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SNAKE Page 8

by Leal, Samantha

  She waited nervously for him to make the next move.

  “Ranger was mad because he knows I like you,” he said finally. “He made me swear nothing would happen.”

  Sarah could barely believe her ears. She had thought that the moment had pulled them both in when they had been back in the bar, but from what he was saying, it sounded as if Snake had liked her for much longer than that, and that Ranger knew.

  “How does he know?” she asked mischievously.

  “He knows me too well,” Snake grinned. “And I’m not a very good liar. He asked me outright. There was no way I could deny it.”

  She liked what she was hearing.

  “So he warned you off me?” she asked.

  “Kind of,” he said. “He made some uncomfortable joke, and then he said there was no way it would work because of how you’re a lawyer and I’m a biker. But I had to tell him, you know, you don’t see her the way I do… That got him a little mad. And then, when all that went down in the diner earlier, I think he just snapped. I don’t think he thought it would ever happen, but then he was seeing that maybe actually it could. I just don’t think he knew how to handle how he was feeling.”

  Sarah nodded her head.

  That did make sense. Her brother had never been very good at having control over certain things.

  Snake pressed against her again and she moved her arms from around his neck so she could knot her hands up in his.

  “I wasn’t expecting any of this,” she whispered. “It’s taken me completely by surprise.”

  “Me too,” he said. “Well… kind of…” he winked.

  Sarah giggled.

  “I want you to come to my room,” she said bravely. “But…”

  “Here? In this house?” he asked with wide eyes. “I don’t think so.” He shook his head and kissed her on the lips. “But I have a much better idea.”

  He pulled her forward and off the edge of the table and scooped her into his arms. Sarah felt weightless in them, and she clung to him, and let him carry her toward the back door that led out into the yard.

  When he opened the door and they stepped out into the night, the stars and moon shone brightly overhead. The yard was long and deep, and it traveled right back to the edge of a golf course that was separated by a boundary of trees.

  Snake carried her, and looked into her eyes as he walked across the crunchy grass that was still waiting for the sprinklers to turn on.

  “Where are we going?” she whispered.

  “Somewhere I bet you didn’t know about,” he teased.

  “In my own yard?” she asked with a raised brow.

  Snake nodded his head.

  When they reached the boundary with the golf course, he placed her down on her bare feet delicately, and she looked around. The moon was illuminating everything in its path, and Sarah could see it reflected in the windows of an old shed her father used to use for storage.

  “The shed?” she asked flatly.

  “It’s not just a shed,” Snake said with an eye roll.

  He slipped his hand into hers and pulled her forward, and as they approached the door, Sarah could see how big it actually was.

  He was right, she had never been down there. Even when she was a kid, she could barely remember this place. She had known it was there, but she had always been told by her brother to stay away. And now, there she was, with her brother’s best friend…sneaking into their old den, horny as hell and ready for anything.

  Snake opened the door and they stepped inside.

  Sarah looked around and smiled. It was dark in there, but she could still make out the faded posters that were plastered against the walls. Some were of Harley’s and other motorcycles, and some were of naked girls.

  “How did my mom never clear any of this stuff?” she asked with a laugh.

  “I bet she’s like you, I can’t imagine she’d ever come down here.”

  “What did you used to do down here?” she asked with a raised brow.

  Snake shrugged.

  “Just hung out mainly. And we talked about one day being a part of The Forsaken Riders. It’s funny how life has a way of working out.”

  She could see that he was looking longingly at one of the posters of a gleaming bike. He walked over to it and traced his hand over it.

  “I can’t believe this place has just sat empty all this time,” she said.

  “Well, maybe it hasn’t,” Snake shrugged. “I always knew Ranger used it to stash some of our things. Maybe he’s been in here lately.”

  Sarah could imagine Ranger being dumb enough to bring Forsaken Riders’ business to her parents’ back yard. She rolled her eyes.

  “Enough about him,” she said as she turned and looked at Snake.

  Her heart was beating so heavily in her chest, that when their eyes locked in on each other’s again, she was sure he would be able to hear it.

  She took a step closer to him, and she could sense his desire. His eyes were alight with it, and he was hungry.

  She bit her lip.

  She was hungry too.

  Snake took a step closer to her, and he reached up and brushed the loose strands of her damp hair behind her ears.

  “This is such a betrayal of his trust,” he whispered as he rubbed her lip with his thumb.

  “It doesn’t have to be,” she said as she moved her face closer to his. “We can tell him.”

  Snake breathed in and out deeply.

  It was clear they both wanted this more than anything. So much so, they were about to risk Ranger’s feelings.

  “He’s happy,” Snake said. “I know he would only want that for the both of us. I just can’t imagine him wanting us to find it with each other.”

  “The idea is there with him now, though,” she whispered. “And when all is said and done, he doesn’t own either of us.”

  Snake kissed her and parted her lips with his tongue. His kiss was hot and heavy, and it was clear to Sarah that he may have been trying to remain restrained, but when it came down to it, he was feeling anything but.

  She moaned as she reached up and grabbed on to him, she ran her fingers through his hair as they stumbled backward and slammed into the wooden wall of the shed. She let him take hold of her legs and lift her, so he could wrap them around his waist, and she groaned and gasped as she felt how big and hard for her he was already.

  The heat rising from him was intense, and as they kissed, she felt herself unraveling before he had even touched her.

  Snake stepped backward and pulled her with him, and he bumped her back down on a desk in the corner as she ripped at his shirt and pulled it over his head.

  When she saw him naked from the waist up, it was almost too much to bear. He was so ripped and huge, he was like something from a museum. It were as if he were some kind of incredible sculpture of a god, but covered in the most amazing tattoos she had ever seen. She scraped her nails down his chest and he grunted as he kissed her again and bit her lightly on the bottom lip.

  Sarah threw her hair back as he reached up to the neck of her robe and grasped her breasts, before he slipped his hand inside and touched them skin on skin.

  She moaned as he rubbed her nipple in between his fingers, and then he parted her legs with his other hand and slipped it high up to her panties.

  By the time he hooked his hand into them, she was so wet and ready for him, she could barely contain herself. He grunted with approval when he touched her and felt how slick and wet she was, and then he kissed her again as he slipped a big, fat finger inside her and sent her trembling.

  He pinned her to the desk with his hand and worked her over and over, and Sarah threw her head back and tried not to lose control.

  She reached down and grabbed hold of his belt buckle, unclipped it and pulled it off, throwing it to the ground with a slap.

  She ripped at the buttons on his jeans, unable to stop herself, and when she pulled them down and finally got her hands around his perfect cock, she gasped and looke
d down in awe.

  It was like nothing she had ever seen before.

  It had been a long time since she had been with a man, but she was sure this was something special indeed.

  Her eyes were wide as she took it all in, and she couldn’t help but let her hands wander over each part of it as she clutched it and jacked it slowly.

  “Now I see why they call you Snake,” she whispered as she kissed him.

  “I told you it was a much better reason than the tattoos,” he grunted as he pulled her panties down and ripped them off the end of her feet.

  He spread her legs wide and lowered himself down onto her. They were so hot for each other and so completely consumed with the moment that they couldn’t wait any longer. Sarah opened herself up to him, she wrapped her legs around him, and when she felt his member poking at the edge of her opening, she was already on the verge of a crashing orgasm.

  He plunged inside her and she gripped onto him with all she had. His cock was so big and so powerful, she had no idea how she was going to hold on, but she knew she had to. It was all so perfect.

  Snake held onto her throat as he traced kisses up and down her neck, and he ripped her robe open so he could see her beautiful body and her incredible breasts.

  His thrusts were hard and slow, and Sarah screamed as he took her places she had never been before. He was reaching parts of her that had never been explored, and he was doing it all so well, her whole body was a quivering mess of lust and ecstasy.

  He held onto her thighs and looked deeply into her eyes as he thrust into her again. It was so intense that she gasped and felt the heat rise within her. Her whole body began to quiver and shake, and she came crashing over the edge into the most powerful release.

  Seeing her like that beneath him, and knowing he was the cause, was all Snake needed to explode. He collapsed on top of her chest, panting and moaning, as he shot his seed right inside her and thrust into her once more.

  “My god,” he gasped as he kissed her forehead.

  He was trembling and his big, muscular arms pinned her down, holding her there beneath him until he was fully spent.

  “Snake,” she whispered as her own body bucked beneath him.

  She never wanted the moment to end, and she could have easily stayed there with him forever.

  He looked into her eyes and kissed her hard on the mouth. He held her there and cupped her face in his hands.

  “You have no idea,” he whispered as he brushed her hair out of her face. “You really don’t…”

  “About what?” she whispered back.

  “How long I’ve wanted to do that,” he smiled.

  He kissed her again and held her close. They were still sealed together, and Sarah never wanted them to break apart.

  “I’ve wanted it too,” she confessed. “I just think I’ve been in denial. I was trying so hard to not like you when I got back into town. I looked for every reason to start a fight with you… But it just wasn’t enough.”

  “It’s called chemistry,” he smiled at her.

  He kissed her softly on the lips again and cradled her in his arms.

  Sarah had no idea how she had been so lucky to find him, but she had, and she had never felt so completely engrossed and adored by another person.

  Her life was changing, she could feel it.

  She had always thought that Slate Springs had nothing to offer her, and she fled as soon as she had gotten the chance.

  But now she was home, and she had met Snake…

  He may have been her brother’s best friend, but now he was her lover.

  And she knew deep within her heart, that he was going to become so much more.


  They sat on the edge of the golf course, wrapped in each other’s arms, as the sun began to rise over the desert.

  Sarah let her whole body relax into Snake’s, and she breathed in the lush scent of all the freshly watered grass, against the stark contrast of the hot humidity of the desert air.

  “I can’t believe I’ve never done this before,” she said as she wrapped her hand into Snake’s. “All the years I lived in this house, and not once did I ever sneak down to the very edge of these gardens and properly check out the golf course. Watching the sun rise over it really is something else.”

  “I know,” he laughed as he kissed her on top of the head. “I’m having a hard time believing it myself.”

  “I think I just knew it was out of bounds,” she shrugged. “And I was never the wandering kind, I never had the urge to explore. I was more of a dolls and tea parties kind of girl.”

  She hung her head and laughed.

  “Your brother probably made sure you were terrified to come down here,” he laughed. “If I remember right, he was always thinking up some crazy plans to keep you away from all of our pursuits. That’s just how it is when you’re kids, isn’t it? The boys always want the freedom and to not have any interruptions.”

  “I can’t see that much has changed,” Sarah said wryly. “I mean, we all saw what happened in the diner last night…”

  Snake lowered his head and nodded too.

  Sarah didn’t want to bring up how badly things had gone between Ranger and Snake, but at the same time, were they just going to pretend it hadn’t happened?

  “I will have to talk to him,” Snake said sternly. “I want to tell him how I feel about you…”

  Sarah felt a swell of pride deep inside her, but also a pang of nerves. The thought of Ranger finding out about them for real was kind of intimidating. And Sarah didn’t want to cause any trouble with their friendship.

  “Why don’t we just keep it a secret for now?” she asked as she looked into his eyes. “I don’t want anything to ruin this… It’s been so lovely.”

  Snake smiled and kissed her as he cupped her face in his hands.

  “Okay,” he said as their lips broke apart. “But only because I’m crazy about you. And I don’t want anything to ruin this either.”

  He kissed her again and Sarah pushed herself against him, she wrapped her hands up into the tufts of hair at the base of his neck and pulled his head closer to her. She was so hot for him, and she could easily pounce on him and let him ravish her again. But she was sure, in the distance, she could hear the sound of the early morning golfers coming out onto the fairway, and she really should be sneaking back into the house, and sending Snake home.

  “Well, isn’t this just beautiful,” the voice came suddenly from behind them and cut them both like a knife.

  Sarah jumped, and Snake powered up to his feet, leaving her on the ground. She looked up at him and knew that her mouth was sagging open, and she wanted to call to him, to shout and tell him no. But it was all too late.

  Ranger had found them.

  And now he was running toward Snake with his fist clenched.

  It all happened so fast, but Sarah saw it in all its horrific detail.

  She saw the way Ranger brought his fist crashing into the side of Snake’s jaw, and the way the two of them grappled with each other as they fought and wrestled each other to the ground.

  She screamed and pounded on Ranger’s back, begging him to stop, but he was like a man possessed.

  He was on fire, and he was so angry, there was nothing she could do.

  When Snake hit him back and Ranger went flying back to the ground, she finally managed to take a breath.

  “What the hell!” she screamed. “Ranger, what are you doing!?”

  He leaned up on his elbows as he rubbed his jaw and sneered up at them both. He was so full of rage, Sarah knew there would be no calming him down or reasoning with him in that moment.

  “I told you to stay away from my sister,” Ranger said as he got to his feet and looked at them both as if he didn’t know what to do with himself. “And you,” he spat as he pointed at Sarah, “I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing, running around town dressed like some kind of hussy. Hooking up with bikers. What are you trying to prove, huh?”
  Sarah felt as if she had been slapped in the face, and her expression must have conveyed that.

  “Ranger,” she said with a snort, “I’m an adult, you don’t get to act like this. I can do what I want.”

  He rolled his eyes and then ran his hands through his hair.

  Snake and he were standing, looking at each other, and there was a sadness to both of them. It was clear that neither of them wanted anything to come between them, but they had found themselves there, and now they were going to have to sort it out one way or another.

  “Why are you even here?” Sarah asked with disgust. “Did you come to store some weapons or drugs here in Mom and Dad’s old shed? Don’t you think that’s something more worthwhile of a discussion, not how I choose to spend my life?”

  Ranger glared at her.

  “I came here looking for him,” he said as he shot a glance at Snake. “I didn’t want to believe I would be right in looking here, but it looks as if the gut never lies.”

  “What’s happened?” Snake asked quickly as he took a step closer to Ranger. It was clear there was something happening between them that Sarah couldn’t see… It was as if they were suddenly speaking in a secret code.

  “We need to get back to HQ,” Ranger said. “Bull called the meeting at 4am, it’s urgent.”

  Snake nodded his head and tucked his t-shirt into the back of his jeans as he rifled through his pocket looking for the keys to his bike.

  “Is it the Russians?” he asked as he looked at Ranger with concern.

  “Yes,” he nodded. “They’re here.” He reached up and rubbed his cheek. “And by the looks of things, they’ve managed to take the motel.”

  “What the fuck…” Snake said as he sighed and looked out across the golf course.

  Sarah couldn’t be sure, but she was sure his eyes were swimming with tears.

  “We’re going to have to postpone the wedding,” he said as he glanced across at Sarah this time. “I can’t marry Nicole while all this is happening. It’s just too dangerous.”

  “Bull and King would never allow it,” Snake said in agreement. “Your attention is going to have to be with us, one hundred percent.”


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