The Rhythm of My Heart

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The Rhythm of My Heart Page 13

by Velvet Reed

  Sensing eyes on me, I immediately track down the gorgeous blue ones that own me. He’s standing at the grill with Sam and a guy named Hamish that I met earlier; he seems nice enough, but a bit shy. With a wink and a breathtaking smile, Cole resumes his conversation.

  “Everyone seems to be having a great time,” Olivia says, as she comes to stand beside me and starts rearranging plates on the table.

  “They do, don’t they? I was so worried about how everyone would get along, but it’s great,” I reply.

  “It’s perfect, Grace.”

  “Are you sure we have enough food? I’ve never catered for this many people before.”

  “Honey, there’s more than enough, trust me. Now go and have fun, everything’s under control,” Olivia reassures and gives me a nudge toward the pool.

  “Thanks, Olivia,” I say, as I head for the girls.

  “Get your gear off and get your butt in this water,” Ashley laughs.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” I take off my shorts and tank top, and step down onto the stairs at the shallow end. I chance a look at Cole to see if he’s checking out my new American flag bikini, but his eyes aren’t on me; his fiery glare is directed at one person and one person only… Troy.

  Troy being the completely oblivious moron he is, doesn’t even realize that Cole’s about two seconds away from killing him because his gaze is firmly planted on me… Well, on my breasts to be exact. This guy really needs to get a clue.

  Just as Cole starts to make his way off the deck, Charlie catches Troy’s gaze and smacks him across the back of the head. “Dude, that’s my sister. Keep your eyes in your goddamn head.” Seeming slightly mollified, Cole returns to his spot at the grill and his eyes finally land on mine. I smile hoping to calm him, but all I get in return is a stare full of questions and a curl of his finger as he beckons me to him. I quickly dry my legs and put my clothes back on, then head for the outdoor kitchen as Cole hands the utensils over to Sam.

  “What the hell is up with Troy?” he snaps.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Do you two have history?”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “Seriously, Cole? You’re going to do this now?”

  “I want to know. Have you ever been with Troy?”

  “Yes! I’ve been with Troy. Are you happy?”

  “Why the hell would I be happy, Grace? You work with him and he was just staring at you like he owns you. He’s lucky I don’t kick his ass, and throw him out,” Cole says, through clenched teeth.

  “It was almost a year ago, Cole, way before we met and it didn’t last long anyway. You have nothing to worry about. I’m not interested in Troy and never will be again. I tolerate him because he works for my dad, nothing more,” I tell him in a soothing tone while wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Who ended it?” Cole enquires, without returning my embrace.

  I heave a harsh breath. “I did, okay. There are certain things I won’t tolerate in a relationship and cheating is one of them. I walked in on him and some chick going at it, so I told him where to go and left. I hardly even talk to him at work because there really is no need.”

  “Why didn’t your dad fire him?” he fires off another question.

  “Why would he need to? He did nothing wrong at work; my dad and Charlie didn’t even know we were seeing each other. I’ve been cheated on before and dealt with it the same way, Cole; I move on. Troy isn’t an issue.”

  “Well, if I ever catch him looking at you like that again, he’ll have an issue with me,” he states and pulls me to him possessively.

  “Okay, tough guy, just kiss me and get your sexy ass back out there and finish cooking,” I implore, and with a tenderness I wasn’t expecting, his lips softly meld with mine claiming ownership and taking my breath away. He doesn’t deepen the kiss, just slowly caresses my lips making my insides melt and my knees go weak.

  “Come on, we have hungry guests to feed,” he says, on an exhale, and then takes hold of my hand and guides me back to our party.

  Olivia was right. We had plenty of food… Actually, much more food than we needed, but with most people sticking around for the fireworks later tonight, I’m positive it won’t be wasted.

  A few guests have left, mainly hospital staff; I think Troy got the hint that Cole wasn’t impressed with him and left as well. Ashley decided we needed some music; when she realized that Cole had his music system wired to the deck with outdoor speakers, she decided to liven the party up even more.

  As the first strains of “Treasure” by Bruno Mars play, she comes dancing across the deck, shoulders swinging back and forth and grabs my hand dragging me to her makeshift dance floor. “Dance with me, Gracie,” she squeals and I can’t help but laugh at her exaggerated and excited dance moves.

  “You’re kind of crazy, you know that?” I chortle.

  “Yep, crazy and amazing.” She blows an air kiss with lip smacking sound effects.

  Allison and April join in and the four of us are laughing and having a great time. Even Olivia comes over and breaks out some dance moves. My arms are above my head as I swing my hips and get into the rhythm of the music and Bruno’s sexy voice, when I feel an arm wrap around my waist and lips travel up my neck to my ear. A huge smile overtakes my face as I lean back into Cole’s body.

  “I’ve got my treasure right here, pretty girl.” Coles says; his warm breath whispers into my ear, delicious ripples of pleasure course their way down my body.

  “Mmmm, really?” I murmur, slowly turning my head to the side to see him.

  “Absolutely. You know, baby, we throw a pretty kick ass party. We’ll have to do this more often.”

  “We do, don’t we. Our families meeting couldn’t have gone better. It’s great having everyone together.”

  When he nips my neck with cold lips from a swig of his beer, goose bumps pop up all over me. “As long as they don’t stay too long because I’ve got my own fireworks display to show you later.”

  I grab his hand, twist out away from him laughing, and twirl back in so that my back is to his chest once more. “Fireworks, huh? I’m gonna hold you to that, baby. You better finish the night with a BIG BANG.” I bite my lip on the last two words and give him what I hope is a sexy, seductive look.

  “Oh, I guarantee it will be a big bang, Gracie.” He smirks and places a kiss on the tip of my nose.

  “I’m so glad I’m going to have visions of my son and his girlfriend having a big bang and fireworks tonight, Cole. It warms a mother’s heart… really, it does.” Olivia interrupts.

  “Mom, you’re like a frigging secret agent sneaking up on people all the time,” Cole retorts.

  “Oh, relax, sweetheart, I’m sure your father will have me seeing my own fireworks later, as well.” Olivia winks. I can’t help the laughter that erupts from deep in my stomach.

  “MOM, just stop, okay. There are certain things a child doesn’t want to hear about his parents either. And Gracie, stop encouraging her by laughing. Do you want to hear about your father having sex?”

  My laughter immediately dies and I slap Cole across his bicep. “Ewww, Cole, why would you even say that?”

  “Exactly! Not the kind of images you want in your head.”

  “Well, it’s funny when it’s not my father we’re talking about. Just dance and don’t mention that again.”

  By this point, the song has changed to “Blurred Lines” by Robin Thicke and a few others have joined in, even Charlie is dancing with Ruby in his arms and standing awfully close to Allison. I notice Sam off to the side with the new guy, Hamish, who has his phone out like he’s taking photos, but Sam isn’t paying any attention to him because his whole focus is on Ashley. There’s definitely something there for both of them, but I don’t think they’ve acknowledged each other all day apart from saying hello. I’m going to have to talk to Ashley about it.

  Feeling a little parched, I tell Cole I’m getting a drink and head for the cooler and a seat by the pool. I take off m
y tank top as I recline back on the sunbed making the most of the remaining afternoon sun. Several minutes go by as I lay there peacefully with my eyes closed soaking in the warmth and feeling completely content until ice-cold water on my stomach has me bolting upright and screaming out in shock. “Oh. My. God. What the hell, Ashley!” I yell, while she, April, and Allison double over giggling.

  “Just making sure you didn’t fall asleep at your own party, sweets.” She laughs.

  “I’m awake, you cow.”

  They take seats around me; on cue, we all sigh, and then giggle at our synchronization. “This has been such a great day. Don’t tell Mom, but this is so much more fun than her usual Fourth parties are. I’d say that’s because we aren’t overrun by the older folk,” April says.

  “I heard that, April,” Olivia announces across the yard.

  “Damn it, I swear she has bionic hearing or something, and eyes in the back of her head.”

  We all chuckle at April’s dramatics.

  “Seriously though Grace, this has been the best Fourth of July party I’ve been to in a long time. It’s relaxed, but fun, with great company and even better food.” Allison praises.

  “Here, here,” Ashley adds.

  “I’m really happy you’re all here,” I simply reply. Ashley has always been my best friend, but I can see that my relationships with April and Allison are going to grow, the more time we spend together. The four of us just click. They are beautiful and genuine women, the kind I want in my life.

  “We should organize a girls’ day. You know, go to the spa and pamper ourselves. What do you guys think?” April suggests.

  “Oh, that sounds perfect! I’m up for it,” Ashley replies excitedly.

  “We should include Olivia, too,” I say.

  Upon hearing her name, Olivia comes over to join the conversation.

  “What should I be included in?” she asks.

  “We were just talking about organizing a girly spa day, Mom…” April stops mid-sentence while looking past all of us, her face scrunches slightly like she just sucked on a lemon. “Who the hell invited her?”

  The rest of us turn our heads to see who she’s talking about; I blink my eyes several times, sure that the sight before me is just an illusion. No freaking way!

  “Ummm, who are we staring at and why does everyone seem so happy she’s here?” Ashley enquires sarcastically and confirming the fact that I’m not hallucinating.

  “That’s Miranda.” April supplies. “She’s an uppity bitch who thinks she’s above everyone else. She’s also Mom’s best friend’s daughter.”

  I scramble out of my seat and head toward Miranda who is now engaged in conversation with Cole. If this bitch thinks she’s going to crash our party, she has another thing coming.

  “What are you doing here, Miranda?” Cole asks calmly.

  Putting on a fake pout, she glances my way and replies, “Our families have always spent the Fourth together Cole. It hurts that we weren’t invited this year; when I heard your dad saying that the party was here, I just assumed my parents forgot to tell me because they’re holidaying in France.”

  “Your parents weren’t invited either, Miranda, because today is about Grace’s family meeting mine,” Cole tells her but it pisses me off that he feels the need to explain himself; it’s none of her damn business.

  “Well, I can see people from the hospital here, so it’s not all family now is it,” she responds with an eye roll.

  She’s ignored my presence long enough, so I step forward until I’m directly beside Cole and wrap my arm around his waist to claim possession; there’s no containing the smirk I give her as his arm goes straight around me in return. “Nice to see you again, Miranda,” I say, but my words don’t hold the sentiment.

  “Grace is it?” She snottily makes out as though she doesn’t know my name.

  “You know her name’s Grace, Miranda, don’t play dumb,” Cole chastises.

  “Oh, of course, how silly of me. Nice… outfit.” She looks over my bikini top clad chest and short shorts, and then distastefully returns her snarky eyes to my face. “It’s very… festive. Where on earth do people buy outfits like that?”

  I bit my tongue for a moment, as Cole starts to speak, but I interrupt whatever he’s going to say and decide really to lay the facts out to her. “At a store, Miranda, that’s usually where people buy things. Now, if you’ll excuse us this is a private party that you were not invited to, and Cole and I have guests to entertain.”

  Her beady eyes narrow into small slits. “Last time I checked, this was Cole’s house not yours, because, heaven knows, someone like you couldn’t afford a place like this.”

  I’m two seconds away from lunging at this bitch, but Cole’s hand tightens on my hip and stops the movement. “That’s enough, Miranda! Now, as Grace said, you weren’t invited so I’d appreciate it if you’d leave.”

  How the hell can he be so calm with her!

  “Fine! I’ll leave but I’m sure my parents won’t be pleased with the way I’ve been treated.”

  “Your mother knew about the change in plans, Miranda, and was completely fine with it. No one has treated you poorly, and I’ll inform her of that as well. You really need to remember how close we are. Now… I’m sure there’s another function for you to attend today, especially since you aren’t appropriately dressed for this party.” Olivia interjects as she joins us.

  Miranda’s eyes widen slightly at Olivia’s comments and I really want to high-five Olivia for putting the bitch in her place.

  “As a matter of fact, there is. I don’t know why I wasted my time coming here.” Miranda sputters and turns on her heel to leave.

  I can’t help myself and as she gets to the side entrance gate, I call out, “Don’t let the gate hit you in the ass as you leave, Miranda.” And I’m rewarded with an “Augh” as she walks out.

  “I’m sorry, Sweet Cheeks. I didn’t invite her and I guarantee no one in my family did either,” Cole says sincerely, as we turn and head back to our guests who were all obviously watching Miranda’s display.

  “Cole, you need to stop apologizing for that woman. You aren’t responsible for her behavior. I just don’t get why she’s so nasty and always around.”

  “Like I said before, she’s a family friend and has been for a long time, Gracie. She just thinks she can treat people any way she wants. And I will apologize because this is OUR party and I’m not going to let her spoil it.”

  “No, she’s not spoiling it. Nothing could spoil how great today has been.” And I lean in and give him a hard and smoldering but short kiss.

  Chapter 23


  Lying in bed with my arm wrapped around Gracie and her head burrowed into my chest is the perfect way to wake up in the morning. I’d be a happy man if I woke up to this sight every day, but for now, I have to be satisfied with the few nights a week that we spend together.

  Thinking back on yesterday and our Fourth of July get together, I’m relieved and deeply satisfied that our families not only get on so well but have a connection that I never dreamed possible. Everyone including our friends meshed perfectly. It didn’t seem like it was the first time they were meeting. I can definitely see many more parties here in the future.

  The fireworks display that Sam had organized was fantastic. Standing with Gracie in my arms, as we gazed up into the brightly lit sky with everyone oohing and aahing around us, was the perfect end to the day. Well, it wasn’t the end for us because I made good on my promise. I gave Gracie one hell of a bang and her own fireworks display when we made it back to the bedroom. Nothing is more satisfying than being buried deep in my girl, giving and receiving the most exquisite pleasure there is.

  The only down point of the day was Miranda turning up. To say I was surprised is a massive understatement, but then again, I’m talking about Miranda, so I wouldn’t put anything past her. I loved the not so subtle ways that Gracie tried to display her claim on me, and I know if I h
adn’t held her back, Miranda may have walked away with more than a few harsh words thrown at her. I wish I had stepped in and defended Grace quicker than my mom had, but I think her comments to Miranda had more of an effect than mine would have.

  I love that Mom and Gracie get along so well. Seeing them give each other a sly high five after I had moved away from them had me quietly chuckling to myself. Gracie has missed having a mother figure for so long, and I can see that Mom’s open acceptance of her means a lot. It also seems like Grace and Ashley have also quickly developed a friendship with April and Allison as well.

  My musing is cut short as Gracie stirs beside me and nuzzles her face further into my chest placing soft kisses there. “Good morning, Sweet Cheeks,” I greet her as I kiss her forehead.

  “Mmm, morning, baby,” she mumbles. “What time is it?”

  I glance over at my bedside chest to the alarm clock. “Ten o’clock,” I inform her.

  “Wow, that’s some sleep-in we had,” she lazily replies, and rolls off me to stretch. The sheet that was covering her naked body slips down revealing her luscious, pert breasts. Mouthwatering. To neglect giving attention to such a gorgeous sight would be a travesty; so I take the opportunity to roll over and fill my mouth with her delectable orbs.

  “Mmm, someone’s feeling frisky this morning,” she moans, as I lave her nipple so it pebbles beneath my tongue.

  “When am I ever not, when I have you near me, especially with such an irresistible sight laid out across my sheets?”

  “Aren’t we suppose to meet you parents for lunch?” she breathes heavily, while entwining her fingers through my hair and pushing my face further into her breast.

  “They can wait,” I mumble, with a mouthful.

  “Hmmm, well in that case, it’s my turn to show you my own personal big bang theory, Doctor Tierney,” she says, as she pushes me away and rolls me to my back before straddling me. Gracie taking control turns me on more than I thought possible. The image of her above me, riding me with wild abandon while her breasts bounce joyfully, is insanely erotic.


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