The Heart of Arima.

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The Heart of Arima. Page 31

by Emma V. Leech

  I watched Inés war with herself internally for a moment, the desire to zap Aradia where she stood clearly hard to resist. Eventually though, she seemed to accept the inevitable, and got to her feet. She turned to glare at me. "Go. Now."

  I chuckled. "OK, OK, I guess I should let you suffer in private at least."

  I got up and fetched my coat as Inés disappeared into the herb room. I looked over at Aradia.

  "So you're Italian then? You don't sound Italian."

  She shrugged. "I have lived in many places, spoken many languages, I don't sound anything much now. I blend in, safer that way."

  I nodded. "Right, well, it was nice to meet you. Perhaps I'll see you again?"

  She gave me a smile, those eyes glinting darkly and I felt a shiver run down my spine. "Oh, we will, don't worry."

  "Don't do that." I wagged my finger at her. "Don't do that creepy shit where you make out you know what's coming to me! I have enough problems, don't you dare add to it."

  She laughed. "I wasn't, I swear, but we will meet again, Jéhenne, you can count on that much."

  "Fine." I sighed, letting it go. What was the point, anyway? I got to my feet carrying the presents carefully. "See you then."

  She nodded and I felt her eyes on me as I left.

  As I walked to my car I heard the wolves howling, the ribbon of sound weaving through the trees in the darkness. I smiled, happy to know they were still there and wondered when I would see them again.

  I drove back to the Chateau as fast as I dared on the icy roads. Once there, I was looking forward to seeing Corvus again and so I didn’t go straight to my room. Bumping into Guilaume in the hallway, I asked where he was. He directed me to the kitchen with a nasty gleam in his eye. I didn’t think he’d forgiven me for getting him into trouble with Corvus when he tried to snack on me like a passing hor d’oeuvre last summer. Distracted by the memory, I walked through, but stopped when I saw Corvus with his mouth fastened on the neck of a voluptuous brunette. It took me a moment to react.

  Rage thundered through my veins and the impulse to fry her to a crisp was so strong I could hardly breathe. Corvus’ eyes snapped open and stared right at me. He must have known I was there anyway but now he could feel my anger. He didn’t stop though, but continued to feed, the challenge clear in his eyes. The brunette continued to make little mewing noises and tried to press herself up against him. To be fair, he was holding her by the shoulders, away from him, despite her obvious desire to get closer.

  He’s a vampire, he’s a vampire, he’s a vampire ... Shit, I’ll bloody kill him.

  “Sorry for the ...interruption,” I managed through gritted teeth and turned away, shutting the door behind me. Yes, shutting it, not slamming it. My self control was improving.

  I stalked back to the hallway and was about to go up the stairs when I heard Rodney behind me.

  “’Ere, Jéhenne luv, you got a mo’?”

  “What!” I snapped.

  Rodney jumped a little and then eyed the blue flames creeping up around my wrists. “Er, nuthin’ actually, it can wait, like ...indefinitely.”

  He turned away just as Amelia walked up behind him. “Oh hi, Jé--”

  Rodney grabbed her by the hand and towed her behind him. “Wiv me, Milly.”

  Amelia looked back at me in confusion. “But, Rodney, I just wanted ...”

  “Nah, you didn’t.”

  “But ...”

  “Incoming,” he hissed and dragged her out the front door just as comprehension dawned on her face.

  I made it back to my room, mine not his, and lay down on the bed. The room had been repaired and the bed and mattress replaced. It was much harder than the one in his room which for some reason irritated me all the more. I was about to give in to tears, even knowing I was being irrational, when the door opened and Corvus came in, not looking the least apologetic.


  I sat up and scowled at him. “Corvus,” I replied, quite unable to keep the sarky tone from my voice.

  He sighed. “Is there a problem?”

  Oh shit, I so didn’t want a row with Corvus. It was Christmas Eve tomorrow and I had been so looking forward to it and after all I couldn’t expect him to starve, could I? I tried to open my mouth to say no, nothing, it's fine, but the words stuck in my throat.


  I gritted my teeth so hard I thought my jaw might lock but I didn’t trust myself to say anything. If I did, we'd row and it wasn't his fault, it was mine. Before I could change my mind I was pressed up against the wall of the room with Corvus’ hand around my neck. His thumb caressed the little hollow at the base of my throat and I could feel my pulse leaping frantically underneath it.

  “Do you think me a monster?” he asked. I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak.

  “You’re wrong.” He brushed his lips against the side of my throat and despite my anger I felt desire sparkling in my blood like the bubbles in a champagne glass. “I have been a monster since the day I was turned. I lived many centuries doing just as I pleased, believing myself above all weaker creatures. I killed and took pleasure in it. I wanted to kill her, just now. I wanted to feel her pulse slow as I drained her.”

  “Stop it,” I whispered as a tear slid down my cheek.

  “Stop what, Jéhenne? Being a vampire?

  I thought suddenly of Inés’ friend who had outlived her whole family and shook my head. “No.”

  “Then what, my heart, what should I do? Tell me. Do you condemn a cat for killing a mouse, whether it is for food or perhaps just for fun? Cats do not merely kill to survive, Jéhenne, they enjoy the hunt. They like to kill and to feel the fear of the little creature at their mercy.” He took his hand from my throat and slid it down, so he could feel my heart beating beneath his palm. “Do you think cats are evil creatures, Jéhenne?” he asked, voice low.

  “No,” I whispered as more tears tracked down my face.

  “And yet you condemn me? I fight against my nature, against what I was created for and still you cannot accept what I am.”

  I shook my head. “I do, I really do, it’s just I can’t bear it, to see you that. She was so p-pretty and I was jealous.”

  He smiled and kissed my forehead. “Believe me, I understand jealousy, my heart, and yes, you are jealous. I can smell it rolling off of you in waves, but you were angry too.”

  “Of course I was bloody angry!” I yelled, hitting him and immediately wishing I hadn’t because it hurt like the devil. “I walk in to find you in an intimate position with another woman. How would you feel?”

  “What would you have me do? Starve?”

  “No! Of course not. Now you’re being ridiculous but why do they always have to be so pretty? How would you feel if you came in and saw me like that with ... With Lucas!” I didn't dare mention Corin's name. That was still far too raw.

  The fury that burst through him was so overwhelming I tried to take a step back, though I was already against the wall. He brought it under control so quickly that I wondered if I had imagined it.

  “That is entirely different! That would be like finding me with Celeste. I neither know nor care about the girls who come to donate.”

  “Celeste was in love with you. Lucas hates me, he doesn’t have any romantic feeling for me, so it isn’t like that at all and it still makes you furious. That girl wanted you! How do you think I feel about that?”

  He sighed, irritated now. “So I ask again ... What would you have me do exactly?”

  “I ... I don’t know, but do they always have to be so beautiful? She was enjoying herself far too much,” I grumbled. I didn't want him to starve but I didn't see why his dinner needed to be quite so bloody appetising.

  “She was giving me her blood, I cannot make that an unpleasant experience for her, or my donors would soon dry up and I would be forced to hunt again. Would that be better?” he asked, one elegant eyebrow arched and sarcasm glittering in his eyes.

  “No, but she
wanted you, wanted a lot more than you were giving her!” I pointed out with a huff.

  He leaned his head against mine, his mouth curving into a smile that made me want to forget this stupid conversation and kiss him.

  “But she did not get more, and nor would she." His voice was low and seductive and I felt my pulse pick up again. "I cannot, however, help that she desired me, my heart.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “Some women do, you know.”

  I snorted and Corvus laughed and pulled me into his arms. “I do not choose the girls but ... maybe I can ask that the most beautiful are reserved for others.”

  “The most beautiful?”

  He smirked. “Jéhenne, you would not want to put me off my dinner, surely?”

  I tried to push away from him and he chuckled again, tightening his hold on me. “I see that nothing but ugly women are going to come my way from now on.”

  I shook my head, my decision finally made. “No.”

  “No?” he asked in surprise.

  “I don’t want you feeding from anyone.” I looked up at him and met his blue eyes, which were looking decidedly stormy.

  “You would have me starve?” he demanded.

  I looked down and bit my lip, knowing this would please him. “Anyone but”

  He stilled and lifted my chin so I had to look him in the eyes. “I seem to remember you had some strong views about being my permanent ... What was it, oh yes - blood bank.”

  I scowled. It had been another row and another way in which I had hurt and infuriated him and I knew now that I had been unreasonable, again. It didn’t make admitting that fact any easier though.

  “I changed my mind.”

  He smiled. “Because you are jealous?”

  I shrugged and tried not to pout. “Partly.”

  “And the other part?”

  “I want to," I admitted. "I always have, I just... " I swallowed and hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether to ask him. "Corvus, did you mean what you said? Did you really want to kill that girl?”

  He was quiet for a moment. “When you first met Amelia, did you want to slap her face?”

  I raised my eyebrows at the question but went with it. “Hell yes!” Amelia had been a complete bitch, to both me and Rodney. It had taken a while to discover it was just a front.

  “Then you know there is a world of difference between wanting something and doing it. The girl was quite safe but... Yes. Jéhenne, I am vampire, that will never change and that desire will never go away. Will you hate me for that?”

  I laughed and laid my head on his chest. “Corvus, I have tried hating you. It just isn’t possible and you bloody well know it. I love you, as you are, I wouldn’t change anything, even if you do drive me nuts.”

  “Hmm, well, my heart, rest assured the feeling is entirely mutual.”

  I feigned an innocent face. “Me? Drive you nuts? Don't be ridiculous, I do no such thing.”

  “Yes, my beloved, and Inés has bought me a Porsche for Christmas," he replied, straight faced.

  I laughed at the though. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before.--”

  “You stop driving me insane, yes I know.”

  “That wasn’t what I was going to say!” I huffed.

  “Really? Anyway, enough of this. Apparently Rodney has a surprise for you .”

  “Oh a surprise, what is it?” I just about restrained myself from jumping up and down.

  Corvus smiled and kissed me lightly. “Well, you had best come and see for yourself.”

  Chapter 39

  There was a ten foot Christmas tree in the apartment along with dozens of boxes of decorations. Corvus had admitted the family had never bothered with decorations before and what with one thing or another I hadn’t had time to do any myself.

  “Rodney thought you might like to make the place a bit more festive,” Corvus said with a smile as the man himself came through the door with his usual cup of tea fixed firmly in his hand.I ran and gave Rodney a big kiss, making him blush, and dived into the boxes.

  Several hours later, after a slight debacle with the Christmas tree lights that had me bickering with Rodney and the whole apartment was sparkling and Christmassy. I’d never seen such amazing decorations. Of course Cyd had been responsible for choosing them, so naturally everything was exquisite and probably cost a fortune. I sat back on the sofa with a sigh and admired my handiwork. It really was fabulous. The tree had hundreds of little gold lights that twinkled and gold and red decorations, including a great star on the top. There had been an angel but I didn't fancy it.

  “Well, what do you think?” I asked, looking at my handiwork and feeling pretty damn pleased. It was just like something off a cheesy Christmas rom-com.

  Corvus had been watching me flit around, decorating everything that didn't move, with an amused, indulgent expression and was now putting yet more wood on the fire as the temperature had been in danger of dipping below a hundred degrees. He stood to look critically at the room as I smiled and peeled off my cardigan

  “I have never seen the old place look more beautiful, my heart, but ...”

  “But?” I frowned.

  “But I fear you have forgotten the most important part.”

  “What do you mean? There isn’t an inch of the place that’s escaped. What more could you possibly want?” I demanded.

  He smiled and pulled me to my feet with one hand behind his back and then drew me into an embrace. With a flourish he brandished a large bunch of mistletoe over my head.

  I grinned and leaned into him. “Oh, silly me.” He bent his head and kissed me and I felt like my bones were melting as heat blazed through my veins. I reached up, putting my arms around his neck and reveling in the feel of my fingers tangled in his hair. We both turned with a scowl as we heard the door open and Cain came in. He hesitated and turned to leave.

  "Cain," Corvus said. "There was something you wanted."

  Cain turned to look at us, his green eyes on mine and for once I thought I could see a flicker of emotion there. Regret. He shook his head.

  "No, I ... I was going to speak to Jéhenne but can wait."

  I felt fear flickering in my stomach. He was letting me off - giving me time. Oh God, if Cain was feeling so sorry for me that he was giving me a break ... That was so bad I didn't feel up to considering it. He closed the door behind him and the mood was broken. I felt eyes on me and looked up.

  "We will have to leave soon, my heart."

  "I know," I whispered. Bearing that in mind I pulled his mouth against mine. I wasn't going to waste anymore time.

  I woke up hours later, feeling like I might pass out again from heat stroke and it didn’t take long to find the source of the problem. Corvus was wrapped around me like the stripes on a hot cross bun. I flung the covers off to try and get some air but it didn’t help much as the room was boiling too. Corvus grumbled in his sleep and pulled me closer.

  I wriggled to loosen his hold on me and turned around so I could look at him. The younger vampires, like Amelia and Cyd were literally dead to the world during the day but Corvus could wake. He just didn’t like it. I watched the steady rise and fall of his chest, placing my hand against where his heart should beat beneath my fingers. He didn’t really breathe. It was just something vampires learned to do, to be able to fit in amongst humans. Corvus had done it for so long he even appeared to breathe in his sleep. I kissed his forehead and reluctantly attempted to untangle myself from him, which wasn’t easy and ended with me falling in a heap on the floor.

  “Where are you going?”

  I looked up to find him watching me untangling myself from the sheet.

  “I have to get up. It’s Christmas Eve remember. I’ve got loads to do.”

  “It’s too early, come back to bed.”

  “Corvus, it’s afternoon already.”

  He groaned. “Like I said, it’s too early. Come back to bed, I’m cold.”

  I pulled the covers back up to his neck. “Better?”
r />   “No.”

  I laughed and bent to kiss him. “Stop sulking. I’ll put some more wood on the fire.”

  I heard him muttering but moments later he was asleep again.

  I poked at the fire and put some more wood on. What I really wanted to do was open the windows and let some fresh air in but apart from the fact I didn’t want to burn him to a crisp it would really piss him off.

  I showered and dressed and headed down to the kitchen.

  “Merry Christmas, luv!”

  Rodney was standing behind the door and waving a sprig of mistletoe over his head.

  “Rodney!” It wasn’t the mistletoe that surprised me however. He had obviously taken our little chat to heart and was, in Rodney’s terms, dressed up to the nines. The Mohican was back in festive tones of black, red and green and both ears were covered in earrings, including one little Father Christmas earring that had a flashing coloured light in its belly. He wore red tartan trousers with a full complement of zips, chains and studs, DM’s, and a black long-sleeved top with a red slashed Sex Pistols T-shirt over the top instead of his usual black.

  “Wow, you look amazing!” I gave him a hug and a kiss and he grinned and did a twirl for me.

  “Do yer really think so?”

  “Of course! Oh it’s wonderful to see you back to your old self.” I hesitated. “Uh, so ... What did Amelia think then?”

  He grinned happily. “Oh, I’d say she were pleased, if yer get my drift, like.”

  “OK. Stop there. I don’t want to know.”

  He laughed. “Fair enough. So then, lovely, where do you want me?”

  “Give me a minute. I need tea and some breakfast before I can do anything.”

  He gestured behind him to the massive kitchen table which bore a pot of tea under a cosy and a plate of croissants. “Oh, you’re an angel.”

  “Yeah, I know," he nodded, looking smug.

  By the time the vampires were awake the kitchen was filled with festive cooking smells. Rodney had put a cheesy Christmas CD on and we were both singing, badly, to Slade as Amelia and Corvus walked in.


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