Soul of a Viking (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors' Kin Book 3)

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Soul of a Viking (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors' Kin Book 3) Page 19

by Sky Purington

  Chapter Thirteen

  CONSIDERING HOW FAR Lauren had come, Tait was surprised by how quickly she seemed to revert to her old self. At least on the outside. She buttoned her shirt to the top, repeatedly smoothed her slacks and pulled her hair back tightly into a bun. She looked just like she did the first time he met her.

  And it was all because of Erica.

  But why?

  “Lauren?” He pulled on his boots and frowned. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, of course,” she said as she made her bed so perfectly, he wondered if she ever intended to sleep in it again. “I just want everything to look as it should.” She finished making the bed and smoothed her hands down her slacks yet again. “This is the first time Erica has been to this house. She signed the purchase order electronically so she would not have to face Cybil.”

  The thoughts flickering through her mind were discombobulated. He could make no sense of them. Although he was mentally connected to her and her sisters, Cybil and Samantha, he was in the dark about Erica. The mysterious sister who had estranged herself from them. As far as they knew, she remained upset with Cybil and barely communicated with any of her sisters.

  So what would bring her here now?

  “Were you expecting her?” he asked as he stood.

  “No.” Lauren appeared perplexed. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure we’d ever see her again let alone that she would show up here with Shannon of all people.”

  He had followed a little bit about what had happened. Shannon’s deceased husband might have been having an affair with Erica.

  Tait grabbed Lauren’s hand and pulled her back before she could exit the room. Her posture might appear stiff, but he felt her trembling. “Tell me how I can help?”

  “I do not need help,” she assured. Her breath grew choppy the closer he pulled her. “I am better now. Different than when we last saw one another.”

  “You are better,” he agreed. “Which is why I don’t understand why you’re shrinking back into your mind again.” He softened his voice. “Because as far as I can tell you’re down to one hallway and not too many doors.”

  “I know.” Her eyes rose to his. “But she’s in that hallway, Tait and I am not entirely sure why.”

  “So you are afraid to find out?” He tilted her chin so she could not look away. “Remember how strong you have become, Lauren. You can face this as readily as you did everything else.” He brushed his thumb along her jawline, unable to stop the intimate contact. “And I am here to support you.”

  “I know,” she whispered, her eyelids growing heavy as she responded to his touch. “Thank you.”

  “You do not need to thank me,” he murmured. “It is what friends do for each other, yes?”

  She nodded and pulled away. He sighed inwardly and frowned. While he certainly considered her a friend at this point, he was not content with that being all they were. Still, he worried about how much more he really wanted. How capable he was of giving her what she deserved. Yes, they had been mates in another life, but that didn’t mean they were in this one.

  Yet as he followed her downstairs, and saw the way Matthew looked at her, Tait’s dragon flared in defiance. He did not want to share her with his kin. He did not want to share her with anyone.

  Sean and Svala were in the kitchen cooking, and Emily was on the couch with Sven chatting away. Aunt Megan sat on the opposite couch and looked considerably better than the last time he saw her. In fact, her hair seemed to be growing back.

  Lauren joined Matthew in front of the tall windows where he started to ask her questions about the area and naturally, the local trees. Tait was about to join them when Mema Angie intercepted him.

  “It is good to see you again Tait.” She cocked her head. “How are you feeling?”

  She must be referring to how he had acted last time they were all here, and he was trapped outside.

  “I am better,” he assured. “Thank you.”

  “You seem it.” A knowing smile came to her face as she looked between him and Lauren. “But then you can get to her now, can’t you?”

  Tait’s eyes shot to hers. She was getting at something, wasn’t she? And it wasn’t just about the developments between him and Lauren. “Back when I was locked out, I was not upset because I could not get to her. I just didn’t like being trapped on the other side.”

  “I remember,” Angie murmured. “And I recall how you only seemed to be upset with her and no one else.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “Because she was going through something similar.”

  “So you assumed she must have cursed you, not the Nidstang?”

  “No.” He shook his head, more and more confused. “I assumed we were both cursed by the same thing.”

  “So that made her guilty by association,” she murmured. “And made you desperate to get back inside to confront her?” Angie pressed. “Why not just do that from outside?”

  Tait crossed his arms over his chest, feeling defensive though he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. He had done nothing wrong. “I did confront her from the other side.”

  “The other side,” she murmured. “Interesting way to keep phrasing it.”

  He shook his head. “But it was the other side.”

  “So though you could rant at her you were still desperate to get to the other side and confront her without anything between you,” Mema Angie said quietly. “You didn’t want to be stuck on the other side against your will.”

  “Right,” he said, not following the point of the conversation. It all seemed pretty obvious, didn’t it?

  “Well, I’ve been filled in about everything that’s happened to you and Lauren and how the curse might not be a curse after all.” Her brows drew together. “It sounds to me like whoever keeps putting the Nidstang in front of you two, is hoping to accomplish the opposite. If I didn’t know better, I would say it’s meant to bring your souls back together. To help you reconnect.”

  He frowned. “That is a dark way to bring us together.”

  “But one you recognized instantly as being a curse,” she said. “Something you felt was ominous.”

  “It is,” he said. “And it has been considering the terrible mood I get in if she is not close.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard. And is that not another reason to stay close to her?” She cocked her head. “Based on what I heard about the possible sacrifices you made for her in both this life and another, it sounds perfectly logical that something like a Nidstang might appear to bring such fated love back together again.”

  Fated love? And a curse would reconnect that?

  Who was this woman?

  He peered more closely at Mema Angie. “You speculate a lot, yes? Perhaps too much?”

  She didn’t seem put off in the least by his darkening expression. “I love my girls. My people here.” Her eyes went to Lauren. “And if you love her as much as I think you do, then I would look closer at that Nidstang. I would get to the heart of what first separated then brought you so close together.”

  “Love is a strong word,” he murmured, his eyes darkening further when Matthew touched Lauren’s arm as they chatted. “And I haven’t known her nearly long enough.”

  “Just another whole life,” Angie said. “But what does that matter? Especially when it comes to dragons and how casually they take the word mated.”

  “You know how seriously we take it.” His eyes narrowed on her. She was taunting him. Pushing him to accept something he wasn’t ready to. Yet his next words completely worked against him. “Once we are mated it is for eternity.”

  “Exactly,” Mema Angie said softly, patting him on the arm before she headed for the kitchen.

  He scowled and plunked down on a barstool at the kitchen island. Had Mema Angie been on to something about the Nidstang? Or had that whole interaction been designed to remind him of what he had not directly acknowledged yet?

  If they had been mates in another life, then they must be in this one as well.
  And true dragon mates could never love another.

  He nodded thanks and took a hearty swig of beer after Sean set one down in front of him. He thought about love as Svala wrapped her arms around Sean. She chuckled as they murmured back and forth. He watched how affectionate Sean was with her and remembered a time when his cousin would not have tolerated that. She would have taken a man, used him for sex, then moved on. Not anymore, apparently. Not based on the way she looked at him.

  Against all odds, Svala had found her mate and fell in love. There was no doubting it.

  Tait’s eyes slid back to Lauren in contemplation. Could the little dragon hold his interest for a lifetime? Could just one woman satisfy him? Or would he grow bored? He thought of how good the sex was. She might not be overly creative yet, but that didn’t seem to matter. Being inside her was profound. Different. Better than anything he’d ever experienced before. He shifted uncomfortably in arousal as he thought about her in the shower. From how she looked to the sounds she made.

  How could he ever let another man experience that with her?

  His frown deepened, and he pondered. Perhaps he could keep her and she would be all right with him lying with other women if need be?

  Lauren’s eyes met his in amusement from across the room. “That is why friendship is best for us.” Her gaze returned to Matthew though she continued speaking within Tait’s mind. “The next man I end up with will be all mine. There will be no other women. No desire for another woman. I will accept nothing less.”

  His eyes narrowed. Lauren might be temporarily embracing her old self in preparation for her sister, but her fierce little dragon was certainly keeping things in perspective.

  “That is all me, Tait,” Lauren said. “Not my dragon.”

  Was it then? He couldn’t help a small smile as he continued drinking and watching her. Mema Angie had turned on music and Emily was trying to convince Sven to dance with her. Sean had mumbled something about needing to stay on top of the lobsters but barely seemed to be paying attention to them as he and Svala danced slowly in the kitchen.

  Love or no love, mates or not, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get Lauren away from Matthew, so Tait headed that way. He had wanted to dance with her the first night they met, but she was too frightened. And far too uptight. Back then, she could deny him all she wanted but this time he refused her adamant, “No,” set aside her glass of wine and pulled her close.

  “I do not dance well,” she mumbled, her cheeks reddening.

  “One moment so confident,” he whispered close to her ear. “The next, so shy.”

  “Charles and I never really…”

  When she trailed off, his eyes narrowed. What, they never danced together? Maybe Charles just didn’t enjoy dancing. There were fools out there like that. Bjorn for one. Tait never understood that when dancing felt so good. Yet he sensed Charles’ reasons for not dancing were different. He soon realized he was right as her thoughts floated through his mind.

  “He never danced with you at all,” he murmured. “Just her.”

  While he caught the sadness that flashed in her eyes, the next blink it was gone. Instead, he thought he saw relief. “Yes, her. Never me.” She shivered in what he soon realized was disgust. “Thank goodness.” Her eyes met his. “One less thing to have suffered through.”

  He smiled, glad to see renewed strength in her eyes. To hear the conviction in her voice.

  “Then allow me to show you how pleasurable it can be,” Tait murmured. When she tried to adjust things to a more formal position he shook his head and pulled her against him again. “Dancing should be sensual and erotic, the movements should be…”

  “There is a child here,” she reminded but didn’t fight him when he kept her close.

  Tait shrugged. “So?”

  “So, you need to keep it clean.” Her eyes held his. “Besides, we’re just friends, remember?”

  “And a good friend would show you just how pleasurable dancing can be,” he argued.

  Amusement flickered in her eyes again, and she shook her head. “No, Tait.”

  “So be it,” he allowed before he reluctantly complied and began moving. Not with his typical finesse. Not at all. Yet even simple movement, he discovered, was more than enough. Especially when she started moving too. Her body was especially agile and complimentary to his despite the height difference.

  “I thought you could not dance,” he murmured.

  “I can’t,” she whispered back, breathy. “I couldn’t…until now.”

  He closed his eyes and nearly groaned as the scent of her desire hit his nostrils. If he caught it so quickly, then that meant the others had too. And there were two other male dragons present. His eyes narrowed on Matthew whose eyes were firmly locked on Lauren.

  Meanwhile, Sven grumbled something to himself before he promptly said, “I will go stand guard outside.”

  “Why?” Emily complained.

  “Emily, why don’t you come help me cook?” Mema Angie called out. “Let Sven go guard the house if he wants to.”

  “Bummer,” Emily whined. “He was nearly ready to dance.”

  Lauren was so wrapped up in the experience, that it took a few moments before she realized what was happening and stepped away from Tait. “I think perhaps it’s better if we do not dance together.”

  He was about to tell her how much he disagreed but stopped when the front door opened and Shannon entered. Lauren tensed at first then seemed to relax when she realized her sister was alone. Shannon smiled in greeting as Lauren headed her way. When her eyes found Tait and Matthew, the smile vanished.

  Tait had expected to feel the same sense of attraction he felt before but didn’t. Not in the least. She might be stunning, but how did he ever think her beauty compared to Lauren’s? Matthew, however, seemed to have the opposite reaction as a low, involuntary growl came from his throat.

  “Emily.” Shannon’s eyes went wide and her tone curt. “Get over here right now.”

  “Yes, Mama,” Emily said but not before she narrowed her eyes on Matthew in warning.

  Tait remained confused about Emily’s reaction. Why did she seem to dislike Matthew so much? Yes, he came across a little more intense than most, but he had been kind enough. Especially to Emily. Considering his son, Håkon was around the same age, it made sense that his cousin would warm to her. Yet it was very clear she did not feel the same way.

  Shannon nodded hello to Tait before she murmured to Lauren as she took off her jacket. “Who is that other man?”

  “That is Matthew. He is very nice. You will like him.” Lauren glanced at the door. “Where is Erica? I heard she was coming with you.”

  “She should be here soon.” Shannon’s eyes met hers in warning. “Be prepared, she’s different than how we remember her.”


  “Hard to say.” Shannon hung her jacket. “Let’s just go with different for now.” She crouched and hugged Emily. “I missed you, honey.”

  “I missed you too.” Emily cocked her head. “How are the dead people? Did they make it to the other side okay?”

  When Matthew’s eyes met Tait’s in confusion, he was surprised. His cousin had taken the time to learn about Lauren but not about Shannon? The woman he was supposedly infatuated with? But then Tait had taken the time to learn about Shannon and not Lauren, so it seemed things were all turned around.

  “Shannon cares for the dead,” he explained within the mind. “She provides their funeral right.”

  “By herself?” Matthew frowned. “Do her people not help? Do they not give offerings and celebrate a safe travel to Valhalla?”

  “I do not know if her people help,” Tait said. “It is her job. It is how she provides for her and her daughter.”

  Matthew’s expression grew more troubled. “That is strange, is it not?”

  “What isn’t strange nowadays?” Tait muttered.

  “You do not desire Shannon like you did before, do you?” Mat
thew asked.

  Tait frowned. “No.”

  “This is good,” Matthew replied. “Then you want your little dragon, after all.” He hesitated. “And now I can understand why.”

  Tait’s eyes narrowed on Matthew. Why did it suddenly sound like he wanted Lauren? “She is mine.”

  “Yet she is more compatible with me,” Matthew pointed out.

  “How so?”

  “We share a love of trees,” Matthew reminded and cocked a look at him. “And we are both inclined to be with one partner, where that is not something you are capable of.”

  “I am,” Tait argued.

  “I do not think so.”

  “You were just aroused by the sight of Shannon,” Tait reminded, upset that his cousin might be right. “How can you so easily turn from her now?”

  “I have not turned from her,” Matthew said. “I am just keeping my options open.”

  “Since when do you worry about options when it comes to women?”

  “Since I met Cybil and her sisters.”

  Tait braced himself to feel differently about Shannon as she and Lauren walked over but he didn’t. If anything, he was more drawn to Lauren than ever. The way her walk wasn’t quite as stiff as it might have been because he’d had her so recently. The way her skin glowed softly and seemed to flush as her eyes met his and she reintroduced first him then introduced Matthew.

  When Shannon’s eyes lingered on him, Tait figured he would be drawn to her, but he wasn’t. He felt nothing but a sense of kinship. Nothing remotely romantic. Then her eyes met Matthew’s, and she nodded. His cousin might say he was keeping his options open, but there was no mistaking the heat that fluctuated between them. Whether it was sexual or not was impossible to tell because they both seemed so restrained. As if they were assessing one another and had no idea what to make of what they discovered.

  Matthew had just said a gruff, “Hello,” when a knock came at the door.

  Lauren resumed her stiff stance as her eyes met Shannon’s. “So why is Erica here?”

  “Oh, you’ll never believe it,” Shannon murmured and headed for the door. “Just wait and see.”


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