We Were There

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We Were There Page 14

by Allen Childs

  Bay of Pigs invasion,148

  Beck, George,31

  Bell, Audrey,30–31

  Bell, Jack,146

  Bell, John,114–115

  Belli, Melvin,136

  Berke, Raoul,123, 126

  Bethesda Naval Hospital,148, 153

  Bieberdorf, Fred,132

  Blaine, Gerald,104

  Borge, Norman,51, 93, 97–98

  Bowron, Diana,61, 62

  Bradley, Hank,3, 10

  Brain tissue

  Jackie Kennedy holding, xvii, 25, 95

  on Jackie Kennedy’s dress,70

  McClelland, Robert on,89

  Briseno, Charlie, 14, 115–116

  Briseno, Elena,115–116

  Bullet wounds. See also Head wound; Neck wound

  Carrico, James on,64, 65, 153

  coming from the front,151

  number seen by physicians at Parkland Hospital,38

  Burleson, Phil,136


  Cabell, Dearie,113p

  Cabell, Earle,113

  Cardiac (chest) massage, on Kennedy

  Baxter, Charles on,71, 72

  Clark, Kemp and,58, 91, 101

  Jones, Ron explaining,85

  by Perry, Malcolm, xix

  Peters, Paul on,77

  Cardiac (chest) massage, on Oswald,141, 144, 145

  Carnet, John,3, 8

  Carrico, James, xii

  Baxter’s Warren Commission testimony and,71

  called to the emergency room,26

  Clark, Kemp and,102

  on Dallas,128–130

  described by Childs, Allen,60

  on emergency room experience,44–46

  on entry wound,153

  hydrocortisone administered by,25

  medical report given by,59–60

  Oswald and,136, 137

  on Secret Service agents,107–109

  Trauma Room 1 experience,61–67, 68, 69, 81, 83, 88

  Carson, Johnny,151

  CBS News coverage, xvi, 42, 110

  Cerebral/cerebellar tissue. See Brain tissue

  Chambers, G. Paul,147

  Childs, Allen,60

  Clark, Kemp, xiii

  being paged to emergency room,28

  on Jackie Kennedy,100

  Kennedy pronounced dead by,66

  leaving Southwestern Medical School after JFK shooting,22

  on neck wound,148

  operating on JFK,25, 58

  Oswald and,137

  paged to Parkland emergency room,28, 29, 30

  pronouncing Kennedy dead,xiii, 57, 66, 91, 103

  recollections on words spoken by,101–103

  report of, conflicting memories with, xiii–xiv

  reputation of,101

  time of death fixed by,91

  in Trauma Room,1, 84

  Warren Commission Hearing excerpt,157–158

  Warren Commission testimony by Baxter and,71

  Cohen, Rick, xiii–xiv, 22

  Cole, Rex, 27–28, 102, 111

  Connally, John

  addressing graduating class of 1964, 49

  arriving at Love Field, 15p

  arriving at Parkland ER,45–46

  care at Parkland Hospital ER,xiii, 29, 49, 52–56

  in hospital room,50p

  in Love Field motorcade, 12

  medical student’s letter on shooting of, 7

  taken to hospital,4

  thank-you letter to Parkland staff/personnel,56

  Connally, Nellie, 18, 111

  Conspiracy theories, xii–xiii, xv, xvii, 105, 146–158

  Crenshaw, Charles,46–47, 148

  Cronkite, Walter, 160

  Cuban government,148

  Cuban Missile Crisis,23


  Dallas, Texas, recollections on,123–131

  Dallas City Jail,132–133, 135

  Dallas County Administration Building, xii

  Dallas County Hospital District Office Memorandum, November 27, 1963, 11

  Dallas Morning News, 2

  Delaney, Richard (Dick),45, 46

  Delaney, Wayne,106, 133, 137

  DeVaney, George,106

  D Magazine, xii, 46–48, 85–87, 144–145, 149, 150–151

  Dorfman, Sam,24

  Dossey, Larry, xvi, 42–43, 119

  Douthat, Ross, “The Enduring Cult of Kennedy,” xiv–xv

  Duchouquette, Robert

  emergency room experience of,39

  on grief following Kennedy’s death,122

  memory on Jackie Kennedy,94–95

  narrative poem of,xiv, 111

  Duke, James “Red”

  care of Governor Connally,xiii, 49, 50–51, 52, 80

  going to emergency room,31, 78

  Duncan, John,120


  Eastman, Harry

  on Jack Ruby,133–134

  on Kennedy being brought to Parkland,29

  Oswald and, xix, 133

  Eisenstein, Abram “Chic,” xvi, 41

  Ellsasser, Michael, xviii, 28–29, 54, 92

  “The Enduring Cult of Kennedy” (Douthat), xiv–xv

  Entry wound

  Baxter, Charles on,154–155

  Clark, Kemp on,158

  Farrimond, Kenneth on, 8

  Jones, Ron on,149–150, 152

  neck wound as,xiii, 57, 148, 152, 154

  Exit wound

  Baxter, Charles on,154, 155, 156

  Carrico, James on,64, 65–66

  Jones, Ron on,152

  McClelland, Robert on,151

  neck wound as,154


  Farrimond, Kenneth,1 8–10, 133

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),79, 106

  Ford’s Theater, xi, xviii

  Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 93

  Foster, Daniel,24, 25–26, 27, 159


  Garrison, Homer,50p

  Giesecke, Adolph “Buddy,” 58

  Gilliard, Don, xviii, 28, 92

  Goldstrich, Joe D.,57, 103, 151–152

  Gregory, Charles F.,54

  Gunshot wounds. See Bullet wounds

  Gustafson, Jerry,44


  Hall, Bill,132

  Haymes, David

  on Jack Ruby,135–136

  at Love Field/Trade Mart, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19–20

  on Oswald,135

  photographs by, 17p, 18p

  planning party with Martinez,120

  trading shift to Bieberdorf,132

  on “Wanted for Treason” flyers,125

  witnessing Agent Hill on the trunk,104

  Head Shot (Chambers),147

  Head wound

  Baxter, Charles on,71–72

  Carrico, James on,63, 64, 153

  Clark, Kemp and,90–91, 103

  Duke, James “Red” on,51

  Jones, Ron on,82, 84

  McClelland and,86–87, 150–151

  Heard, John,40–41

  Hill, Clint,104, 147, 149

  Hill, Gerald,24

  Hines, Harry, 19

  Hoffman, Ed,147

  Holmes, Bill,127

  Hoover, J. Edgar,79

  Horsley, Donna,151

  Horsley, William Kenneth,151

  House Select Committee on Assassinations,147

  Howard, Byron,120

  Hugh, John, 9

  Hughes, Sarah,5, 43

  Huxley, Aldous Leonard,26


  Jacks, H.D.,50p

  Jackson, Bob,134

  Jenkins, Charles

  hearing news on Kennedy’s arrival at Parkland,29

  Oswald and,139, 140, 141

  in Trauma Room,1, 74

  Jenkins, Christie, xvii

  Jenkins, M.T. “Pepper,” xii

  care for Kennedy,25, 60

  on Clark, Kemp,103

  on hearing news of Kennedy’s arrival at Parkland,30–31

  on Jackie Kennedy, xvi–xvii, 95, 96–97

  Kennedy announced dead by,25


  JFK: Breaking the Silence (Sloan),57, 147

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 15p, 146

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  arriving at Love Field, 15p

  chest pain rumors about,39

  delay in announcement of Kennedy’s death and,39, 119, 146

  encouraging Dallas visit, xv, 12

  immediately after JFK’s death, 9

  not leaving Dallas without Kennedy’s body,108

  rumor of assassination of,112, 114

  sworn in as president, xvi, 5

  Warren Commission established by,152

  Jones, Dudley,1, 7

  Jones, Ron, xii

  being summoned to JFK’s surgery,22, 45

  on Connolly at Parkland Hospital,55–56

  conversation with Arlen Specter,156–157

  on Dallas,128

  involvement in Kennedy’s care, xii

  on Kennedy’s arrival at Parkland,30–32

  memories of Jackie Kennedy,98

  operating on Kennedy,58

  on Oswald,137–142

  Oswald and, xix, 133

  on Parkland Hospital,23

  on Secret Service agents,106–107

  in Trauma Room,1, 74, 75–76

  Trauma Room 1 reflections by,78–85

  Warren Commission deposition, xiii

  on witness to gunshot wounds,38

  on wound,149–150

  Journal of the American Medical Association, xvii, 96–97, 103


  Kellerman, Roy H., xvii, xviii, 109

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  after JFK’s death, memories of, xvi–xvii, 99

  arriving at Love Field, 13p, 15p, 16p, 17p

  being notified of Kennedy’s death,100

  entering Trauma Room,1, 93

  holding pieces of JFK’s brain tissue, xvii, 25, 95

  immediately after Kennedy’s death,25

  immediately after the shooting, 13, 20

  leaving Parkland Hospital in hearse, 10, 100p

  in Love Field motorcade, 17p

  at Parkland ER, memories of, xvi–xvii, 40, 47, 84, 85, 88, 93–99

  red roses given to, xviii, 4, 92, 100

  removing wedding ring from Kennedy’s finger, xvii, 96, 99

  requesting priest,85

  Kennedy, John F.

  arrival at Love Field, 15p, 16p

  last words heard by, 18

  in Love Field motorcade, 17p, 18p

  “Wanted for Treason” poster on,124p, 125

  Kennedy, John F., care and death at Parkland Hospital, xv–xvi. See also Parkland Hospital; Trauma Room,1

  arrival at hospital, 9, 21–36

  recollections of, xi–xii, xiii–xiv

  turning over and looking at back,64–65, 84, 129–130

  Kennedy, John F., death of

  announced by assistant Press Secretary,119p

  celebration of, xiv

  delay in announcement of,39, 119, 146

  grief following,109–122

  Last Rites,25, 96–97, 99, 112

  pronouncing,xiii, 25, 57, 66, 72, 78, 91, 103

  time of,91

  Kennedy, John F., shooting of, xv–xvi, 13

  conspiracy theories on, xii–xiii, xv, xvii, 105, 146–158

  medical students’ letters on, 2–6

  medical students’ recollections on, 13, 18–20

  Kennedy, Joseph,79

  The Kennedy Detail (Blaine),104, 147, 149

  Kilduff, Malcolm, xvi, 146

  Klein, Larry,57


  Last Rites,25, 96–97, 99, 112

  Latino couple, at Parkland ER,41

  Lenexa, Kansas, xviii, 58

  Leonard, Sloan,118–119

  Lewis, C.S.,26

  Lincoln, Abraham, xi, xviii

  Lindsey, Al,xiv, 12, 14, 123, 127

  Love Field,xv, xvi, 5

  Lynn, John,28


  Martinez, Cervando, xv

  filmed by CBS,110

  “Keep Right” sign held by,22, 110

  at Love Field/Trade Mart, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19

  on mourning Kennedy’s death,120

  “Viva Kennedy” sign of,123, 125–126

  on waiting outside Parkland emergency room,118

  witnessing Agent Hill on the trunk,104

  Mathews, Wayne, 12, 14, 120

  McClelland, Robert

  being summoned to JFK’s surgery,21–22, 32, 35–36, 46–47

  on bullet wound,151–152

  care/death of Oswald and, xviii–xix, 144–145

  on coincidences about relationship with Kennedy assassination,33–35

  current teaching by, 159

  on Dallas,130–131

  on emergency room experience,47–48

  holding dress shirt worn during resuscitation effort,87p

  involvement in Kennedy’s care, xii

  on Kennedy being shot from the front,148–149

  memories of Jackie Kennedy,99

  on neck wound,148

  operating on JFK,25

  Oswald’s care/death and, xix, 133, 142–144, 145

  Trauma Room 1 experience,85–87, 88–90

  McDonald, N.M. “Nick,” 117

  Mekker, George,32, 53

  Merchandise Mart, 19

  Moore, Leslie, 13, 123

  arrival at Parkland Hospital,38–39

  on care of Governor Connally,49, 53

  on hatred for Kennedy in Dallas,127

  at Love Field, 18–19

  Moore, Wallace (Ace),3, 8


  Nafrawi, Adel, xvii

  National Archives underground facility, Lenexa, Kansas, xviii, 58

  Neck wound, xiii

  as an entry wound,xiii, 57, 148, 152, 154

  Baxter, Charles on,71, 72, 153–156

  Carrico, James on,59, 64, 153

  conspiracy theories, xii–xiii, 146–158

  as evidence of second shooter,147

  Goldstrich, Joe D. on,57, 151–152

  Jones, Ron on,79, 83, 138, 149–150, 152

  Nefrawi, Adel,96, 102

  Nelson, Doris,48, 80, 88

  New York Times op-ed, “The Enduring Cult of Kennedy” (Douthat),xiv, xv

  Northaven Methodist Church,127


  Oral histories. See Sixth Floor Museum, oral histories at

  Osborne, William Mays,54–55

  Oswald, Lee Harvey

  arrest of,117

  assassination of, xix

  care of, vs. care of JFK, xviii–xix

  Dallas City Jail and,132–133

  emergency surgery of,xii, xix

  other assassination target, xv

  photo of assassination of,134p

  recollections on shooting and death of,133–145

  Our Heritage, 102


  Parkland Hospital. See also Kennedy, John F., care and death at Parkland Hospital; Trauma Room,1

  aerial shot of,23p

  average number of emergency cases at,37, 38

  Connoly’s care at,xiii, 49, 52–56

  Dallas County Hospital District office memorandum on, 11

  death conference at,21, 24, 26–27

  doctors hearing about Kennedy’s arrival at,21–22, 24–36

  JFK arriving at, 4–5

  Kennedy’s death in, xi

  lowering flag in front of,114–115

  Oswald’s surgery and death in,xi, xix, 133

  prior to 1963, 23

  recollection of experiences at,38–48

  rooms at,37

  as seat of government,50

  Secret Service agents in,104–106

  thanks to hospital staff at,50

  Parkland Papers,,2, 11

  Pepper, Kenneth,110

  Perry, Malcolm O., xii

  being paged to emergency room,28

  care for Kennedy,60, 68, 74, 75, 76–77, 79, 80, 81, 83, 85, 88

  contacted for information on bullet wounds,153
/>   on Kennedy’s brain injury,84

  on neck wound,148

  Oswald’s care/death and, xix, 133, 139,

  143–144, 145

  reporting JFK shooting to McClelland,21, 32

  in Trauma Room,1, 68

  Warren Commission testimony by Baxter and,71

  Persillin, Bob,26–27

  Peters, Paul

  in Trauma Room,1, 58, 69, 79, 83

  Warren Commission Hearing testimony from,73–78

  Pierpoint, Robert, xvi, 42–43

  “The Pit.” See Parkland Hospital; Trauma Room,1

  Porter, Bob,107

  Prati, Ron,28

  President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy,107

  Price, Jack,107

  Priest,4, 66, 96–97, 112

  Pulitzer Prize,134


  Raney, Charles,2

  Raney, Lewis,54, 116–117, 136

  Rather, Dan,110

  Rivera, Geraldo,151

  Rose, Earl,xii, xvii–xviii, 107–109, 148

  Rosenthal, Jed,1, 2–6, 8, 111


  given to Jackie Kennedy, xviii, 4, 92, 100

  given to Nellie Connally,111p

  Ruby, Jack, xix, 133–134, 135–136


  Scroggie, Bill,xiii, xvii

  Connally and,49, 52

  hearing news on Kennedy’s arrival at Parkland,29

  on Secret Service agents,104–105

  Secret Service agents

  asking about Kennedy’s condition,79

  attempt to protect Kennedy’s from gunfire,94–95, 104

  autopsy of Kennedy and, xvii–xviii, 107–109

  clinging to trunk of presidential limousine,xv, 13, 95, 147

  guarding ER room,104–105

  at Parkland Hospital emergency room, xvi, xvii, 39, 105–106

  recollections on Kennedy’s assassination,146–147

  removing Kennedy’s body from Parkland Hospital and, xii

  talking to physicians after Kennedy’s death,106–107

  Seldin, Donald,21, 26–27, 159

  Senter, Don,111

  Shires, Tom, xviii–xix

  at Galveston meeting,47, 88

  Oswald’s care/death and, xix, 133, 137, 138–139, 143, 144–145

  paged to Parkland emergency room,28, 29, 30, 67

  Shiu, Jimmie,94

  Shoulder wound,153

  Silberg, Barry,101

  Sixth Floor Museum, oral histories at,xii, 23

  Carrico, James,44–46, 51, 59–60, 61–67, 128–130, 153

  Jones, Ron,23, 30–31, 38, 55–56, 98, 106–107, 128, 137–138, 149–150, 156–157

  McClelland, Robert,33–36, 99, 130–131, 142–144

  Rose, Earl,107–109

  Wanted For Treason leaflet at,125

  Sloan, Bill,57, 147

  Smith, Wayne,27, 105–106, 123, 127

  Southwestern Medical School, aerial shot of,23p

  Southwestern Medical School students/alumni, 1. See also individual names

  Dallas City Jail prisoners and,132

  Farrimond, Kenneth, letter of, 8–10

  Jones, Dudley, letter of, 7

  on Kennedy’s arrival at Parkland ER,40–43

  at Love Field, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18–20


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