The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 3)

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The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 3) Page 25

by Kat T. Masen

  My sister.

  “Do you think the self-sabotage is because you’re scared?”

  “I’m scared, Millie.” I swallow the hard lump inside my throat, twisting the corner of the cushion anxiously with my fingers. “I’m in love with him.”

  As tears fall down my cheek, Emmy stirs in her bassinet again.

  Leaving the phone on the sofa, I keep Millie on speaker while cradling Emmy in my arms. Her eyes open faintly as a small yawn escapes her.

  “Falling in love with someone is the most exhilarating feeling, but also the scariest at the same time. Your heart is at its most vulnerable, and sometimes we do crazy things…” Millie adds, then remains quiet.

  “Are you angry with me?”

  “Angry you’re in love with Austin?” she questions, then sighs. “Gosh no, Ava. If there is anyone worthy of your heart, it’s Austin Carter. I just wish you would be honest with yourself and stop listening to this inner voice which thinks you’re not good enough.”

  “I saw him, with Lane. They were coming out of the storage room together. I accused him of being with her and still in love with you,” I admit, with a crack in my voice.

  “Oh, Ava. Why would you say that?”

  “Because I’m stupid, that’s why.”

  The buzzer rings on the door. I have no choice but to walk and not run, with Emmy still in my arms. “Hold on, Millie.”

  I press on the intercom. “Yes, Harry?”

  “Your brother-in-law is here to see you.”

  “Send him up.”

  I walk back over to grab my phone, then unlock the door and hold it open for Will.

  “It’s Will,” I tell her.

  “Call me later tonight before bed, okay?”

  Will exits the elevator, still dressed in his suit. I half expect him to be pissed from the articles, but he looks calm.

  “Millie,” I say, handing Emmy to Will, who cradles her. “How do you ignore the noise? The lies?”

  I can almost hear her smile on the other end. “In the end, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. It’s just you and the man you love. That’s all you’ll ever need.”

  Will leans in to speak closer to the phone. “I love you too, Mrs. Romano.”

  “Such a gentleman,” Millie teases, then clears her throat. “Ava?”


  “I know the timing isn’t perfect, but…” she begins with then stalls, only for Will to beam beside me. “You’re going to be an aunty again soon.”

  My eyes widen as my lips curve upward in disbelief.

  “Oh, my God! How? When?”

  She laughs over the speaker. “Well, I think out of all people, you know how a baby is made.”

  I half-hug Will since he still has Emmy in his arms. It explains why he looked so calm and didn’t barge into my apartment with a chip on his shoulder.

  “How far along?”

  “Ten weeks, so still keeping it under wraps. No one knows, not even Mom and Dad. We just want to pass the twelve weeks, especially since I’ve miscarried before.”

  “But I thought you guys weren’t having sex back then?”

  Will shakes his head with a smug expression. “How about you ladies have this conversation when I’m not around?”

  “Okay, okay,” I mouth, still elated over this amazing news. Despite my own mess, this is such a blessing, and I know how much they both want this. “Call me tonight, Millie. I need details of when exactly he shot his load, and you got knocked up.”

  Will presses his lips together with a less-than-amused expression but keeps his opinion to himself.

  “Promise, sis. And chin up, okay? It will work out.”

  I glance at Will with my shoulders slumping. “How do you know?”

  “It always does, Ava bear.”

  Will follows me to the living room, where we both take a seat on the sofa. He’s talking to Emmy, and who would have thought a billionaire could be so smitten with a baby.

  “Will, are you angry with what those media outlets posted?” I ask, though fully aware I am stepping into treacherous waters. “You know, what they said about Austin and Millie, plus those pics. You trust your wife, right?”

  “Yes, I trust my wife,” he answers without hesitating. “I’m not pleased with the lies and have my legal team investigating who was behind this. But also, I have a pregnant wife who doesn’t need any stress in her life. So, if that means I need to suppress my anger, then that’s what I will do.”

  I admire Will for remaining so calm since he is usually the opposite of calm. He’s come a long way from the controlling billionaire who came back into our lives seven years ago, but I guess this is the power of love. It’ll change you no matter how much you think it won’t.

  “I’m really happy for both of you,” I say with ease. “Ashton finally gets a brother or sister. It’s so much fun having a sibling.”

  Will chuckles, his entire face lighting up. “It’s hard for me to relate. Beau was born when I was already a teenager. The closest thing I had to siblings was you and Amelia.”

  “Oh, that sounds so wrong.” I laugh too. “You know, because you married her.”

  As we both take a deep breath to come down from the laughter, Will glances my way with a relaxed grin.

  “Why don’t we go for a walk? It’s a nice afternoon.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea we get seen together, not after today and everyone assuming we’re involved in some partner swap. Besides, the paparazzi are outside.”

  “So?” he questions with slight annoyance. “Are you going to stop living your life because of other people? Since when have you ever done that? If anything, you’ve always lived your life for yourself.”

  “Okay, fine. Can I at least get changed, so I don’t look like an overtired mother?”

  “Whatever makes you happy.”

  I quickly get changed into something a bit nicer—a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a white knitted sweater. Before we leave, I change Emmy into a onesie, and bring the blanket which belonged to Austin, to cover her. I decide to use the carrier instead of the stroller, wanting to keep her close to me. She’s still small, and the weather has cooled of late. The last thing I need is Emmy getting sick, especially because she was born prematurely.

  We walk down the street, talking about the city, and of late, how it’s changed. Will has always been a Manhattan boy, born and bred on the Upper East Side. But his move to LA for Millie has definitely been a positive change though you can’t deny he still misses being here.

  “This place will never leave you,” I tell him wistfully.

  “No, it never will. I’m glad we kept our brownstone here for when we stay. Probably the best decision we made.”

  “You’ve both made it work just like Mom and Dad. You’ve both sacrificed and compromised at the same time.”

  Will lowers his head, his movements slowing. “You know, Ava, if this is about Austin…”

  I shake my head. “This is about me, Will. For the first time in my life, I have two people who have become my entire world. So it’s not just about what I want. It’s about what’s best for everyone, not Ava Edwards and her selfish needs.”

  “So, what’s the answer?”

  “I miss my family. I don’t want Emmy growing up without her grandparents or cousins.”

  “Move to LA then.”

  I lower my eyes, knowing what I’m about to say can go two ways. After all, we are talking about Will Romano here. “I won’t go without him, Will.”

  Will rubs his chin, then looks toward the sky. “I don’t think you have to.”

  My glance focuses on Will’s serious expression as something passes between us. He stops here on the sidewalk, and as I look around, the surroundings look familiar. I’ve been here before, an odd memory of laughing while walking down this very street. And then, I turn to see the building.


  “This pub is where—”

  “Where you and Austin spent Ne
w Year's Eve?”

  “How did you know?”

  “I’m gifted, sixth sense or something like that. Shall we go in? For a pint or something less alcoholic for you.”

  The place looks dark, only a faint glow coming from inside. “I think they’re closed anyway.”

  Will grabs my hand, then twists the handle of the door with his other.

  “Will, I don’t think we should be trespassing. Alistair is married to an Aussie. His wife has probably taught him how to fight with crocodiles, and it’s likely he carries a knife. I mean, didn’t you watch Crocodile Dundee? That’s not a knife. This is a knife…”

  “Ava?” Will turns to me, narrowing his eyes. “Can you shut up for just one moment?”

  “Just because you’re a billionaire doesn’t mean you can boss me around.”

  Inside the pub, music plays. It’s some lame song, but then it continues to a remix of the music Alistair played on New Year's Eve. The same night…

  Then, the lights come on, and standing in the middle of the dance floor is Austin, dressed in a navy-blue suit, looking so handsome it hurts to be standing apart from him.

  “Austin?” I gulp, my heart racing from seeing him. “What are you doing here?”

  He moves close to me and strokes my cheek gently. I take a large savoring breath, closing my eyes at his touch.

  “I don’t like what happened this morning between us, Ava.”

  I shake my head. “I know, I was an idiot. I feel stupid for acting so—”


  “Amongst many words which can be used to describe me.”

  Austin reaches out for my hands, holding onto both of them. His stare is unwavering, deep, and reaching every part of my soul.

  “You were standing right beside me the first time I proposed marriage to someone. I had no idea what I was doing or thinking, but I thought it was the right thing to do, even though something inside was bothering me. I was trying to prove a point to everyone, and marriage should never be about anyone else.” He takes a deep breath, but his hands remain steady, then slowly, a grin spreads across his face. “With you, Ava, everything is wrong yet so right at the same time. I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. We’re more than just two people who stumbled into this bar looking for something to take away the pain.”

  I watch his soft gaze, the way his lips move when he talks, to how vulnerable and raw his words are.

  “You are more than the mother of my beautiful daughter. You’re the reason I breathe, Ava. My life has never felt so complete until now. I’m not going to hold back anymore, nor be afraid of you running from me. I love you. I can’t stop thinking about you, and when we’re apart, it’s you I want. You I crave. I don’t care what people think. I care about what is right for us.”

  Austin releases his hands from mine to reach into his pocket. With his stare still fixated on me, he removes the ring from the box and places it on my finger without even a pause, nor the traditional stop and wait for the woman’s reaction.

  “In so many ways, Ava, I’ve always loved you. And I never want to ever stop. I want to build a life with you. I want to grow our family. I want to see us both follow our passions, and most importantly, I want you in my arms every day for as long as I breathe.

  “Ava Edwards, I give you this ring to symbolize my commitment to making you my wife. There is nothing else I want, so please… ” Austin’s breath finally hitches as his eyes soften, only for tears to stream down my cheeks. “Listen to what your heart is telling you, and tell me your forever is me by your side as your husband.”

  I nod, unable to choke back my tears, my mouth hurting from the grin bearing so wide.

  “You are my forever,” I whisper, touching his lips with my fingers. “I would be honored to be your wife.”

  Austin’s hazel eyes shimmer as his entire face beams with pride. He cups my face to place a kiss on my lips, the warmth of his touch spreading throughout me. How did I get so lucky to fall in love with such a beautiful man who knows exactly my fears yet protects me from falling prey to them?

  We pull away for Austin to place a kiss on Emmy’s head.

  “I love you, Ava,” he whispers.

  “You don’t know how much I needed to hear that.”

  “I do,” he tells me, then continues, “I was scared of pushing you but knew my hesitation only made you doubt my love for you.”

  “I admit it, Austin. I thought I wasn’t good enough, but instead of listening to my heart, I hurt you.”

  “You did, but it made me fight harder for you.”

  I kiss him once again, basking in the happiness of finally allowing myself to fall in love.

  “How did you do all this? And the ring, my God, Austin, it’s so beautiful.”

  “See, when you have family around who know how to pull strings, it makes life a little bit easier.”


  I turn around, forgetting Will was standing at the bar all along and only noticing now that he is with Alistair and a pint.

  “Lex and Will organized this place, and Eric helped me with this stunning piece of jewelry on your hand.” Austin glances at Will, giving him a slight nod in which Will raises a glass.

  “See, my strength is saving lives. So I’ll stick to what I know best and let the billionaires and fashionistas do the rest.”

  I throw my arms around him, though careful not to squash Emmy. “You’re perfect as you are, Dr. Carter.”

  “Right back at you.” Austin grins, then plants another kiss on my lips. “My crazy, stubborn, yet beautiful fiancée.”



  “Do you remember when we rode our bikes up that hill?” I point to the steep hill on my left. “And we accidentally saw a couple having sex against the man’s Porsche?”

  Austin’s face breaks out into a wide grin with one hand on the steering wheel, his other is resting on my knee. Wearing a white polo, his arms look so defined. I squeeze my legs shut because I am this close to ditching this house viewing and mauling him in the car instead.

  “I remember because the man was pushing sixty, and the chick had the tits of a nineteen-year-old.”

  “Trust you to notice,” I tease, to roll my eyes. “Such a guy.”

  “Aw, you jealous, baby?”

  “Nope, I’ve got the ring.” I wave my hand in the air proudly. “Oh! And the baby.”

  Austin laughs, shaking his head. “Forget again?”

  I punch his shoulder gently at the same time he pulls into the circular driveway. The realtor's car is already here—a fancy Mercedes, of course, because it’s all about the status in Beverly Hills.

  “So this is house number five?” Austin scratches his chin. “Lucky number five.”

  “Look, none of the houses we’ve looked at have been right.”

  “No.” He’s quick to intervene. “None of the houses we’ve looked at have been right for you.”

  “Is it wrong of me to want the perfect house for our family? And close to the hospital, so you don’t have to commute, especially when you’re on call?”

  “Don’t give me that face,” Austin warns me playfully. “With that smile and a lick of your lips, like I haven’t noticed you squeeze your legs how many times on the drive over here?”

  I remove my seat belt, releasing a frustrated groan.

  “It’s been two whole weeks of the quietest sex we’ve ever had while under my parents’ roof,” I remind him. “I’m going insane.”

  “First of all, it’s been one week. And before we left for LA, I fucked you into oblivion because we both knew it would be strained for a few weeks until we get settled into our own home.”

  “Strained would be an understatement,” I mutter beneath my breath.

  Austin raises my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles gently.

  “You’re cute when you’re sexually frustrated.”

  I let out a groan. “Let’s go before I really show you what cute is.”

; Austin reaches out for my hand as we walk together, admiring the front yard. It's hard to compare when you’ve grown up in LA and your parents have the most beautiful home. Austin’s parents also have a nice home in Thousand Oaks, decorated beautifully since his mother owns a furniture store.

  “Dr. Carter, Ava,” our realtor, Margaret, greets. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Fifth time is a charm, Margaret.”

  Margaret takes us inside, presenting the stunning main foyer. There are stained oak floors and pristine white walls. The staircase is gorgeous but not overly grand like my parents’ place. I didn’t want something too big where I’d lose Emmy once she started moving around, but enough for our family to grown in.

  “It’s a nice size,” I comment with a nod. “And the kitchen?”

  “Is right through here.”

  The kitchen is grand, with every appliance I’ll need. Mom gave me a list of things to ask, which I do, all of which Margaret answers to my satisfaction.

  “And then we have the patio, pool, and guest house.”

  The view is impressive, with lots of trees for privacy and a luscious green lawn that sprawls around the pool. There is enough room for a trampoline, playhouse, and even a basketball court if Austin wants one since he loves to play.

  “I’ll show you the bedrooms.”

  Upstairs has six bedrooms and four baths plus a large lounge area connecting the rooms, making it a perfect play area for Emmy. Downstairs, there is also a large room for my home office. Thankfully, Austin’s work remains at the hospital. As for me, technically, I run my own show but being in LA is somewhat less stressful for photoshoots given there are so many great locations. Before coming here, I sent Eric pictures of the property. He responded with a thumbs up and ideas for shoots around the pool.

  “Do you mind if we have a look around?” Austin asks.

  “Certainly. There’s a basement downstairs, and if you take a sharp left, you’ll also find the cellar.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Austin responds with a mischievous grin.

  “I need to make some calls. Just find me when you’re ready.”

  Austin doesn’t delay, taking my hand and almost dragging me downstairs. The basement is completely finished, perfect for storage and products samples which I usually have lying around my apartment.


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