Ruled By Pain: Goddess Unveiled Book One

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Ruled By Pain: Goddess Unveiled Book One Page 2

by Sarah Bale

  I groaned. “As you wish.”

  I kissed the base of her neck where her pulse pounded wildly and then moved lower. Her skin was so tan and warm against my lips. I reached her breasts and looked up.

  “Here, my little flower?”

  The term left my lips like it was meant to be. She flushed and nodded. I licked the round mound. She tasted like honeysuckle. I knew she craved more, so I latched onto her nipple and sucked. She moaned and urged me on.

  “Oh god, I’m going to come.”

  I pulled back. “Now that just won’t do.”

  She blinked, eyes full of passion. “Why not?”

  “Because we should both feel pleasure together.”

  Her eyes went to my bulge, which was getting painful.

  “Oh, yes. Yes!”

  She reached out, hands shaking, and unzipped my pants. Her touch was like fire on my skin and I loved it. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to her room, placing her on the bed.

  “I’m going to fuck you properly,” I said, taking my pants off.

  She stared at my body, her nipples hardening into round marbles.

  I stroked myself. “Does my little flower like what she sees?”

  She nodded. “You’re perfect. And mine.”

  It was true. I was hers.

  She laid back on the mattress, beckoning me. I wanted to get to know every inch of her body, but she shook her head.

  “Not now, my dark Lord. Tonight, I just want to feel you deep inside me.”

  My cock twitched, agreeing. I moved over her and entered her in a single thrust. We both sighed. She caressed my cheek as I moved in and out of her body, worshiping her. She cried out as she shattered around me and I was right behind her. Damn. I hadn’t felt anything like that in a long time-

  I jerked awake, shaking with the intensity from my dream. No, that hadn’t been just a dream. It was more than that. Somewhere in my palace, the woman from the diner slept. I knew this because I felt the string that bound us together urging me to find her. If I ignored it, I had no doubt that my feet would take me to her whether I wanted to or not.

  I left my bed and jumped in the pool in the corner of my room. The icy water made my teeth chatter and forced my cock to retreat to its normal size. When I felt more in control, I stepped from the water.

  It was time to find her.



  “Not now, my dark Lord. Tonight, I just want to feel you deep inside me.”

  He moved over me and entered me in a single thrust. We both sighed. I caressed his cheek as he moved in and out of my body, worshiping me. I cried out, shattering and he was right behind me.

  “Little flower, are you ready to give in?”

  “Give in?” I echoed.

  He nodded. “Our time is coming. Soon we will all be together.”

  The door opened, and two men entered the room. My heart filled with warmth.

  “I wondered where you two were.”

  My sweet lover with the smile that filled me with happiness replied, “We knew this was going to be difficult on you.”

  “Hell, it’s hard on us,” my brooding love added.

  The three of them were quite a set. Dark. Light. Pain.

  “And joy, little flower. Don’t forget that you are the joy in our lives.”

  I smiled. “Then come and worship me.”

  They moved toward me, each a glint in their eyes. Oh yes. They were about to make me feel so good.

  Something startled me, and I sat up, but I wasn’t in my bed. Where in the fuck was I? I moved and gasped, my body still tingling from that dream. I was certain it had been the guy from the diner. And then two more men showed up and continued to pleasure me at the same time. It was the naughtiest dream I’d ever had. And it felt so damn real.

  There was a knock on the door and I pulled the silky sheets up to my neck, my fear returning when I confirmed my own thoughts. I didn’t own anything this nice. Oh my god! Had I been kidnapped?

  “Who’s there?”

  “Open the door.”

  His deep voice made my nipples harden and brought back very fresh memories from the dream. God, that dream…

  There was another knock. “Let me in.”

  Shaking my head, I replied, “I don’t think so. Not until you tell me where I am and how I got here.”

  He sighed. “Open the door and I’ll tell you.”

  I stood, and the cool air caressed my very naked body.

  “Oh, my god.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Uh, do you happen to know where my clothes are?”

  He cursed. “Look behind the screen.”

  I saw the privacy screen – the same as in my dream - and my body tingled again. For fuck’s sake, focus! I crossed the room and found a sheer black gown. It was beautiful. I was almost afraid to touch it.

  He cleared his throat from the hallway. Right! I grabbed the gown and slid it over my head. It fit like it was made for me, cupping my breasts, and then flowing freely all the way to my toes. There was a pair of gold sandals on the bench, so I slid them on.

  Inhaling, I closed my eyes for a moment. I hadn’t been able to feel Christian since I’d woken up. And it scared me. What if-

  I’m here.

  “Do you know what’s going on?” I whispered.

  He didn’t answer, but I didn’t expect him to.

  I crossed the room and opened the door. There, before me, was the man from the diner. Wearing some kind of black fabric around his waist, like a sexy man-skirt, and nothing else. My head was level to his very muscular chest. Holy crap.

  He coughed and I met his gaze, my face flaming.

  “Can you tell me how I got here?”

  I was pretty sure the answer was ‘kidnapping’.

  His lips twitched. “I didn’t kidnap you. My name is Hades and you’re in the Underworld.”

  There was no fucking way!

  “Are you out of your mind?”

  His eyes bore into me until I wanted to squirm.

  “Oh, my god. Did you drug me? Is that what happened? Was it at the diner? I didn’t even drink that shitty coffee, though!”

  He sighed and rubbed his temples. He was definitely the guy from earlier, but what I couldn’t figure out was how he’d gotten me from my apartment to…


  My heart missed a beat. “Excuse me?”

  He said, “This is all their fault.”

  “Whose fault?”

  “The Oracles.” He turned from me and yelled out, “Vedah! Get in here now!”

  The air quivered and suddenly and very beautiful woman appeared next to him. Her skin was the palest white I’d ever seen, almost translucent. Her black hair looked shocking against it. But it was her eyes that unnerved me. Black depths that seemed to call me, but what would happen if I looked? Would I be sucked in, never to be found? She blinked, and they cleared, like maybe I had dreamed the darkness.

  Hades crossed his arms and said to the woman, “This happened because of you. So, you get to explain to her where she is, who I am, and who she is.”

  I exhaled. Loudly. “I know who I am. How in the crap did you get me here? Did you drug me? Were you at the club tonight?”

  I was certain I would have remembered seeing this exquisite man-

  He said, “For fuck’s sake, start talking, Vedah!”

  We both turned to Vedah, who smiled.

  “Now is not the time for her to learn everything. Tonight, she must rest. Because tomorrow you shall be married.”

  “Married?” we both exclaimed.

  I shook my head. “Are you freaking kidding me?”

  She vanished without replying and he groaned. I could relate.

  “Will you join me in the dining room? I need a drink and you should eat something.”

  I was going to protest, but my stomach growled loud enough that he heard.

  “Come this way.”

  He led me down a long,
dark hallway without getting too close to me. Candles flickered here and there but didn’t seem to put off any light. We made several turns until I found myself looking at a table filled with food. Grabbing an empty plate, I loaded it down with fruits and cheese. He poured two glasses of wine and set one in front of me before taking a seat at the other end of the table.

  When he’d taken two steps, I felt a pull in my chest, like he was never meant to be that far from me. What a strange thought!

  I followed him, sitting to his right. His eyebrows raised in surprise.


  He said, “I sit here.”


  “And you should sit down there.” He pointed.

  “But we won’t be able to talk. Not without shouting.”

  He sighed, but I wasn’t going to back down. I already felt better since I was close to him again.

  I said, “Look, dude, I just want to go home. So, can we figure out how to make that happen?”


  My skin tingled. Like the myths? I wanted to ask, but I was scared to know the answer.

  “Hades, how do I get home?”

  His forehead creased. “I’m not sure you can go home, Aubrey Davies.”

  “How did you know my name?”

  “Does that even matter in the grand scheme of things?”

  He had a point.

  “You’re right.” I took a deep breath. “Why aren’t you sure I can go home? If you are who you say you are then that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  His beautiful eyes narrowed. “I am.”

  “Okay. So, get me home.”

  “It’s not that simple. As Vedah said, we are expected to be married tomorrow.”

  I dropped the apple in my hand. “You are out of your mind if you think I’m going along with that! We just met!”

  His lips twitched. “Didn’t stop you from having a dream about me.”

  So, he was in my dream! My body quivered at the memory. But I wasn’t going to let him distract me.

  “How do I know it wasn’t your dream?”


  “You heard me. For all I know that was your dream. I mean, you’re the one who came to me in the bathroom.”

  “And you’re the one who came first.”

  My cheeks burned, and my pussy clenched at the memory. “Don’t be a dick.”

  “As I recall, you liked my dick.”

  Oh, god, I had. So fucking much. His and the other two men. He watched me with a bemused look on his face.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Well clearly you were compensating in that dream. There’s no way that was real.”

  I glanced pointedly at his crotch.

  He threw his head back and laughed, loud and deep. “By Gods, my brothers have a sense of humor, that’s for sure. That’s the only way to explain this.”

  I was confused. “What do your brothers have to do with this?”

  “It was their Oracles who foretold your arrival. I understand now. It was just a joke.”

  I laughed a little. “Hilarious. Now get me home.”

  “Believe me, I’m working on it.” He stood. “Eat. I will be back shortly with news.”

  He left before I could respond. And I hated that I kind of missed him.


  I left the dining room, ignoring her thoughts. I, too, felt the pull when I walked away. My soul begged me to rush back to her side where I could serve and protect her, just as the prophecy said I would. I sighed. She would learn to keep control over her thoughts in time. But for now, it helped me to see what was on her mind.

  She was scared, but she also kept thinking about the dream. My cock twitched. She wasn’t the only one. I wondered briefly who the two men who’d joined her dream after I woke up were. It wasn’t unusual for Gods and Goddesses to find pleasure from multiple partners.

  I entered my study and found Vedah sitting at my desk.

  “Have you reached out to your sisters?”

  She frowned. “I do not consider them my sisters.”


  She replied through gritted teeth, “I reached out to them, but they have yet to reply. They’ll be here tomorrow with your brothers, so does it matter?”

  I knew she didn’t get along with her sisters, but I didn’t care at the moment. All that mattered was righting this situation with Aubrey before it was too late. Before something happened to Persephone.

  “It matters. I want that woman sent back to her home.”

  “She is home.”

  “You know what I fucking mean.”

  She stood. “No, my lord, I don’t. You keep fighting what is to be. How is that my fault?”

  “Because you were involved with telling the prophecy. You made this fate come to be.”

  “Oh no, Hades. That isn’t how it works, and you know that. We only say what is to come. We don’t have control over it any more than you can control the sea or the sky.” She patted my arm. “You should know some things about Aubrey Davies, though. I think you will understand why she was chosen.”

  There was a burst of pain where her hand touched my skin. And then I saw what she saw. Flashes of information so fast that my head ached.

  Aubrey was young – a mere twenty-five years old.

  She was an artist, known for her paintings of flowers. How ironic.

  Her parents and a sibling died in a tragic accident when she was young.

  The grandparents who raised her died recently, too.

  But the most surprising thing was she was able to see the dead. Or, at least, one spirit who traveled with her even now.

  I hadn’t sensed it at the diner and I definitely hadn’t sensed it while we were in my fucking dining room. Anger rolled off me in waves.

  “Who is he?”

  Vedah smiled and it irked me.

  “She has known him her whole life.”

  “Does she love him?”

  For some reason this mattered. A fucking lot.

  “You will have to ask her.”

  I spun and left the room, seeking Aubrey. I found her sitting at the table staring off in space. She looked so lost that it made me pause for a moment.

  “Spirit, come to me.”

  Aubrey jumped at my voice. There was a ripple next to her, one I’m sure she didn’t notice. But I did. And it pissed me off that he wasn’t answering me, the Lord of the Underworld.

  “Spirit. Now.”

  I walked to the mantle and picked up an orb. I rarely needed to use them these days, but I would force him out if he didn’t heed my command.

  Aubrey asked, “Who are you talking to?”

  “The being that follows you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Christian? Why do you need him?”

  Knowing his name only irritated me more.

  “Spirit, this is your last chance.”

  The orb glowed red, a warning.

  “Christian, please listen to him. I don’t want him to hurt you.”

  The air rippled as he moved toward me. When he was close enough I willed him into the orb. He stared up at me, eyes filled with rage.

  “Calm yourself, spirit. I mean no harm.”

  Aubrey stood and came to my side. In the light of the fire I could see right through her gown. I wanted nothing more than to rip it from her body and take her on the fur rug beneath our feet. My body responded, and I cursed.

  “If you’re not going to hurt him then can I have him?”

  I blinked, clearing my thoughts. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  I didn’t have a reason other than I didn’t want a spirit who wasn’t loyal to me roaming my realm. Especially with her.

  Aubrey’s forehead creased. “Please give him back.”

  “I can’t until I know how he got here.”

  “He came with me.”

  I shook my head. “It’s not that simple. I am the Lord of the Underworld. I know all who enter.”

  Her pulse pounded at the base of
her neck. She was worried that I was going to hurt him, making me feel like a huge dick.

  “Aubrey, I promise I’m not going to hurt him. I just need to know what his business is.”

  “He was my friend. Is my friend. He doesn’t have any business with anyone.”

  There was truth in the depths of her eyes.

  “Then why didn’t he cross?”

  Her lips trembled. “Because I asked him not to.”

  The air left my lungs in a rush. If that were true, then this poor spirit had endured the worst pain in the universe by not crossing over. The orb glowed yellow, confirming her word.

  “Why did you ask him to stay?”

  Tears fell freely down her face. “Because I loved him.”



  As soon as I said the words, I wanted to take them back. Hades’ expression turned murderous and, seeing as he was the ruler of death, I had no doubt that he could follow through. The other part that bothered me was that I’d used past tense. Not love but loved Christian. When had that become true?

  Before I could process the thought, Hades stepped closer to me. His nearness made me tremble and I felt the pull again. All I had to do was lean in, too, and press my lips against his…

  “You may love him, but he cannot be here. He was never meant to come to the Underworld.”

  “You’re acting like I did something wrong.”

  And it pissed me off.

  “You did. What right did you have to ask him to stay with you?”

  His tone rubbed me the wrong way. I had every right! Didn’t I?

  “Are you asking because I did something wrong or because you’re jealous?”

  His eyes flashed, and I swear I saw fire in the depths.

  “Careful, little flower.”

  I shivered and not entirely out of fear.

  “Or what? You’ll pluck me up and I’ll never be seen again?” I snapped my fingers. “Oh wait…”

  “I didn’t pluck you up. As I’ve said, the Oracles-”

  “Right.” I dragged the word out. “Convenient.”

  He cursed, and I knew I was treading on thin ice. But playing with fire was kind of fun.

  A memory from my high school history class crossed my mind and I blurted out, “Wait. Aren’t you married? Where is she? Let me guess, she’s probably locked away in a dungeon or something.”


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