Ruled By Pain: Goddess Unveiled Book One

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Ruled By Pain: Goddess Unveiled Book One Page 12

by Sarah Bale

  She butted my hip with her hip. “You might be my hero. Come on. I just got this in.”

  She led me through the curtain and to the first room on the left. It was a storeroom filled with boxes. She went to an opened one on a table.

  “I was unpacking these when you came in the store. What do you think about this?”

  She held up a piece of lingerie and my mouth dropped open. It was black but caught the light and sparkled. It reminded me of the Underworld and the magic to be found there.

  “Oh yes.”

  She said, “It comes with a bra and crotchless panty set. Let me grab those as well.”

  She put my items in a sack and filled it with pink tissue paper.

  “Now don’t let those boys peek. This will be a grand surprise for them.”

  I replied, “I won’t. And thank you.”

  We went to the main store where Ares and Hermes waited. Hermes paid for our items and we left with several bags. Ares pointed to an alleyway.


  We stepped into the shadows and our bags disappeared.

  I giggled. “That was fun.”

  Ares kissed me loudly. “Most fun I’ve had in a long time.”

  “I was afraid she was going to hear you two. You were going at it so hard that the clock was shaking on the wall.”

  I laughed, and Ares looked pleased with himself.

  “So, where are we supposed to meet Zeus at?”

  Hermes said, “Paris.”

  “Paris? I’ve never been to Paris.”

  Hermes grinned at me. “When everything is settled I’ll have to take you on a real honeymoon. We’ll go see everything.”

  I laughed. “Everything? That might take a while.”

  “You’re immortal, Aubrey. You have all the time in the world.”

  Something about his words made me sad. He was right. I would never grow old and time would march on. But the people I knew here and now wouldn’t be around forever.

  He touched my arm. “That’s the price we pay. We watch people come and go. In the end we only have each other.”

  I smiled up at him. “Then I am very lucky indeed to have three partners to spend eternity with.”



  The air crackled and popped around us as the portal opened. We stepped through it holding hands. When we came out on the other side we were in Paris. The Eiffel Tower stood tall and proud in the distance. I shivered as a cool breeze blew around us.

  “I didn’t think it would be so chilly here. It’s summertime.”

  Hermes replied, “It’s not usually this cold. Zeus must be here. I’ve been told the weather is bowing to his emotions.”

  He led us to a very fancy hotel and spoke French to the man in front of the building.

  Ares wrapped his arms around me and I was surrounded by his warmth.

  “Be prepared- my brother can be intimidating at first.”

  I snuggled into his arms. “I’m not scared. I just hope he has news that will help us.”

  Hermes called out for us and we followed him into the hotel. A woman having afternoon tea sat in a chair in the lobby dressed to the nines. She sneered as we passed and a little dog in her purse barked at us.

  I smoothed my short skirt. “Guess we missed the dress code memo.”

  Ares said, “You could always strip. The French are more understanding about nudity.”

  Hermes laughed. “Only in certain areas.”

  “You just want me to get naked,” I replied, swatting Ares.

  We passed a man, who scowled at us. I was worried we’d be asked to leave, but luckily, we reached the elevators. We stepped inside, and I cringed. Apparently upscale places still used cheesy music in their elevators. Hermes reached out and pushed the button for the top floor.

  “Figures he’s at the top.” Ares muttered. “Always has to be higher than the mere mortals.”

  There was a ding as we reached our destination. We stepped off and I realized the entire floor was a single suite. I couldn’t imagine how much this would cost a normal person. Ahead, a tall man wearing a designer suit stood in front of a window that held a stunning view of Paris.

  He turned, bowing at the waist. I was taken aback by his beauty. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and muscles that couldn’t be hidden by his suit. Simply gorgeous. But I felt no attraction to him, only curiosity. It was like meeting the Great and Powerful Oz.

  Ares touched my back. You may be the first woman in the universe who’s not been affected by him.


  Hermes jumped in on our silent conversation. It’s quite flattering knowing you felt nothing for him. And thank Gods you didn’t bond.

  I swallowed my surprise. I hadn’t even thought about the possibility of bonding with Zeus!

  Zeus cleared his throat. “Brothers. Sister. Thank you for coming.”

  It was strange being called Zeus’ sister.

  I said, “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  He gave me a sad smile and I noticed there were bags under his eyes.

  “I’m sorry I could not attend the wedding. Please forgive me.” He blinked away tears as he finished speaking.

  Without thinking I crossed the room and pulled him into a hug.

  “There is no need to apologize. We understand.” I looked up at him. “How is Hera?”

  “Not well,” he whispered. “I shouldn’t have left, but my Oracle said this meeting was urgent.”

  Hermes spoke up. “That’s why we are here. We’ve been betrayed by Hades’ Oracle.”

  Zeus nodded. “That is what Osumare said. Tell me, brothers, do you know how she came to betray Hades?”

  Ares said, “We do not. And she’s not working alone. Do you have any idea who she’s working with? Perhaps your own Oracle?”

  “Do not dare to insult Osumare! She has been loyal and honest.” He looked out the window as the sky darkened. “Too honest.”

  Thunder boomed in the distance and the wind howled as if it sensed his pain.

  I touched his arm. “Did she tell you Vedah was going to betray us?”

  “She did. But there was nothing I could do. The Fates would have it this way.”

  Ares spat out, “Typical. You have no problem fucking up the Fates’ plans when it suits you, but fuck anyone else.”

  Ares was being too harsh. I glared at him, but he ignored me.

  “You are right, brother. I have always looked out for my best interest. But that is not the case now.” Zeus’ voice lowered. “My wife grows worse each day. Osumare warned that if I interfere now I will delay the reveal of my new spouse. And I will not put Hera through any more pain than needed.”

  I believed him.

  I said, “That’s noble of you.”

  Outside, rain poured from the heavens and flooded the streets below. I shivered.

  Zeus finally said, “Noble? I don’t know about that, but it’s the least I can do for Hera after being a shitty husband.”

  Hermes asked, “Do you know where the new Goddess is?”

  The hotel swayed due to the force of the winds outside.

  Zeus replied, “I do not.” To me, he asked, “How did you meet Hades?”

  “About three months ago I was being followed after I left a club, so I went into a diner to hide. Hades was there and when he came out it was like… magic. We bonded right there.” I shook my head remembering the spark I’d felt when Hades met my gaze. “I’d never felt anything like that before, until Hermes and Ares showed up.”

  Zeus nodded. “That’s what Osumare said would happen when it was my turn. That it would be something I’ve never felt before and there would be no denying it.”

  Lighting lit up the sky and weaved a beautiful pattern. Was this because of Zeus’s emotions or was it something else? A warning?

  Hermes said, “Brother, I feel there is an ax hanging over our heads. We must figure out who Vedah is working with. Do you know anything that can help us?”

this- Osumare said Vedah left you a note. She said that Vedah is telling the truth. That is all I know.”

  The moment I touched the note in my room I knew that she was telling the truth, which didn’t make me feel better.

  Zeus flinched. “I must go. I’m being called back to my realm.”

  He disappeared an instant later and the weather returned to normal, except for the raindrops running down the windows. I turned to my husbands.

  “I can’t believe the weather. Was it truly because of his pain?”

  Hermes nodded. “His heart is breaking. I fear the mortals will suffer when Hera passes.”

  I put my hand over my heart. “I feel so bad for him.”

  Ares agreed. “Poor bastard. I know how he’s feeling. But I was expecting to leave with more information.”

  Hermes said, “He gave away plenty. His Oracle is not working with Vedah, which is good. And Vedah’s note is true, which means we need to take a closer look at who’s in the Underworld that could be working with her.”

  Ares said, “Let us go home, then. Hades will be chomping at the bit to hear our news.”

  I smiled and said, “It makes me happy to hear you call the Underworld home.”

  He kissed my forehead. “It is. I’m at home wherever you are.”

  Hermes said, “The portal is opening. Come.”

  There, in the middle of the room, a portal appeared. We stepped through and a moment later we were in the great room in the Underworld. Hades stood from his throne and crossed the room in three steps, pulling me into his arms.

  I kissed him. “I missed you.”

  “And I you.”

  “We talked to Zeus. Hera isn’t doing well.”

  Hades nodded. “I figured as much. Did he say anything else?”

  “He said Osumare wasn’t working with Vedah.”

  Hades glanced at Hermes. “What about Doria? Has Poseidon said anything about her?”

  Hermes replied, “Poseidon was at his palace under the sea and didn’t respond to me.”

  Ares said, “I doubt Doria is involved. She keeps to herself.”

  Hades scoffed. “You’ve always had a sweet spot for her.”

  “That may be, brother, but I still don’t think she’s involved. She’s too loyal to Poseidon and his realm.”

  I said, “Guys, focus. I really don’t think it’s the other Oracles. Who else would have access to the Underworld?”

  Hades went back to his ebony throne and sat. The spirits had been busy changings things here and there to accommodate my husbands and I until each room felt homey. I took the ivory throne to Hades’ right. Next to mine was a throne of brass, which Ares sat on, throwing his leg over one of the arms. Hermes throne was made of stone and there was a cushion made of goatskin.

  “I was thinking about that while the three of you were gone.” Hades frowned. “I think we may need to look at the spirits.”

  Hermes sat up straight. “I never even thought about them!”

  “Surely not.” I said. “They’ve all been so nice and kind.”

  Hades gave me a grim smile. “The ones that are allowed to roam freely are kind, but not every soul here is as pure.”

  Ares asked, “What about Tartarus? Is everyone accounted for there?”

  “Yes, but it won’t hurt to do a thorough investigation just to be safe. My gut is telling me that is the direction we need to look.”

  I knew without asking that Tartarus was where the worst offenders were kept. My skin felt clammy and I shivered.

  “Do not worry, my flower. You won’t go near that place.”

  Ares agreed. “You will stay in the palace where you are safe.”

  Hermes said, “I will stay with you.”

  “I don’t think so,” Ares said. “You are not a fighter, brother. Our wife needs someone that can protect her. No, I will stay here.”

  Hades nodded. “This is a good plan. Hermes?”

  He sighed. “Fine.”

  I felt bad that he was going somewhere he didn’t want to.

  Do not worry, light of my life. I might not be a fighter, but I’m cunning.

  I smiled.

  Then I shall not worry, love.

  Ares said, “You two should go now. We don’t want whoever Vedah is working with to gain an upper hand.”

  Hades and Hermes stood. Hades picked up a helmet from a shelf.

  “That’s really not fair,” Hermes said. “You’ll be invisible.”

  “And you have wings on your shoes. We’ll both be fine,” Hades retorted.

  He winked at me and disappeared when he put his helmet on. A moment later warm breath hit my neck and a hand touched my shoulder.

  I laughed. “That helmet could be fun in the bedroom.”

  Hades laughed, though I couldn’t see him, and replied, “Noted.”

  His lips pressed against my cheek in a kiss. Hermes waved goodbye as they left. When they were gone, I turned to Ares.

  “They’ll be okay, won’t they?”

  “I think so.” He looked off into the distance. “Tartarus is not a good place. It fuels anger and rage, which is why I offered to stay behind. Sometimes war lust isn’t helpful.”

  He was worried he would lose himself.

  I touched his arm. “I’m glad you stayed.”

  He smiled. “Let’s just hope Hades doesn’t get carried away in there. The spirits fear him, with good reason, but he’s been known to overreact to get answers.”

  “Hermes will calm him.”

  If I knew one thing about my sweet husband, it was that he had a calming effect on people.

  “That’s one of his gifts. When we were younger he would use it while robbing people. They never saw it coming because he made them feel so good.”

  I asked, “What special gift do you have?”

  “Obviously the war stuff. But a little-known talent is that fire obeys me. Watch.”

  He closed his eyes. There was a sound from the fireplace and the flames crackled and popped. He raised his hand and the flames rose upward.

  “It’s not that impressive, but it’s helpful on the battlefield.”

  I replied, “I think it’s great.”


  “But when are my powers going to come in? Vedah implied it should have happened on our wedding night. I feel stronger, but that’s it.”

  And I didn’t think hiding my thoughts from Vedah really counted as a gift or power.

  Ares said, “There’s no answer for that, sadly. When we were made our powers were there from the beginning, but you were not made the same way as us.”

  That’s what I was afraid of.

  “Growing up I used to see ghosts and my parents told me it was a curse. After they died I got to see them for a moment before they crossed over and I knew it was a gift.” I sighed. “I just feel like there’s more inside of me, waiting to come out.”

  “That’s probably accurate. You will have some of Persephone and Aphrodite’s powers, but it’s very possible you will have your own gifts as well.”

  I didn’t reply. Instead I said, “We should eat something.”

  Ares grinned. “Eating will be the safer distraction to be sure.”

  Always had sex on his brain.

  This made me smile. “I told you no sex until we’re safe.”

  “What about earlier?”

  “Sex on the surface doesn’t count.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “Noted.”

  “Come on, you fiend. I’m hungry.”

  We went to the dining room. I noticed there weren’t many spirits about as we walked.

  “Did Hades send the spirits somewhere?”

  Ares replied, “I believe he sent them underneath the palace where they will be safe.”

  This made me feel better. When we entered the dining room I was surprised to see Diana.

  You should be with the others.

  She smiled. I wish to serve my Queen.

  Thank you, Diana.

re was a ripple in the air as she disappeared.

  “One of the spirits stayed behind,” I said as I took my seat.


  “Diana, the first one Hades introduced to me.”

  “Ah, she’s been around for a while.”

  “Will she be okay, though?”

  He nodded. “She should be.”

  We filled our plates and enjoyed our dinner together. I couldn’t help but wonder if Hades and Hermes were safe. I was about to say just that when the palace shook. Plates and dished broke as they hit the floor.

  “Ares,” I cried out.

  He was next to me a moment later, holding me until the ground stopped moving.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  His expression was grim. “It came from Tartarus.”

  I knew with all my being that this wasn’t a good thing.

  “Is it Hades? Did he do this?”

  “I’ve seen him angry before, but never to this point.” He turned and faced me. “I fear something has happened. I tried to reach out to him and Hermes and there was no response.”

  I closed my eyes and willed my husbands to answer me. But nothing happened. It was like our connection was broken. And that scared the shit out of me.

  “What do we do?”

  Ares replied. “I am going to Tartarus and see if anything is amiss. You will stay here where you’re safe.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m not going to sit here while you run into a trap.”

  His eyes flashed. “Did it sound like I was giving you an option? I apologize. What I meant was you will stay here. End of discussion.”

  He left me standing in the great room. I glared in his wake and followed him to the hallway where he put a helmet on.

  “I’m going to let that little incident pass because you haven’t known me that long, Ares.”

  His eyebrow cocked, and he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “But you’re delusional if you think I’m going to sit here while you rush into danger. If something happened to them, two Gods, then it can happen to you, too. And I’m not going to sit here while-”

  “Fine. You need to change though. There should be armor in your chambers.”

  I felt like this was a trap.

  He sighed. “I will come with you and wait while you change. But we must hurry.”


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