Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1)

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Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1) Page 15

by JF Holland

  Was he a virgin?

  She snorted at the absurdity of the idea. I mean, the man knew his way around a woman’s body.

  It wasn’t possible, was it?

  “Are you a virgin?” she blurted out. Her mouth working before she could engage her brain. He froze, and slowly turned towards her, blinking.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said are you a virgin?”

  “I know, I was just trying to figure out where in the hell you would come up with such an idea, have I not given you pleasure, several times?”

  “Well, yes, but you balk at anything else. I mean, you’ve not even touched me below the wai…” her words trailed off as her eyes lit on him, slitting in accusation. “You’re gay aren’t you, I knew it. The manners, charm, dress sense, they are all much too good to belong to a straight man. It’s not a problem, I can deal, I have some fabulous gay friends. It’s just that, for once, I’d like to find a man that actually wants me,” she sputtered. Then throwing her hands up in the air, she stomped out of the bedroom and into the bathroom in her short legged, cotton pyjamas.

  Leonard stood there in nothing but his boxers and trousers. The hard on from hell presently trying to suck all the blood from his brain, which she’d obviously seen.

  How in the hell could she think he was gay?

  He went through all he’d done to her over the last few days and blinked.

  “Bollocks,” he swore, head falling back on his shoulders as he stared at the ceiling. Then, mouth slashing, he went over to the small chair in the corner of her tiny bedroom and picked up his phone. His walk-in closet was bigger than this room, he’d have to see if he could talk her into moving in with him, because this, this was not what he was used to. Yes, it was cozy, but he was beginning to feel a little claustrophobic in the tiny space. His phone switched on and quickly he sent a text.

  Sorry, Luc, I’ve been good, I have. I’ve also been in immeasurable pain. But now I’m classing the 5-dates as done. I need to prove to Jill that I do want her, so if our friendship doesn’t survive this as I’ve not spoken to your first. Well, I’ll just continue to mourn its loss. Leonard.

  With that, Leonard switched off his phone and dropped it on the bed. Stripping out of his trousers and boxers, he checked the time on the clock. He had about 40-minutes before they needed to leave to get Jill to work.

  “Doable,” he muttered as he left the bedroom and stopped outside the bathroom door. Banging his fist against it, he turned the handle, the only warning he gave.

  “Leo,” Jill sputtered, as he walked in as she stood there naked, her eyes wide as saucers as one hand dropped to cover her groin and the other went across her chest.

  “A little late for modesty, don’t you think,” Leonard drawled, kicking the door shut and moving towards her.

  “Now Leo, don’t be hasty here,” Jill held out a hand, then squeaked and covered her chest with it again as he advanced.

  “Such modesty, I’ve been over every inch of you already,” he told her stopping before her. She frowned and shook her head. “Oh, yes, I have, maybe not in person, but in my mind, I’ve had you every way I can think of. In every room and piece of furniture in here. Then I moved onto my home, and that took a little longer, but not by much,” he told her, a hand lifting and stroking over her throat, eyes broodingly holding hers captive.

  “But, I don’t understand, you… we…”

  “Hmm, I made a promise to a friend or an old friend anyway. 5-dates, I had to take you on 5-dates without sex to appease him and heal our friendship.”

  “But you… me…”

  “I class sex as penetration. I’ve had to watch you cum over and over and not once have I been able to have you.”

  “But you let me…”

  “Hmm, I tried to put that one down as not counting, as it was you and not me that did that one. I’ve not allowed you to do so again though and god, have I paid for that since. The times in my mind that I have not only gone done down your throat, but that I’ve also had you spread out before me.” He whispered the words near her ear, his nose now running up the side of her throat, breathing in and humming.

  “Leo, what are you doing?” she squeaked.

  “Showing you I want you,” he told her licking up her neck.

  “Arrgh, okay, I believe you,” Jill told him, trying to pull her head away.

  “Oh no, not enough, now I’m going to show you. You many need to hold on though,” he informed her, pulling her hands away from her chest and groin and stepping back, holding them out from her body with his own.

  “Mmm, where to start,” he murmured, eyes heatedly roaming over the length of her body. “You’re all nice and flushed,” he told her with a smirk. “All the blood has rushed to the surface,” smirk fading as he hummed, then licking a fang he groaned as he stared at her naked form before him. His eyes dropped to the little neat thatch of dark curls at the apex of her thighs and Jill moved from foot to foot, unsure what to do. He stepped closer, inhaling and her eyes dropped as she was nudged in the belly. Her eyes rising to his face when she realised his fangs weren’t the only things now visible. “I’ve been hard, all damn week,” he hissed, hands dropping hers as he held her face between his palms, head lowering to hers. He brushed a kiss across her eyelids and her cheeks, then settled on her mouth. “You taste so damn good, sweet, warm,” he breathed the words against her lips, then settled in more fully, drinking from her. Jill gasped, her mouth opening beneath his and he slid his tongue inside, sweeping the interior and twining with her own. Her hands went to his chest, her blunt nails digging for purchase, and he slowed the kiss before pulling back. Satisfied as he saw her swollen damp lips, a drop of blood from where his fang had caught her. His eyes took in the glazed look in her own as he used a thumb to wipe away the slight cut, sucking the evidence and humming at the taste. As he held eye contact, a hand stroking over the pulse in her throat. The other, he trailed the backs of his fingers down her chest, between her breasts. Then over her stomach, dipping into her navel, then over both hip bones before he moved down. He ran his fingers through the tight curls slipping between the folds, stroking over the little bundle of nerves, swollen, full of blood and she trembled. Slowly, he released her throat, still tormenting her with a hand, circling and pinching that little nubbin as he dropped to his knees before her. His lips now butterfly kissed her stomach, a fang dragging down her lower stomach, being careful not to cut her.

  “Hold on,” he rasped, the only warning he gave her as he lifted her left leg, positioning it over his shoulder, opening her to his view. His eyes left hers, gazing at what he’d revealed and groaned. “So wet, Jill,” he blew across her glistening sex and she wobbled, his fingers left her to hold her hip and steady her. “Hold onto the sink,” he told her, then checking that her hand dropped, knuckles white as they gripped the edge, he went back to what he was doing. His tongue stroked through her folds, rubbing over that little pearl of sensitive flesh, circling with the tip, before he flattened and licked over it, rubbing and making her suck in a breath. Leonard continued to stroke and torment her with his tongue, one hand running up and down the inside of her thigh; feather light touches, making her hypersensitive. His other hand dropped to his erection, gripping and stroking, working himself, a hand running down and squeezing is balls before gripping his length again. Jill shook, her legs shaking so badly he again had to grip her hip, he so wanted to bite, just where his tongue stroked. Eyes flicking to her, watching her chest rise and fall, the flush to her skin, nipples tight, mouth open, he knew she was near. Another stroke up his own flesh, he again licked over her, swallowing what she gave, but his stomach chose that moment to cramp.

  He blew out a breath and bit, his fangs sinking into the blood and nerve rich sensitive skin and she came. He swallowed, the blood sliding down his throat, coating his tongue as Jill gave a keening cry, his name leaving her throat on a moan. His eyes slid closed as he sucked, taking more flicking his tongue over her and making her shake, h
er thighs quaking. He had to pull back his teeth as she began to topple forward, a quick lick and he managed to shuffle back in the confined space so she fell onto his lap. Her wet flesh rubbed over his still hard length, making it throb. He moved her around, using the head to rub over her, then he lifted and dropped her over him. He pushed with his hips, her still spasming flesh gave way and he slipped into her, groaning as her internal muscles began to massage him. Her mouth against his shoulder he began to move her, lifting her up and down on him, she nuzzled into him, sighing and kissing his neck. The flush from her blood moving through his system, settling his stomach and as one appetite was appeased the other came screaming to life. He sped up, pushing and retracting as he moved her up and down on his length. Jill planted her feet on the floor, hands on his shoulders as she began to move with him. He felt the familiar tingle in his spine, as his balls tightened, drawing up to his body. He widened his thighs, giving him better leverage as he pounded into her body and she gasped, her internal muscles tightening, becoming a strangle hold. No way to move, he ground his teeth, desperate for release but her body held him fast. Then she dropped forward, her blunt teeth biting down into his shoulder and he went off like a rocket. His back bowing and his erection kicking up inside her as his release hit. Neck muscles straining, he turned his head and managed to take her mouth, kissing her as they both came down.

  “So… you’re not gay, huh,” Jill mumbled, breaking their kiss and trying to catch her breath.

  Leonard laughed, then groaned as the movement pushed him against her, little aftershocks stroking over him.

  “No, not gay, but you are going to be late for work if you don’t put on a wiggle,” he told her, a hand dropping and slapping her backside. She squeaked and jumped, again making him groan as he was once again stroked and squeezed. Jill’s eyes slit and she pulled back. “No, not happening,” she warned, as his hands went to her hips to move her.

  “I’ll only take a minute, promise,” he cajoled as he again began to move her on him.

  “Leo, not fair,” she groaned. “I need to shower; I’m going to be late.”

  “No problem, hold on,” he told her, managing to push up and stand. Jill squeaked, her legs tightening around his back and her arms wrapping around his neck. “Turn on the water,” he ground out, heading into the shower cubicle.

  “There’s no room.”

  “Sure there is,” he grinned, leaning her against the wall as he again began to move in and out of her body.

  “Where do you get your strength from?” Jill asked moaning as he rotated his hips on his upward stroke.

  “Told you, vampire, super-human,” he winked, showing her his teeth. She laughed as she slapped out a hand and managed to turn on the shower, squealing as the cold water hit them. “Shit, that’s cold,” Leonard managed to grit out but still didn’t stop moving.

  “It’s warming,” Jill sighed, but he chose that moment to rub his thumb over the top of her sex, and she shattered once again, and he followed her over.

  “Good, clean sex, can’t beat it,” Leonard told her as he finally lifted her off him, making her hiss as his flaccid length stroked over-sensitized nerves.

  Leonard reached around Jill as she leaned against the tiles, legs quaking. He grabbed the shower gel, squirting some into his hands and quickly set about washing her.

  Jill didn’t have the energy to move, she felt completely boneless as he washed her. She hissed as he gently washed her, his hand stroking over her over used vagina, he quickly washed his hand and dropped to his knees. His mouth once again on her and she groaned.

  “No, Leo, please, too much.” She felt faint, her legs struggling to hold her up, her hands on his shoulders as he leaned into her, his mouth back, sucking. With a final lick, he stood, then rinsing his mouth, he quickly washed his body then turning his back as he washed his length. Jill snorted, because really, he didn’t mind waving it about when it was up, but down, he had issues.

  Typical man.

  “Come on, let’s get you some orange juice,” Leonard murmured, stepping out of the shower and wrapping her in a towel. He put another around his waist, and then dried her, ushering her into the bedroom. He sat her on the bed and then dried himself, pulling on his clothing from yesterday. “Can you get dressed?” he asked, concern in his voice.

  “I’m fine, you just wore me out,” Jill assured him. “Coffee and I’ll be good to go,” she smiled.

  “Okay, orange juice and coffee coming up,” Leonard told her heading out of the bedroom.

  He grabbed the kitten, who again hissed at him, he hissed back and it turned its back on him and curled up once again in its covered bed. More a cat box really, but it was soft, with a mesh front. He berated himself all the way down the stairs. He’d made her bleed, couldn’t believe he’d been so lost in her body that he’d not sealed the wound he’d made on her.

  “Idiot,” he mumbled as he made it into the kitchen, and put the kittens bed down on the floor. He flicked on the kettle, and opened the kittens mesh door, ushering it towards the litter box he’d placed beside the back door. “Go do your business, Fluffy-Jay,” he murmured to the kitten with a grin. He laughed as it finally came out of its bed, little bell jingling as it went over to the litter tray. “Maybe I should ask Maya if Jaden’s tray is bigger,” he chuckled as the cat scratched around in the litter. His attention then went back to trying to get Jill’s blood up. Opening the fridge, he pulled out a carton of orange and poured her a large glass, set it on the breakfast bar and went about making coffee. She needed a machine, he wasn’t used to jarred coffee, but just now, it would suffice.

  “Thank you,” Jill murmured, finally dressed for the office, she pulled out a stool and sat at the breakfast bar. Yawning, she picked up her coffee first, but Leonard took it off her and handed her the orange.

  “Drink the orange first, you need your vitamin C,” he told her. Pulling her face, she downed it in one, then shuddered and put down the empty glass, again picking up her coffee. Sipping it with a sigh, she made a mental note to ring her doctor, her pill obviously needed changing. She’d had to put a pad on, horrified to find that her period had arrived in the middle of a cycle, so she’d not realised. When she’d dropped the towel to step into her knickers, she’d seen blood on it, fresh, red blood, so had rushed into the bathroom. She’d also found blood on the tissue after wiping, so cursing had rummaged in her bedroom drawer for a pad. She just hoped that Leonard hadn’t noticed anything. The shower had probably gotten rid of any evidence he’d had on him, which meant she was in the clear.

  “Here’s some toast,” Leonard told her as he attended to the kitten’s food. Again, Fluffy-Jay hissed at him, and he picked the kitten up, flashing his own fangs, he hissed back. “You, will behave, I can bite as well as you,” he admonished the kitten and it meowed at him. “Yes, be good,” he told him as he stroked between his ears, eliciting a loud purr. Putting him on the floor, the fur ball wound himself around the leg of Jill’s stool as he waited. Leonard put some kitten milk in his bowl and he scampered over, lapping at it with a loud purr rumbling from him. Jill laughed as she took a bite of her toast.

  “What’s funny?” Leonard asked, picking up his own coffee and taking a drink, grimacing at the bitterness.


  “What about me?” Leonard asked over his cup.

  “You keep hissing at a kitten. Really, how’s that going to make him feel safe with you.”

  “I brought him for you, he doesn’t have to like me, he just has to respect me,” he told her. Again, she burst out laughing.

  “Okay, well, good luck with that.”


  “You have to gain the trust of a pet, not the other way around.”

  “But he’s an animal.”

  “And that’s where you’ll hit problems, cats are very self-contained.”

  “What do you mean?” He asked taking another sip of the coffee and regretting it. With a sigh, he emptied it into the sink and wa
shed his cup.

  “Dogs love unconditionally, normally. Whereas cats, they either like you or they don’t, completely different breed,” she shrugged.

  “You’re telling me I have to woo, your kitten?”

  “Oh yes,” Jill smirked, getting off her stool, the kitten ran over and wound himself around her legs, purring loudly. She bent down and picked him up and he rubbed his head against her chin. She pulled him back, rubbing her nose against his and he purred, rubbing back. Leonard frowned, jealous of a cat, then leaned over and kissed Jill’s cheek, the kitten swatted at him and hissed.

  “Ungrateful little beast,” Leonard mumbled, and the kitten stared at him, unblinking.

  “Fine, I’ll try harder,” Leonard replied, scratching it between its ears and it purred. “Right, come on, you’re going to be late for work.”

  “Bollocks,” Jill squealed, jumping off the stool and handing the kitten to Leonard. “Do you think he’ll be okay?”

  “He’ll be fine, he has his bed, food and drink.”

  “Okay, bye, Fluffy, I’ll see you later,” Jill cooed, rubbing between his ears. Leonard rolled his eyes, lifted the cat away from him and stared it in the eyes.

  “Behave, or I’ll take you back to the breeder,” he warned as he put it down. It trotted off back to its food dish and began to eat the kibble he’d put down for it. Quickly, Leonard washed her cup and glass, putting them on the drainer, then wrapped the toast he’d made for her in some kitchen roll. Leaving the kitchen, he pulled the door closed and headed after Jill, picking up his suit jacket and duster off the sofa and heading towards the front door. “Jill, I’ll be in the car,” he shouted up the stairs.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  J ill sat on the sofa, the kitten on her lap, snoring. Leonard had picked her up from work and had then ordered them food. He’d refused fast food though, so had gone to pick them something up from Romano’s. How he’d gotten a posh restaurant to do take-out was beyond her. Weirdly enough, she’d found that the bleeding she’d suffered with this morning had vanished again. She definitely needed to make an appointment to see her doctor to discuss her pill, it had been so weird. The kitten purred and rolled over, and she laughed, sobering as a phone sounded from somewhere upstairs. Frowning, she put the kitten down, and went to investigate, positive it had come from her bedroom. She found Leonard’s phone, on the floor under the bed. She pulled it out and looked at it, finding it flashing, she contemplated checking it, but shrugging, went back downstairs.


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