of his searches for Maisie himself, it had torn him up to have to take his body back. Especially, when he’d had to stand by and watch his father fall apart.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, hands in pockets as he walked up yet another corridor. He’d been so lost in his own thoughts; he’d not noticed a door opening to his left.

  “Damn, it’s fine,” a woman told him as she bent down and began picking paper files up off the floor, which she’d dropped.

  “Here, let me help you, my fault. I should have been looking where I was going.”

  “No, it’s mine, honestly, but thank you,” the brunette told him as she collected her files and straightened up. Then holding them to her chest, she thanked him again and turned, walking off up the corridor in the direction he’d just come from.

  Leonard watched her walk away with a frown on his face. The woman had not paid him any attention, not even a look, just walked off leaving an evocative sweet scent in her wake. He wasn’t being arrogant or anything, but being a vampire came with a huge drawback, glamour. They had a natural glamour that attracted people to them - whether they wanted them to be or not. And yes, he’d admit it; if only to himself, it could also be fun and useful. I mean if he was out and needed a light snack from a donor with an available vein it made it easier. Easier because they didn’t have to go looking for a donor, they came to them. Only this small brunette who had just disappeared into the coroner’s office he’d just left, hadn’t even looked in his direction. It was unusual to say the least, but even more unusual was that he’d also not heard a single thought coming from her. Nothing, complete radio silence. He at least normally heard surface thoughts, like ‘god I hate my job, or my boss is an arsehole.’ Though with her, he’d not heard one.

  Curious, he looked at the door she’d just come out of and read the name plate.

  Dr. Thomas Stevens, Surgical Consultant.

  Interesting, he thought as he walked on. Maybe when it wasn’t so hectic, and he had more time, he’d come back and hunt out the little brunette. Maybe she’d be worth a second look, her arse sure had been.

  Chapter Two

  L eonard walked up the stairs behind his old friend Luc, who still hated his guts. Sighing, he tried to ignore the icy indifference with which Luc treated him. After all, he should be used to it by now. I mean, he’d not spoken to him properly in over three-hundred years.

  Knocking on the bedroom door, he waited for Balin to tell them it was okay to enter. Balin had recently been captured, and tortured, by the date Leonard had set Luc up with on that fateful night when their friendship had hit the shitter. Maisie; the psychotic bitch, and witch, the one who’d cursed Luc to becoming a statue in daylight, had also been the one who’d captured and tortured Balin. God, if only he’d known her true capabilities all those years ago, he’d never have tried to set Luc up with her and cause the events that had unfolded. If he’d just left well enough alone, Luc and he would have still been the best of friends. Which in turn would mean that Luc would never have treated him to the stony, silent treatment; to match his curse, for all these years.

  On hearing Balin’s response to his tap, Leonard shook off his bleak thoughts, straightened his back and pushed through the door.

  “Only us. Just checking you’ve still got your balls,” Leonard airily replied as he stepped into the room. He needed to check that Balin was on the mend, but didn’t need him knowing that.

  “Well, as you had an up-close-in-person view of them in the shower, I’d say, yes.” Balin, dryly replied to his jest.

  “I didn’t look,” Leonard grinned, as he went over to the window sill and leaned back, legs and arms crossed. His stomach rolled at the thought of the state Balin had been in when they’d finally found and rescued him. Once they’d gotten Balin back, he’d helped them to clean him up in the shower. God, he’d looked like he’d been on the front line in a battle. His stomach had been ripped open, he was battered, bruised and she’d even smashed his lower legs. He’d also been left chained for the duration of his captivity. Chains specifically made to stop him from escaping or healing himself as they were attached to be-spelled manacles. With Balin being a jaguar shifter, if he could have shifted, it would have helped the healing process. However, the manacles she’d put on him had been be-spelled specifically to stop him from being able to shift, therefore heal and escape. The bitch had tried to use him as bait to get her hands on his mate, Lana, her blood she’d wanted to aid in her insatiable greed for power.

  Clearing his thoughts, Leonard looked up as Luc put Balin’s tea down on the bedside cabinet beside him so he could reach from where he sat. Leonard ground his jaw as Luc then took a seat on the other side of the bed, as far away from him as it was possible while in the same room.

  “What is it with you two, can you not kiss and make up?” Balin asked as he sat there in his bed.

  “That would be down to Luc,” Leonard informed him with a shrug - just a slight lifting of his shoulders. He tried to look nonchalant about it, but his tension gave him away. God, he’d missed their friendship, and had purposely distanced himself from others ever since then, so that he didn’t have to lose anyone else. He’d grieved for the loss of the camaraderie and closeness he’d once shared with Luc. Balin spoke up, and his attention was once again captured because his words made him suspicious.

  “Luc, surely there’s something Leonard could do to make this up to you?” Balin winked, and Luc frowned until Balin raised his chin towards his mobile phone which was plugged in, charging at the back of the dressing table near the door. Luc smirked, then getting up of the chair, pulled his own phone out of his pocket.

  “You’d do whatever it took to make it right between us, oui?” Luc asked, sitting back down opening his e-

  “Of course. After all, it’s my fault you turn all stony during the day,” Leonard replied.

  They were up to something, but what?

  He was just about to question them when Luc spoke up, his attention now on him.

  “Check your e-mail,” Luc told him and not understanding what was going on, he pulled his phone out of the inside pocket of his jacket. Lifting the phone, he opened his e-mail and blinked, eyes widening.

  “No,” he swore.

  “You just said you’d do anything to heal the rift in your friendship,” Balin reminded him.

  “But this, this… this… it’s childish,” Leonard scoffed.

  “No, it’s payback,” Luc informed him.

  “You seriously signed me up to a... dating site.” Leonard spat with distaste. He looked down at his phone again, then coughed, his mouth kicking up. “Eternal Mates, is that a piss take or what?”

  Surely, it was a joke?

  A dating site, him?

  He snorted again, looking down at the link.

  “John’s mother owned it.” Leonard felt a pang at the mention of John’s mother. The white tiger-shifter had been tortured and murdered by Maisie a few weeks back. That bitch Maisie had a lot to answer for, but it wouldn’t do him any good to let the others know that he let things affect him. He didn’t want to be left open again to anything.

  “Seriously?” Leonard asked, head popping up before dropping again as he checked the e-mail, opening the website. He blinked. “It’s an immortal dating site,” he grinned.

  Now this could be fun, two birds one stone so to speak. He could get laid and heal his friendship with Luc, a win, win as far as he was concerned, the thought of a brunette in a hospital hallway intruded, but he quickly brushed it away. Then, he looked through the profile properly and stared incredulously, his eyebrow rose even further. “Enjoys walking and reading,” man, you really did want payback,” Leonard grinned. “All I did was try to get you laid, but you’re trying to bore me to death,” he informed Luc dryly. He couldn’t believe they’d put that he enjoyed walking and reading. He did in fact enjoy both these things, but he wasn’t letting on, or they’d change it to something he truly hated, like gardening or some shit. He enjoyed reading material that most men would never own up to enjoying, so he’d keep quiet on that front. He spotted a message in the inbox and his face dropped as he held out the phone. “I’ve had a hit,” he informed them, “it says we have a ninety-six-percent compatibility rating.” He’d not minded being set up, he’d thought it a joke, but now he’d gotten matched to someone it meant he’d have to go through with it.


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