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SNAKE Page 47

by Leal, Samantha

  He reached forward and pressed his lips to hers, the kiss long was deep and passionate. Tammy could feel her juices starting to flow and knew that she needed this man inside of her, tonight, tomorrow they may all be dead.

  She pushed him over onto his back, her hands going straight for his erection, hot and throbbing in her fingers. Now she had it in her hands, she realized how big he was and was surprised he hadn't hurt her when they had made love. She straddled him, guiding his member, laying the tip against her opening and just for a moment reveling in the feeling of the touch of his glans against her labia. Then, she pressed her hips back and completely engulfed him inside of her. Both of them cried out their desire as they rode together in perfect unison, his hands on her breasts, teasing her nipples with his fingers and increasing her arousal levels even further. Their love making was slower this time, they both wanted to fully enjoy the sensations of their coupling. Their thrusting less frantic, more loving than lustful, as they rode together on a tide of love and passion.

  Her orgasm, this time, was slower to build. Neither of them were in any rush, but when it came, it was still as powerful, thundering through her and sending jolts of pleasure coursing through her body. Again, in unison, they reached release at the same time, but this time more subdued in their outpouring of passion, perhaps weighing heavily on their mind the following days date with destiny.

  Afterwards they lay together, Tammy still straddling Niyol as he gently stroked her hair.

  Chapter 10 Traitor is Your Name

  The people rejoiced, even though they were surrounded by the Emperor’s ships. The Princess was arriving this day and she would save them from her tyrant brother. She was bringing a new army with her to prevent the cruel Emperor from taking over their lands. Princess Tamara was their savior.

  As she rode next to her bodyguard, the cheering crowds made her nervous. It was true that she had managed to rally the people’s hopes, but that was only because of their faith in her parents. As she drew nearer to the battle, she had an ominous feeling that she would not be able to save them. What did the elders think she was going to do? Even Niyol believed that she had some trick up her sleeve.

  Fearing that this day would only bring with it the massacre of these people on this island, she rode on with a heavy heart.

  The road to the harbor was thronged with people surrounding them as they rode down to see the attacking fleet, where her brother awaited her. It had been arranged for them to parley on neutral ground on a small fishing boat not far off shore. As she approached the docks she could see the boat out near the harbor entrance.

  She boarded the simple vessel that would take her to him, Niyol by her side was all she needed. They left the loud cheering behind as they set off to the meeting with the Emperor, her brother. She wondered if she should trust this meeting, was it a trap? She had Niyol by her side but was she just leading him into danger too? If her brother was as powerful as these people believed, then they both may perish here today.

  The smell of the sea air and the wind on her face felt good, calming her nerves and somehow pushing aside her doubts. She liked the weather, all elements of it, sun, rain, wind and snow. She had always loved the feeling of whatever kind of day it was, in her modern world, weather felt so good on her skin.

  As they neared the rendezvous she could see a single figure stood on the deck of a boat. At last, there he was, and she was not impressed. He was not an old man, but nor was he a youth. Yet he carried his body like a young man. As they stood opposite each other, she could see the hatred in his eyes.

  “Sister,” he said, greeting her with the one word. “You are as beautiful as I have heard, I only hope you are also wise,” he threatened.

  “I cannot call you brother, as you don’t feel like a beloved brother,” she dared say to him.

  He laughed at her.

  “Nor can I call you Emperor,” she interrupted his laughter, “you are not my Emperor as I don’t have one,” she said, honestly. “I will simply call you traitor, and murderer,” she finished, not wanting this meeting to linger on.

  A deathly silence surrounded her, as those who could hear awaited the response of the Emperor. He looked at her and laughed again.

  “Such a shame that our first meeting should end in your death, and with it all the hopes of these foolish people gathered here. I shall kill you this day, sister,” he informed her. “Then you will not need to call me anything, as you will be no more.”

  With that he turned to go, but before he left he mumbled something under his breath and a dark ominous mood fell over her.

  “I leave you a gift, sister, I wish for you to see the people cower before me, before I kill you. I have cast the same spell that I cast on all of the islands, and I have you to thank for that. I have never been able to get so close to Citheera to enable me to enchant them fully, but now thanks to you, they will soon fall under my thumb. Observe, as your people all cower under my rule. Watch them,” he said, waving his hand at the island. “When you return I think you will find that you are, once again, alone.”

  Chapter 11 Discovery of Magic

  True to his word, the people had lost all hope as she returned to the island. His spell was spreading like a disease as she watched even the soldiers backing away. The people were leaving, they did not wish to battle any more.

  She turned to view the ships as they neared the harbor. This was it, this was how he simply took ahold of the people and its lands. It must use much of his energy to keep this evil deed going. Anger began to boil within her as she saw the self-same people, who only an hour ago were joyous and hopeful, become fearful and were now running. The elders remained unscathed by his spell, but what use would the old be in battle. Even Niyol remained untouched, yet he could not fight a battle single handedly, but she could.

  Yes, she knew now what she had to do. It was clear in her mind, so much so, that she wondered why she had ever been uncertain. The image of her parents came to mind, smiling over a new born baby girl, her. The kindness of her father’s face, the love in her mother’s eyes. For the first time in her life, she knew who she was, and what she was capable of.

  Now, it was time for revenge. She would rid this world of the evil Emperor, and no one would mourn.

  Niyol watched as his lover stood and raised her arms with an ethereal glow around her body, she emanated a power that had never been witnessed before. As she did so, the very air changed, the atmosphere felt heavy and clammy on his skin. The skies yellowed and black clouds suddenly covered the previously clear blue skies. The angry clouds surrounded the ships as lightening shot out of her raised fingers and into the darkened skies. He knew then what she was, and he knew that she would win this day. She was a Weather Mage, she could control the very seas, the skies, and the air within the world. It had been said that such mages were only myth, yet here he witnessed one, first hand.

  She stood on the harbor and controlled the skies. The waves began to rise, but not a single drop of water touched her body. The people witnessed their Princess as she crashed the waves into the Emperor’s ships, and he was powerless to stop her. His magic to control the minds of the weak would be of no use, with the forces of the elements crashing against his fleet. Niyol stood in the rain and rejoiced as he was drenched by the winds that howled around the harbor. Yet still, she stood in pure sunlight as she sank each and every ship, saving her brother’s until last. The people stood on the cliffs and watched in awe as the Emperor’s ship was risen in to the air by a huge maelstrom, and then it was spun around and around, until it smashed into millions of small pieces that fell across the sea. The Emperor was gone. Princess Tamara was truly their savior, how could they ever have doubted her?

  She collapsed onto the ground as the winds died down and the rains ended. The dark clouds dispersed instantly and the sun reached everywhere, hot rays cast a warm glow over the assembled people. Niyol rushed to her, bending down as he scooped her into his arms, before chanting his well versed words.

  The people witnessed her body guard lifting their leader from the ground, they gasped as they suddenly saw them disappear into thin air.


  Tammy awoke to the aroma of pizza. As she breathed in the wonderful smell of pepperoni and cheese, she could hear the television playing an animated film, one of her favorites. Lifting her head, she saw that Niyol was in the kitchen, singing along to the movie.

  She stood, her legs a little shaky, as she made her way to the kitchen and stood by his side. As soon as he saw her, he grabbed her in his strong arms, and swung her around and around.

  “You did it, by the gods you did it. The Emperor is no more, and the people are free.”

  “What about your world, Niyol, shouldn’t we be there celebrating?”

  “Our world, Princess Tamara, or should I say Queen Tamara? No, we are on holiday, leave it to the politicians to sort out the mess. We will be home soon enough. For now we have all the pizza we can eat, and you should see the supply of chocolate I have for you.”

  She leaned her head on his strong shoulder, she loved pizza and chocolate, but most of all, she loved Niyol.


  Dragon Shifter Romance

  A Dragon to Watch over Me

  Leela Ash

  Copyright © 2016 by Leela Ash. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  “Krista, come over here and dance!” Marcia called to her best friend, who was doing the same thing she usually did, sitting in the corner with a bored look on her face.

  Krista sighed. She wasn’t in the mood for being out at the bar; she had only gone to offer her best friend some moral support. A man Marcia had a crush on was celebrating his birthday and she had been invited, but she had been too afraid to go alone and so she had begged Krista to come along. Krista wasn’t sure why she should be there anyway; not when Marcia would simply end up hanging all over the guy and leaving to give him a private gift.

  “I’ve really got to be going,” Krista called back, shaking her head and pointing toward the door in case Marcia didn’t get the hint. Marcia gave her an exaggerated frown but disappeared back into the crowd, and Krista sighed in relief. She was free.

  Or so she thought.

  “Hey baby,” a drunk man said with a slur, blocking her way to the exit. She’d been heading toward the back door where she could sneak through the alleyway and toward the parking lot without running into any more of her friends. She didn’t recognize the drunk man and tried to push her way past him. “Feel like getting lucky tonight? I love that ass!”

  She rolled her eyes in disgust and finally made her way past him. Despite being a virgin, Krista was used to men leering at her, and although she would have loved to go a night without being pestered, it appeared that tonight just wasn’t going to be her lucky night.

  “Hey!” he protested as he was shoved aside and the people around him tittered with laughter. Fortunately, there were enough people between them that it didn’t matter what he said. She was able to get safely past.

  Krista finally made it out into the dark, cool night and inhaled a deep breath of delicious fresh air. Sneaking out through the alley had been a good idea.

  Suddenly, she felt a searing pain on her head and saw a flash of white in front of her eyes.

  “Got her, tie up her hands!”

  “What the hell?” she mumbled, trying to push herself to her feet. But before she was able to regain her balance, another searing flash of pain brought spots before her eyes and she collapsed again.

  “Don’t move!” an angry man shouted down to her. She was surrounded and terrified, but decided not to move. They had her outnumbered.

  “Finally, we’ve been waiting so long for this!”

  “What…” Krista brought her hand to her head, wincing in pain and confusion.

  Suddenly, she heard a growl, unlike anything she had ever heard before, and cowered into the crook of her arm.

  “Don’t touch her!” a man’s voice boomed. She tried to open her eyes, but what she saw just made her want to faint. A giant black dragon was standing at the end of the alleyway. At that point, she passed out cold.


  Clayton scowled down at the woman passed out on the ground and cast a challenging glare to the group of men who had been trying to kidnap her. He knew exactly who they were, and the knowledge infuriated him.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he growled, furious that they had the nerve to come anywhere near the woman most sacred to his clan.

  But Clayton knew exactly what they were doing. Krista had been the main focus of both the self-proclaimed Guardians and the Kersh clan – and for good reason. She was extremely valuable, and the last living heir young enough to guarantee the continuance of the Kersh dragon clan.

  “The girl is ours!” the small group’s leader hissed, leaping at Clayton and drawing a weapon from his side. Clayton flinched and jumped away, slapping the large gun out of his hand. Only Clayton knew it wasn’t just any gun – it was fully loaded with ammunition that would bind his powers and make it impossible to shift into his dragon form. From there, he could be killed as easily as any other mortal human.

  “I don’t think so,” he growled, allowing himself to shift all the way into his dragon form. He normally restrained himself when he was in human areas, only shifting enough to take advantage of his powers while unleashing his fury on his enemy. But when he was protecting the one woman alive who was capable of ensuring the continuation of his race, he couldn’t take any chances.

  The men’s eyes grew large and they all fumbled for their guns as Clayton let out a mighty roar. It shook the ground they were walking on and made everybody cower in terror. The heat from his breath was enough to singe off their eyebrows and they scrambled away, worried they would not be able to survive his malice, as he began to inhale and a burst of flames flickered from his mouth.

  Krista was lying on the ground between his massive legs, totally limp, and now that they were alone, Clayton returned to his human form. He put on his cape to conceal his nakedness and picked Krista up, jumping into the air and flying her back to her apartment a few blocks away. He couldn’t let anybody see them, and his cloak helped to hide them from the people who might be glancing up at the night sky. It was imbued with the powers of his own world, a place he missed dearly.

  Kaldernon, his home planet, was deeply missed by everybody in the clan, in fact, but they had been unable to find their way back to their own world. After a life-altering earthquake, the world seemed to open up and several of the dragon-born members of the Kersh clan had toppled through an invisible portal, landing in a world full of commotion.

  They were concealed by a growth of trees near a ravine, and were able to see Kaldernon glimmering above their heads, haunting them with their inability to find a way through the portal. If they shifted into their dragon forms and tried to fly through, but they were knocked back violently and forced to recover for days from a blow unlike any other they had ever experienced.

  Kaldernon had shimmered in the sky above their heads for hundreds of years as they perfected their underground settlement to protect themselves from the humans, and the Kersh clan watched as pioneers began to settle in the wilderness and construct a civilization of their own right next door. People were always drawn to the area for some inexplicable reason. It was as if they were seeking the immense power they sensed coming from Kaldernon and the group of dragon shifters that had made their home there.


  One day, a distant relative of Clayton’s had an encounter with one of the village girls. Her eyes were a shimmering, smoky blue, and he hadn’t been able to resist her. They had been so powerfully drawn to each other that they had ravished each other r
ight then and there, the woman’s legs splayed out with her back against a mighty oak.

  When he brought her back to the clan, the others were astounded. It was clear that she was from Kaldernon, whether by some strange twist of fate or pure chance. The Kersh clan suddenly knew that other rips in the dimensional fabric separating Earth and Kaldernon must have opened up, letting in a group of people from their world who were renowned for their ability to carry the dragon-born children; the Lonis. They were exceptionally intelligent and artistic, and had created a civilization in Kaldernon that brought great joy and culture to those who lived there.

  The young maiden was completely oblivious to the importance of her bloodline, but when she looked to the sky and saw Kaldernon for the first time, her eyes widened in disbelief and they knew it must be true. Nobody but descendants of Kaldernon were able to see it shimmering in the sky, taunting them from above, almost like a vision from a dream.

  But when asked what she knew of her relatives, she had grown quiet and unhappy.

  “It is only my sister and I,” she had said woefully. “Everybody else died onboard the ship.”

  This meant that nobody had told them about Kaldernon. She quickly became infatuated with the dragon shifter and bore many of his children. The bloodline stayed strong with her descendants after that, but then, they had begun to die out. Now, it was only her sister’s heirs who lived on, oblivious to the dragon-born, living their lives and doing their part to ensure the prosperity and culture of Earth’s civilization.

  The Kersh clan was thinning out, though, and everybody had turned to Clayton for answers. He had been the descendent of the original leader of the Kersh clan, and his bloodline was not crossed with the Lonis. However, it was only a Loni that would be able to help them to ensure the continuation of their race, and he was terrified that if he couldn’t find the last woman of Loni descent, everything they had worked for would be lost. There would be no dragon-born left to ensure the survival of their beautiful lore, and all the progress they had made in researching the rift of time and space that kept them from Kaldernon was useless. Everyone who had lived before him would have died in vain.


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