Untouched Omega: An MM Mpreg Shifter Romance (Wolves of Mist Peak Book 4)

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Untouched Omega: An MM Mpreg Shifter Romance (Wolves of Mist Peak Book 4) Page 5

by Aspen Grey

  We were just about to step inside when my whole body went into alert mode as a scent drifted by us. Instantly, my fangs extended and I was ready to shift. I looked up the street and saw nothing, but when I looked to our left near the parking lot, I saw him.

  An alpha, wearing tattered khakis and a black tank top. It was garbage clothing that no one would care if they shredded by shifting, and I knew immediately who it was. Another one of Viggo’s henchmen.

  “Get behind me,” I told Jude quickly.

  “What is it—” he started to say, but then he saw what I saw. “Oh, shit.”

  “Don’t worry,” I whispered as the intruder laid eyes on us. “He won’t do anything here. Too many humans around.”

  “But he’ll track us home.”

  “No, he won’t,” I replied. “Wait here. I’ll handle this.”

  “Alexei, wait!”

  But I had to act. I strode down the sidewalk away from Emily’s and walked right up to the asshole, who was grinning at me like he’d already kicked my ass once and I was coming back for more.

  “Leave,” I growled as I reached him. “Leave now and I won’t kill you.”

  The prick laughed—he actually laughed. It took everything I had not to tear him to pieces right there.

  “You’re so fucked, buddy. You don’t even know it yet.”

  “You know what happened to the last guy who came looking for me?” I asked him. “Ever hear from him again?”

  “Marcus?” he scoffed. “He was soft. Soft and new. No one will miss him. But me? See…I’m seasoned, like a good meat. I don’t go down and I don’t return to my boss empty-handed.”

  Viggo’s man glanced over my shoulder at Jude, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

  “Don’t even look at him,” I warned him. “Or I’ll forget about all the humans around and tear you to pieces.”

  “Nah, you won’t do that, Alexei,” the guy smiled, his eyes still on Jude. “We both know you won’t. So why don’t you drop the tough guy act and accept the fact that we’ve got you. Viggo knows I’m here, and if I don’t check in with him soon, he’s gonna send a whole crew here to chop you up into little tiny pieces.”

  “Ah, I guess the old man’s getting too old to do his own dirty work, huh?” I nodded. “Can’t leave the throne to fight his own battles?”

  “You think you’re worth that?” he asked.

  “I know I’m worth a country-wide manhunt,” I replied. “I know he’s pretty pissed off. So, yeah. I do think I’m worth that.”

  I was getting antsy. The guy was right—out here in the open he was protected, and if he didn’t pick up the phone to call Viggo to check in, Jude and I were in big trouble. The fuck was I supposed to do?

  “I think you underestimate your own importance,” he smiled, reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out a phone. “I think it’s time to call in the troops.”

  Thinking fast, I did the only thing I could think of. I bent down, snatched Viggo’s man by the legs and threw him over my shoulder. I spun around, faking a laugh the best I could and shouted, “Ronnie’s here, Ronnie’s here! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, buddy!”

  “The fuck are you doing?” he hissed.

  “Ronnie, don’t fight it, dude! You’re gonna do a shot with me! Come on, where’s your car? Over here?”

  “Ronnie” struggled against my grip as I raced into the parking lot, and as soon as we were out of sight, I felt his fangs piece the skin at the base of my neck. I slammed my elbow into him and threw him to the ground. He shifted before he hit, stripping his clothing to shreds. I did the same and sprang onto him.

  But he was right—this guy was no Marcus—he was fast. He leapt out of the way before I could land my attack, spun and raked my side with his claws. I couldn’t even howl in pain; the humans would hear. Instead, I dashed back and snarled at him. He was a killer, an enforcer, doing my old job, and he was obviously good at it. But while he had nothing to fight for beyond money, I had two important things to protect: my mate and my future child.

  I feinted forward to get him to react. He dodged slightly left and I reacted by sweeping in towards his left haunch. I managed to sink my claws into his flesh, but it wasn’t enough. Blood barely showed through his fur.

  You son of a bitch, I thought. There’s no way you’re getting out of here alive!

  He leapt forward, jaws open and aimed at my neck. I ducked and as he sailed over me. I jumped as high as I could and as hard as I could and slammed my back into his belly. I heard the breath escape his lungs and whirled around as he landed and sprang at his hind legs, but he was really fast and anticipated the attack. He pulled his legs forward and rolled away. It was a bit clumsy but it got him to a safer distance.

  I could smell Jude behind me and prayed he wouldn’t be stupid enough to get anywhere near this shit. I only had seconds before what was happening attracted a crowd, and if the humans saw us, we were in big trouble.

  Take him out!

  The grass was high behind him, and the sun was almost down. I was already wounded in two places, and if this kept up, it was likely I’d be wounded again. I had to do something drastic to change the outcome.

  I dashed forward like I was going to leap onto him, and when he skidded to the side, I ducked my head and blasted forward like a missile, slamming into his chest and sending him sprawling backwards like a bowling pin. I tumbled over on top of him and we landed hard in a drainage ditch behind the lot. His head slammed into my chest, but while my attack may have surprised him, I was ready.

  I opened my jaws and clamped down. My teeth found the inside of his front left shoulder, and I bit as hard as I could. The bastard couldn’t hold back his scream. He howled in pain as I tore flesh and bone from his body. I braced my legs against his chest and pulled with all my strength and felt a pop as his shoulder separated. He thrashed violently, but he’d landed at a strange angle and couldn’t get at me. I kept tearing as blood spilled out of him, and after a few more seconds, the son of a bitch fell limp on top of me.

  Panting heavily, my heart racing, I scrambled out from under him and shifted back to human form. I was bleeding badly from my side and neck as I stumbled out of the ditch and back into the parking lot.

  “Jude!” I shouted. “Jude!”

  A second later my beautiful mate came racing around the corner, one hand beneath his pregnant belly. I felt a pang in my chest when I saw him. The pained look on his face enraged me and broke my heart at the same time.

  Viggo, you’re going to pay for this.

  “Baby!” Jude shouted as he ran as quickly over to my side as he could.

  “Get the truck,” I told him.

  “You’re bleeding!”

  “Get the truck, call Clarice and get me home.”


  He turned around quickly and ran back around the corner. I got down on my knees and retrieved Viggo’s man’s cell phone where it had fallen when he shifted, and dialed the first number on the recent call list. It rang after one ring.


  I recognized the voice immediately. It was him—the boss—Viggo.

  I said nothing.

  “Yes? Have you found him?”

  Again, I didn’t respond. I breathed heavily as the silence continued. Viggo was no dummy. He’d get the message, and after a few more seconds, he did.

  “Hello, Alexei.”

  “Viggo,” I growled.

  “Where is my man? You kill him?”

  “You made a big mistake, old man,” I said. “Sending hired goons to kill me. I was your best, did you forget that?”

  “You were good,” he replied. “The best? Maybe, maybe not.”

  “Your man won’t be coming back to you,” I told him. “But you know where to find me. You know, Viggo, as much as I knew you were a ruthless son of a bitch, I never pegged you for a coward. If you want me, come and get me yourself, don’t send someone else to do your dirty business.”

  Before he coul
d reply, I smashed the phone against the brick wall beside me.

  That ought to do it, I thought. Come and get me. This time, I’ll be ready!

  Chapter Seven


  “Hang in there, baby!” I shouted as I sped home, pushing the gas pedal of the old truck down to the floor. Wind roared through the cab as I headed back towards home, my beautiful mate bleeding beside me. Alexei was bleeding badly from his side and looked like he was on the verge of passing out.

  I called Clarice again. I’d called three times already and she hadn’t answered. What the fuck was she doing?

  “Pick up the phone, Clarice!” I shouted as it rang. But again, there was no answer.

  Blood poured from Alexei’s wound and all I could think of was how my life would be if I lost him. He was my light in the darkness, my heart and soul. Without him, I’d be lost. I would have no purpose. I’d have to raise our child alone!

  No. That cannot happen!

  I called again. It rang and rang and rang. The truck hit a bump and lurched to the side. My hand slipped and I almost lost control. I dropped the phone and grabbed the steering wheel with both hands as the truck slid onto the shoulder, kicking up rocks and dust everywhere, and yanked us back onto the road.

  “FUCK!” I screamed in anger and fear.

  “Jude? Jude, is that you?”

  A female voice, concealed in static, was coming from somewhere. For a second, I thought it might be the radio. Then I realized.

  My phone!

  I snatched my phone from where it had fallen and brought it to my ear.

  “Clarice? Clarice!”

  “Yes, Jude. Is everything all right?!”

  “Where the fuck have you been?” I screamed. “At the spa?”

  I felt bad for yelling at her, but I was losing my shit and couldn’t help it.

  “Is something wrong? Are you in labor?”

  “No, Alexei’s hurt!” As I yelled into the phone, I could hear Clarice getting her things together. “Some son of a bitch from New York came and attacked us outside Emily’s! He’s bleeding bad, and I don’t dare take him to a human hospital—”

  “I understand,” she said quickly. “I’ll take care of it. I can be at your house in four minutes. How far away are you?”

  “You might beat us there,” I replied as I took a turn that caused my tires to screech.

  “How bad is the wound?”

  “I don’t know, Clarice! It’s bad! He’s bleeding like crazy!”

  “Okay, get him home as soon as possible. I’ll meet you at the parking lot.”

  I hung up and focused on my driving. My eyes were blurred with tears and it was dark driving through the woods up the base of the mountain. There were no street lights out here.

  “Viggo…” Alexei muttered.

  “Don’t speak!” I ordered him. “Save your energy.”

  “…that…son of a….”

  “Quiet, baby,” I said, putting a hand over his wound, doing the best I could to stop the bleeding. “We’re almost there.”

  I blazed through the woods like a fireball. If a cop had tried to stop us, he’d have to chase us. Nothing was going to get in my way. I was getting my mate back to Clarice and she was going to save his life. That was all there was to it.

  When I reached the parking lot at the base of Alexei’s property, I saw Clarice had already arrived. I practically ran her over as I parked and almost fell over as I leapt from the truck.

  “Thank God,” I said as we both raced around to the passenger side and pulled Alexei from the truck. “What do you think?”

  “He’s bleeding badly,” Clarice replied, examining him.

  Well, no fucking shit!

  “But if we can get him up to the house, I think he’ll make it.”

  “Think?” I shouted. “That’s not good enough, Clarice!”

  Clarice looked at me, glanced around like she was worried if someone might be watching, then snapped.

  “Fine. We’ll do it here. Turn the truck around and drop the tailgate.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “There’s not time to get him up the mountain on our own,” she replied. “Maybe if he actually had a driveway, but—so turn the truck around so any passersby will just think we’re looking at the stars or something. Do it now!”

  Clarice had a bag with her, and pulled something out of it and started to get to work on Alexei. It killed me to leave his side, even for a second, but I knew that if I didn’t do as she asked we were going to be in real trouble. So I hopped back in the truck, carefully maneuvered it around and backed into the lot so, as Clarice said, anyone driving by would just assume we were up here parked and lying in the back to look up at the stars.

  If only…

  I raced back over to them and saw her working on him with some towels and what looked like a needle and thread.

  “Can I do something?” I asked.

  “Help me get him into the truck bed,” she replied. I knelt down and we both took his side and lifted him and set him down in the truck.

  “Hold these here,” she replied, handing me a handful of small towels that were covered in blood. I took them and placed them against his wound where it was bleeding the most. Alexi squirmed and grimaced. I felt awful, but at the same time, it meant he was still with us.

  “Hang in there, big guy,” Clarice told him as she slid the stitching needle into his skin and tugged. It was gruesome, and I actually had to look away. I couldn’t stand to see my baby like that.

  “He’s going to make it, right?” I asked. “Right, Clarice?”

  “Of course…of course I am,” Alexei grumbled. He turned his head to me and opened his eyes. My heart lit up as he looked at me, and I snatched his hand in mine.

  “Baby!” I cried out. “I thought I was going to lose you!”

  “Never,” he replied. He smiled, but as he squeezed my hand, his eyes fluttered and his grip went weak. Then, he passed out.


  “Don’t worry,” she replied. “The bleeding is slowing down. I’ll get him hooked up to some fluids in a second, once I get these last stitches in.”

  “Fluids?” I replied. “Wow, you’re like a real doctor!?”

  She turned and winked at me. “Really real.”

  I looked up at the stars as Clarice finished stitching up my man. I just couldn’t watch her do it, it was too painful. When she was done, she told me to move the towels and I held Alexei up while she wrapped him up with bandages. It was hard to maneuver in the back of the truck with my big pregnant belly in the way, but I did my best, and soon it was over. The bleeding had stopped.

  He was going to make it, but I was still an absolute wreck.

  My life seemed to play in slow motion as I watched Clarice pull out an IV bag and set the needle in his arm. It was unreal, like I was in the middle of some super dramatic movie and no one had told me. That would have been ideal actually, because it would mean that Alexei was just faking it and he was actually fine. Even if he was going to live, I was furious at whoever that alpha had been that had come for us, and even more worried about whether or not there was more of that to come.

  Chapter Eight


  I woke up with a stinging in my side and a headache that felt like a full bottle of whiskey and a six-pack. From the smell, I could tell I was back at my house—Jude’s and my house—and he was somewhere nearby. I reached out my hand, and I felt him take it.

  “Baby! You’re awake!”

  “Barely,” I joked as I slid into a somewhat seated position. I opened my eyes, which were dry and sore, and saw that I was in my bedroom. Judging by the state of the room, with plates and napkins everywhere, I could guess that Jude had been by my side for some time.

  Of course he was. He’s your mate.

  “Don’t say that!” Jude protested as he hopped onto the bed and got close to me. “How are you feeling? I was afraid I was going to lose you!”

p; “Never,” I replied. “I’m unlosable.”

  “You big oaf,” he scoffed. “If you weren’t wounded and hadn’t just almost died, I would totally smack you right now!”

  “Mmm, why don’t you suck my dick instead?”

  Jude gasped and actually did swat me on the cheek. I laughed—it hurt.

  “What the fuck?” he blurted out. “Are you kidding me, right now? You almost just died on me, and you’re asking for a blowjob? Do you think with anything except your dick?”

  “I’m just kidding,” I told him, sitting up even more and running my hand through his hair. “Sort of.”

  “You are bad,” he smiled as Clarice came into the room.

  “The king has awoken,” she joked. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like a nail hit with a hammer. Can you get this thing out of me?” I pointed to the IV stuck into the inside of my elbow, but Clarice shook her head.

  “Not until the end of the day. You lost a lot of blood. Speaking of which, you should get some food in you. You need to get your strength back and you can’t do that on an empty stomach.”

  “The kitchen’s all yours,” I told her.

  “Oh, you want me to be your personal chef now?” she replied. “Anything else I can do for you while I’m at it?”

  “The living room could use a vacuum.”

  Clarice smirked, screwed up her lips and put her hands on her hips. “You know, you’re lucky I like you, or I’d tell you to get your own meal, or I’d bring you back McDonald’s or something and it would be ice cold by the time I hauled it up the mountain here.”

  “Yeah, but you do like me, Clarice,” I smiled. “And that’s what matters.”

  She turned to go, but before she did, she turned back and pointed at me. “You should wash that horse’s mane you call your hair. Jude did his best to clean it up, but it’s still covered with blood.”

  “Mmm, can I take a shower?” I asked her.


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