One Week in Greece

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One Week in Greece Page 24

by Demi Alex

  “Vaso’s Dream is not for sale to you,” Kosta said, stepping in front of Paul and blocking the path to Michaels. “Christo will arrange for you to be delivered wherever the hell you choose to go. Take your money and your company, and get off my property, Michaels.”

  “It’s a lot of money. More than you’ll be able to spend in your—

  “Malaka! You put a price on that beautiful girl’s happiness,” Kosta called, lunging forward, his fist so quick that Paul almost missed catching it in midair.

  “Get him out of here. Now,” Paul roared, lifting his chin to Christo, while holding his uncle back as Christo shoved Michaels out of the house. It took everything he had not to go after him, but he’d glimpsed more than the man’s ego. He’d seen protective intent. There was more to this than what appeared on the surface.

  He let him walk. For Bethany’s sake.

  When the door closed, and Christo had led him to a car, he turned to his uncle.

  “The malaka is Bethany’s father. Putting him in the hospital will only hurt her. We don’t hurt the woman I love.”

  Kosta blinked and nodded. “Okay.”

  Deciding on how to keep his family happy wasn’t difficult. Ready and willing, he met his uncle’s gaze.

  “Anything, Theo?”

  “Anything,” Kosta confirmed.

  “Okay.” Paul walked to the antique coat hanger and retrieved a set of keys hanging on a brass hook. “I’ll be back.”

  * * *

  Bethany stretched her arm over her head and past the pillows, but only found more pillows. Paul and Justin were not in bed. She was alone.

  She reached for her phone and checked for texts. None.

  Seeing it was almost ten o’clock she sighed. It had been ages since she’d slept so late. Years since she’d awoken so rested. She climbed from the bed, feeling sore muscles she’d never known she had, and smiled as she pushed her hands into the sleeves of Paul’s shirt. She glanced back at her phone, then dropped it back in the shirt pocket.

  Coffee first.

  Shower later.

  Practically skipping down the stairs, she smiled when Justin looked up at her. Flashing her a dark and sexy grin, he stretched out strong arms, which she gladly walked straight into. She curled on to his lap. She nuzzled against his neck and inhaled the unique scent of Justin she so loved. “Good morning.”

  “Kalimera,” he said, sinking his fingers in her hair and tipping her face up to his. “Since we’re going to spend the rest of the summer in Mykonos, we may as well start saying good morning in Greek.”

  “Kalimera, kalimera, kalimera,” she said, loving the way the syllables rolled off her tongue and sounded in her mind. Plus, she didn’t miss his statement about spending the rest of the summer in Mykonos.

  She brushed her lips over his jaw as she sang her happy song, enjoying the feel of rough stubble, and reveling in the dreamy bubble being near him had created.

  “Kalimera, Justin mou.”

  “Kalimera,” he repeated, dropping a kiss atop her hair. “The three of us in Greece…the three of us together…sounds pretty perfect to me.”

  “Do you really think we can do it? Will City Wings be okay without you there?” Hope and joy danced inside her, as her fingers moved through his dark hair. Maybe life had put responsibilities on her shoulders, but she’d do anything to experience more of what she had over the past few days. Anything.

  “I may have to go back to settle some things, but I’ve been working on the nitty-gritty details for the past two hours, and I think it’s very doable,” he said, lifting his chin to the computer screen. “Have you thought how spending the summer here would affect your job with Luxury Homes?”

  She shrugged, feeling irresponsible, but not one bit regretful. “I’m not married to it, J. It was a job, a job I really enjoyed, but you know it was a way to prove to my father that I’m a competent businessperson. Suddenly, that’s not important enough for me to not live life. I’ll find another job if my dad doesn’t want to keep me on because I want to be with you. Nothing is as important as you and Paul.”

  “I like your priorities, sweetheart. In fact, I love them.”

  The way his eyes sparked and showed his appreciation released a slew of dancing butterflies in her belly. His mouth touched hers, his tongue swept over her lips, and time ceased to matter.

  Sighing in contentment, she felt his smile. Only one person could add to her joy.

  “Where’s Paul?”

  “Probably at the resort. He was already gone when I got up,” Justin said, reaching for his phone and engaging the camera. “Let’s give him an incentive to hurry back.”

  She leaned into Justin and puckered up.

  “Love it,” she said when it showed on the screen. “Can I send?”

  He nodded, and she did.

  “But it would be nice to hear his voice, too.”

  “Of course. Sure he’d love to hear you just as much, Bethy. Especially when the sexy cute and sweet sleep is in your voice.” Justin pressed the contact on the screen, immediately placing the call on speaker. It went to voice mail.

  Disappointed, she sank against him and pouted. “Not what I meant when I said it would be nice to hear his voice.”

  Justin called the Greek cell number, but again it went to voice mail on the first ring.

  “Strange,” he said, adjusting her in his lap and typing out a quick IM on his MacBook. “Both lines shouldn’t be occupied.”

  No return message.

  No call back.

  “Let’s give it a few minutes, and I’ll try him again. Want some coffee?”

  “Sure,” she said, her mind flipping through all the potential scenarios Paul could be involved in, then skidding to a halt over family expectation. His family’s expectation. “Do you think Kosta has a problem with me in your life?”

  Justin surprised her by laughing. Shaking his head, he placed her feet on the ground and moved to the kitchen.

  She followed close behind, pasting her chest to his back as he poured.

  “Kosta has already admitted to playing matchmaker in order to introduce you to us. Trust me, he has no problem with you in our life. He adores you.”

  “It’s hard to process everything that has happened this past week,” she said, admitting that she never thought she could love two people at the same time.

  Justin placed the mug on the counter, and turned to wrap his arms around her waist, helping her process exactly what she felt. Comfort. Belonging. Love.

  “I knew I loved two people, beyond any measure, the moment we saw you on the ferry. I just didn’t know what to do with it. I couldn’t lose you again, so I had to find a way to make sure you didn’t push us away.”

  “I mean the physical attraction was definitely there from the first moment. I’m not revisiting the love-hate-love I had for you for years, but when I saw you on the ferry, I totally freaked. I wasn’t sure I could handle being near you again.” She pressed her cheek to his chest and simply inhaled. Damn she loved his scent. She’d never get enough of it.

  “That’s what worried me. And while I knew Paul would love you, we had that agreement of no permanent additions in our life. Anyone other than us was only a sex partner.”

  “Did you do that often?” After all, they had lots of energy, were phenomenal lovers, and not shy about taking what they wanted.

  “No.” He feathered his fingers over her face. “Do you really want to know?”

  “I don’t want to invade your privacy,” she said in a barely audible tone.

  “Nothing is off base for you. So ask anything you want, anytime.”

  She didn’t want to know, but she did. Truth was she’d always question why she was the exception to their temporary rule if she didn’t ask. She nodded. “Yes, if you don’t mind sharing.”

  “Twice to be exact,” he said. “Once in school at one of those weekend-long parties and once a few years ago.”
r />   “You didn’t like it?”

  “The sex was good,” he admitted. “But it was just sex. An experiment of sorts. The truth is we didn’t need it. We agreed to remain open to future possibilities if either one of us wanted to try it again.”

  “Whose idea was it to try it again with me?”

  With a big grin on his face, he touched a gentle finger to her mouth, and she realized she’d been nervously scraping her teeth over her lip.

  He lowered his head and soothed the ache with a gentle swipe of his tongue. “Paul suggested it that first day on the ferry. I said hell no.”

  Perplexed, she searched his eyes. The chemistry with Justin had always been off the charts. Why wouldn’t he have gone for bringing her into their bed, especially if Paul had been okay with it? Suggested it, even.

  “You may have freaked, but so did I. I wasn’t losing you again…not because of the temporary agreement or anything else. I didn’t want you regretting anything new about us.” He went on to explain the painful attempt at friendship, how each time he and Paul made love they’d end up discussing her, how seeing her with Christo or thinking she could end up with someone else had them climbing the walls, and how in the end he’d lied to himself about being okay with temporary if it meant he could be with them.

  “I can’t tell you when it happened for Paul, but I think it was way before last night. Your father’s arrival last night had him admitting it aloud.”

  “Because it’s scary, J. Being in love with two people at the same time is scary. It’s not as easy as admitting I love you or you love me. Loving you was practically a given,” she said.

  “If you didn’t hate me.”

  “Deep down, you knew I couldn’t hate you. I knew you too well.”

  He brushed his lips on hers and she felt him smile again.

  “I’ve loved you since forever. Loving Paul so much hit me out of the blue. I fell so hard and fast for him, I definitely lied, not to myself, to you, about wanting only one night of pleasure in order to be able to have you both.”

  “And I’m so glad you did, my brave, beautiful Bethy. So very glad.” He wiped his thumb across her cheek and looked at her with such cherishment, it made her body tingle with need as she fought the sting of happiness building behind her eyes.

  “That doesn’t mean I love you any less, because I love you completely, J. I love him completely, too,” she said, blinking back the tears and swallowing past the lump in her throat. “It’s difficult to understand, so I’m not sure I’m even explaining it right.”

  “You don’t have to explain, Bethy. I know.” He placed the mug in her hand and led her back to the table. “I feel the same. I love you both, so I know.”

  “Don’t misunderstand me, but I miss Paul. I just wish he was here. He should be with us for this talk.”

  “I know.” Justin tried calling again, but both calls went directly to voice mail.

  “If Paul’s not here, it’s his loss,” Justin teased, skimming his finger down the bridge of her nose. “Now drink your coffee. As soon as you’re done, we’re heading for a shower. I want you very alert for that. Can’t miss washing a single inch.”

  She giggled, sipped, and very much looked forward to their shower.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Bethany and Justin’s phones chimed with incoming text messages simultaneously.

  “Might be Paul.” Justin tucked the edge of the towel between her breasts, brushed his lips across her jaw, and then strolled into the bedroom to check the message:

  On the veranda waiting for you.

  “Christo is downstairs,” he called, pulling on a pair of cargo shorts. “I’m going to see what he needs. Take your time.”

  If Christo was there instead of Paul, something was up. Not wanting to upset Bethany if his gut was wrong, he avoided returning to the bathroom, placed the damp towel on the doorknob, and went to meet Christo.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good afternoon,” Christo replied, rising and shaking Justin’s hand.

  Yes. Something was definitely up. Christo’s aviators did nothing to hide the concern lines at the corner of his eyes. Fuck. A lot could have happened in a few hours.

  “What’s wrong?” Justin asked, guiding them toward the seating area farthest from the door. “Why are you waiting outside your own home? Where is Paul?”

  “I’m waiting outside because seeing you in the buff once a day is more than enough. Especially when your ass has a way of hiding the prettiest view in the bed.”

  Okay, if Christo could crack a joke, whatever it was couldn’t be that bad.

  “I came up this morning and woke Paul. Took him for an exclusive meeting at Kosta’s, at her father’s request.”

  “Michaels wanted to see Paul?”

  “The man has balls,” Christo said, combing his fingers through his hair. “He specifically requested—no, more like demanded—to meet with Theo, Paul, and myself…alone. He walked in, and like the steamroller he is, went right to work. Then Paul kicked his ass out.”

  Christo smirked, shrugged his broad shoulders, and the anxiety lines changed to laugh lines.

  Justin would have liked to have seen Edward Michaels hauled out. He only felt a little slighted at not having had the honor himself to toss him out, but he was damn proud to have Paul at his back. “Go on. Tell me.”

  Flashing that charming Lallas grin, Christo lifted his chin toward the door. “Hello, koukla. You’re glowing like a woman in love.”

  Man, was that the truth or what? His Bethy totally outshined the sun.

  “I am a woman in love.”

  Justin couldn’t take his eyes off her sweet curves as she sashayed over the veranda, wrapped her arms around Christo, and he leaned down to accept a kiss on the cheek.

  “Are all Greek men so observant?” she asked, coyly smiling at Justin.

  “We’ve already covered the exceptional attributes of the Lallas clan,” Christo reminded, tousling her wet hair like a big brother would.

  In spite of his lothario reputation, a past tumultuous affair caused Christo to keep women, especially women friends, at a distance. Sex was one thing. A true relationship another. But Bethany had clearly gotten through. She’d obviously charmed the big, tough man, and he stood protective and loving at her side.

  “I’m here for two reasons,” Christo said, pulling a sealed envelope from his pocket and tapping it in his palm. “Want the story on what happened this morning or do you want to read this first?”

  Justin stretched out his arm and she took his hand.

  “What do you think?” Bethany asked, pressing against his side.

  Not the way he wanted her pressed against him. She rarely deferred choices to others and generally grabbed the opportunity to make them herself. Asking him to decide meant she was worried. He curved his arm over her and tucked her closer.

  “Let’s hear what happened.” He glanced down at her and touched a finger to her mouth. She released her lip and he nodded. “Better.” He smiled. “It involves Paul.”

  Agreeing, Christo asked them to sit and relayed the events leading to him dropping off her father at a resort on the other side of the island, and then returning to Vaso’s Dream.

  “By the time I’d tracked Paul down and made my way to the airport, his plane was wheels up on the runway and on its way to Athens. I received this text while I was driving over,” he said, showing them his phone:

  Saw your car pull up as we took off. Won’t be available for a few hours. Meeting Bethany’s little sister in a few. Be in touch soon.

  Justin retrieved his phone from his pocket and handed it to Bethany. “Call her.”

  But the phone chimed an incoming text before she finished dialing. He reached over her and tapped the screen.

  We are landing @ seven. Vaso’s Dream—our pool @ seven thirty. Love you both.

  They read it at the same time, and she blew out the breath he’d been hold
ing. Justin laughed at the coincidence, and taking the phone from her, he touched his lips to her temple. “We’re good, sweetheart. Let it be.”

  Bethany’s body trembled as she buried her face in his shoulder, and he realized she’d been more than worried about her father’s interaction. She’d been worried Paul had changed his mind.

  With a finger, he tilted her chin up so she could meet his gaze. Looking into the soulful dark eyes, he shook his head. “No. Never that. Trust.”

  She blinked and nodded. “I do. I really do.”

  Christo cleared his throat, pulling Justin’s attention back to the envelope he held.

  “Who’s the letter from?”

  “Her father.” Christo handed it to Justin and tugged on her hair. “I’ll go make us some frappé. Entaxi?”

  “Yes. Thank you,” Justin replied. “That would be great.” With a hand in the small of her back he led her to a seat. “We’ll read it together.”

  He’d never seen her so unsure. Never. This was weighing heavy on her, and he ached to carry her load. But this was something she needed to decide. He’d be there, support her, but she had to want it in her heart.

  Shuffling along at his side, she waited for him to sit, and then lowered herself on to his lap. She nuzzled against his neck. “I’m not certain I want to open it.”

  He smoothed her hair down her back, waiting for her to make up her mind. But he had to be honest; if it were up to him, he’d rip it up and throw it away. He didn’t care what Michaels had to say, didn’t want him near her, and couldn’t care less if they never heard from him again, but the asshole was her father. He mattered to her.

  “Whatever you want, Bethy.”

  “Together,” she whispered, smiling at him. “Together.” She tore open the envelope, unfolded the sheet of paper and began to read:

  My dear Bethany,

  Since I’ve asked Christos Lallas to deliver this to you, I’m assuming he’s told you what happened at his uncle’s house less than an hour ago. I realize you may be angry with me, but I did what is best for you.


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