Missy the Werecat

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Missy the Werecat Page 30

by P. G. Allison

  Missy said, “Oh, I’m sure Frank will tell you all about it. We just drove around and talked about his good friend Tony Gonzales. We talked all night, in fact. He’ll tell you I’m just a kid from the neighborhood who knew Tony. Chit chat. I’m quite sure that’s what Frank will be telling you.” She watched as Robert processed this information. When he smiled a little, shaking his head, she asked, “Since by now you know I didn’t say or do anything to compromise your case, why are you asking me about this?”

  “Well, there have been a few little questions which have come up.” Robert looked at her, sitting there so prim and proper. “We know what you did to Ramon. The hospital records showed extensive surgery was required to repair his jaw. He also complained about damage to his groin area. Lucky for him, nothing permanent was damaged down there. The guy has definitely been in a lot of pain and still hasn’t returned to any normal duties. He’ll be included in next week’s round up, by the way.”

  Missy nodded and smiled. “Good. If you happen to interview him about stuff, I understand he likes things done the old fashioned way.” When she saw the way Robert broke out laughing at the way she emphasized old fashioned way, she knew. They had watched the tape. “Did you guys get to see what happened in Frank’s office, too?”

  “No, no we didn’t. But, we know how skilled you are at karate and martial arts. What we can’t figure out, though, is why Frank has obviously put the word out. You’re completely off limits. Untouchable.” Since the FBI team knew all about that surveillance software they’d provided her with, they were all taking bets as to just what she was blackmailing Frank about. “I don’t suppose you have any additional evidence we can use against Frank?” She obviously had something.

  “Sorry, but I don’t have anything for the FBI or the police. Not really. Of course, you understand Frank has his friend Sal to be worried about, right?” She figured she may as well admit that much. She’d asked them for all that information about Sal. “You mentioned there are questions which have come up. Anything else?”

  Robert stared at her and processed what she’d said. She was blackmailing Frank with something she could show or tell Sal. Something she wasn’t ready to share with the FBI. Maybe she did know what she was doing since that would explain Frank and his organization leaving her alone. She indeed had said the FBI’s info on Sal was important for her safety. He knew he probably wasn’t going to get anything further from her about any of this.

  In answer to her question he went on to say, “Well, actually, yes. There was a strange mishap. Probably not related. But, the same night when you and Frank were out riding around? Two guys who are known associates of his were found dead. Their house burned down with them inside. Over in Boxford.” Robert had only recently seen the complete report. It had taken several days for the autopsy findings and it was only because of the connection to Frank that the case had even been noticed by Armando’s team. “There apparently are wild animals running around in those Boxford woods. It appears these two known associates were both killed when some animal broke into their place. Broken necks. Very strange. The fire was accidental and the theory is that it got started somehow by the same wild animal.”

  “Broken necks, huh?” Missy asked. “Why do they think it was an animal?”

  “Well, there were very clear footprints outside. And, in the woods. Some sort of puma or panther. Or, maybe a mountain lion. I think those actually are all the same thing, just different names. But, they’re not known to be around here. At least, not that anyone had noticed before now. Apparently there’s also some evidence over at the State Forest in Andover. Some deer remains have been reported by a park ranger over there. He insists the kills were by a large cat and not by any dogs or wolves.” Robert had been surprised about that but the database search had turned up that info once the Boxford police had reported and identified those tracks. “The autopsy results show bite marks on the necks of both victims, consistent with the kind of animal which could make those footprints.”

  “Well, that’s interesting but it does sound unrelated. Just a coincidence, obviously.” Missy was surprised about the park ranger finding some of her deer kills. She’d have to avoid using that area for a while.

  “Yes, there doesn’t seem to be any way those guys … well … there was this one aspect which made me wonder.” Robert stared at Missy. He realized she was really good at hiding her emotions. He was never able to guess what was going on inside her head. She would just calmly sit there, with those incredible green eyes of hers, giving nothing away. “Those two guys have actually been on my suspect list a couple of times. For kidnapping young women. The bodies of those girls were eventually found but there was just no evidence to prove anything. I wish I didn’t have so many open cases like that. As you know, your case was one of my very few with any sort of happy ending.”

  “And, the fact that these guys may have been kidnappers is making you wonder what, exactly?” Missy was getting a sense she might not like where this was going.

  “Well, it’s because you had us looking out for Mrs. Gonzales. And, her daughter Alice. Did you know Alice disappeared that same day?” Robert was not seeing any reaction. “At least, we think she did. But, someone dropped her off at home late that night, so maybe not. We couldn’t put anyone on watching the two of them full time, but … you get why it made me wonder, right?”

  “Hmmm. Let me see if I understand this.” Missy knew she could trust Robert. “Maybe Alice was kidnapped, but only for a little while, by two known associates of Frank’s who somehow were attacked and killed by a wild animal. And, since Frank might have some interest in Alice, since Tony had all that money which disappeared, you’re wondering. Trying to connect some dots. And, coincidently, all this happened on the one night when Frank and I had our mysterious chit chat. Hmmmm.” Missy just stared at Robert. Then, she let her cat do that thing she’d learned she could do with her eyes. Gold speckles began glowing as she continued to gaze at Robert. She saw him suddenly sit back.

  Watching those eyes change like that was what convinced him. Robert had absolutely no idea how she’d managed getting those guys killed and safely dropping Alice at her home, but he was certain she had somehow done exactly that. Just like he suddenly remembered how Armando had mentioned checking her alibi for the time when Tony had his accident. “Well, I guess we’re done here, Missy. By the way, what can I tell Armando about his offer? Have you decided about college yet?”

  Missy laughed. “Well, yes, I’ve actually got my heart set on going to West Point. Senator Maxwell thinks I have a really good chance. After graduation, there’s a five year commitment to serve in the Army, so I don’t think I’ll be joining the FBI any time soon.”

  “Really? Wow, that’s wonderful, Missy. I don’t suppose you’re planning which branch you’ll choose. The Army Military Police, which was the branch I was in, would be a good choice, considering.” He looked at her and could already see by the humor in her eyes that she was considering something else entirely.

  “Why, Robert, that probably would be a good choice, considering.” She emphasized considering just the way he had. She realized she’d basically admitted being responsible for several things, but these were things no one could possibly prove and things which Robert had no intention of telling anyone about. He only knew she was responsible but had no clue whatsoever as to how. “But no. I plan to be in either the Special Forces or else become an airborne Ranger. Basically the infantry, you know? They finally are allowing women to do this but that’s only been for the past couple of years. I intend to complete all the training for both and then see which makes the most sense when the time comes.”


  Later that day Missy went over to see Alice. They’d planned a girls’ night out since Mike and Mark were both busy, each with family events which had been scheduled for quite a while. They were invited, of course, but had decided they’d rather take this rare opportunity to get away. Who knew when they’d get another chance?
br />   Missy had lots she wanted to share and when Alice’s Mom went out to run some errands, they sat down and began talking about things. Missy explained about the conversation with Robert that morning, including those few little questions which he’d brought up. She ended that by saying, “So, even though I didn’t admit to anything in actual words, he knows. He knows but he really doesn’t know. And, I know he’s okay with that. Make sense?”

  “Sure, I get it.” Alice smiled at her friend, her friend the cat. She was still adjusting to that. “He knows you’re working some crazy mojo but has no clue you can get all furry with fangs and claws.” Giggling, she added another thought. “When you gave them that ten million dollars from Tony, were you already thinking this far ahead? To perhaps someday having them turn a blind eye to all the crazy shenanigans you’d be pulling?”

  “No, not at all! I had no idea that things would ever get this crazy. I suppose I am concerned about that D’Amato guy in New York. But, so far, my surveillance stuff is working great. I’ll maybe have to break in and change some batteries over Christmas vacation, but otherwise nothing to worry about.”

  “Have you gotten very many text messages? To go check which trigger words they used and what they’re talking about?” Alice had been really impressed with what Missy had explained. She’d laughed herself silly listening to Missy’s description of herself as a cat burglar, breaking into their apartments in order to set up all her equipment. Hanging from a rope outside after rappelling down the side of the building from the roof. Getting in through windows without anyone catching her. Being really creative with her various hiding places. Too much!

  “Sure, I get lots of them. It’s then a tedious task to go download the tapes and check. Boring stuff. Usually, they’re just bitching to each other and my name comes up. I’ve had to tweak that software to add some new trigger words. They really don’t like me very much and keep inventing new references for who and what I am. They are so pissed off that I got the drop on them like that. But, they are being careful enough.”

  “When Frank gets arrested, do you think he’ll do anything bad? You know, to get back at you somehow?” Alice was worried now that Frank knew who Missy was. “What if he decides to get revenge? Things change and maybe he’ll think of a way to explain things to Sal. Get Sal to go after you? Then, if that tape you’ve got comes out later, he’ll hope for Sal’s forgiveness? Or, maybe just someone from his organization will do something? I don’t know. But, I do worry about you, Missy!”

  “You mean, if maybe Ramon can find the balls to do something? Once his balls stop hurting, of course.” Missy started laughing and Alice had to join her. “Actually, that brings up something I really wanted to talk to you about. You know how guys complain how we can tease them, getting them all aroused and then … you know … they get blue balls, right? Very painful, supposedly.”

  “Sure, it’s true. Prolonged arousal will have them doubled over. The aching can last for hours.” Alice blushed and said, “Mark explained how I used to cause that for him all the time.” She smiled as she realized that wasn’t a problem anymore. Sex with Mark was just getting better and better.

  “Okay. Well, that sounds exactly like what Mike was describing. Poor guy, I feel so bad. I mean, I really don’t …” Missy looked at Alice and suddenly giggled. “Did I mention how we’re going for pizza tonight? And, then ice cream. Only, I’ll be ordering this really, really huge scoop.” She blushed like crazy as she emphasized huge.

  “Oh, my god! You had sex with Mike? Missy, you have to tell me everything. Details, details. Come on!”

  Missy laughed and said, “Well, not exactly. At least … well, that’s why I’m telling you about poor Mike. About his balls.” Now she was getting flustered. “About his blue balls. Oh, I think you know what I mean!”

  Laughing like crazy, Alice said, “Oh, I know what you mean alright! But, forget about Mike’s balls and tell me all about your orgasm. Stop pussy footing around, Missy!” As all the various meanings for pussy occurred to the two of them, their laughter almost got hysterical. Alice couldn’t resist and asked, “Did I really just tell a cat to stop being a pussy?” More laughter.

  Finally, Missy calmed down and managed to explain some things. “Well, you know how I told you all about my sensitivity to pain? How it’s probably much more than what you normal humans experience, because of my heightened awareness to everything? But, since I can go places in my mind, I can block it off? I still feel the pain but I can ignore it, right?”

  “Like last summer when you broke your leg? Then, drove your doctor crazy by not letting him give you any medication?” Alice had listened to the story a couple of times now and even had obtained one of the photos taken the day Missy went back and posed for them. Missy had called it her Pippi Longstocking look. “Sure, I get that. All part of you being a werecat. Or something. You said you’re still trying to figure it all out yourself.”

  “Right. Exactly. Fortunately, since I heal up so fast, I don’t have to ignore it for very long. Sort of a tradeoff, I guess. Much greater pain but for much shorter duration.” Missy blushed. “Two nights ago? I found out it’s not just pain. The same is true for pleasure. Well, almost the same. My body experiences pleasure in a much greater way. At least, it sure seemed extra, extra, you know? I truly had no idea. Only … the part about the shorter duration? That part wasn’t true. I mean … Alice, it seemed to go on and on forever!”

  “You really had an orgasm, then? I’m so happy for you. It sounds as though whatever you and Mike were doing, you really let go. Lost all control. Maybe you really needed that after everything you’d just been through. Saving me. Those guys. Frank. Your crazy metabolism. Just blame it all on that, right?” Alice started laughing.

  “But, I feel so guilty now,” Missy told her. “I was feeling frisky and playful and, well … yeah, horny. I admit it. But, I always have been able to control myself whenever that happens. I rely on that. It’s my built in self defense mechanism. I mean, you do realize that I fully matured, sexually, when I was in cat form, right? Up there in the mountains? I have been controlling these urges of mine for four years. That never was a problem until two nights ago.”

  Alice was now getting really interested. “Details, girl. You haven’t exactly explained anything, really. Not yet. What were you and Mike doing? Are you still even a virgin? Can virgins have orgasms? Help me out here, Missy!”

  “Of course virgins can have orgasms! And, yes, I’m still one. A virgin. It was mostly what I felt when he was … well, he did probably every imaginable thing to my breasts, so I suppose this isn’t such a big deal. You probably have sensitive nipples too, right?” Missy could see that while Alice was agreeing, she wasn’t really understanding. “I let him play and he was so wonderful. I’d read about orgasms and breast stimulation isn’t what the books say will trigger them. I thought I’d be able to stop. Set some boundaries. I’d never had anyone do anything like that. The more he kept touching me the more excited I got. I can see that now. My body wanted more and more and those boundaries I was supposed to set? I wasn’t even thinking about those.”

  Alice was actually enjoying the way Missy was trying to explain things. “It took me awhile to get so Mark could do it for me. Give me orgasms. But, once I experienced that first time? Those three scoops we laugh about so much?” Alice sighed. “Now, after things get really going? I think Mark still believes I require extra measures of foreplay because of the abuse I endured from Tony. So, he’s so really wonderful about it and I admit my breasts do love all the attention. I probably don’t even need as much foreplay now but I don’t mind it at all.”

  “You were saying … about when things get really going?” Missy laughed. The two of them had been so open and sharing about everything, but this conversation was going places they’d never been before.

  “Well, you’ve had an orgasm now, Missy. And, if you really feel things more intensely, then so much the better. I don’t need to tell you. When things reall
y get going? Then, all of a sudden, things will really get going and forget about controls and boundaries. All you can think about is wanting to come. Once I get to that point, it suddenly becomes that place where I-don’t-care-if-I-die-as-long-as-I-get-to-come-first!” She closed her eyes and enjoyed thinking about how wonderful it was with Mark.

  “Exactly!” exclaimed Missy. “I was enjoying everything so much and then things began racing faster and faster. I think Mike actually was trying to pull back but I kept asking him to touch me. I just got so wet and when he finally touched me down there, I exploded. My jeans weren’t even unzipped. He slid his hand inside them and when I felt his fingers touching me, I went a little crazy. My panties were soaked so badly I wasn’t even sure about trying to wash them out. I almost just threw them away.”

  “So, you let him explore inside your panties? That set you off?”

  “Actually, no. He never even got that far. Just having his hand cupping me, even though it was over my panties, made me come so hard I ended up a complete zombie. A basket case. I actually laid there on top of him and couldn’t move. I wanted to try … since Mike … you know … poor Mike! But, after things finally slowed down and all the little explosions which kept going off even after … well, I just couldn’t move. I fell asleep and he just held me the whole time.”

  They ended up finally going out for pizza and actually did go for ice cream afterwards. It was one of the nicest times either of them had ever had.

  Chapter Forty

  Dec 2017

  The headlines in the Boston newspapers were all about the big arrests made by the FBI. Frank McCarthy and eight of his associates were arraigned for various money laundering and tax evasion charges. The case against them was very solid and the story ran for days. Armando Sanchez was quoted in several of the articles and appeared in a few press conferences as well. The stories and TV broadcasts went nationwide. This was one of the biggest victories against organized crime in years and helped restore the FBI’s reputation which had been tarnished rather than enhanced by many of the other events which had played out in recent years.


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