Stand-Out Shorts

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Stand-Out Shorts Page 29

by Russell Evans

  location photos, 54t

  locations, 50-52

  advantages of using, 50

  determining suitability of, 50

  looking for, 50

  overview, 49b

  preparing to shoot on, 51-52

  testing, 50-51

  transforming for sci-fi films, 207

  war films, 252

  log footage, 109

  logistics, producers, 78

  logjam, 127

  Lone Bannana Productions, 159f

  loneliness theme, 218

  long hours hazard, 104

  long-play-video-game scriptwriting method, 16-18

  Lucas, George, 206

  Lynch, David, 15f


  Malick, Terrence, 84

  Mann, Michael, 115

  manual controls, camcorder, 6t

  Marsh, James, 225

  mash-up, audio, 100

  mass-sharing sites, 158-162

  McAllister, Sean, 251-252

  McFadden, Paul, 132

  Memento, 14

  memory, sci-fi genre, 206

  Metacafe, 162f

  mic socket splitter, 94


  condenser, 93

  dynamic, 93

  external, 93

  lavalier, 94

  omnidirectional, 94

  overview, 93-94

  unidirectional, 94

  Mildred Pierce, 217

  Minority Report, 206

  mission creep, 24

  Mizars, 86

  monitors, home editing studio, 107t

  montage editing, 117-124

  accelerated montage, 124

  adding shots, 122

  color and tone, 123

  control and, 123

  disorientate, 122

  dreams, 122

  mixing close-ups and deep shots, 123

  music, 123-124

  music promos, 231

  one and one makes three, 118-121

  overview, 117b, 121-122

  parallel montage, 123

  symbols, 122-123

  Moore, Michael, 223, 225

  movement, web movies, 149t

  moves audio tracks, 131

  movie freebie exchange rate, 21

  movie length

  web movies, 149t

  YouTube, 142t

  Movieola, 187t

  moving, 104

  mumblecore movies, 15, 213

  Murch, Walter

  audio editing, 125

  camcorders, 61

  online festivals, 185

  producing, 77


  documentaries, 226

  montage editing, 123-124

  war films, 254

  music promo, 228-232

  camera focus

  live promos, 231

  non-live promos, 231

  overview, 231

  defined, 228

  difficulty level, 229

  editing, 231-232

  film schedule, 232

  kits needed for, 230

  legalese, 232

  movie recommendations, 230-231

  people needed for, 230

  personality suited for, 228

  post production, 231-232

  preproduction, 231

  project length, 229

  purpose of, 229

  MySpace, 161


  Napoleon Dynamite, 213-214

  narrative continuity editing, 111-116

  close-ups, 114-115

  Leone, Sergio, 115-116

  overview, 111 b

  shot length, 114-115

  tips, 116

  wide shots, 114-115

  national online screenings, 187t

  national screenings, 187t

  Natural Language Processing (NLP), 142t

  naturalistic lighting, 87t, 166t, 166t

  Neighbours, 115

  networking, social. See social networking

  newmediafest festival, 182

  niche sharing sites, 158-162

  Night of the Living Dead, 198

  Nikon P90 shoots, 11f

  NLP (Natural Language Processing), 142t

  noir/thriller genre, 215-221

  camera focus

  lighting, 219

  overview, 218-219

  defined, 215-216

  difficulty level, 216-217

  editing, 219-220

  film schedule, 221

  inspiration for, 217

  kits needed for, 217

  legal issues, 220-221

  movie recommendations, 217

  people needed for, 217

  personality suited for, 216

  preproduction, 218

  project length, 216

  purpose of, 216


  health and safety concerns, 104

  lighting, 85

  nonheroic hero theme, 218

  non-live music promos, 231


  off-line screenings, 186

  omnidirectional microphones, 94, 166t

  Onile-ere, Kole, 207, 208

  online competitions, 185

  online festivals, 181-188

  challenges, 185

  competitions, 185

  overview, 181-183, 181b

  online publicity, 178-180


  forming a company, 178-179

  overview, 178-179

  setting up channel on sharing/social network site, 179

  setting up website, 179

  overview, 177b, 178

  press pack, 180

  online screenings, 187-188

  opposites, 194

  optical zoom, camcorder, 6t

  outdoors, lighting, 89t

  overhead boom microphones, 96t

  overlighting, 64


  paperwork, 56

  parallel montage, 123, 219

  paranoia theme, 218

  Paranormal Activity, 258

  paying, crew

  expenses, 32

  food, 32

  overview, 32

  people skills, for producers, 78

  peripheral misdirection, 199

  Philips, Lee, 169

  Phillips, Simon, 220

  “pick-up shots”, 70

  pilgrimage, road trip film, 262

  pitching story, 4

  planted lavaliere microphones, 96t


  See also story

  web movies, 149t

  westerns, 268

  point of view (POV) shot, 199

  political campaigns

  viral video, 146

  YouTube, 159

  post production

  audio editing, 126-127

  music promo, 231-232, 166t, 168f

  POV (point of view) shot, 199

  Powis, Kevin, 35, 42-43

  pre-editing footage, 108-110

  adding clips to computer, 109

  log footage, 109

  overview, 108b

  quick view tapes/cards, 109

  saving and storing, 110

  skipping, 108

  timecode, 109

  Preminger, Otto, 217


  comedy genre, 213

  documentary, 225

  drama genre

  improvisation, 194

  overview, 193-194

  writing, 193-194

  extreme sports movie, 243

  horror genre, 199

  howcast, 273

  music promo, 231

  noir/thriller genre, 218

  road movie, 262

  sci-fi genre, 207

  war films, 252

  western, 268

  press pack, 180

  previsualizing. See previz

  previz, 36-39

  Chance, Richard, 39

  document, 54t

  John Chance, 39
  movies with no story, 38-39

  overview, 36b

  storyboards, 37-38

  using 3D modeling software, 36-37

  producers, 77-82

  coping with people, 78-80

  managing show, 80-81

  overview, 77b

  qualities needed as

  business sense, 77

  leadership, 77

  logistics, 78

  overview, 77-78

  people skills, 78

  resolving conflicts, 81-82

  role description, 78, 166t

  protagonist, 252

  Proyas, Alex, 115

  psychological melodrama, 215

  psychologically dark, 215

  public domain, 45-46

  publicity. See online publicity

  punches sound effect, 131

  pyramid web presence, 156-158

  Q, 166t

  quest, road trip film, 262

  quick view tapes/cards, 109


  radio microphones, 96t, 97f

  Raging Bull, 114

  RAM, home editing studio, 107t

  Randolph, Preston, 254-255

  realistic lighting, 87t

  recording. See Foley; sound

  recruiting crew online, 30-31

  reductive editing, 122, 166t

  reflectors, lighting, 84f, 88f

  regional screenings, 187t

  related videos, YouTube, 142t

  release forms, 46t, 227, 264

  remixes, YouTube, 142t

  Reservoir Dogs, 14

  resolving conflicts, 81-82

  rhythm, horror genre, 200-201

  rights, 46

  rights chain, 46, 46t

  risk assessment sheet, 102, 103t

  Road Dreams, 260f, 262

  road movie, 260-264

  camera focus, 263

  defined, 260-261

  difficulty level, 261-262

  editing, 263-264

  film schedule, 264

  kits needed for, 262

  legal issues, 264

  movie recommendations, 262

  people needed for, 262

  personality suited for, 261

  preproduction, 262

  project length, 261

  purpose of, 261

  robots sound effect, 131

  Roeg, Nic, 117

  Romero, George, 3

  room tone, 92

  RSA/Black Dog company, 230, 230f

  rule of thirds, 73

  Rutkowski, Ben

  pre-edit footage viewing, 110

  scriptwriting, 18

  social networking, 170, 166t


  safety. See health and safety

  sampling, 121-122

  SanDisk Extended Capacity (SDXC) cards, 9t, 10f

  saving pre-edited footage, 110

  schedules. See film schedules

  Schrader, Paul, 215

  sci-fi genre, 203-209

  camera focus, 207

  defined, 203

  difficulty level, 205

  editing, 208

  film schedule, 209

  inspiration for

  ideas, 206-207

  memory, 206

  overview, 206-207

  society, 206-207

  themes for low budget sci-fi, 206

  kits needed for, 205

  legal issues, 208-209

  movie recommendations, 206

  people needed for, 205

  personality suited for, 203-204

  preproduction, 207

  project length, 205

  purpose of, 204

  screen size, web movie, 149t


  for feedback, 133-135

  handling, 135

  organizing, 134

  overview, 133b

  planning, 134

  off-line, 186

  online, 187, 188

  script breakdown, 40-43

  overview, 40b

  why necessary, 40-41

  script document, 54t

  Script Supervisor, 72

  scriptwriting, 13-20

  any-direction-but-home method, 15

  avoiding common pitfalls, 18

  characters, 19-20

  long-play-video-game method, 16-18

  overview, 13b

  software, 20b

  Three Act structure, 13-14

  treatments, 13

  SD (Standard Definition) camcorders, 10

  SD cards, 9t, 10

  SDXC (SanDisk Extended Capacity) cards, 9t, 10f

  sensor/chip, camcorder, 6t

  Shadforth, Dawn, 230f

  shooting, 63-71

  alternative options for, 71

  citizens news/video journalist, 237-238

  diagnosing framing, 63-64

  extreme sports movie, 243-245

  in non-public places, 48

  overview, 63b

  in public places, 47

  putting feeling in shots, 63

  road trip films, 265t

  setting up shot

  overview, 64-66

  step by step, 69-71

  sports films, 247t

  shooting schedule, 54t, 33f, 166, 166t

  Short Narrative Films group, 195

  shot length, 114-115

  shot list, 40-43

  alternatives to, 42

  document, 54t

  overview, 42-43

  shutter, camcorder, 59t

  shutter speeds, sports films, 245

  slacker film schedule, 276, 276b

  social networking, 165-170

  etiquette, 168-170

  overview, 165b

  setting up channel on site, 179

  society, sci-fi genre, 206-207

  softer atmosphere, lighting, 89t


  audio mixing, 128

  home editing studio, 106b

  scriptwriting, 20b

  Sony HDR-SR7E camcorder, 8f


  continuity and, 73t

  crew, 30

  editing, 125-129

  alternatives to, 129

  designing soundtrack, 125-126

  laying out timeline, 127-128

  overview, 125b

  post production, 126-127

  soundscape, 126

  web movies, 149t

  extreme sports movie, 246

  recording, 92-100

  camcorders, 6t, 59t

  get it right in any situation, 95-97

  goals, 94-95

  improving quality of, 98-99

  kits, 99-100

  microphones, 93-94

  overview, 92b

  quick start recording, 92

  sound environment, 99

  sci-fi genre, 208

  war films, 254-255

  sound effects. See Foley

  soundscape, 126


  designing, 125-126

  enhancing on war films, 254-255

  sports movies. See extreme sports movies

  spot effects, 131-132

  spotting film, 126

  spreadsheet program, budget, 24b

  Spurlock, Morgan, 223

  stabilizer, camcorder, 6t

  Standard Definition (SD) camcorders, 10

  standard light, 89t

  State of Play, 222-223

  Steenson, Neville, 39


  camcorder, 59t

  of pre-edited footage, 110


  defined, 25, 26t

  war films, 252

  web movies, 149t

  story copyright, 201-202

  Storyboard Quick program, 36-37


  advantages to using, 36

  overview, 54t

  using for previz, 37-38

  structure, war films,
252, 166t, 166t

  studio. See home editing studio

  style, 25, 26t

  subtext, 5, 218

  subtitles, documentary, 226

  Sundance Channel, 187t

  supercardioid microphones, 246

  suspense, 194

  symbols, montage editing, 122-123


  tags, 142t, 147, 166t, 166t

  tape, 11

  technical continuity, 73t

  techniques, defined, 3

  technology theme, 206

  tension, building, 199, 200

  text, web movie, 149t

  theme, 25, 26t, 206

  Three Act structure, 13-14

  3:10 to Yuma, 268

  3D modeling software, previz, 36-37

  thriller genre. See noir/thriller genre

  thumbnails, YouTube, 142t

  THX1138B, 206

  timecode, 59t, 109

  timeline, audio

  free software for audio mixing, 128

  overview, 127-128

  timing, comedy, 213

  title, YouTube, 142t

  tone, montage editing, 123

  Total Recall, 206

  treatments, 13, 54t

  tripods, 245

  Troublemaker Studios company, 178

  Twitter, 166t

  U, 236f

  underwater explosives sound effect, 132

  unidirectional microphones, 94

  United States network sites, 166

  upbeat mood, lighting, 89t


  vertical network sites, 165-166

  video journalist. See citizens news/video journalist

  video responses, YouTube, 142t

  Vimeo, 160f

  violence theme, 218

  virtual environment, 51

  visually dark, 215

  voiceovers, 218, 220


  walking audio tracks, 131

  walking sound effect, 132

  war films, 249-255

  camera focus, 253

  defined, 249-250

  difficulty level, 250


  color, 254

  music, 254

  overview, 253-254

  film schedule, 255

  inspiration for, 251-252

  kits needed for, 251

  legal issues, 255

  movie recommendations, 251

  people needed for, 251

  personality suited for, 250

  preproduction, 252

  project length, 250

  purpose of, 250

  requirements to make, 251

  sound, 254-255

  writing, 252

  warmer light, 89t

  Watkins-Hughes, Peter, 145-146

  weapons sound effect, 132, 254

  weather, 104

  web, adapting movies to, 149, 149b

  web plan, 156-163

  mass sharing versus niche sharing sites, 158-162

  mass-sharing sites, 158-159

  niche sharing sites, 158-162

  overview, 156b

  pyramid web presence, 156-158

  using Facebook, 163

  web series, 172-174

  overview, 171b

  producing, 173-174

  webisodes, 172

  websites, setting up, 179

  The West Side webisode, 172f, 215f, 268

  westerns, 266-270

  camera focus, 269

  defined, 266

  difficulty level, 267

  editing, 269-270

  film schedule, 270


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