Total Control 1: By Force

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Total Control 1: By Force Page 3

by Alan Horn

  My chains and nudity are necessary for everyone to feel safe. They make it possible for me to stay here. I love my chains also because they arouse me. I am always ready to submit to anyone who will take me. I never felt so good before you took control of me. I belong here just as I am. Of course, my nudity makes me accessible for sex anytime. In short, I can't think of a single change I would like.”

  “That's wonderful, Julia. I must say you have exceeded my expectations,” said the Doctor. "Sir Robert, this arrangement appears to be providing excellent treatment for Julia. She has never before responded with such clarity and completeness or seemed so happy.”

  Sir Robert asked, "Rene, is Julia unique or do all your patients take so well to slavery? All the other women I have known would take umbrage at the mere thought of enslavement. Is it your training, or what?

  Sir Robert, We have many women in our institution and I have examined all them. It is fair to say that every woman fits somewhere between dominance and submission. Men also. But the most submissive man overlaps the dominant curve. This is expected because men are larger and stronger than women. The greater force tends to dominate. Almost all the women I have evaluated are submissive.

  “Now, let's talk about business. You succeeded with Julia's training because of your wealth and enviable pragmatism. Also your understanding that women are happy when controlled was useful,” said the Doctor.

  “The negative connotations of the word 'slavery,' caused us keep these placements quiet. They are legal because they are a treatment for the patient's mental problems. The scandal that would result from the premature publicity wound or kill it. The number of young women sent to me because of serious crimes is increasing. Almost all them have the same causal factors I identified in Julia. I believe there are many females that would be amenable to and helped by a similar placement.

  I know several ministers who would endorse safe placements. They would reduce asylum and prison costs. Senior church leaders think there is merit in the shaming and guilt aspects of this program. You have influence with the nobility and the industrialists. We can see laws passed to make slavery public and often used”, said the Doctor.

  “So, Doctor,” asked Sir Robert, “how will I enjoy more placements?”

  “Sir Robert, you use many men in your factories. Using enslaved women in the factories would improve morale. Where appropriate you could use these women for nothing more than their upkeep. Yet, the real benefit is getting your foot in the door early. You can have the only experienced training, equipping, and placement company. It will be easy to get a monopoly on preparing and placing these women,” said the Doctor.

  I listened, without a sound or motion, of course. The Doctor had just proposed enslaving more women. Judging from me, they will get filthy rich and soon every woman in England will be a slave. Well, I hope they succeed. I'm a lot happier than when I was free and it may mean I will get out of the house when there are more like me. It would be like having all the women as sisters. We could hide nothing. We could talk about our feelings, men, and , of course, sex. We could dispense with tomfoolery about civilized pretensions. Slavery reduces a woman's life to the basics. None of us could surpass other women for higher status. We could actually have women friends. If I went to town today, I would feel humiliated when seen by free women. But if we were all slaves, it wouldn't matter.

  "Sir Robert," said the Doctor, "I know o two issues we need to resolve for this plan to be profitable. The costs to train and outfit the girls is much too high. Most of the costs are in labor. I hope that your business expertise can find a way for us to lower both those costs.

  Doctor, describe these processes you use in as much detail as you can, please, asked Sir Robert.

  The Doctor said, "You should realize I am familiar with the training program since I devised it. The Asylum mechanical staff equips the girls .

  " All right Doctor. Tell me about training. How long does it take, number of trainers, facilities, in short, everything.

  The Doctor talked for an hour. My knees were sore. I understood a lot of what he said, but there was much about conditioning and biases that I did not get. I dozed a little during the boring parts. At last he finished.

  "Doctor," said Sir Robert, "I am quite used to this sort of work. My factories have to train most of our staff. We turn them from farm boys into mechanics and machine operators. I see several ways to speed the training and decrease the costs. Now, about the 'equipping' as you call it. What does this entail?"

  "Sir Robert, said the Doctor, "Look at Julia. Her restraints are a snug fit. The bands are snug so they do not rub and chafe her skin. The chains are the proper length to permit her to be restrained and yet do most common household tasks. To achieve these ends requires many painstaking measurements. Fabrication and installation of the bands and chains must not cause her any harm. Her rings are stainless steel and machined as two pieces. They have an internal locking mechanism. When squeezed together they form a permanent, seamless bond. This is more of an art than a craft.

  "All right Doctor," said Sir Robert. "I see the nature of the problem. I know a chap whose factories make tools for my factories. Jack Hedley, he lives near my place in Cornwall. I would like to bring him in on this discussion. He is a man of integrity and will keep this private if I ask it. Besides I spend a lot of money on his devices."

  Dr. Benoit thought a moment and said, "All right, Sir Robert. will you set up a meeting?"

  "Yes. is next Tuesday satisfactory? We have a meeting that afternoon and I will ask him to stay after the others have left. If you will be here by 3 pm and come to the back entrance, please, Doctor." said Sir Robert.

  Chapter 5 - Jack

  Standing, Sir Robert concluded the meeting, "Thank you all for coming. We will meet again next month. Wilson will see you out. Jack, could you stay a moment?"

  After the men had left, Sir Robert opened the door and led Jack to a small sitting room in the back of the large house. Dr. Benoit was waiting for them and stood. Sir Robert made the introductions.

  “Fine. Now this other matter I wanted to discuss is a sensitive issue. Please do not discuss it with anyone, including Lady Anna. Can you keep a secret from even her?” Sir Robert asked.

  Jack hesitated then said,” We don't keep secrets between us. If it is as sensitive as you say, I will at least delay discussing it with her until you agree. She does not pry into my business affairs.”

  Sir Robert eyed Jack from under beetled brows and said, "Jack this is not a business matter. It does involve several important business leaders in the country, including you.”

  “Well, that is mysterious and intriguing. How can I help you,” Jack asked.

  “Jack, I and several of my associates would like you to take part in a program to help some young ladies. The program could damage our reputations and standing in the community. It is essential to the young lady's survival, supported by government and the church. And it is likely to be pleasant for you if successful. It will also place you in the company of some of the most successful businessmen in the country.

  “Sir Robert, I will try my best to reach a successful outcome. For all involved. You have intrigued me but not informed me. Now can you tell me the details of this program,” Jack asked?

  “I want you to meet someone, Dr. Rene Benoit, who will tell you what we want you to do,” Sir Robert said, going to the door.

  Sir Robert opened the door and motioned a man waiting in the next room in. He said, “Dr. Benoit, this is Jack Hedley, the young industrialist I told you about. Jack, this is Dr. Rene Benoit, a psychiatrist in charge of a large hospital in London. He has quite a tale to tell you.”

  Dr. Benoit walked to Jack and extended his hand. He said, “Mr. Hedley, its so good to meet you. Sir Robert has told me of your work and your successes. But I must disagree with him. I will not tell you a tale. I will describe a program I would like you to consider joining. You will find it rewarding in ways you cannot imagine.”

; Jack and Dr. Benoit shook hands and Jack said, ”Well Doctor I am not a medical man I don't yet see how I can help with your work. Please enlighten me.”

  Dr. Benoit said, “ I'm sure you realize this is a time of great change. Whole new industries have sprung up in only a few years, such as your own business. Ten years ago you would have had no one to buy your wares. Of course such rapid changes have put much strain on people and our whole social fabric. I treat the people who cannot cope with reality, the mentally sick, what many call insane. I run the largest asylum for the insane in all England, and there are others.”

  Sir Robert asked, “How many patients do you have Doctor ?”

  “Over 500,” Dr. Benoit replied.

  Dr. Benoit continued, “Jack, one of the fastest growing types of patients I have is young women. They are comely, have a good education, and good upbringing. They would seem to have great futures and much to expect. Yet, the ones I receive have gone berserk for no good reason. They have injured or killed an acquaintance. I currently have over fifty of this type of patient. All committed in the last year, and before that there were none!”

  “Good heavens,” exclaimed Jack. “What caused this sudden rash of insanity?”

  “We are uncertain'” The Doctor said, “We have found no common cause for all these cases. In many of these women we have identified several common factors, and we have a treatment. Which is where you come in.”

  “I want you to take one of these unfortunate women into your home,” said the Doctor. “Now let me explain why you should do this.”

  "Due to the great increase in patients over the last few years, we are overcrowded. Patients live a hellish existence locked up in tight quarters. We are exceeding our budget and the government is pressuring me to find other ways to fund our work. We have found that these unique patients can live in homes such as yours. And they are happy with their new placements and their caretakers report being happy."

  Tthe patients represent no danger. You have total control over their lives and actions. Please understand that these patients are wards of the Crown who will place them in your custody. Also, the Church has given its blessing to this program.

  Jack said, “ I'm afraid I still don't completely understand. Are you asking me to be a jailer for the Crown?”

  “Actually, Jack,” Sir Robert said, “Dr. Benoit is offering you a slave girl.”

  “What!”, Jack exclaimed. “Slavery has been illegal for decades. I'll have no part of it.”

  Dr. Benoit said, “ That is a common reaction. In fact, Mr. Hedley, I would not suggest it if any other treatment helped these women. I struggled for years trying to find a way to relieve these souls of their pain and depression. This program has helped more than fifty women. With no failures, none. The government has accepted it because it works. The program is secret, so far, because of fear of public outrage, but it is legal. The women in it love the program. The participants, such as yourself, love the program. The Crown loves the program. The Church loves the program. And it is the most successful treatment my hospital has ever found for these girls.”

  All these women have high sexual needs. They are, by nature, submissive, are intelligent, and have exceptional empathy. They need sexual release often. They want to have someone else give them orders. They want to serve and receive great satisfaction from a job well done. They are also receptive to other people's feelings and expressions. There are many people but there is one other factor which we believe drives these women to the brink of sanity. Their parents raised them to believe that sexual relations are immoral.

  They learned from an early age that sexual congress is only for having children. Any other sexual feelings or actions are evil and will cause your damnation. Quite often these women have had intercourse with men, but the experience was unfulfilling. This may have been due to incompetent lovers or emotional trauma , such as rape. In any case every one of these girls have become ardent, enthusiastic lovers due to our training.

  Their problems come from having pious and dominating parents and a secluded upbringing. Contrary to her natural instincts.”

  “These are conflicted women,” said the Doctor. “The cause of their psychoses is their upbringing. They revile their own feelings, believe they are immoral, and they hate themselves.

  Once we have identified such women, we train them to become much more responsive to sex. To do this we have to overcome their early training. We replace it with an absolute love and dependence on a person, their master. A man who loves them and demands absolute obedience. He takes care of them, gives them sexual pleasure beyond anything they have ever known. He punishes them for the slightest transgression. A master. They become so “hot and responsive that they orgasm during punishment. Their bodies come to crave any strong feeling, whether it be pain or pleasure.”

  We call them slaves, but what we do in our training is to set them free. Free of the societal conditions that caused them to lose their grasp on reality. We condition them to embrace their senses and to enjoy what their bodies are telling them.

  The Doctor continued, “This is a new program, but it is successful. It is being watched at the highest levels of government. So far we have only placed these patients with people like Sir Robert and yourself. Wealthy, successful people who have servants and large estates.

  These women, although convicts, are much easier to control than a man would be. We make it easy for you to control them by chaining their hands and feet. They are always helpless and marked for easy identification. We want them remain naked. The government is close to announcing private housing of all female convicts.”

  Jack, said, “It sounds like these are dangerous women I shouldn't like to have in my home at night.”

  Dr. Benoit said, “ Mr. Hedley, I assure you that the methods we use ensure everyone's safety. and that the girls have no interest in escaping. We copied them from techniques used in the East for thousands of years. Sir Robert, would you ask Julia to join us and let Mr. Hedley see a real example of this program?”

  Wilson had put me in a sitting room off the parlor. Today was unusual, thought Julia. I got makeup, lipstick, perfume and clothing. I actually got to wear some clothing. Well only a slave would consider it clothing. It was designed to enhance rather than conceal. I had a bolero top and a short skirt. Sounds better than it was. The top was so small it came just to the bottom of my breasts and didn't reach far enough around to even cover my rings. It was white with blue piping. The "skirt" was transparent. My nether lips and labia rings shone through it like through smoke.

  Wilson knelt me and locked my leash to a wall ring. I waited. Slave girls must be patient. I could hear several male voices in the next room. Sir Robert, of course, Dr. Benoit, I think, and another one I did not recognize. I couldn't make out their words, but I guessed I was a topic.

  Sir Robert, replied, “Well, I guess its about time. Jack don't let Julia surprise you. Wait until you have talked to her before reaching any conclusions, please.” He went to the door, opened it and called out, ”Wilson, would you bring Julia in here please?”

  Jack said, “Sir Robert, are you happy with this program?”

  He replied, “Julia has been with me for 9 or 10 months. I am happy Jack, and so is Julia, as you will see for yourself."

  Wilson entered the room and unlocked me from the ring. He led me into the adjoining room where I saw three men looking at me. There was a handsome stranger there, about my age. I was shamed and humiliated by my helpless nudity. I could feel the blush making my face and breasts scarlet with embarrassment.

  Jack saw Wilson enter the room, leading a young woman by a leash attached to a ring in her nose. Jack saw she wore a large metal collar engraved with several lines of writing. She was a beautiful blond wearing clothing that hid nothing. Her arms were behind her and her ankles shackled with a little more than a foot of chain. Most striking to Jack were her rings. Large, thick, heavy looking, in her nose, ears, nipples, labia lips and clitoris hood. Her nether
rings shone and showcased her shaved labia. She was smiling and blushing bright pink.

  Sir Robert said, “Thank you Wilson. Give me her leash please.” Wilson complied then left.

  Sir Robert addressed the woman, “ Julia, this is my friend Jack. He may join Dr. Benoit's program. Answer his questions completely.”

  I answered, “Of course, Master.” Of course, my ringed nipples. If I didn't answer completely, I'd get whipped. OK, that's not much of a threat since it makes me so hot, but, still, I do want to obey my master!

  “Display yourself,” Sir Robert commanded.

  I arched my back, spread my feet as far apart as my hobble allowed, spread my knees even wider. I thrust my shoulders back, thrust my breasts out, and arched my back. I held my head erect and lowered my eyes to the floor. This "Jack" was tall, broad shouldered, and dressed well. I felt my loins heating and my nether lips getting wet.

  “Jack,” Sir Robert said, “Come close to Julia and I will show you several details.”

  Yes, master, come closer and touch me, please, thought Julia.

  Jack stepped closer and watched Sir Robert's demonstration.

  “First,” Sir Robert said, “See the inscription on her collar.” (Crown's Prisoner. Return to any police officer. £1000 Reward). If she should run away, this will increase the chance she will be returned to custody. Also, look at her rings.” He lifted her nose ring. “All the rings bear the same inscription around their outer circumference. (Removal Unlawful). Also notice her scanty clothing. They enhance her appearance, but hide none of her rings or restraints. Anyone who sees her, even from afar will take notice.

  Jack examined Julia. She was beautiful, naked, submissive and helpless. He said, “Sir Robert, Julia is gorgeous and compliant. The collar and chains, her rings, all seem to be a bit over the top. Is this all necessary for such a small girl?”


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