Nate (The Princesses of Silicon Valley - Book 4)

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Nate (The Princesses of Silicon Valley - Book 4) Page 8

by Claire, Anita

  Getting up I head into the living room, lock the door and pick up our jackets hoping her roommate doesn’t decide to come in now. On my way back to her bed I stop off in the bathroom to flush the condom and grab a washcloth making sure the water is warm before I get it wet. Heading back into the room, I drop our jackets in the corner as I get back in bed. After she cleans herself up, I pull her to me again. I just want to wrap that sweet body around mine as I fall asleep.

  Chapter 20 – The Next Day

  The familiar dinging of my phone’s alarm wakes me, “Shit,” it takes me a moment to realize that I’m in Juliette’s bed and forgot to turn off my alarm. Reaching down to the floor I grab my phone out of my pants pocket, as I turn the alarm off, I feel her roll over. Turning to her, she gives me a sweet smile.

  I apologize. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.”

  She drags her finger down my face as she softly tells me, “That’s fine. I think it would have freaked me out more if I woke up and you were gone.”

  She’s pretty first thing in the morning; even with her just fucked hair and mascara flaked around her eyes. Pulling her under me, I tell her, “Last night was good. I’m not leaving quickly.”

  Kissing her on the cheek, I lick her ear as she bends her shoulder and giggles. Man, I want her so bad. What the hell was I thinking telling them I’d show up for this surgery, I don’t even officially start until Monday. I then plead, “Juliette, can I interest you in a quick one before I take off for work?”

  With a big smile she says, “Yeah, a quick one would be fun.”

  Damn, this woman is amazing. I never knew it could be so easy. I reach back down to the floor as I grab another condom out of my wallet. We maintain eye contact as I roll it over my twitching dick.

  Touching her amazing body, I can feel her get excited which only excites me even more. I wait until I feel her coming; her twitching body just feels great under me and every little gasp she makes goes right to my dick. I position myself over her and start stroking into her as she straps her legs around me. We get in this amazing rhythm; for a shy girl her body is so responsive, she just feels so good and tight on my dick. I wait until she’s in full orgasm before I let myself go and release, then I just ride the waves of orgasmic bliss. As my breathing returns to normal I pull her tight and speak softly into her ear, “That was a nice way to wake up.” Damn, I want to spend the day in bed with this woman while in reality I say, “I’ve got to run.” After a quick trip to her bathroom, I come back into her room. She watches me put on my clothes, which is actually turning me on. Then again, everything Juliette does turns me on.

  Sitting down on the side of her bed to put my socks and shoes on I can’t resist moving the covers to get one more look at those beautiful breasts. As I touch them I tell her, “I get off at two. I’ll text you when I get back to my place. You’re free this afternoon, right?”

  She slowly nods.

  Racing home with a big smile on my face, I shave, shower, and make myself some coffee. One of the nurses at the clinic takes me over to the children’s hospital where I scrub in. There are a number of surgeries scheduled for today, breaking quickly for lunch we discuss the afternoon schedule. Of course, we get behind the clock. Not getting out of the OR until three, I realize I forgot to text Juliette at lunch. Mariana would have had my head for that.

  Me: Got stuck in surgery, heading home now.” Shit, I hope I don’t screw things up with her before we really get started.

  Juliette: I’m at the arena in Los Altos Hills working with horses. Meet me here when you’re ready.

  As I shave and shower I wonder what I should wear if I’m meeting her at a horse arena. Not contemplating long I grab what’s available and clean; jeans, a Henley, and sneakers. Making sure to add more condoms to my wallet, I also decide to pack a bag. It would be nice to have clean clothes and my own toothbrush with me since I’m planning on spending the night. Damn, I don’t want to go to bed without her as I realize I’m falling hard and fast. My twenty-year-old self is just laughing his ass off and calling me a fool, while my almost thirty-year-old self knows this is better. On my way out the door, I check my text. Yes. Juliette sent me the address.

  Looking around I spot the fence with horses on the other side. As I get out of my car and walk up the dirt path Juliette spots me; with a big smile on her face she waves, we meet at the fence. She’s just so naturally pretty, her face is flushed and she isn’t wearing any makeup.

  “Good timing, we were just about to head back to the stables,” she says in a good-natured way.

  My body just lights up from seeing her, I want her bad, as I lean my hand over the fence and brush her cheek with my fingers. Using my index finger on the underside of her chin I pull her close as I give those soft pink lips a kiss. In the background, I can hear the teenage girls giggle.

  With a sweet, shy smile she says, “We have a choice, I can leave Deborah with two teenagers and six horses, or you can help us bring the horses back to the stables.” She shrugs her shoulder before finishing, “Deborah will bring us back here to get our cars.”

  This is unexpected I think, as I tell her, “I’ve never ridden before.”

  She gives me a big, broad smile, “Then we’ll give you an easy horse.”

  What the hell, I figure how hard can it be? “OK, sure I’ll try it.”

  Turning around she yells to a women who looks to be around my mom’s age, “Nate will help us take them back.” Then turning back to me, she says, “It’s going to get cold, let me see if Deborah has extra gloves and ear muffs.”

  Never leaving home without emergency winter gear I tell her, “I’ve got them in my car.”

  Raising her eyebrows at me she says, “You are a boy scout, all prepared for cold weather.”

  I chuckle at that comment then grab my gear and head to where Juliette’s standing. As I jog to the center of the arena I over hear the woman she’s with say, “And it gives you some alone time with your cute new guy.”

  Extending my hand, I introduce myself to the older women. She shakes my hand, saying in a friendly confident way, “I’m Deborah,” then turns around and in an outdoor voice tells Juliette, “Nice, Juliette. This one’s cute and has manners.”

  I find myself chuckling at that comment as Deborah hands me a helmet. After adjusting it I look at all the big horses and little girls then ask, “Which one do I ride?”

  With a big smile, Juliette takes me by my hand and leads me over to a big brown horse named Jackson. “We need to keep Velvet busy so she doesn’t see them leave.” She then unhitches the spotted horse that I assume is Velvet, and turns her so she can’t see the other riders leave. After everyone else is gone she shows me how to get on Jackson, how to turn left, turn right, stop, and then we practice an emergency dismount.

  As Juliette leads the two horses, one with me on his back, over to the gate she tells me, “It’s now almost four thirty, we have about twenty minutes before sunset, and hopefully we’ll get to the barn before it’s completely dark.” She then strings battery-operated lights over the horses’ necks, and hands me a safety vest with a battery powered light bar.

  Her horse is even bigger than mine, and is acting restless. I’m wondering if this little woman can handle such a big horse. She mounts easily. Immediately her horse calms down; was that her or the horse?

  “You need to be on my left side,” she says as she moves my horse’s rope to her right hand. Somehow, she gets the horses walking down the road, though I’m not sure how she does it.

  “How long will this take?” I ask.

  “About forty minutes,” she answers. “These guys can walk about four miles an hour.” She points to some spot she can see as she tells me, “The trail head for the path is right ahead. I hate riding on the street. People in this town like to drive really fast.”

  We enter a rural path. As the horses walk, I look for trail marking or signs. I’m wondering if I should get out my phone, I’d hate to get lost. Finally I ask, “Are
you sure you know the way back?”

  Juliette laughs, “These guys take this path almost every day. They know dinner’s at the other end of the trail. I guarantee they know the way home.”

  As we ride, the light from the setting sun turns the mountains pink, the sky purple, and the ground a soft gray. It’s a spectacular show. As the sun sets farther the lights around the horses’ necks cast an eerie glow. This is amazing. Am I really riding a horse through the hills at sunset? Remembering the conversation in Sausalito I brake our silence, “Blauschimmer,” wasn’t that the word your German friend had for the pink hills at dawn and dusk?”

  Juliette rides just ahead of me, I can see her nod. She turns around in her saddle and says, “Yeah, I’m glad I get to share one of my favorite times of day and places with you.”

  The path smells wonderful—dirt, and plants I can’t identify. The air is brisk and still. The clomping sound the horse hoofs make me feel that this evening is timeless. We start losing the pink as the trees become backlit against the sky. It’s like entering an old western movie. The air gets colder while the only illumination is the blue and green lights strung around the horses’ necks and the light from our vests. Periodically we pass a house in the distance. The houses are large with lots of land. One of the houses we pass has to be my bosses. At some point my horse neighs and the next thing I know Deborah is there taking Jackson’s lead rope. As I dismount I hear the teenage girls giggle, turning to the noise, I watch them head to a car.

  Juliette elbows me, “You’re a hit with teens.” She then shows me how to tie the horses’ rope to the barn. Juliette and Deborah quickly and expertly take everything off the horses. Deborah shows me where to hang things. She then uses me for the heavy lifting as she has me flip the saddle pads and place each of the saddles on a large peg.

  Juliette hands me some round brushes with straps for handles as she says, “This is my favorite part. I love grooming the horses. I think it’s because the horses enjoy being groomed,” she says as she shows me how to wipe down their coats.

  Helping Deborah put the horses’ blankets on, I watch Juliette checks their hooves. These horses are huge, Juliette moves around them with no fear. Finally, she leads them to their stalls. Before this evening, I never considered riding a horse, but after tonight I can see how people become hooked. Tonight’s already been wonderful and I’ve yet to even touch her.

  After Deborah drops us off by the arena, I walk Juliette to her car. Shivering she says, “Do you want to meet me at my place?”

  Releasing her from a deep kiss I say, “Your place.”

  Getting an amazing parking spot right in front, I ring the doorbell. As she opens the door, I don’t control any of my urges. Picking her up I throw her over my shoulder and head for her bedroom as she laughs and screams in delight. I have to chuckle, she has so many layers on it’s like undressing one of those Russian nesting dolls. After a good romp of sex, she tells me she’s going to take a quick shower before dinner. Knowing this will take a while, I dress then head into her living room to check out her thermostat, it’s set for fifty-five; no wonder it’s so cold in here. I decide the only way I’ll get to view all of that tight nimble body is if I raise it to seventy. Sitting on her couch, I get myself comfortable for the long haul as I pull out my phone and check to see what’s happening in the world.

  As I check random scores, Juliette comes out. Now this is a surprise, I didn’t think women could get ready that fast as I tell her, “I turned up the heat in this place; it should be warm when we get back.” Then I can’t help but saying, “When you said five minutes, I thought you were kidding.” Looking at the time, I think it was closer to fifteen minutes. But still, I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who could get ready so fast.

  As she pulls on her boots, she jokes, “Hey, I get lots of practice. My transition time from pool to work is short.”

  She then threads her fingers though mine as she leads us to a Mediterranean restaurant.

  For dessert, we head back to her bed for another round of incredible sex.

  Chapter 21 - Sunday

  I find myself suddenly awakened by a sound. It takes me a moment to realize that I’m in Juliette’s bedroom. Looking over I can see her form as she soundly sleeps. My clothes are lying in the corner, should I get up and check out the noise? It soon becomes apparent that it is clearly the sound of a man and a women talking and laughing in the living room. It must be her roommate and boyfriend. After a while I hear them head to the master bedroom. As I start falling back to sleep the undeniable sounds of hard core sex play right through the wall. How can Juliette sleep through this? The sex gets wilder and the roommate starts screaming which finally wakes Juliette up.

  Softly I ask, “That’s your roommate, right?”

  “Oh, that’s her all right,” she says with a giggle.

  “They came in about a half an hour ago. I was hoping it was your roommate and not some burglar. I really didn’t want to deal with some guy with my Johnson hanging out. “

  “How long have they been at it?” she asks in a whisper.

  “I’m not sure what they were doing before, but the screaming just started.”

  I’m now wide-awake with a beautiful naked women inches from me. Pulling her on top of me we both listen to the very loud sex going on next door.

  “Is she usually like this?” I ask.

  “She’s usually at his place. But yeah, I’ve learned to keep my earbuds ready. I really don’t need this much information.”

  The roommate is now yelling out explicit directions. “She sure knows what she wants.” While I run my hands over all the nice soft curves draped over my naked body.

  Juliette snickers, “It’s much funnier listening to her when you’re lying naked in bed next to a hot guy.”

  My dick starts waking up.

  Juliette asks, “Is all their loud noise turning you on?”

  Rolling my hand over her nice round ass I chuckle, “No, lying naked in bed with all this soft, warm skin is turning me on.”

  We listen to a few more screams as Juliette asks, “It’s been going on for a while. What do you think he’s doing to her?”

  “I’m not sure, but I can make some rather wild guesses,” I jokingly tell her.

  “Like what?” she naively asks.

  I chuckle again as I think of all the things I’d like to do to her.

  “Maybe he’s touching her hard here,” I say as I grab her tit with my mouth and suck hard, stretching out her tit with my teeth, which elicits a deep moan.

  With a twinkle in my eye, I say, “That didn’t cause a scream. Either I’m doing it wrong or you’re not a screamer.”

  She gasps. “You are definitely not doing anything wrong.”

  “That’s good to know,” I say as I start licking her clavicle. “Mmm, you sure taste good.”

  Not wanting to miss an opportunity, I figure we might as well experience the mood her roommate is setting and have some more sex.

  Waking up naturally in the morning, I quickly realize I’m alone in bed. I give myself a good stretch and head to where I interrupt Juliette brushing her teeth. I drop my gym bag on the bathroom floor, then leaning over I kiss her shoulder while running my hand down her smooth back. I continue the enjoyment of the moment as rub her nice round hips and butt.

  Reaching over to my gym bag I pull out my toothbrush, razor, and shaving cream as I ask, “Can I interest you in a shower?”

  She gives me a saucy smile, “Yeah, some nice clean fun.”

  After brushing my teeth, I just want to taste her, so I pull her in tight for a deep kiss.

  She places her hands on either side of my mouth.

  I chuckle, “A little too prickly for you?”

  Juliette watches me as I shave my face, which almost causes me to cut myself as I try to maintain focus. It’s hard to do, since she’s kneeling on the toilet leaning her elbows on the counter, giving me an amazing sexy shot of her body. As soon as I’m done shaving
, I pull her tight just wanting to feel all that smooth, soft skin against my body again. Needing to use the can I say, “How about you get that shower going, and I’ll join you in a second.”

  She leans over and rubs her face against my cheek as she coos. “Mmm, freshly shaved cheeks.” Damn, she has this sweet innocence about her that’s totally sexy, even better she isn’t at all inhibited in the sack. I have to say it’s my favorite juxtapose.

  Joining her in the shower, she just takes my breath away as I get a beautiful shot of her naked body, her head tipped, and the water running over her face and down her back. Reaching my hand out the water almost scalds me, “You like the water a little hot there. You think I can turn it down a bit?” I ask her.

  “Only if you can figure out some other way to keep me warm?”

  Now this is something I can do. Looking around the shower, I’m surprised that Juliette only has soap, shampoo and cream rinse, as opposed to Mariana who had so many bottles and containers our shower became an obstacle course. Soaping up my hands I now have a good lubricant to touch her. You can’t beat starting your day with some nice clean shower sex. I then figure out how to twist and turn her so I get good leverage and easy access. I forgot how much I like shower sex I think to myself, as I rinse myself off and grab one of her towels. Handing her the other towel I wrap mine around my waste. Not wanting to miss out on a good show, I lean against the door as I watch her towel off, apply body lotion, and then brush out her hair. At some point she gives me a pointed look, “Are you enjoying watching me get ready.”

  Slowly nodding my head I think, this is really nice, as I answer, “Yes, I am.”

  This only makes her smile shyly and shake her head as she applies stuff to her hair. Covering the best parts in her towel, she approaches me. I just have to pull her tight and kiss her hard and deep.


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