The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 3)

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The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 3) Page 1

by Kat T. Masen

  The Trouble with Him

  The Forbidden Love Series Book 3

  Kat T. Masen



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  Sneak Peek

  More Books By Kat T. Masen

  Connect With Me

  The Trouble with Him

  The Forbidden Love Series Book 3

  Kat T. Masen

  Copyright 2021 Kat T. Masen All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organizations or places is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author. All songs, song titles, and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

  Disclaimer: The material in this book contains graphic language and sexual content and is intended for mature audiences, ages 18 and older.

  ISBN: 978-1-68564-901-2

  Editing by More Than Words Copyediting and Proofreading

  Proofing by Nicki at Swish Design & Editing

  Cover design by Outlined with Love Designs Cover Image Copyright 2021

  First Edition 2021

  All Rights Reserved

  “That’s why it’s called falling in love.

  You don’t force yourself, you just fall.” - Unknown



  Three Years Ago

  Shopping for jewelry is one of life’s greatest pleasures.

  The small pieces, designed to be a girl’s best friend, can evoke many emotions. The overwhelming feelings of joy, pride, love, and commitment, even if the so-called ring is for my sister.

  Inside the store are glass enclosures showcasing the finest of diamonds. All shine bright, glimmers of hope that maybe one day I’ll find my knight in shining armor who will lavish me with a ring to symbolize eternity.

  Okay, what the hell is going on here?

  I shake my head to rid myself of these thoughts. I’m twenty-two, and I can’t think of anything worse than committing to one man for life. It’s not that I don’t believe in it, but if I settled down with any of my exes, I’d have considered it a jail sentence rather than a precious gift of love and devotion.

  My eyes gravitate toward a particular ring, but even then, I am unsure. I certainly like it, but I’m not sure if Millie will. She’s never one to be into jewelry, and most of the items she wears were gifts from Mom and Dad.

  I point my finger to the Asscher-cut diamond. “This is beautiful.”

  “You think Millie will like it?”

  “She’s not one for extravagant diamonds,” I mention, then shrug my shoulders. “She’s always been a sentimental old soul.”

  “Okay, so are you thinking something more vintage?” Austin asks, scratching his head.

  “Hmm, maybe.” I continue to browse until the shop assistant finally stops gossiping and pays us the attention we deserve. Sales assistants often work on commission, and this chick isn’t doing anything to earn this sale.

  “Let me guess, engagement ring?” She forces a smile while watching us furtively.

  “Yes,” we both say in unison.

  “I see you were eyeing the Asscher-cut. It would look amazing on you.”

  My eyes lift, meeting with hers. On closer inspection, the woman should really tone down the false eyelashes. It’s one thing to enhance your eyes, but go overboard, and you’ll be mistaken for a drag queen. God, I sound more like Eric every day.

  “It’s not for me, it’s for my sister,” I tell her, then point to Austin. “I’m just helping him choose.”

  “Oh, well, my apologies. I just thought you two looked like a couple.”

  Austin laughs beside me. “We get that a lot, don’t we, Ava?”

  I roll my eyes, letting out a huff. “He’s my soon-to-be brother-in-law who is a pain in the ass because he can’t decide what ring to choose.”

  “So, tell me about your girlfriend?”

  “She’s beautiful, kind, loving, and my best friend,” Austin says all in one breath.

  I nudge his side, holding in my laughter. “I think she means her taste, you goof.”

  “Oh,” Austin mouths then grins. “She’s simple.”

  “So, more classic, would you say?” the assistant presses, making Austin uncomfortable. Austin turns to me, his eyes pleading for a much-needed life jacket.

  “Amelia is simple with her taste,” I inform Miss-fake-lashes. “So yes, perhaps something classic.”

  The assistant bows her head, moving it from left to right as she scans the glass enclosure. She stops suddenly on a small cluster of rings. Then, carefully, she pulls a ring out of the cushion bed it sits in and lifts it closer to us. “How about this?”

  “I don’t know,” Austin mumbles, leaning back while slipping his hands into his pockets. “It is beautiful.”

  “What are you unsure of?” she questions.

  “All of it.”

  An obnoxious groan leaves my mouth. I pull Austin aside, away from the assistant, ready to give him one of my overbearing pep talks. “Are we back here again? Doubting whether to do it? Dad said yes, so what’s the problem?”

  “What if Millie says no?”

  “She won’t say no.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Well, I can’t bet my life on it,” I admit, but quickly straighten my shoulders to appear confident. “Is there something else you’re not telling me?”

  Austin lowers his head to raise it again moments later. “No… you’re right, Ava. I want to marry Millie, and this is the right thing to do. Give me your hand?”

  “What for?”

  “I want to slide it on, to practice and see if it feels right.”

  I bite my lip while shuffling my feet. “Wait, isn’t that bad luck?”

  Austin cocks his head, his hazel-colored eyes probing me with an annoying smirk.

  “Stop being dramatic, Ava. You’ve got beautiful hands, just like Millie. Now shut up so I can practice.”

  I stand still as Austin reaches out for my hand. When his fingers touch mine, I hold my breath, terrified the small jolt which electrified throughout my body is a warning of a bad omen.

  Slowly, he guides the ring down my finger until it nestles into place. It fits perfectly. He holds onto my hand as we both fall silent.

  There is no doubt Millie will feel the same. Austin coming back into her life is a sign they are meant to be together.
After all, they were high school sweethearts and lost their virginity to each other.

  Then there’s the matter of my father’s approval. Dad loves Austin and admires his tenacity, not to mention his choice to study medicine. He’s always treated him with respect as if Austin were his son. I’m certain it’s the reason why he agreed to Austin’s proposal, even though Millie is still young.

  It did, however, come with a stern string attached. They were not to get married if it interfered with their studying and graduating from college. That is—and will be for the next few years—the number one priority in Austin and Millie’s lives.

  There are so many reasons as to why this is the right decision. Austin was always meant to be a part of our family, and this is the beginning of what will be a beautiful journey for them both.

  Sure, the whole ‘Will’ saga dragged out longer than it should have, but they were never meant to be together. If they were, they wouldn’t have spent the last four years apart. I may not know anything about love, but I know if Will loved her, he would never have left or stayed away for so long.

  “Austin,” I whisper, then raise my eyes until I’m locked in his unwavering stare. “It’s beautiful, and she’ll love it.”

  “You think so?” he almost croaks. “It does look perfect on you.”

  “I know so.”

  Austin releases the breath he’s been holding to lean forward and place his lips on my cheek. Then, with a gracious smile, he pulls away to turn his attention back to the assistant.

  “We’ll take it.”




  “What do you mean my appearance is canceled?”

  My manager, Kris, stands beside me with a clipboard in hand and AirPods nestled into her ears. Her fingers type rapidly on the phone while her lips press together into a white slash. I cross my arms, impatiently waiting for an answer as the anger brews on the cusp of unleashing on everyone inside this very room.

  Slowly, she lifts her gaze to the mirror to meet mine. “Courtney Rae is the new face for the event tonight.”

  Upon my reflection in the mirror, my eyes widen with a cold stare. The vein on my forehead comes out of nowhere, prompting my makeup artist, Jonathan, to step away with fear.

  My hands fall onto the dresser in front of me as I close my eyes, willing to control the anger bubbling to the surface. This event was planned a year ago, and it was no backyard job. Hosting the biggest party in Miami on New Year’s Eve will launch my business to the next level. Over fifty thousand people are attending the concert, big-name musicians performing, and endorsements were thrown at me to help promote. Everything I wear tonight, down to the blush on my cheeks, was strategically planned to advertise on my social media accounts.

  This is how I’ve become a self-made millionaire, and now what? I’m replaced with only five hours’ notice? As the seconds pass, the animosity buries deeper within, and any rational thoughts are buried under the blinding rage consuming me.

  I stand up in a rush, accidentally knocking a bottle of foundation onto the ground. With my hands on my hips, I glare at the team in front of me.

  “I was booked a year ago. There’s a contract in place for me to host tonight’s event. Give me one reason why Courtney Rae is suddenly replacing me?”

  Kris bows her head, shuffling her feet nervously. “She is… how should I say it, younger, but—”

  “I’m aware she is nineteen,” I cut Kris off, momentarily beyond words. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “They want a young face for their social content,” Kris adds.

  “I’m twenty-fucking-five!” My voice bounces against the walls, causing it to sound louder in the small room. “I’m not past my goddamn prime.”

  Kris raises her hands to try and calm me down. “I understand, but, Ava, they want to draw in the younger demographic. Courtney has close to a hundred million followers and is not afraid to remove her clothing. You know how it is.”

  Of course, I know how it works. The more skin you expose, the more money is thrown your way, and therefore, the more followers you gain. I refuse to become that woman. My brand was built on me as a person, and it didn’t involve scandalous shots compromising my integrity. Sure, I may post a few bikini shots in summer, but it’s always done tastefully. If it weren’t, I’d have my father to answer to, and he is ruthless when it comes to business, especially when his daughter is involved.

  Slamming my fist against the dresser, I raise my hands to my hair to remove the curlers. In a mad rush, my hair becomes tangled, infuriating me more. When all my hair falls loosely against my back, I yank my robe off, revealing the satin gold designer dress I wear underneath.

  “Organize my flight back home now,” I demand while gathering my belongings. “Get my lawyers on this. This will not be the last they’ve heard of me.”

  I refuse to stay in Miami a minute longer, ignoring Kris, who fails hopelessly at trying to calm me down. This isn’t the first time I’ve been bumped for someone younger, but it has been happening more often lately. Each time it does, my confidence shatters, and finding the strength to hold my head up high becomes harder and harder.

  The pressure of this industry is too much at times. Unlike Millie, who studied law, my chosen profession is short-lived. What’s hot one minute may not be so hot the next, and tonight proved just that.

  The flight from Miami gives me too much time to fester in my own thoughts. Thank God it’s a private plane, so I can avoid dealing with people. With the new year upon us, it’s the perfect time for resolutions or an opportunity to reinvent yourself. In fact, I even posted something on my social media account about how to build a new you in the new year.

  The problem is, I can’t even practice what I preach.

  My life is a mess.

  When the plane lands at JFK, I welcome being back in New York. On the drive back to my apartment, I decide to surprise my boyfriend, Olivier. We’d gotten into a fight over tonight after he left Miami in a huff only this morning. We had recently moved in together—a decision which didn’t go down well with my father. According to Millie, Dad has trust issues and thinks Olivier is after my money. The thought alone is ludicrous. Olivier is a sought-after model who has his own money. Maybe not as much as me, but he isn’t broke and living on the streets. Together, we’re the perfect couple, and both our followers grew to double the amount when our relationship went viral. Designer brands are desperate to book us, anything from photoshoots to promoting their properties or products. It has been our busiest year, and frankly, Dad has no idea what he is talking about.

  I retrieve my phone from my purse, dialing my sister’s number. The call connects as Millie and Ashton’s faces appear on the screen.

  “How is my little man doing?” I ask, unable to hide my smile. “My gosh, Millie, he is so big now.”

  “I know, right?” Millie grins while brushing Ashton’s bronze hair to the side with her fingers. “Time to give him a sibling.”

  “Wait, you guys are actually trying?”

  Millie nods with an enthused smile. “It’s even more fun when you’re purposely trying to fall pregnant.”

  I laugh, then release a long-winded breath. “It reminds me of movies when you see the women all like, I’m ovulating, get home quick.”

  “Yeah.” Millie chuckles softly. “Something like that.”

  “Are you guys all there?”

  Millie turns around, adjusting the screen until Will appears, waving hello. I can tell by his glassy eyes that the festivities started early. No surprises there, New Year’s Eve at my parents’ house is always a big deal.

  “How’s my favorite sister-in-law doing?”

  “You are so wasted,” I tell him while laughing. “You’ve never called me that. I think it’s Addy because she’s quiet and barely speaks to you.”

  “You may have a point there.”

  “Starting early, are we?”

  “Dad brought out beer pong,”
he drags with an eye roll. “I don’t even remember the last time I played it. College, probably.”

  “Beer pong… classy.”

  “There’s no beer in it,” Millie informs me. “It’s Sambuca, and it’s lethal.”

  The call is hijacked by Rocky, Eric, and my cousins. They’re all as loud and boisterous as each other, fighting for attention until Eric calls for order.

  “Ava, darling, what time are you live?” Eric asks.

  I purse my lips, then release an annoyed huff. “It’s not going to happen. Long story and one I’d rather not get into right now.”

  Millie opens her mouth to speak, only to pause her movements to collect her thoughts. Her brows draw together, and I know she’s concerned.

  The others are too drunk to even care. It’s times like this I miss my family. I love living in Manhattan, and it’s not like I’m completely alone. Andy lives here but is currently traveling for the week in Europe. Rocky and Nikki live in the Upper East Side, though they spend a lot of time on the West Coast because of Will, Millie, and Ashton.

  “I miss you guys,” I say wistfully.

  “Come home tonight?” Millie suggests, lowering her voice. “You’ll still make it before midnight.”

  I offer a half-smile at the suggestion. “It’s already nine. Besides, I’m going to surprise Olivier. I felt terrible for leaving him in the first place.”


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