One Week in Greece

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One Week in Greece Page 8

by Demi Alex

  “You won’t feel the third at all,” Christo said.

  “She is not having a third,” Justin said, waving him off.

  Bethany laughed and smoothed her hand down his chest. “I’m fine, J. This tastes like licorice, and you know I adore my Good & Plenty. Plus, I wanted some luck for tonight.”

  “And from the sound of it, she’ll need it.” Christo raised the bottle, but didn’t have a chance to pour again.

  Justin grabbed the neck and with a growl pushed it away.

  With an amused grin, Christo shrugged. “That’s telling.”

  “She doesn’t need any luck. I got her. Go away,” Justin said, leaving no room for the other man to argue. “Bethy, this stuff sneaks up on you. The first shot burns. The second and third go down smooth. The fourth makes you forget. Trust me. Ouzo on an empty stomach is not an option.”

  “I’m safe with my new BFFs.”

  He let out a long, slow breath. He wasn’t worried about her safety, because he and Paul had agreed that no matter how attracted they were to her, no matter how they might want her, or how their bodies reacted, they were going to keep the relationship platonic.

  But if she lost her inhibitions, would they be safe?

  “You’re right. You’re totally safe, Bethy.”

  After reaching for a bowl of bar nuts, he popped a few in his mouth, then offered some to Bethany. Thankfully she accepted.

  “So how are you doing with the jet lag?” Pulling the stool behind him, he sat and went for casual. It was safer that way.

  “I’m good,” she said, sucking on a salty almond, before biting down on it. “It was a little difficult the first days in Athens, but I think I’m over it. You?”

  “Coming over doesn’t bother me. I can nap in the afternoons.” He raised a finger and called for Christo to return. “No real Greek goes out for dinner before ten, so it’s like an early breakfast for us Americans.”

  Greece was seven hours ahead of New York. Every night was a late night party.

  “Almost.” Agreeing, she laughed and chewed on another almond. “Yeah, I see what you mean by the ouzo sneaking up on you. I’m feeling it all of a sudden.”

  “Want to have a snack on the terrace before we go? I’ll text Paul to meet us there,” Justin suggested.

  “Fine” she said, lowering her feet to the ground. “Let’s get something to soak up this booze, J. Don’t want to be tipsy getting to know Paul and make you look bad.”

  “That can never happen.” He stood and offered her the crook of his arm. Telling Christo to put it on Paul’s tab, which was non-existent because they were family, he visually communicated Bethany’s off-limits status.

  Loud laughter was Christo’s response.

  “Seriously, Christo. Ochi,” Justin said.

  “Ochi,” she repeated, threading her hand through his arm.

  “Ochi means no,” he explained, placing his hand at the small of her back and leading her away. “Christos is a nice guy, but he gets carried away with beautiful women. I want him to know he can’t mess with you.”

  “Why not? I may not mind him messing with me. Have you seen him? He’s gorgeous.”

  He shrugged off the sensation of red ants marching up his spine, and refused to answer her. “I mind.”

  Chapter Ten

  It had been a while since anyone other than Sheridan had expressed such a highhanded minding of Bethany’s personal business. Instead of being annoyed at Justin, she liked it.

  She knew he cared, sensed how much he still wanted her, and that made her feel just a little bit guilty, because she also knew he was in a committed relationship. While she respected his position, she was having a difficult time adjusting to their new friend status. Tugging on his arm, she urged him to stop walking.

  “J, you were right. I was looking for liquid courage.”

  It had been a running joke that alcohol had given them and their friends liquid courage, but once they’d gotten together, they’d had each other to lean on. No alcohol required. She no longer had him as her courage. Her relationship with him wasn’t the same, and most definitely neither was her tolerance for alcohol.

  She rarely drank hard liquor, and adding the earlier two glasses of wine to the equation, her stomach felt it and her courage wasn’t much better.

  “I’m more than a little nervous about tonight.”

  Justin traced his finger along her jaw and tucked her hair behind her ear. Her body responded to his intimate touch, but her mind fought and screamed for her to catalogue the caress in the “we’re just friends” section. Unfortunately, she needed his support, craved his approval, and wasn’t crafty enough to hide it. She’d need to trust him to do right by the three of them.

  “What if he doesn’t like me?”

  “Impossible,” Justin said immediately. “He already likes you.” He caressed the side of her neck, trailing over her shoulder, and closed his hand in a comforting squeeze on her arm. “He likes you, sweetheart.”

  “What if he holds the fact that I’m your ex against me in the resort deal?”

  “He’s not petty like that. Paul adores you, knowing exactly who and what you are to me. As for the resort, he doesn’t want it sold. Period. But if anyone has a chance of seeing eye to eye with him on Vaso’s Dream, it’s you.”

  “Why is that?” she asked, searching his handsome face for answers, but only seeing the cocky confidence that had originally attracted her to the man. J was holding out on her, and he thought it was for her own good.

  “That’s something the two of you will have to discover,” Justin said, kissing the tip of her nose and confirming her suspicion. “Don’t worry. We’re going to have a great time tonight.”

  Resuming the short walk to the restaurant, he pulled out his phone and texted Paul. When the reply came, he squeezed her arm again. “He’ll be here in a couple of minutes.”


  It worked or everything was screwed.

  Those stupid butterflies fluttered in her stomach and she wasn’t sure how she would make it the next five minutes until Paul arrived. Even more, she sure wasn’t sure how she would make it once Paul had arrived.

  Justin guided her on to the terrace.

  “Table for three,” he said, holding up three fingers. The waitress smiled and told him to simply pick one. “Thank you.” But instead of leading her to a seat, he pointed out Katerina’s prized herb garden. “Go ahead. Let those smelly things do their job and calm your nerves. I’ll wait for you by the table.”

  “Herbs,” she corrected. “But come with me.”

  She’d been wanting to check out the garden potted herbs since she’d first seen them, but she hadn’t wanted to overstep the cook’s hospitality and look as if she was being critical.

  “I’d feel better with you there.”

  With Justin leading her to the pots, she didn’t feel like she was intruding. He belonged to the resort. He wasn’t judging or assessing Katerina’s work.

  She squatted, careful not to soil her dress, and touched herb after herb, releasing the variety of scents into the night air. She recognized the mint, basil, oregano, rosemary, and even some mini carnation flowers and many citronella plants in the garden. But the herbs were her favorites. Spicy, peppered, and even sweet, their intensity surprised her. She repeatedly inhaled and exhaled, as if meditating the stress away.

  When she’d found her confidence, she rose and went up on her toes, and touched a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” Justin asked. He was asking what someone who didn’t know her would ask. Acting ignorant didn’t let him off the hook.

  “First. For knowing that I needed time to collect myself, and knowing that a few seconds with the herbs would do that for me.” Then, just to make sure she hadn’t misread him, she wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his shoulder. It looked innocent, but her suspicions were immediately confirmed.

He held her close, very close, against his hard body. And it was impossible to miss that there was a lot of hardness.

  She affected him every bit as much as he affected her. “Second. Thank you for giving us both a chance to regroup. You needed quiet time as much as I did. But you sacrificed your own comfort for me, because I could see that time apart from me is what you truly need.”

  “I do not,” he said. “Why would you even say that?”

  “Whether you want to admit it or not, we have a second problem. A huge problem.” She pressed her belly up against his hard length and looked him straight in the eyes. “I don’t know how this is going to work, and I’m scared out of my mind that we’re playing with fire and are going to get hurt. We need to figure out how to deal with the chemistry between us. If we don’t, this friendship stuff is doomed.”

  “It’ll work,” he said, releasing her and taking a step back. “Our bodies still remember, so that’s not going to stop overnight. But we’re not kids any more. We will make it work. And fuck it, Bethy. Of course I’m going to get excited when I see you looking so gorgeous and sexy. I’m a man.”

  “A man who is committed to another man,” she pointed out.

  “Sweetheart, you don’t get it.” He rubbed his chin, frustration evident in his handsome face. “No matter how Paul or I feel, we’re never going to risk your comfort and protection. I’ve discussed it with Paul. We’re putting our wants aside and doing what is right. Nobody will get hurt. We’d never hurt you.”

  She had no idea what he was talking about, but she thought it best to save her questions for a different time. Just a few hours ago, she didn’t even like him. Now she was concerned about making this friendship work.

  “And don’t even think that I’m about to let you bail on me,” he continued. “You’re not disappearing again. You’re going to find a way to deal with these kinds of physical reactions.” he took her hand and placed her palm on his erection, “and so am I. So get over it. This conversation is now done.”

  This was the second conversation he’d declared done. They’d need to have a talk about him being so demanding…when he was in a more receptive mood.

  “Good thing you’re facing away from the terrace.” She pulled her hand away and shook off the scorching heat of feeling him pressed against it. “You don’t need to be so blatantly honest, Justin. I don’t know how to handle this.”

  “Then don’t,” he said. “Just accept it. It will work out.”

  “Fine,” Bethany said. “I’m letting you take the lead on this one because I’m totally lost.”

  “I’ll take care of it. Promise,” he said. “Take a few more minutes and check out the herbs while I order us a snack. Everything will be okay.”

  She took more time than needed touching the fragrant leaves. When she thought he’d had enough time to calm down, she headed to their table. They’d make it work. He was right. They weren’t kids, but mature people who could separate sexual and platonic relations, just as much as they could separate personal and business relationships. Plus, they had been friends for a long time before they had been lovers.

  The server approached with the bread as Justin rose and held out her chair for her as if nothing monumental had happened a few minutes earlier. Justin asked for a serving of spicy cheese dip and some cucumber slices.

  “You’ll love the kopanisti. Creamy and with just the perfect amount of heat.”

  “Awesome,” she said, twirling a sprig of fresh basil. Then she smiled big and waved, relieved to see Paul’s uncle. “Just awesome. The man has perfect timing. Now you have to behave.”

  Justin chuckled. “Everything is awesome when you’re around.”

  Kosta came over, leaned down, and kissed each of her cheeks before he acknowledged Justin with a pat on the back and a request for him to scoot a chair over closer to Bethany.

  “Glad you kids are getting to know each other,” he said, raising his hand and indicating for the server to return with some wine. “I knew you’d be a good fit and become…how do I say…” He interlinked his fingers in demonstration. “Ah. I know…tight fast.”

  “Actually,” Justin started, but Bethany held up her hand for him to stop.

  “Actually, I owe you an apology, Kosta.” She moved her hand to her heart, more to regulate her breathing than to show sincerity. “I’m very sorry. I lied to you earlier about knowing Justin and Paul. We’d met prior to you introducing us. Much earlier where Justin is concerned. Paul and I met on the ferry ride this morning.”

  Kosta looked from Bethany to Justin, but didn’t ask what he was undoubtedly thinking. However, his gaze did ask.


  Those Greeks. So expressive, they held full conversations with their eyes.

  “Justin and I grew up together. We’ve known each other since sixth grade,” Bethany confessed.

  Her free hand reached for the small carafe of wine the waiter brought, and she moved it closer to the men, indicating she didn’t want any. Justin set it before Kosta, and then covered her hand with his, relaying encouragement for her to continue.

  “We were inseparable during high school, but we grew apart during college.” Grew apart was bordering on a new lie, but she didn’t elaborate.

  “Then why the secrets?” Kosta asked.

  “Her father is a bit of an asshole,” Justin said.


  “It’s true, sweetheart,” Justin said, obviously putting the issue behind them once and for all. “While he is a brilliant businessman, Edward Michaels is very hard on Bethany and her sister, Sheridan. He has very specific expectations and ambitions for his daughters, and he is sometimes difficult to deal with when it’s about them. Demanding. Off-putting. An elitist asshole.”

  “There is nothing wrong with a father wanting wonderful things for his children,” Kosta said. “I may not be a father, but I’m an uncle who wants nothing but the best for my brothers’ children. I can understand that.”

  “So can I,” Justin said. “But Michaels is very judgmental—”

  “That’s just part of it,” she said. “You see, Vaso’s Dream is my dream as well. I want the resort in the company portfolio. Acquiring this beautiful resort was my idea, not my dad’s. From the first day I discovered this place, I fell in love with it.” She took a deep breath and worked to keep her voice calm and steady. “This trip is a business trip. I’m here in a business capacity, and I didn’t want to make it personal. I was worried my dad would think I used my past relationship with Justin as a bargaining chip if he learned about Paul and Justin being involved in any way.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Kosta said, waving a dismissive hand. “We’ve been speaking for months. You and me. You just met Paul this morning. You said you haven’t seen Justin in what…at least six years?”

  “October will be nine,” she corrected, scraped her lower lip in a nervous habit, but immediately made herself stop.

  “It’s okay. We’re straight now,” Justin said, clearly not willing to allow the evening to go down the drain. “Kosta knows all about overbearing fathers. The island is full of them.”

  “I do,” Kosta agreed. He pretended to look out at the water, but the man managed to see Justin still her hand beneath his, and it seemed like he’d nodded in approval when Justin smoothed his thumb over her knuckles to reassure her. “Enough said. It just proves that I was right.”

  Kosta poured a tall glass of water for Bethany and two short glasses of wine. He offered one to Justin and took one for himself as if he had no care in the world.

  “Right about what?” Justin asked.

  “My feelings about our girl. I knew you three would get along well. Be there for each other. That’s all.”

  He sipped on his wine, clearly attempting to hide a satisfied smile and pleased chuckle.

  “This wonderful woman is a best friend for life,” Justin said.

  “That’s a start,” Kosta said under his breath, bu
t not low enough so Justin wouldn’t hear him. He spread kopanisti on a piece of bread and offered it to Bethany. Then he mumbled something in Greek and didn’t bother to hide his laughter.

  “I heard that,” Paul said, walking up behind his uncle, clamping a hand on his shoulder, and winking at Bethany as he shook his head.

  “Then get a move on,” Kosta challenged.

  Paul leaned down and looked his uncle in the eyes. “Stamata, Theo.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Paul couldn’t hear what they were discussing, but they really looked good together. He stopped at the terrace’s entrance beside the jasmine, enjoying the view and indulging in the fantasy of having them both in his bed.

  He’d allow the thought for one minute; then he’d be the supportive lover and friend he was expected to be.

  Breathtaking, Bethany sat on the edge of her chair. Her leg moved in a nervous bounce and the rigid stance of her spine relayed that the conversation was a serious one. However it was the pink blush on her chest that added an alluring softness to the hard nipples outlined against the blue material of her dress that held his attention.

  Damn fucking temptation…temptation he didn’t want to refuse. His cock hadn’t gotten the friends memo and pushed eagerly against the zipper of his jeans, but the voice in his head reminded him to protect her heart. He swiped a hand down his face, admitting he had the added responsibility of protecting Justin’s heart. Whether Justin knew it or not, they were in for a bumpy ride.

  Scraping a row of perfect white teeth over her lower lip, she glanced at Justin in a silent request for help. Damn. But something was wrong. Concern for her outweighed his sexual desire, and he walked on to the terrace, keeping his eyes on them as he weaved between the tables.

  A touch from Justin soothed away her worry and brought back the business professional they’d encountered in the afternoon.


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