The Rhythm of My Heart

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The Rhythm of My Heart Page 17

by Velvet Reed

  “God, so do you, babe. Don’t stop, oh, yes! Right there, Cole! Yes!” I am totally unraveling. There are no words for what I’m experiencing right now.

  Cole leans down and attacks my mouth fiercely; he’s uncontrollable. The kiss is frenzied and brutal; I know my lips are going to be swollen from the battering they’re receiving, but I’m beyond caring. He breaks the kiss but continues thrusting hard and fast, he’s close I can feel it. “Come on, baby, give it to me again,” he growls, as he grips onto the wooden slat of my headboard.

  I’m falling. The pressure hits its peak, and I scream out in ecstasy for the second time. “Yes, yes! Cole, yes!” As my walls tighten around his cock, he somehow manages to plow into me harder, and the next thing I hear is an ear-splitting crack. Cole’s rhythm doesn’t falter, but my attention has shifted to his left hand that is now holding a wooden slat from my headboard.

  Oh. My. God. He just ripped a piece of wood off my bed.

  I’m briefly stunned into silence as Cole keeps thrusting into me and throws the plank of wood to the floor grunting. “Fucking stupid bed.” I can’t help myself; I burst out laughing, my body shaking underneath his continued movements. With one last deep thrust, Cole throws his head back and rasps, “Oh, Grace.” Then his body stills as he finds his release while burying his face into my neck.

  I’m still chuckling when I say, “Fucking stupid bed.” And he bites into my soft flesh. “Ouch,” I yelp, and slap his ass.

  “It’s not nice to laugh during sex, Gracie,” he mumbles, and then bursts into loud, joyful laughter, his chest shaking against mine.

  “Come on, babe. That was epic! Seriously, freaking epic. You just broke my bed.”

  He lifts himself off me and rolls onto his back still breathing hard. “No, baby. That was earth shattering, and without a doubt, the greatest experience of my life.”

  I’m again stunned into silence as our eyes lock and we communicate without words. I couldn’t agree with him more. It was earth shattering, and something I’ll never forget. When I planned his little surprise for tonight, I certainly wasn’t expecting Sam to arrive home with him. But more importantly, I never, in a million years, expected or imagined Cole would react the way he has. Cole starts placing soft, sweet kisses all over my face, while making small humming noises as he goes. In this moment, I know with all my heart that Cole Tierney has ruined me for all other men, and the only place I want to be for the rest of my life is right here in his arms.

  While sitting in my office at the work the next morning, I can’t help but keep thinking about the amazing night I had with Cole; his caveman display, the bed getting broken, and how that didn’t stop him and his sweet kisses afterward. Cole doesn’t know, but I, actually, took a picture of the broken bed on my phone to share it with Ashley. I mean come on, what girl wouldn’t want to share something like that with her best friend. So, with that thought in mind, I pull out my cell and send her a text with the picture attached.

  Grace: TMI I know, but Cole broke my bed last night. LMAO

  I only have to wait seconds for Ashley’s reply.

  Ashley: RAFLMAO. How’s your head? Or is that from him grabbing it?

  Grace:Him grabbing it and ripping the wooden slat off.

  I was LMAO while he was still pounding the shit out of me.

  Ashley: OMG! I guess he liked the red bra and panties then.

  Grace:Umm, you could say that!

  Sam came home with him and saw me, so Cole went all caveman.

  Ashley: Damn girl!

  Grace:He literally ripped the whole plank off Ash! But he didn’t break his rhythm!

  Ashley: LOL, it’s all about leverage. So was he on top or were you?

  Grace:He was.

  Ashley: Nice! That’s a high five moment, for breaking shit. LMAO

  Grace:hahaha. I was laughing so hard and he throws the plank on the floor and says, “Fucking stupid bed.”

  Ashley: You need a stronger bed!

  Grace:Hey, it’s only 2 years old and its French provincial

  Ashley:Well, it’s not strong enough if he ripped a plank off. You should go bed shopping together and test out which is the strongest one. It would be hilarious to see what the sales people say when Cole is thrusting and shaking the beds. LMAO


  Umm, he was kind of possessed last night

  Super Human Orgasmic Strength!


  I love it when a guy gets possessed and THAT my friend was MAJOR orgasmic strength! That is the best!

  Grace:I knew you’d appreciate it.

  Ashley: Of course ☺

  Gotta run sweets, got customers xo

  Grace:Talk later gorgeous xo

  I work through the morning, and get all the ordering and invoices up to date. It’s almost lunchtime when Charlie and Dad walk in. “Hey, you two, did you bring lunch today?” I ask with a smile.

  My dad gives me a sheepish grin, “Rubes didn’t have a great morning, so we didn’t get that far.”

  “Is she all right?” I enquire looking between them and settling on Charlie.

  “Yeah, we just couldn’t find one of her pink Converse, and you know how she is about them. So it was Tantrumville for a good hour, and she was still at it when I dropped her off at preschool,” Charlie says, with a sigh.

  I narrow my gaze on him. “Damn it, Charlie! How many times have I told you to get her a second pair of them? They’re the only shoes she’ll wear, and it would prevent so much stress and frustration for Ruby and you when something like this happens.”

  Charlie’s shoulders pull back and I can see the anger build. “Yeah, I know Gracie! But, I haven’t had the time, okay. It’s not as if I wanted it to happen. Jesus, ease up. Dad and I looked everywhere; God only knows where the thing is. It’s bright pink for shit’s sake.”

  Dad gives me a pointed stare. I know my outburst was uncalled for and how hard it is to reason with Rubes; it just kills me when she gets so upset like that. I stand up and give Charlie a hug. “I know, Charlie. I’m sorry for going off. I’ll take Rubes to get another pair, but for now, how about I run to the deli and get us some subs for lunch? I bet you guys didn’t have breakfast either.”

  Charlie returns the hug and squeezes me a little. “I’m sorry, too, sis, and that would be great on both offers. Make mine a double smoked turkey sub.”

  I pull away from Charlie and turn to Dad. “What about you, mister?” I smirk.

  “Surprise me, Sweet Pea,” he says, with a little grin.

  “Wow, that’s a dangerous request,” I laugh. “All right, I’ll be back soon.” I grab my bag and head out for my car. As I get in and put on my seat belt, my phone chimes with a message.

  Cole: How’s the bed?

  Oh. My. God!

  Grace: Umm, broken obviously…

  Cole: You ready for another pounding?


  Grace:LMAO, I told Ash! She said to high five you!

  Cole: Well, I’ll see if I can break a few more slats tonight!!!!

  Oh, Sweet Jesus!

  Grace:Then you can buy me a new bed, Doctor Tierney!

  Cole: Happy to, if it means a repeat of last night

  Grace:You are sooooo bad!

  Cole: You’ve unleashed the beast now, Gracie

  Grace:Jesus, Cole!!! Now I’m scared for my bed AND for my vagina!

  Cole: Be scared for both, Sweet Cheeks… Be scared for both

  Grace: You’re too much

  Getting lunches, call me when you finish your shift, okay?

  Cole: Absolutely!

  Enjoy the rest of your day, baby xo

  Grace:You, too!

  And behave!!!


  Cole: NEVER! Xo

  I shake my head and smile down at my phone. This man has captured every single part of me and I wouldn’t change a thing. Well… I’ll have to change a few things I guess. I’ll be looking for a
new bed in the very near future and some ice packs for my precious lady bits if I’m going to survive the beast.

  Chapter 29


  I stand here in complete shock and disbelief at the sight before me. I mean there have been a few signs that things weren’t quite right, but I’ve ignored them. I didn’t want to believe that it was even a possibility but holding the piece of paper here in my hand, the proof is irrefutable.

  It doesn’t seem real.

  I’m sure I must be dreaming.

  How could this happen?

  What the hell am I going to do?

  We’ve only been together six months.

  I crumple the piece of paper up and throw it in the rubbish bin. I know all I need to know.

  Heading for the front door, I pick up my purse and keys, and close it behind me. As I climb into my car and start the engine, I close my eyes and take a few deep, calming breaths. I’m anything but calm. When I open them again, I look at myself in the rearview mirror. “You can do this, Grace Rivers. You just have to face it head on,” I say, giving myself a pep talk.

  “You can do this,” I repeat.

  Throwing the car in reverse, I carefully back out of my driveway and head for the hospital. I just need to see Cole’s face.

  I walk into the ER and see Allison behind the desk, so I head straight for her. She looks up and gives me a beaming smile. “Hi, Grace, how you are?”

  I smile back. “I’m good, Allison; how are you?” I enquire.

  Allison makes a waving gesture around the room and with a small laugh says, “It’s the ER, so you know… busy as always.” I nod in acknowledgement.

  “Is Cole around?” I ask her.

  Allison gives me another smile. “Actually, he’s on a break; he said he was going to the doctors’ lounge. Do you know where it is? You should be able to catch him there.”

  I glance around. I shouldn’t have come here while he’s working… I just really NEED to see his face. “Umm, I think it’s on the second floor, isn’t it?”

  Allison’s eyes narrow a little. “Yeah, it is,” she pauses for just a second, “Grace, are you okay?”

  I hesitate and look back at her with a forced smile. “Of course, I’m just worried about interrupting Cole while he’s working. I’ll go up and see him really quickly and get out of his way.”

  Allison gives me a concerned grin, and then composes her features. “I’m sure he’ll love to see you, Grace; he talks about you every chance he gets.”

  “That’s good to know. Thanks, Allison; I’ll see you later.”

  Allison smiles back. “It was good to see you, too, Grace; take care.” And with that, I give her a quick wave and head for the elevator.

  As the elevator ascends to the second floor, my thoughts return to the revelation from this morning. I just don’t understand it. The bell dings to announce my arrival, the doors open, and I step out looking for signs to direct me to the doctors’ lounge, but as I walk without watching, I run straight into the broad, firm chest of Sam.

  “Whoa… oh, hey, Gracie, you all right?” he asks as he realizes it’s me and steadies me. Cole’s best friend is a really nice guy and we’ve gotten pretty close since Cole and I have been together, but seriously… his gorgeous blue eyes and crooked smile are enough to make any girl melt. I don’t know how anyone concentrates in this hospital with Sam and Cole walking around.

  “I’m great, Sam; how’s your day going?” I enquire, while giving him a quick hug.

  “Busy, busy, busy, but I just delivered a beautiful, healthy set of twins, so the day couldn’t get any better.” Sam smiles widely. How any pregnant woman can concentrate on giving birth with Sam as their doctor is beyond me.

  “Well, that’s definitely something to be happy about,” I reply.

  Sam smiles down at me. “Are you looking for Cole? You should probably head to the ER.”

  “Ah, yeah, I was hoping to catch a few minutes with him. Allison said he was in the doctors’ lounge, so that’s where I’m headed now if I can find it.”

  Sam smiles again and points down the hall. “Exactly, where I’m going; I’ll walk with you.”

  We fall into step beside each other, and I glance up at him smirking. “Sooo, have you sent any more flowers to Ashley, lately?”

  Sam shakes his head and chuckles while giving me a sidelong glance. “As if you don’t know already, Gracie; she’s your best friend and you tell each other everything.”

  I give him an innocent slap on the arm, and sigh. “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but… It would be nice to hear your take on things.”

  Sam snorts. “Right, Gracie, I know how you two work; I spill my guts to you and you report back to Ashley,” he says, on a laugh.

  “You know us too well already! But seriously, you should just talk to her if you like her, Sam. I really think you’d be good for each other,” I say, giving him a shy look.

  Sam’s face splits into his drop-dead gorgeous smile. “She’s one stubborn chick, but there is something about her. Although, you know it’s not always easy dating a doctor; I can’t see her dealing with it, especially with the vagina man comments.”

  “You’re right, there; I do know what it’s like, BUT, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Don’t worry about Ash, Sam; she just pokes fun to cover for when she’s nervous,” I say in reassurance, but Sam doesn’t respond.

  We come to a stop outside a door marked ‘Doctors’ Lounge’. We look at each other with big grins on our faces as Sam reaches out and pushes the door open. As the door glides open silently and we step inside, I take in a sharp, shallow breath, my heartbeat accelerates to an extremely erratic rhythm and I feel my whole world come crashing down around me. My feet have frozen to the floor, Sam has stopped beside me as well, and our smiles have fallen from our faces.

  Cole’s standing over by the window; his dark brown hair is messy as if someone has been running their fingers through it. It looks like it does after we’ve spent the night making love. But his hair isn’t what has made my heart stop beating, though; it’s the sight of Miranda, Queen Bitch of ex-girlfriends, standing in front of him. She looks gorgeous, even in her white lab coat with her long blonde hair hanging down her shoulders. Her arms are wrapped around Cole’s neck, her perfect lips are molded to Cole’s and his hands are settled intimately on her upper arms. They break apart and their eyes are locked on each other; Miranda has a sexy smile plastered on her perfect face, but I can’t read the expression on Cole’s.

  I’m standing there completely stunned for a second until my mind suddenly bursts into action. Not again, why is this happening again? I’m so stupid for thinking I would ever be enough for him. What am I going to do? Shit, shit, shit! I have to get out of here!

  As I turn and walk back out the door and into the hall, my heart’s beating frantically, and I am vaguely aware that Sam is following me. They were so wrapped up in each other they didn’t even notice us. I start to walk down the corridor knowing that I’m leaving the love of my life behind. Nothing can change what I‘ve just seen. And there’s no possible explanation he could give that I would accept. What the hell am I going to do?

  I hear my name being called, but it takes a moment for my muddled brain to react. “Gracie!” It’s Sam. I turn around and look at him with vacant eyes; I feel completely numb, desolate, shattered.

  Sam gives me a sad smile. “Gracie, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what the hell is going on. You should let him explain; I’m sure there’s an explanation.”

  I stare through him and shake my head. “No, no; there’s no explanation for that, for her! I can’t see him right now. I don’t want to understand, and I don’t want to know; after all… I shouldn’t have expected anything different; I just need to go Sam; I just… I really need to go.”

  Sam nods his head slowly. “Okay, Gracie, but listen… let me call Ashley and have her come get you. You shouldn’t be alone right now, and I can’t leave to drive you home. You sho
uldn’t drive; you’re too upset and it wouldn’t be safe.”

  I numbly shake my head again, and quietly reply, “No, no; I’m fine Sam; really, I’m fine. I… uh… I have some stuff to do anyway.” Yep, I definitely have stuff to do. Stuff like working out how to tell Dad and Charlie that my whole world tipped on its axis today. Stuff like packing up everything that belongs to Cole, and everything that reminds me of Cole, and getting it the hell out of my house and my life. Stuff like mending my heart and never, ever letting another man in, to mess with its rhythm again. I turn back, continue walking to the elevators, and press the button.

  “Gracie, wait,” Sam calls again, as he stops behind me and turns me around pulling me into a big hug. “I’m sorry, Gracie. I’ll find out what’s going on, but please… please, call Ashley.” His hug and his words should be comforting. I should be crying or at least be showing some kind of emotion, but I just feel empty… broken, this has happened before. Troy cheated on me as well, and of course, that hurt, but this time, it’s different. I didn’t love Troy. I wasn’t even really surprised when I walked in on him, but… but I love Cole. I’m so unbelievably in love with Cole. I will never get over this!

  I pull away from Sam and look up into his eyes, which are filled with sympathy. “Yeah, sure… Bye, Sam.”

  As I get into the elevator, Sam’s shaking his head. I watch his expression change; it goes from sweet sympathy to raging anger and he turns on his heel and stalks back toward the lounge. Slowly, the doors of the elevator close until they’re shut tight, and so does the new protective shield around my heart.


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