Where Shadows Lie

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Where Shadows Lie Page 9

by Kim Stokely

  Renee giggled, totally charmed with his accent. She tried to get him to talk more about himself. I nodded when he glanced my way. I figured he was smart enough to leave out the weird stuff. He talked about the farm his family lived on and hunting in the forest for rabbit and deer. His eyes welled up when he talked about his mother and little brother.

  Renee must have seen it too. “Have you been away from them long?”

  “A few weeks now.”

  “Why didn’t they come with you?” she asked.

  Tegan’s eyes darted to my face but he didn’t answer her.

  I leaned forward. “Tegan’s in trouble for helping me. He . . . he had to get away.”

  I’d never been so grateful to see pizza arrive. Not only because I’d been craving it for weeks, but because it created an instant change of topic. We watched Tegan take a bite. I hoped he liked it.

  His mouth broke into a wide smile. “It looks disgustin’ but it’s very good, no?”

  “Aye,” Renee said, “it is!”

  We polished off the pizza and another round of root beer in a little under an hour. Kennis had given me cash to pay for the meal and I left our waitress a sizeable tip. My mom and I wouldn’t need money where we were going. I grabbed a handful of peppermints from the bowl by the register and passed them out as we left the restaurant. The late summer sun hung on the horizon as if trying to squeeze out a few more minutes of daylight.

  “Let’s go down to the dock,” Renee suggested, and we all agreed some exercise might help us digest the massive amounts of carbs we’d eaten. We walked side-by-side through the quiet streets, too full from dinner to talk much. The sun lost its battle with the sky and the moon glowed silver over the ocean by the time we got to the dock. A breeze stirred the water so it slapped gently against the wooden poles.

  Josh’s pace slowed as we walked toward the pier. He grabbed my hand, pulling me to his side. Renee and Tegan didn’t notice.

  He turned me to face him “We need to talk.”

  I couldn’t help my gaze traveling over to Tegan’s back. I worried about my friend from Ayden and what Renee might ask him. He wasn’t good at lying.

  “What’s going on between you two?” Josh asked.

  I looked up into his eyes. The moonlight reflected his worry and anger. “Nothing.”

  Josh strode toward the stone wall surrounding the parking lot. “Who is he?”

  I hesitated.

  Josh sat down on the rocks. He rested his elbows on his knees. “Please, Ally. I have to know.”

  I stood in front of him, the sea wind blowing my skirt up around my legs. “I’ll be gone in a few days. None of this will matter anyway.”

  He lowered his head and mumbled something.


  He spoke a little louder. “After all these years, you still don’t know me, do you?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He swore under his breath. “Don’t you know by now that I love you? That the past three months just about killed me and I’d do anything to stay with you?”

  I stepped back. I think I’d known how Josh felt about me, but somehow, by unspoken agreement, we’d never admitted it to each other. Like saying it out loud would break the circle of friendship between me, him and Renee.

  He let out a frustrated breath. “You’re not going to say anything?”

  I rubbed my stomach, wishing I hadn’t eaten so much pizza. Josh watched me and waited. I couldn’t think of anything to say.

  Josh gestured with his head toward the dock. “It’s him, isn’t it? You’re in love with him.”

  “No,” I shook my head. “Maybe . . . but . . . .”

  “But what?”

  I walked toward the road, trying to sort out my thoughts. Wanting to tell him the whole truth, knowing it would sound too insane. His footsteps crunched on the gravel behind me.

  “Ally, talk to me.”

  I stopped but didn’t turn to face him. “There are so many spinning parts to my life right now. I don’t know what’s real and what’s not anymore.”

  Josh stepped around me, took my face in his hands and kissed me. It wasn’t the brother/sister kiss we’d shared when we were ten. He’d obviously been thinking about this for a long time. In my shock, I tried to push him away. He slid one hand around to my neck and the other to the small of my back.

  My head filled with the subtle scent of his cologne and the taste of peppermint on his tongue. He pressed me closer, as if afraid I might run away.

  He pulled his head from mine for a moment and stared down at me, his eyes full of questions. I stood on my tip-toes so I could answer them with my lips. He groaned as we kissed again, his body bending to mine.

  I knew what I felt for Josh wasn’t the same thing he felt for me. The fire that Tegan’s kisses ignited in me just weren’t sparking with Josh. But at this moment, with all the uncertainty looming over my head, it felt wonderful to have someone love me.

  “Let’s go down by the water,” I suggested.

  He ran his fingers down my arm and took my hand. Halfway along the rock wall was a path of narrow stone steps that ended at a sliver of sand by the water. Josh took the lead, turning around when he reached the bottom. I stopped a step above him so that we stood at the same height.

  “Tell me about Tegan.”

  I reached out to touch his cheek. “He’s not my cousin.”

  Josh nodded.

  “He and his family risked their lives to help me find my relatives. It was pretty intense.”

  “He loves you.”

  “Maybe.” I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Josh’s voice rose. “What happened to you, Ally? I’ve never known you to be so cold.”

  The wind picked up. “Tegan’s feelings don’t matter because he’s already told me he can’t act on them. We can never be together.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  I folded my arm across my chest to fend off the chill that came from the breeze blowing off the water. “It’s a different world that he comes from. They have different rules.” I shivered.

  Josh opened his arms and I stepped inside his warm embrace. He kissed my forehead. I reveled in this moment, feeling safe and protected and loved.

  “Don’t leave, Ally,” he whispered. “We’ll go to the authorities here. They can protect you.”

  “There’s nothing they can do. The men who want me . . . they aren’t afraid of the police.”

  “Then we’ll run away together. You and me. We’ll hide in a big city, like New York or L.A.”

  I melted into his arms, wishing I could stay there forever. For a moment I believed he might be right, that we could be safe somewhere away from here. But then a tingling sensation raced up my back. It wasn’t passion that caused this kind of reaction in my body, but the coming of something evil.

  I pushed him away. “Run, Josh!”

  He stumbled. “What?”

  “Run! I can’t explain right now!” I jumped off the stairs. “Find Tegan! Tell him they’ve found me!” A whirlwind invaded my mind. I searched the beach for whoever took the passage through. Josh didn’t move. “Get out of here!”

  He turned and ran into the Portal that appeared behind him.

  The roaring wind in my head went silent. Josh squirmed to get free of the robed figure that now clutched his arm. I couldn’t see the Portal’s face, but I could make out the fingers that dug into Josh’s flesh.

  “Your Majesty,” the newcomer hissed. “I’m so glad to have found you.”

  It was Sigal.

  “What do you want?”

  “I should think that was obvious. Return with me to Ayden and your lover can go free.”

  I stared at Josh, realizing that Sigal thought he was Tegan. This would not go well. I called to Quinn in my mind. They’ve found me! Sigal is here!

  I sensed Quinn’s panic rather than heard him say anything. I kept my voice level as I addressed the Portal again. “Let him go.” />
  “Come back with me and he will be safe.”

  Josh jammed his elbow into Sigal’s stomach and wrenched himself away from her grasp as she bent forward from the pain. He managed to go two or three steps before she held out the Chrysaline.

  “No!” I screamed as white flame engulfed him and he collapsed. The bolt disappeared, but Josh’s body convulsed on the sand.

  Sigal walked over and placed her foot on his back. “Come with me, or I’ll kill him now.”

  Quinn and Geran appeared by my side.

  Josh moaned but Sigal kicked him to be quiet. “Quinn? I should have known you were a traitor. And who is your friend?”

  Quinn stood tall. “Surely you remember Geran, the Elder?”

  Now it was the Portal’s turn to look afraid. “Geran lives?”

  My father straightened his shoulders. “Let go of the boy.”

  “Not unless your daughter consents to return with me. Lord Braedon is anxious for her coronation to proceed as planned.”

  “She has every intention of returning to Ayden.”

  “Then why did she leave?” Sigal asked.

  Quinn took a step forward. “She wanted her family with her. She returned so she could bring them back.”

  Sigal raised a brow. “The Lord Regent will not like that.”

  My hatred of Braedon bubbled up. “What do I care what he would like? I’ll rule Ayden, not him. I want my mother and father with me as counselors. Braedon can’t stop me.”

  “Josh?” Renee’s voice floated down from the parking lot. “Ally? Where’d you go?”

  I swore under my breath. Someone had to warn them to stay away. Josh reached up and grasped Sigal’s robe as if to stop her from going to his sister.

  “Don’t!” I yelled to him. “I’ll be right back.” I found a passage to Renee. She screamed as I appeared in front of her and Tegan, blocking their way to the stone steps to the beach. “You have to get out of here.”

  “Where did you come from?” Renee squealed.

  I turned to Tegan, knowing he’d understand the danger. “They’ve found me.”

  Even in the dim light of the moon, I saw his eyes widen with fear. “Here?”

  I nodded. “You have to go. Get back to the car. Wait for us at the condo.”

  “Who’s here?” Renee sounded flustered. “Where’s Josh?”

  I stared at Tegan. “A Portal has Josh. I need to go. Get Renee out of here!”

  I transported back down to the beach. Josh was standing again, struggling against Sigal’s hold.

  I ran toward them. “Let him go!”

  Geran held me back. “Stay here.”

  Sigal’s grin chilled my blood. “Lord Braedon has told me of your fondness of bargains, Your Majesty. I have another one for you.”

  I tried to keep myself focused on Sigal, knowing if I looked into Josh’s eyes my heart would break. “What is it?”

  “Return to Ayden by tomorrow, sunset, or I turn your lover over to the Black Guards.” She leered at me. “You survived the Breaking. Do you think he will be able to do the same?”

  I yanked my arm from my father’s grasp and lunged toward Josh. “Don’t take him. I’ll go now!”

  The Portal raised an eyebrow. “Very well.”

  Before I took another step someone grabbed me around the waist. A rush of wind swirled around us and I found myself back at the condominium. I thrust Quinn away from me. “What have you done?”

  I didn’t let him answer, but immediately pictured Josh in my head, preparing myself to take a passage back to him. Quinn threw me onto the couch and held me down. I fought against him, surprised at the small man’s strength.

  He slapped my face. “He’s already gone.”

  I gasped at the sting his hand left across my cheek. “You don’t know that.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  The weight on my chest had nothing to do with the Portal. I couldn’t breathe. “You have to let me go back.”

  “I will. But not until we can all go at once. Without you, I would have to leave either Kennis or Tegan behind. Geran isn’t strong enough to bring anyone with him.”

  “But Josh . . . .”

  “We’ll find him.” Quinn stood. “Don’t worry.”

  I turned to Kennis as she knelt by my side. “What do I tell Renee? What do we tell his parents?”


  Escape Plan

  Quinn disappeared as Tegan and Renee burst in through the door.

  “What’s going on?” Renee demanded. “How’d did you get back here without a car?” She looked around the room. “Where’s Josh?”

  I held my head in my hands and cried.

  Renee sat next to me. “What happened?”

  How do I explain that her brother was brought through a passage to another world to be the prisoner of a sadist?

  Tegan knelt in front of me. “Ally?”

  I couldn’t lift my head. “He’s gone.”

  “What are you talking about?” asked Renee.

  I took my hand from my face and looked my best friend in the eyes. “I’ll find him. I swear to God, I’ll find him and bring him back.”

  Renee stared back like I was crazy. “Bring him back?” She sought some kind of solace from my mother. “What is she talking about?”

  Tegan paced to the corner of the room. Geran and Quinn appeared by the dining room table.

  Renee screamed. “They weren’t here! How’d they get here?”

  Geran stormed over and yanked me up from the couch. He only stood an inch taller than me, but at this moment he seemed much bigger. His cheeks burned red. “What were you thinking?” He shook me. I cried out from the pain in my shoulder. Kennis gripped his arm, but he pushed her away. She stumbled, hit the coffee table and fell into a chair.

  I tried to twist away from his grasp. “Don’t hurt my mother!”

  His eyes flared with rage. “She is not your mother! Your mother was Queen of Ayden, as you shall be, if you ever learn to lead with your head and not your emotions.” He took a deep breath, as if willing himself to calm down. “Sometimes sacrifices have to be made, Alystrine, for the good of the many. Your life is worth more than any of ours at the moment.”

  “But Josh shouldn’t be there.” My voice cracked. “He has nothing to do with that world.”

  Renee was on her feet. “What do you mean ‘a sacrifice’? What have you done to my brother?”

  Geran’s gaze flickered over to her, but then back to me. “You cannot risk everything we’ve worked for because of some misplaced feelings of youth.”

  I brought my foot down hard on Geran’s and twisted myself out of his arms as he reacted to the pain. “Don’t you ever try and tell me what my feelings are. You know nothing about me.” Kennis tried to come between us again, but my eyes never left Geran’s. “Don’t tell me that I’m ungrateful. I’m not. I appreciate and respect the sacrifices you all have made for me.” I tried to keep my voice steady and not give into the grief inside me. “But Josh is the only brother I’ve ever known. He’s been a part of my life since . . . since I remember having a life. Him.” I pointed to Renee. “Her. They’re more family than you are. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. I can’t let Braedon torture him.”

  Renee roared. Tegan tried to grab her but she evaded him. She pummeled me in the chest with her fists. “What have you done? Where is he?” I did nothing to defend myself. She couldn’t hurt me worse than I felt already.

  She got off one good right hook to my chin before Geran managed to pull her away. I fell to the couch. Quinn placed his hand along the side of Renee’s neck and flexed his fingers. Her eyelids fluttered. She collapsed against Geran. He struggled to keep her from falling to the ground. Quinn helped him place her on the couch next to me.

  I looked at Quinn. “What did you do to her?”

  “She’s fine. The effect is temporary.”

  Kennis turned my head so she could see my chin. “I’ll get you some ice. That’s going to leave a b

  I leaned back into the couch. “What are we going to tell their parents?”

  Quinn stood over me. “Don’t worry about that.”

  “How can I not worry? Their son is gone. How do we explain that?”

  He glanced over to Renee. “I have learned a few things under the Mystics that will help.”

  Geran scowled. “What things?”

  Kennis passed me a cold bag of rice she kept in the freezer for just such emergencies. I pressed it to my jaw. She turned to Quinn. “We’ll come up with a plan. You can’t do what I think you mean to.”

  “There is no time to strategize.” Quinn’s eyes pleaded with my mother. “We must leave tonight.”

  “You can’t tamper with her mind.” Kennis took a step toward the Portal. “I won’t allow it.”

  “They know where Alystrine is,” Quinn answered. “She is not safe here anymore. We need to get her under the protection of the Elders.”

  Geran nodded. “He is right, Kennis. Braedon has bested us at every turn. We need to have an army behind us in order to defeat him.” He shifted his focus to Quinn. “What is it you can do?”

  Quinn couldn’t look at my mother. “It is a form of mind control. It won’t hurt the girl, she just won’t remember the truth of this evening. She will only recall what we tell her to.”

  I sat up. “Like hypnosis?”

  “Yes,” Kennis answered. “Only on a more powerful level.”

  “What will you tell her?” I asked.

  Quinn sought my mother’s advice and together they came up with a plausible story to explain what happened. We slipped Renee into the passenger seat of her car. Quinn and Kennis hopped into the back. We all had on medical gloves, thanks to my mom’s virtually endless supply closet. I drove us back to the dock.

  By this time Renee started to stir. I parked away from the lights, but near enough to the entrance that the car would be easy to spot. I helped Renee to lie down across the front seats then got out of the car. Quinn came around so that he knelt on the floor boards by her feet. He leaned over her body. He took off his gloves, set his hands on either side of her head, and began chanting under his breath. My skin prickled as he spoke faster and with more intensity, words I couldn’t understand. His fingers rubbed against her temple until she opened her eyes. She gasped then let out a small squeak as Quinn stared down at her.


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