Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1)

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Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1) Page 18

by JF Holland

  “I thought it was only shifters who could do that?” He’d spent time discussing the others in detail after they’d made love the first time after settling Fluffy-Jay in a rather large kitchen.

  “No, shifters can communicate anytime, even before they are bound. Vampires can only communicate once they share blood. At first, only when doing so, but after the full change and they take blood from each other regularly, the bond grows stronger. Eventually, they too can communicate anytime telepathically.”

  “Blood bond, I like the idea of that,” Jill smiled, her arms winding around his head, holding him to her.

  “Jill, you’ll have to stop seeing your human friends eventually,” Leonard hating to tell her, but refused to discuss the change without her knowing all the facts.

  “Why? Oh, because they’ll notice I’m not aging,” she murmured and he nodded.

  “Can’t I just get one of the witches to tattoo a spell on me, so they think I’m aging?” Leonard blinked at this, because he’d never thought of it.

  “Have I told you that I love your mind?”

  “No you haven’t, but thank you for telling me. I love that you felt the need to warn me, and not just do it without making me aware.”

  “I’ll always tell you the truth,” he told her, leaning down and again kissing her.

  “I know, you always have. Even if I thought you were just yanking my chain,” she told him on a sigh as he lifted himself of her, and pushed up from the bed.

  “We’ll speak to Agatha about the spell tattoo,” he told her, toeing off his shoes, and undoing his jeans, pushing them down his legs and stepping out of them.

  Jill lay on the bed and watched, eyes slumberous, then sputtered and squealed as he took hold of her foot and dragged her across the bed. He undid her pants and pulled both those and her knickers down, dropping them on the floor. Then he grinned as he pushed her legs apart and crawled up her body, lying between her now spread thighs.

  “So, this biting,” he murmured, nuzzling into her breasts.

  “Hmm, I’m sure I can think of somewhere you’ll enjoy it,” she murmured as he took a nipple into his mouth and tugged.

  “I’m sure you will, now come for me,” he told her as he bit into her breasts, flicking her nipple with his tongue as he fed.

  Jill’s back bowed beneath him as his bite threw her into an instant orgasm. Leonard used her release to slide into her body, groaning at the tight fit as her internal muscles pulsed around him, squeezing. He gave a final suck, and then pulled his teeth out of her breast, licking and sucking the skin to seal it.

  “Fuck me, warn me next time,” Jill panted, still shaking from her release.

  “I thought I was,” Leonard told her as he began to move inside her body, “fucking you that is. Now, hold on tight,” he grinned, as he pushed up to his knees, and tugged her into his lap, still moving in and out of her body.

  “Is that your idea of foreplay?” Jill asked, wiggling in his lap until she could wrap her legs around his waist.

  “No, this is called taking the edge off,” he told her on a grunt, as she bit his shoulder and dug her nails into his back as she rocked on him. “I love you,” he whispered as he pulled her onto him, and felt her muscles once again tighten around him.

  “For an eternity,” Jill told him as she ran her tongue over his shoulder before biting deeper, making him hiss and then groan as her blunt teeth cut through his skin. As the first drop of his blood coated her tongue she heard his voice in her head.

  “You are mine now, no going back, my immortal flame. The tinder to my fire.”

  “As you are mine,” she whispered back into his mind.

  About the author

  JF Holland is a stay at home wife and mum with six children and a menagerie of animals. She still lives in her small home town of Partington, in Manchester (UK), where she was born, raised and attended school. She’s always had a love of romance books and spent a lot of time as a child re-writing the fairy stories she read. She also confused the hell out her children as they grew and learned to read themselves. The stories read to them growing up never matched the books she'd read from.

  She can be contacted through her Facebook page at:-

  Website http://jf-holland-romance-author/


  You can e-mail her at: [email protected]

  Message from the Author: -

  This is the 1st book in my new paranormal Spin-off series, from The Bound Series, ‘Eternal Mates’. Although there is some cross over between the series, it’s still a series in its own right. I was first given the idea for Eternal Mates as I began writing The Bound Series. So many immortals, not all bound and I thought, there must be something they can do to find mates. After all, not all immortal’s mates are born for them; like the shifters. So, the idea of a dating site solely for immortals was born.

  If you’d like to read the Bound Series, Jaden and Maya's story began in book 1, 'Moon Sworn.’

  I also write Contemporary Romance: -

  Read on for the first chapter of Book 1’The Only One’ part of The Dennison Property Story Series. My first release, which came out in July 2015

  Chapter One

  K itty Phillips sighed as she finally stepped out of the lift and arrived at the work area she shared with Audrey Bennet, Blake Dennison’s administrative assistant. She was tired, dishevelled, and immensely pleased to have gotten there in one piece. Audrey appeared behind her, out of the toilets.

  “You’re looking a little worse for wear,” she sympathetically told Kitty, as she sat down at her desk.

  “The bus turned up early, and I had to run for it in the rain,” Kitty grumbled, blowing out a breath. “I had to stand up because it was packed, got coughed and sneezed on by a man who was obviously ill. Then, just for giggles, the driver allowed more people on the already over-crowded bus,” she said in disgust. Then turning she headed towards her own desk.

  Just as she was about to boot up her computer, raised voices could be heard coming from behind Blake’s office door. She raised a querying brow at Audrey, who just shrugged her shoulders.


  Blake had been scrutinizing details on his latest deal when Natalia Jenson stormed unannounced, into his office. The Icelandic blonde paced around shouting in both Swedish and English, her arms waving around like a windmill, as she gesticulated wildly.

  He looked on in stunned disbelief when it suddenly went quiet, so quiet in fact that his ears began to ring. She sucked in air, and opened her mouth to start again, when Blake snapped out of his dazed stupor. Angrily, he pushed his chair back, stood up, and slammed his hands down on his desk, gaining her stunned attention.

  “Out!” he furiously shouted at her, his own anger rousing his indignation. He didn’t have a clue who she thought she was, but how dare she come into his office without an invitation. She was making a spectacle of them both in his place of work, and he was livid.

  He’d not laid eyes on her since he’d stupidly taken her to a fundraising event a couple of months ago. Afterwards, he’d walked away, not taking her up on her obvious invitation. God, he was bored, even sex had lost its appeal these days. It had become an unsatisfying release with undeniably beautiful women, but they’d all become interchangeable. Who’d all begun to blur together in his mind, none of them especially memorable, or appealing for that matter. Where was the challenge? He needed something more, someone who could stimulate his brain as well as his body.

  He sighed wearily at the whole sorry mess.

  "But...," she began to wheedle, rolling her rounded hips in an exaggerated fashion, while slowly making her way over to him; her hands held out before her imploringly.

  "No, I don’t want to hear it," Blake told her through clenched teeth, as she again tried to speak. "I thought you’d have gotten the message when I dropped you off and didn’t call again!"
r />   She didn’t move as he uttered this. Just stared at him, blinking in bewilderment as if she couldn’t comprehend what was happening.

  He sighed again, "Just leave, we’re through. I’m sorry, but we’re over."

  Her bottom lip wobbled, and he tutted impatiently, fed up with her theatrics. Gesturing with his head towards the door, Blake waited, but when she still didn’t move his patience ran out completely. Stomping past her, he yanked the door open himself and motioned for her to leave.


  In the outer office, Kitty turned back to Audrey in query when Blake’s office door was suddenly snatched open, making them both jump as it hit the wall. There, holding it open, stood a stony-faced Blake himself. All six-foot-three inches of him, and it was all positively vibrating with anger. His square jaw was locked, a tick beginning in his cheek.

  Man, he did the tall dark, brooding, and gorgeous male to perfection. Kitty froze in shock at her thoughts, where the hell had that come from? But then it turned to annoyance as her heart sped up like a freight train in her chest. She stood blankly staring at Blake, confused by her reaction. Unsure how to handle it, what to do, or to think?

  A stunning blonde brushed passed him, and Kitty turned away, wanting to ignore the scene before; both internally, and with Blake. Well, until he spoke.

  “Kitty, please escort Miss Jenson down to the lobby, and make sure security has her removed from the premises, will you?” With that, he turned on his heel, and went back into his office, slamming his door shut in the face of the three speechless women. The loud bang of the door reverberated around the deathly, silent office.

  Kitty walked slowly towards the woman, running a hand nervously down her skirt, she cleared her throat.

  “This way please, Miss Jenson,” she said, leading her towards the lift. Letting out a relieved breath as she quietly followed her inside. She’d been expecting a scene, but it seemed the woman had deflated somewhat, in the face of Blake’s rejection.

  Miss Jenson leaned carelessly against the elevator wall, arms crossed as she watched the floor’s countdown. She impatiently tapped the toe of one of her excessively high heels as Kitty watched her nervously from the corner of her eye.

  Ted from security, stepped forward as the lift doors opened. He gestured with his arm towards the revolving door, and she flounced past Kitty and him. Sweeping out of the building, in a cloud of indignation and heavy perfume, making Kitty roll her eyes. She gave Ted a strained smile, just as the doors closed on her again, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

  She had a few appointments to clarify with Blake, and a mid-morning meeting to sort out. Blowing out a breath, she tutted, as she caught sight of her reflection in the floor length, chromed mirror. Several strands of her hair had escaped their confinement. Quickly, she undid a couple of pins, re-twisted her hair with her hands, and clipped it back into tidy order. She’d just slipped the last pin in place as the doors opened again on her floor, and she stepped out.

  Kitty dropped wearily into her seat, putting her coat over the back of the chair behind her. Blowing out another weary breath as she did so, while Audrey made sympathetic noises from her own desk.

  “Well, that was a good start to the day!” she mumbled, grumpily.

  Audrey burst out laughing as she looked at her computer screen. Kitty shook her head in bewilderment, the woman found something funny in most all situations. It was damn near impossible to ruffle her feathers, as she had a backbone of steel, with a sharp, quick mind. She also had a good heart, and Kitty was extremely fond of her.

  Wiggling her toes under the table, Kitty grimaced and removed one of the new flats she’d purchased for work. They looked nicer than they felt, and mentally promised her feet a good soaking after work to make up for the abuse they’d received. As she slipped her foot back in, she caught sight of Audrey out of the corner of her eye, doctoring two coffees. She placed one down on Kitty’s desk before moving back across the room to her own. Slipping back into her chair, Audrey sighed with pleasure, after taking a fortifying sip of the warm, aromatic drink.

  “Now that’s why I’m an administrative assistant and not a PA. All I do now is type, file and field a few calls. I no longer have to handle the aftermath of his little affairs,” she said. Then winked at Kitty’s startled expression, laughing openly with derision, before sobering and taking another sip. “One day, you’ll learn to let it all just sail over your head,” she told her sympathetically. Then put down her cup and continued with her work, a smile playing on her lips.

  Blake isn’t bad to work for, Kitty thought. He wasn’t abusive or overly friendly; which was a bonus. She’d been around a few of those in her twenty-seven-years. On the downside, the man was handsome as sin and had women falling over themselves to get into his bed. Unfortunately, part of her job was fielding his calls and deciding whom to, or not to put through to him. Dependant on who was the flavour of the month of course, she thought disgustedly.

  Then came purchasing the, ‘kiss off’ gift, once the affair ended of course; which they always did. Kitty then realised that hadn’t happened in the last couple of months. Oh, the calls still came in with nauseating regularity, but he hadn’t requested any purchases to be made, or sent on his behalf in a while. Not that she was interested in his sex life, she really wasn’t. She finally had a new relationship of her own, the first one she’d had in two whole years.

  A few weeks ago, she’d attended a fundraiser for spinal damage research, a charity which Audrey’s husband Dan, headed. He’d taken up the mantel after being involved in a car accident several years ago that had left him in a wheelchair. Kitty had spent most of the evening staring in sick fascination at Blake’s date. Funnily enough, the very woman who’d just been thrown out of the building. The woman had spent her whole evening trying to keep her breasts from spilling out of her too low, too short and too tight dress.

  Lance Edmonton had stopped her on her way back from the toilets. He’d struck up a conversation, showing his interest in her, and then followed it up with pursuing her persistently; and flatteringly, for over a fortnight afterwards. Kitty found Lance to be witty and articulate, and although he was as handsome as Blake, his looks subtler, pretty even. Where Blake’s was rougher, his features sculptured, honed and wholly masculine, he was arresting to look at. Although they both had height, Lance was thinner, built more like a runner, to Blake’s width and muscle, along bodybuilder proportions; especially his arms and shoulders. Kitty had finally agreed to a date with him, much to Blake’s annoyance. He’d tried talking her out of it. Apparently, there was, ‘bad blood,’ between them. Not that that had anything to do with her, but Blake had said he was concerned for her, due to Lance’s reputation. Kettle and pot Kitty had thought at the time, but had kept that snippet to herself, thanking him politely for his concern. She did not need, nor want his concern. She was old enough to make her own decisions, and after two years of celibacy, she was finally ready to dip her toe back into the dating pool again.

  She’d never had a vexed woman in the office before, that was a new one, and exceedingly embarrassing to boot. Blake normally kept them out of his workspace, not that they ever seemed to last very long. She didn’t know what his problem was, the ones she’d spoken to seemed personable enough. They were usually blonde and beautiful, well the ones she’d seen pictures of him with in magazines or at various functions. Not so much the earlier one though. She’d looked down her nose at Audrey and herself at the spinal damage fundraiser.

  The only reason she could think of for the way Blake changed women was that he was a player, the same as her brother, Rob. Now he had major commitment issues. Men like him usually did; her brother sure the hell did, much to their father’s annoyance.


  Blake tiredly sat down at his desk, he needed to gather himself before continuing his work schedule. He was still furious that the woman had dared to come badgering him at his office. Groaning when he thought about the unprofessional scene his employees
had been witness to; especially Kitty. He was usually better at distancing his personal and work life. Then again, he was preoccupied at the moment.

  His sister Mel was off to a specialist neonatal unit in Birmingham later in the day. She needed a risky procedure, to try to save the lives of her unborn twins, and he was worried for her, and for them too.

  Mel was married to his head accountant, and one of his closest friends, Mike Berkley. Blake, Len Simpson; head of his legal team, and Mike, had all met at University when they’d all been naïve eighteen-year-olds. Mike was a walking calculator, with a sharp business mind, but the thing Blake liked best about him these days was that he adored his sister Mel.

  Blake had a meeting planned for this afternoon. He needed to discuss the feasibility of acquiring a failing hotel before Mike left with Mel for their neonatal specialist appointment. Blake really wanted to add it to his portfolio, but he’d have to see what problems it was having first. What he didn’t need were distractions, he needed his wits about him while making business decisions. His sex life was the biggest distraction at the moment; or lack thereof. It had always been his go-to stress reliever, therefore, going without wasn’t helping him relax and think straight. He knew the lack was his own fault, but tension, due to sexual frustration, he could do without. Especially, not with everything else he had going on now.

  Maybe he needed to rectify that and quickly. He’d have to lower his expectations, but damn it, no one appealed at the moment. Sighing in frustration, he ran his fingers through his hair. There was no time for self-pity today, he needed to get his head in the game. He’d worry about rectifying that particular problem, after the meetings.


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