
Home > Nonfiction > 9781618854490WildChelceeNC > Page 25
9781618854490WildChelceeNC Page 25

by Unknown

  She started to run toward it but Wild jerked her around. “Are you insane? Forget it. They’re a lost cause. Come on while he’s occupied.”

  Wild lifted her onto the saddle and climbed on behind her.

  “Why am I riding with you?”

  “It’s faster. I want you close. If the wolf returns with the pack, they’ll surround us. We’ll need to make a quick escape.” He yanked off his leather gloves and gave them to her. “Put these on. They aren’t as warm as the ones you had, but better than your skin being exposed to the cold.”

  “I can’t take your gloves,” she said, pushing them back at him.

  Wild slid his arms underneath her breasts and pulled her close. “Put ‘em on. I’m used to the elements here. You aren’t.”

  Jayla slid the gloves onto her hands and wondered just how bad things were going to get. They’d barely started on the journey and already they’d come up against a wolf and she’d lost her thick gloves. She rested back against Wild, thankful for his heat and presence.

  As if reading her mind, Wild leaned in close and said, “Once we’re safe, I’ll stop and you can get back on the travois.”

  Jayla bit her lip. Somehow she doubted they were ever going to be safe, at least not on this impossible journey, but she nodded, grateful for his presence. One good thing had come out of this little stop. She was at least where she wanted to be…back in her cowboy’s arms.

  For now, it’d have to be enough.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  One of the first businesses of a sensible man is to know when he is beaten, and to leave off fighting at once.

  ~Samuel Butler

  Montana Wilderness

  February 22, Sunday

  2:00 p.m.

  Kane stood in the yard staring at the empty cabin. Rage seethed through his bones along with the frigid cold. God, he hated the whole of Montana. Once he left here, he’d never return to this frozen part of the country.

  “No smoke from the chimney. Fucker already took off with her,” he declared.

  Zaden grunted and hopped off his snowmobile, dragging their recently acquired prisoner along with them. Kane scowled. Women were nothing but trouble when he and Zaden needed to be concentrating on more important things than pussy.

  On this trip though, his partner apparently had a one-track mind, and nothing was getting in his way of a piece of ass, whether it be male or female.

  The woman dug her shoes into the snow, screaming and clawing at Zaden’s arm. He whipped around, knife in hand. “You do that again, bitch, and I’ll cut off your nose. I have very little patience, so don’t try me,” Zaden threatened. “I’ll gut you like a catfish and leave you bleeding in the snow.”

  Kane felt his temper rising. He hadn’t wanted to bring the old storekeeper’s granddaughter along with them, but she’d walked in the apartment, unannounced, and witnessed Zaden cutting the old man’s throat.

  She started to back out of the room, her hand at her throat, soft whimpers escaping her. Kane lunged at her. Clamping his hand over her mouth before she could scream, he searched for his knife with the intention of silencing her like the old man.

  “No,” Zaden said quietly. “Don’t kill her.”

  “What?” Kane hesitated, the knife at her throat. “Why?”

  “She might come in handy. She can cook. Besides, she has nice tits.”

  “Then you’re responsible for her. I’m not fighting with some bitch all the way to that cabin.”

  The woman glared at Zaden. Her breasts rose and fell in agitation, bumping against Kane’s arm.

  Zaden let go of her grandfather, allowing the old man to slide to the floor in a lifeless heap. He turned, knife in hand. Blood stained his fingers. His raisin dark eyes glimmered with a hint of madness, the spoils of a kill exciting him. Killing was what he did best and Kane thought the man was over zealous about it. His partner grinned, his swarthy complexion heightened from the thrill of a successful hunt. He crossed the room and stopped in front of Kane. Raking his gaze up and down her, he slowly ran his bloodstained hands over the curves of her breasts.

  She whimpered and cowed beneath his touch.

  Not satisfied with that, he ripped her shirt down the middle and cupped her breasts through the black, lacy bra. “See, I told you she has nice tits.” Zaden buried his nose between her cleavage. “Mmm, she smells delicious.” He lifted his head and squeezed them, his lips curving with pleasure. “What’s your name, honey?”

  She struggled, trying to escape Kane’s hold on her arm. “She can’t answer you. I have my hand over her mouth.”

  “Then move it. She won’t scream.” He fingered the edge of his knife. “You won’t scream, will you, sweet thing?”

  She shook her head, her eyes wide with fright.

  “See? Release her.” His eyes hardened. “Make a peep and it’ll be your last.”

  Kane slid his hand off her mouth. Of course the woman was frightened, terrified of the man who’d just killed her grandfather. Zaden pulled her close. “No need to be afraid, little gal. Just cooperate, and you might get the chance to live. Now, what’s your name?”


  “Anybody gonna miss you?”

  She opened her mouth to speak.

  “No lies now,” he warned. “I’ll know if you lie to me.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “My parents are away on a cruise.”

  “Darlene?” He fiddled with the straps of her bra. “That’s a pretty name.” Zaden slowly lowered the bra straps, his fingers gliding back and forth across the full slopes.

  Kane wondered what the hell he intended to do with the girl. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t be pretty.

  “How old are you, Darlene?”


  He smoothed his hand over her long hair, smiled, and took her by the hand. “Don’t be shy. Just do as I say and we’ll rub well together. Come along, now.”

  She nodded, tears welling in her eyes.

  He led her toward what Kane assumed was the bedroom. Since the door was shut, he couldn’t be sure, but it stood to reason it was where the old man had slept. “Good, God, Zaden.”

  His partner turned. His eyes narrowed. He looked as cold and mean as a viper. He shrugged. “What can I say? I’m a horny guy.”

  “We don’t have time for this shit!”

  “I’m taking the time.” Again, he smoothed his hand through the woman’s dark hair. “Guard the door. I’m gonna be awhile.” He opened the door and guided the woman through it, his hand on her lower back.

  “Shit!”Kane clenched his jaw as the door closed behind them. Taking up position by the outer door, he tried to tune out the noise escaping from that room, the grunts, the strangled, feminine cries, the squeaky springs under the mattress, headboard pounding against the wall in a steady rhythm. Zaden’s moans of ecstasy, then a low murmur, “Get on your hands and knees now.”

  The woman’s soft pleas begging him to stop.

  “Jesus Christ,” Kane whispered and wished he’d never summoned Zaden to Montana. More cries, groans, and headboard banging, then utter silence.


  He looked up at the sound of the door opening. Zaden walked out zipping up his jeans. He grinned, rubbing the long scratch down his left cheek. “Would you believe she was a fucking virgin? Couldn’t believe it when I busted her cherry.”

  Kane frowned. He hadn’t expected that news, but Zaden would know if the woman was innocent or not.

  Zaden snickered. “You know, she kind of reminds me of Jayla, all that thick, black hair, and kissable lips.”

  “Are you finished now? Can we go?”

  “It’s too late to head out this evening. We’ll spend the night here, get an early start.” Zaden leaned around the door to the bedroom he’d only just exited. “Don’t bother dressing, sweetheart. I’ll be back in a minute,” he said. Like a tender lover, his voice oozed charm as if he hadn’t just raped the woman.

she coming with us in the morning?”

  “Yeah. I think so.”

  Kane heard her soft sobs and felt his frustration to his soul. Damn it! He didn’t want to take the woman with them, but Zaden wasn’t one to argue with when he made up his mind about something.

  Grabbing her now, Kane shoved her inside the abandoned cabin. “Get over there and sit down.” He pushed her toward a lone, ladder-back chair. “Don’t move!”

  Gun in hand he cursed the cowboy with each breath he breathed.

  Zaden squatted in front of the fireplace, tore off his gloves, and pressed a palm against the pile of dead, gray coals. “Barely warm. He left with her hours ago.”

  “I knew we should have got an earlier start.”

  “We’d have been here a lot sooner if you hadn’t read the map wrong.”

  “Yeah, well if you’d stop thinking with your dick we’d have been here even quicker.”

  Zaden shrugged, unperturbed. “It’s the nature of the beast.” He patted his zipper laughing. “It has a terrible hunger. Always.”

  Kane cursed and looked around the room. He stared at the bed, the messy covers, the obvious dents in both pillows. Very intimate. Cozy. He clenched his jaw. “You think he screwed her?” He chewed on that, knowing the answer before Zaden spoke.

  Zaden snickered and rose to his feet. “Wouldn’t you?”

  “I did. Remember?”

  “Yeah. I do remember. She any good?”

  “The best I ever had. The senator broke her in, taught her how to please a man, but he didn’t have a clue how to please her. She’d never climaxed until I fucked her.” He rubbed his crotch, feeling his cock jerk to life at the mention of Jayla. “I’m gonna enjoy killing that cowboy. I swear I am. I’m gonna do him real slow.”

  Zaden grinned, the look in his dark eyes deadly. “You gonna fuck him?”

  “Nah. My dick doesn’t swing that way.” Kane shrugged. “But if you want him, feel free. My gift to you.”

  “I want him. I’ll make Jayla watch while I skin him the way I did that dumb deputy, a gag in his mouth so he can’t make a sound while I ride him. When I’m finished, you can gut him. My gift to you,” Zaden returned. “Then it’ll be Jayla’s turn,” he added.

  “Yeah,” Kane said slowly, a frown knitting his brows. “Then you can do whatever the hell you want to her.” He eyed the woman seated across the room. “You better fix her so she can’t escape.”

  Zaden grinned. “Give me your knife.”


  “Because the edge is smooth.”

  “You really need to invest in your own smooth blade and get rid of that saw-toothed thing you carry.”

  “Why should I buy one when you have one I can use?” Zaden grinned and held out his hand for the knife.

  The woman’s eyes widened as he walked toward her. “Please. You don’t have to do anything to me. I won’t run. I promise.”

  Zaden snickered. “I can’t count the times we’ve heard that, honey.” He paused in front of her. “Lift your foot on my leg.” He patted the upper part of his leg.

  She hesitated, withdrawing.

  “Give me your damn foot,” Zaden ordered. “Don’t make me tell you again.”

  She lifted her leg, placing her shoe on his thigh.

  Slowly, he untied her red canvas shoe and slid off a white sock, tossing them both aside. “You won’t need them for a while.”

  “What are you going to do to me?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “I’m going to help you keep your promise not to run away,” he stated smoothly, and lifting her foot, quickly and smoothly, drew the sharp blade across the back of her left ankle, severing the tendon.

  “Ahhha!” Darlene’s strangled scream filled the little cabin. She tried to jerk her foot free of his hold, but Zaden held it tight between his hands.

  Kane shook his head as Zaden finally released her and handed him back his knife. He wiped the blood off it and returned it to its sheath. The woman continued her wretched sobbing, her shoulders shaking uncontrollably. A puddle of blood formed on the floor at her feet.

  Zaden brushed her hair behind her ears, leaned down, and pressed a quick kiss against her mouth. “Sssh,” he whispered. “I said shush!”

  Her sobs changed to low whimpers of pain, but Kane was sure it was because she was terrified of what Zaden might do to her next. Still, silent tears rolled down her face. Her shoulders trembled. She gripped her hands between her knees and rocked back and forth.

  Eyeing the puddle of blood on the floor, Kane said, “There are bandages on the table in the kitchen. If you can make it in there, wrap up your ankle. It might help slow the bleeding.”

  Zaden followed him outside.

  Kane clenched his fists at his side. “When do you plan on getting rid of her?”

  Zaden shrugged. “Tomorrow, maybe. Or the next day. Or maybe never. I like fucking her.”

  “She’s a liability we don’t need.”

  Zaden revealed perfect white teeth. “She’s my liability. You know it takes me awhile to finish with someone, especially a pretty with sweet tight pussy I’m the first to shaft. I’m thinking maybe I’ll keep her.”

  “Are you insane? What the hell do you want with her, besides the obvious?”

  “I think I might pump a couple of kids in her. It’s time I fathered a son or two. Since I’m her first, any kid she punches out will be mine. After last night, I figure it’s possible she’s already pumped up, if not, she soon will.” He shrugged. “Once she pushes out a couple of brats, I’ll sell her to a slaver. Make a little money off her.”

  “You’re crazy. She’s trouble.”

  “Not anymore.” He snickered. “I just took care of any trouble she might stir up.”

  Kane hoped his buddy was right. If not, he’d take care of the problem himself. “Which way do you think they went?”

  Removing a pair of binoculars from the snowmobile, Zaden moved around behind the cabin. He studied the distant ridge over the tree tops, making a wide sweep of the area. Lowering the glasses, he arched a brow, thoughtful. “Well, you’d think they’d take the easy way through the woods, but this cowboy doesn’t seem to be into easy. He took to the mountains.” He held the binoculars out to Kane. “Look just above that last ridge of pines. You’ll spot them.”

  Kane grabbed the glasses and held them up to his eyes. Adjusting the focus, he muttered, “Sonofabitch!”

  “Yeah. Snowmobiles are going to be totally useless. Why didn’t you think to get horses?”

  “Because I’m not a fucking cowboy,” Kane snapped. “God, I hate this fucking country. Hate it!”

  “It’ll be hard on them, but harder on us,” Zaden stated.

  “Why’s that?”

  “He has a head start, knows the country better than us, and he’s used to riding a horse. However, he has a woman to slow him down. Still, it’ll be rougher traveling the high road.”

  “Jayla’s pregnant,” Kane said.

  “Is she now? Better and better. Gonna be a slow trip for the convict.”

  “Yep. She doesn’t do pregnancy well.”

  “Is the brat yours?” Zaden asked. “Or the senator’s?”

  Kane nodded. “It’s mine. Hamilton can’t make babies.”

  “You’re sure you want me to off her?”

  “Because of the brat?”

  “Sure. You might want the kid.”

  “I don’t. Unlike you, I never wanted kids.”

  “Then why’d you knock her up?”

  “To show her I could, prove to her she belonged to me no matter how many months we were apart. She’s still mine. I’ll fuck her when I get damn good and ready.”

  Zaden frowned. “I don’t think you’re ready to let go of her.”

  “I said you can have her,” Kane snapped, irritated. “I’m not changing my mind just because she’s got my kid in her belly. I’m done with her. I wanna see her die.”

  “You got it. Now let’s get the hell back inside
where it’s warm.”

  “We’re not going after them today?” Kane asked.

  “Nah. It’s getting late. No sense sleeping out in the cold any sooner than we have to. They won’t travel much longer. Come daylight, you need to go back to the truck and beat it to Havre. Rent a couple of horses and a trailer to haul them in and get back here. If we’re lucky, we might get to head out by noon.”


  “We can’t get up that mountain on these snowmobiles. The terrain’s too damn rugged.”

  “They’ll have an even bigger lead on us,” Kane complained.

  “We’ll catch them. Now let’s get inside and have something to eat.”

  Kane nodded. Feeling gloomy, he wondered if the damn cowboy was going to win this battle. All they’d been doing was spinning their wheels, getting nowhere fast. When that deputy’s body was discovered in the motel room, the law would be hot on their asses. He wished to fuck he’d never agreed to assassinate the first lady. He’d be in D.C., the only thing on his mind getting Jayla back in his bed.

  “Stop worrying,” Zaden said. “We’ll get them. When we do, we’ll escape this hellish cold and go home.”

  It couldn’t be soon enough, not for Kane.

  “Damn if I’m not looking forward to a tropical jungle and some good old sniper fire!”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I accept reality and dare not question it.

  ~Walt Whitman

  Havre, Montana

  Regional Health Care Center

  February 22, Sunday

  4:00 p.m.

  Danger helped Lacey sit up on the side of the bed. “Steady, now. Not too fast, sweetheart. Okay?”

  “Yes. I still get a little dizzy when I first sit up. I’m sure it’ll soon pass.”

  With one arm in a sling, she had a difficult time maneuvering and sitting up without his help. “You’re weak, baby. You’re body has to have time to heal and build its strength back. You’ll do better once we get you home. You can rest all you want. I have to warn you though Karen did a number on the place.”


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