The Best Laid Plans (Brothers of the Bayou)

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The Best Laid Plans (Brothers of the Bayou) Page 13

by Peterson, Renee

  There was work to be done at the scene but the bare minimum personnel remained. The rest, along with Beaux and Lacy had to return for procedural questioning and statements and they had to go now before the bayou rose any higher. There fight wasn’t over yet as the road out was completely flooded. Lacy grabbed hold of Beaux for dear life, unwilling to give in after they survived all this. Beaux got back in the truck backing it up and going the other way with no avail. He saw no other way. He spoke with the other officers who also were stranded. There was only one way out. “Lacy, do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” she answered unequivocally.

  “Climb in the back bed of the truck. That will bide us some time as the water rises. The sheriff’s department is sending boats in from the other side. We’re going to have to take them back over.”

  Lacy nodded in agreement. Normally, riding a small boat down a flooded road in the middle of a category four storm would scare her. After tonight, this was mere survival without a thought to the fear. What seemed like hours, but was only minutes passed before the boats arrives. The boat rocked from side to side as the wind whipped the water this way and that. At long last they made it to the other side, letting out a long sigh of relief. They were ushered into SUVs and given towels to dry off with and were still dripping wet when they reached the sheriff’s department and a kind receptionist brought them out a change of clothes.

  Beaux and Lacy gave their statements and were informed her father was also arrested tonight thanks to the truth of Levi coming to light. Mrs. Landon would be facing a host of charges once she was released from the hospital. Detective Martin called and they spoke with him over the phone. “We believe you two are no longer in danger. It’s over now.” They hung up the phone in dire relief they had reached the end and now they could start on their beginning.

  There in the Sheriff’s Office, wearing simple sweats and no shoes or socks, Beaux got down on one knee taking Lacy’s hand in his.

  “Lacy Katelyn Landon, I promised you when this was over I would make you my wife. Now it’s over and I don’t want to wait another second. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” she squealed as she jumped up and wrapped her arm around his neck, showering him in kisses.

  Chapter 14:

  Blue skies and calm wind greeted Southern Louisiana the following morning in a stark contrast to the hours prior. Jared had driven through the night and met the newly engaged couple at the sheriff’s office. He would take them home until the water receded and Beaux’s truck could be recovered. They drove home surveying the damage around them. Many houses were destroyed and trees were down creating an obstacle course on the road.

  Beaux and Lacy sat together in the rear bench seat of Jared’s crew cab, too in love to notice the damage around them and finally able to release themselves completely to the gifts they were given. Jared glanced in the rearview mirror, pushing back the longing to find what his brother had found.

  “Do you want to swing by the bar on the way home to check the damage?” he asked.

  Beaux looked at Lacy before answering. “We may as well. Once we’re home, I’d like to stay home.”

  The instant the bar came in view they knew it was a complete loss. The roof was gone, and a large tree had fallen, leaving only two walls standing. They walked closer to investigate, confirming the extent of damage and that they would have to rebuild from scratch.

  “I’m so sorry,” Lacy said to the brothers.

  Beaux looked her straight in the eyes as he placed his hands on her shoulders. “The bar can be rebuilt. There is nothing today that could take away from having you back with me, knowing that soon, you will be my wife.”

  They left the bar with no intentions of dealing with it further for the day. Beaux’s home had miraculously escaped all but minor damage and had no flooding. Lacy wanted to be alone with Beaux but they still had matters to take care of. Sara and Justin were on their way over, and Lacy knew that reunion was important as well as needed for all of them.

  She put a pot of coffee brewing despite the warm temperatures and the three sat around the table while waiting for Sara and Justin.

  “Hey Jared, did you say Monica was the one who discovered Levi’s identity?” Beaux asked his brother as bits of discarded thoughts from yesterday returned.

  “Yes, I don’t know all the details yet though because I left for here before she was fully coherent.”

  “So you’ve been in South Carolina with her all this time?” Beaux asked with raised eyebrows.

  Jared’s face turned red as he realized his admission. Lacy grinned, knowing there was hope yet for him.

  “Have you talked to mom?” he asked his little brother, trying to change to conversation.

  “Yes. You need to call her ASAP. She hasn’t heard from you since your drunken phone call to her last week and she’s worried. Thanks for spilling the beans again by the way.”

  “Sorry little bro, I was in a rough spot, but I told you she’d be happy about the baby. I promise I’ll call her today and smooth things over.”

  “She wants to have a family dinner soon. Rafe is coming home and mom expects us all there, including Mary.”

  “Sure thing.”

  A knock on the door announced Sara and Justin’s arrival. Beaux let them in and Lacy and Sara ran to each other, clinging both to the joy in liberation they had found from their parents and grief as survivors from a traumatic ordeal. As Lacy relayed the details Sara flinched often, as she heard the truth about her mom and faced that her long awaited brother was now dead.

  “Sara, there is something else I have to tell you. For what it’s worth, your dad wanted to come clean. He was going to break away from everything to do better for you and his grandchild.”

  A single tear rolled down Sara’s cheek. Her heart was too hardened to grant any forgiveness for now, but a seed of healing had been planted.

  That evening Lacy and Beaux were finally alone, cherishing their every moment. They sat outside on the patio, unable to walk through the rain-drenched yard.

  Beaux knelt beside Lacy and pulled out a small box.

  “Ma chère, I asked you last night if you would marry me. You promised me a life together and you deserve to have a proper memory for the beginning of that life. We have had anything but a traditional romance. Time matters little when you know you have the found the answer to your prayers. In our short time together we have faced trials that bonded us and will only make us stronger in the days ahead. You are my life and my breath Lacy Katelyn. Will you accept this ring?” he opened the box to reveal a perfect princess diamond solitaire set in a platinum band.

  She held her hand out for him to slip the ring on, and then whispered in his ear, “You by dear Beaux are my Joie de Vivre.”


  Lacy and Sara set the table while Beaux and Justin debated the best way to carve the turkey.

  “Come on you two, the rest of the food is getting cold. Don’t make the women show you how to do it.” Sara placed the bait and the men took it. The final tray was added to the table and they sat down to eat.

  Each couple beamed at each other, having so much to be thankful for this year.

  “Ouch,” cried Lacy.

  Beaux’s eyebrows wrinkled in concern. “Are you okay Lacy?”

  “Sorry, little Beaux soccer punched me in the ribs.” She took Beaux’s hand placing it where the baby was still kicking. His hand remained, until the kicking subsided.

  “Our boy will be strong and healthy,” he declared, interrupted by a knock on the door. “That must be Jared. He said he was bringing a surprise.”

  The End

  Continue reading for a sample from The Best of Intentions: Brothers of the Bayou Book 2- Coming in April 2013

  Jared had drank entirely too much, even by his standards. If standing up singing a karaoke version of Luke Bryan, shaking his rear to ogling drunk women wasn’t evidence enough, there was also the pounding in his head indicating the still drunk hangover.
He scouted the women, looking for any who might be worth taking home for the night, but none held his interest. Damn it, maybe he hadn’t had enough to drink if his conscience was still active. He got off the stage calling it a night, tossing his keys to Rafe.

  “Let’s go, big brother,” he barked, assuming as usual his orders would be followed.

  Rafe looked at him with disgust, but took the keys and walked out. He waited for his brother outside, knowing he was still inside flirting with some girl filled with drunken false bravado. When Jared still hadn’t exited the building thirty minutes later, Rafe reluctantly went inside to physically drag him out. Sure enough, there he was talking with a cheap blonde whose cleavage left little to the imagination.

  “You’re done here, Jared. Play times over.” Rafe had little use for his brother’s charades, but he was his brother nonetheless. He loved him too much to allow him shame from another cheap one night stand.

  “Change of plans Rafe, Ashley here will be taking me home.”

  “You don’t even know her. Get moving before I drag you out on your ass.”

  “Simmer down bro.”

  “Jared, I’m warning you for the last time.”

  The cheap blonde flipped her hair back. “I’ll catch you next time sexy. You’re daddy says it’s bedtime.”

  Hell no, Jared thought. Not only did his brother just cock block him, but embarrassed him in front of… What was that blonde’s name? Not that it mattered now anyway. He was almost drunk enough to take a slug at his brother but sober enough to know that would be stupid on various levels. Jared could hold his own in a fight but his brother served too many years in the military to mess with.

  With an attitude, he stumbled into the passenger seat of his truck tuning out his brother’s lecture. Did Rafe ever just cut loose and have fun? Sometimes, he wondered if they were really even brothers. Even Beaux knew how to just relax and enjoy life. Okay, so maybe sometimes Jared took it to extremes, but he was young and single why not? His job was stressful and weekends were his time to unwind and recharge. Well, maybe not recharge since it was usually Tuesday by the time he recovered from his drunken exploits over the weekend. He wasn’t opposed to settling down if the right girl ever came along but so far she hadn’t. A niggling voice in the back of his head tried to tell him something, but he blatantly ignored it. “Damn conscience again.”

  “What did you say?”

  “Huh?” Did he speak out loud?

  “Seriously Jared, just how much did you have to drink tonight? You’re sitting there mumbling all types of shit that doesn’t make sense.”

  “Whatever Rafe. I don’t need you starting on some sermon right now.”

  “You’re pathetic, you know that? You just need to grow the hell up.”

  “At least I don’t walk around with a stick up my ass all the time.”

  “I’m done with this conversation. I’ll be back tomorrow with your truck.”

  Jared didn’t have the energy to argue anymore. He knew his brother was right even when he was loathe to admit it, but what did he know? His brother had no feelings to drink away. He didn’t care about anything, except his career. Hell, he never even came home except when mom laid a guilt trip on him. He probably had never even known a woman. The thought of his brother a virgin made him laugh. That would serve him right for being such a stick in the mud all the time.

  Staggering up his front steps, he fought with his keys before finally getting the door unlocked. He made it to the sofa and lay down, hoping to pass out in a drunken blur. Otherwise his damn conscience might start talking again, telling him what he didn’t want to hear. Oh screw it, he pulled out his phone and made the phone call he had been dreading.

  “Jared? It’s two in the morning. What’s going on?”

  Drunken courage was gone when he heard her voice and he hung up without a word.

  About the Author:

  Renee Peterson is the author of several works with many more in progress. She spends most of her time raising two young kids and the remaining part of her time reading and creating stories of the places she’s been and the places she wants to go. She grew up in the country side of Maryland, but has traveled around the country living in California’s Mojave Desert, along the Crystal Coast of North Carolina and now resides in the Cajun country of Southern Louisiana where she has fallen in love with the culture and food. Renee loves hearing from her fans and welcomes their feedback. You can find her on twitter @reneepeterson18 and email [email protected]




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