On Highland Time

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On Highland Time Page 15

by Lexi Post

  She sat straighter and stared at her friend. The woman blushed from her cheeks to her chest. “You spoke to Evan.”

  Nessa swallowed. “A little.”

  “What did he say?”

  Nessa twisted her hands together.

  “Wait, he didn’t say much because he was doing something, wasn’t he?”

  Nessa lowered her eyes, but finally spoke. “Aye, he found me by the well and no one was about. He walked me behind the blacksmith forge and…”

  “He didn’t force himself on you, did he?”

  “Nay!” Nessa’s head snapped up. “Nay, but he brought me to pleasure right there against the wall.”

  She grinned. “And it felt wonderful, didn’t it?”

  “Aye. It did. He said he wanted to bring us both pleasure, but I told him no. I would only allow that with my husband. And he actually smiled. Then he walked away whistling.”

  She grabbed Nessa’s hands. “I think he’s going to ask you.”

  “Truly?” The hope in her friend’s eyes was heartbreaking.

  She squeezed. “Yes. He is planning something special. I’m so happy for you. You are going to say yes, right?”

  Nessa rolled her eyes. “Oh aye. I’ve been waiting long enough.”

  “Yes, you have. Do you think he’ll ask you tonight? The moon is almost full. That would be very romantic.”

  “Well, if he thinks just asking will be enough to bed me, he will be very surprised. I’m not saying I’ll wait for a priest or anything, but at least until we do the ceremony in front of witnesses.”

  She nodded. From old Arthur’s information, she was aware that priests didn’t travel to the northern Highland clans often. “Yes, you need to be firm about that.”

  “I plan—” Nessa’s eyes went wide as a shadow came into the room.

  She turned to find Torr filling the doorway of the bakery. He wore a deep brown brat over his leine, which made him appear even larger than he already was.

  “Diana. I would like to speak to ye.”

  She couldn’t see his expression as the light behind him left his face shadowed. She looked back at Nessa who elbowed her in the side, pushing her away.

  When she turned back to Torr, he had his hand out to assist her to stand. Swallowing her own nervousness, she clasped it and followed him outside.

  Chapter Eleven

  Torr let go of her once they were far enough from prying ears, though many watched them surreptitiously.

  “Diana, I am taking ye for a ride to thank ye for yer help.”

  “My help? With what?”

  “With discovering which clan we need to watch for now. This is very important information to the safety of the king, and I want to show ye my appreciation.”

  Though Torr’s look was sincere, she’d bet that taking clothes off would be part of this gratefulness, but she wasn’t opposed to that, especially since they only had a few days— No, she wasn’t going there right now. “A ride sounds wonderful, but I am not a very good horsewoman. Let me get my brat.” She turned back to the bakery and grabbed her outer clothing while Nessa’s back was turned. She didn’t want to answer any questions from her friend right now.

  Once outside again, she wrapped the brat around her and quickly belted and pinned it in place.

  Torr watched her with an odd smile then took her hand and walked them toward the stables. “We will ride double on Ceo. He will hardly notice yer weight.”

  Ceo. That was Gaelic for “mist,” and Kerr’s horse Stoirm was Gaelic for “storm.” She wondered what the other brothers’ horses were named, but she’d ask someone else. She hated seeing the pain in Torr’s eyes whenever he spoke of his family. The five men must have been close.

  She had thought Stoirm was big, but Ceo was such a broad horse that she admitted to being a bit intimidated.

  Torr pulled her to the side. “Don’t stand right in front of him. He is trained to fight with his hooves and he needs to see that you are a friend, not a foe.”

  Hesitantly, she patted Ceo on the shoulder, despite his snorts. Thinking calming thoughts, she found him nuzzling her hair in no time.

  “Ach, enough.” Torr pulled Ceo’s head away. “Must ye compete with me, too?” He rubbed the horse along the bridge of his nose before turning to her. “Ready?”

  She nodded, and in one smooth movement, Torr lifted her onto the horse’s back. Holy Hamlet, the man was strong! At a size twelve, she was not a small woman.

  He mounted up behind her and took the reins, his arms keeping her safe. With a kick of his foot, the horse walked to the exit. Once beyond the castle walls, Torr kicked Ceo into a good run. She grasped the horse’s mane and enjoyed the breeze as they passed over the north field. At its end, Torr reined in and guided them through the forest at a slower pace on a well-traveled path.

  His deep voice rumbled against her. “Ye have seen our small pond near Gealach, but I think you will enjoy another spot even more.”

  With her back to his chest, she couldn’t see his face, but his breath brushed by her ear, sending goose bumps along her flesh. What this man did to her body, no other man had, nor probably ever would. She wondered vaguely if Torr would have any descendants, he certainly had slept with enough women to have some bastard children, but no one at the castle had said anything. If that weren’t the case, now he wouldn’t have the chance to marry and have children. As it always did, thoughts of his impending death caused her throat to close. It became worse with each passing day.

  “Here we are.”

  Grateful to have her unhappy musings interrupted, she looked about, but there were nothing but more woods. Granted, her first impression of Scotland as vibrant and untouched held true here as well, but after the long ride, she’d expect a pond at least. Still, she didn’t want him to think she didn’t appreciate it. “It’s beautiful.”

  He chuckled. “Nay, not this, lass.” He guided Ceo off the path and through the trees.

  They opened up upon a ledge, and below them spread the castle with all its fields. Seeing Gealach’s tower keep standing alone on a small hill at the center of softly rolling fields surrounded by majestic heather-strewn mountains gave her a strange sense of pride. It wasn’t her home, but maybe because it was Torr’s she could relate.

  From their present height, she could see the small village beyond the south wood and the dirt path that led from there to the castle. That was where she’d stood when she first arrived. It seemed so long ago and so much had changed for her since then.

  “This takes my breath, Torr.” She held onto his forearms as if to reassure herself that he was still with her. She turned and looked up at him. “You love your home.”

  “Aye, I do. I hope ye will, too.”

  She touched his face. “I already do.”

  He turned his lips into her palm and kissed it.

  Oh God, she loved him! She turned back to view the scene spread out before them, leaning against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her own in her lap, and she wished she had the ability to stop time. That they could stay in the moment forever, but no one had that kind of power.

  They remained that way for a long time. Taking in the scene, enjoying each other’s silent company and the happy birds that seemed to keep up a nonstop chatter around them.

  Torr leaned his head down and kissed the side of her neck. “If ye are hungry, I’ve brought our midday meal with us.”

  She loved how thoughtful he was. “What about your men’s training? Shouldn’t we get back?”

  He lifted his arms from her lap and picked up the reins. “Nay. Kerr volunteered to oversee that today, so I could give ye this reward.”

  As he moved Ceo back into the woods, the enormity of their outing hit her. He never changed his schedule or his patterns, and this was the second time he’d done so for her. The emotional path they were headed down was a dangerous one, not only for her, but for history.

  “Here ye go.” Torr distracted her as he dismounted. He’d fo
und a very small clearing with a stream running along its edge. “Ready?”

  She nodded. He gripped her waist, and she put her hands on his shoulders as he swung her down from Ceo.

  Taking a bundle from the horse’s back, Torr patted Ceo’s flank. “Go have yerself a drink.” At his words, Ceo walked to the stream.

  “Does your horse always do what he’s told?”

  He grinned. “Aye. Will ye?”

  She put her hands on her hips. “No.”

  Torr laughed, the full-bodied sound echoing through the wood and her own body. His joy made her happy. When did that happen?

  “Come. Will ye eat at least?”

  She nodded and helped him spread the woolen he brought. As she unpacked the cheese, bread, and cold chicken, he took a tankard and filled it with water from the stream. When he returned, he unsheathed his claymore and sat, laying the giant sword next to him. She held out a piece of bread with cheese and meat to him, but he leaned back on his hands, his legs stretched out in front of him and opened his mouth.

  He had to be kidding. She cocked her head. “You want me to feed you?”

  He grinned, looking like a boy who knew he shouldn’t do something but was doing it anyway. She had to admit she liked him this way, without the worries of the clan on his broad shoulders. Inching herself closer, she lifted the bread to his mouth, and he took a large bite. She waited while he chewed, but he nodded for her to eat some, too. The intimacy of the act was not lost on her. After taking a bite herself, she offered him more.

  They continued to share until she gave him the last bite. As he took it from her fingers, his tongue darted out and licked the breadcrumbs from her palm. The sensual feelings that simple act elicited caused her body to warm. When he sat forward, he cupped the back of her neck with his hand and licked a crumb from the corner of her lips. The man’s seduction was well practiced, and yet she didn’t hold it against him. The only thing she wanted to hold against him was herself.

  “Come, lass, are ye not warm in that brat? There is no one to see out here in the wood. Let me help ye get comfortable.”

  She watched, mesmerized, as his large hands deftly undid the simple brooch at her neck and made short work of the belt around her waist. The material lay loose on her lap as all restriction was removed. She gazed into his sapphire-blue eyes and found tenderness in their depths. She’d expected passion, but as he nimbly pulled apart her braid, her heart turned over.

  “Ye are more beautiful than a mountain of heather bending to the soft breezes of summer.”

  She closed her eyes at the intensity of her emotions. He was too good to resist. When she opened her eyes, she found him studying her intently.

  “Ye are so different from other women.”

  She swallowed. “I am?”

  “Aye, but I cannot decide why.” He looked sincerely puzzled.

  It could be his own feelings that made her unique. That wouldn’t be good, no matter that she longed for exactly that. She touched his rugged face, unwilling to continue his train of conversation. She traced his nose, feeling the bump where it had healed. She cocked her head. “Who broke your nose? Was it a battle?”

  Torr’s smile was contrite. “Nay, it was a lesson well learned.”

  She pretended to ponder. “Hmm, and the lesson was?”

  He pulled her close, his arms enveloping her. “To respect the women of my clan. I had grown cocky in my prowess on the battlefield and in bed. Carnach was quick to put me in my place. To be truthful, I did know better, but as the second youngest of five brothers, I was too anxious to prove I had reached manhood.”

  Sadness entered Torr’s eyes as he spoke and she kicked herself for her lack of sensitivity. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “Nay lass, ye didn’t know. I loved all my brothers. My only wish is to do my best in honor of their sacrifices and keep my clan safe, including ye.”

  She lost herself in his eyes as his gaze turned tender. Unable to help herself, she closed the small gap between them and kissed him with all she felt.

  He deserved comfort, solace, and the very kindness he gave so freely. She grasped his neck and held herself against him, her tongue twining with his. She gave him what he wanted, happy to offer what she could.

  His hand moved to the back of her head as he quickly deepened the kiss. His tongue took control, tangling with hers, even as his other hand cupped her butt and pulled her closer. Fire swept through her at his possessiveness, leaving her little air. Pulling away from his lips, she tried to slow her breathing.

  His smug smile at her complete capitulation to his passion was well earned. She wanted him inside her, now.

  As if sensing her thought, he grasped her to him as he twisted to lie full out on the ground, his large body housing an even bigger heart. He offered himself instead of taking from her, making her heart hitch at his thoughtfulness.

  She inched her body over his, pleased to share a part of herself with him. His hand cupped her butt, pulling her up against his erection. When he hit the sensitive spot between her thighs, she moaned, her own need rising fast. Holding his face, she kissed him, giving him more, letting him know she was ready.

  He broke away and held her head in his hands. “I need ye.”

  Yes! Her mind and body and heart finally agreed. “I need you, too, but too many clothes.”

  He grinned, a wicked promise in his eyes that sent a shiver through her body. The next moment he had rolled them over.

  She squeaked in surprise, and he covered her mouth with his hand, though his grin remained.

  Two could play that game. She darted her tongue out and licked his palm.

  His smirk faded and a low hiss left his mouth. “Ye are temptation in the flesh, lass.”

  Hmm, she liked that.

  He released her mouth and pushed up onto his arms. Then with one hand, he lifted her leine up to her waist. Cool air hit her thighs yet her body warmed. Still on one arm, he flicked his own up to lay it on her stomach before putting his hand back into his pushup position.

  The man’s strength never ceased to amaze her. And she wanted that strength inside her.

  He lowered his hips slowly until he touched her moistness. “God lass, ye are ready for me.” He moved onto his elbows and gazed into her eyes, but she couldn’t read his expression with the sun above him.

  She told him with her eyes what she couldn’t say in words. I love you. “I need you.”

  He let out a breath, as if relieved they felt the same, before he slowly pushed into her. He filled her completely, building the tension within her. The rightness of him inside her flowed over her like a stream over bedrock. She stroked his tongue with her own as her body sucked at him, refusing to let him go.

  He pressed deeper, and she lifted her pelvis, greedily wanting more of him until he could go no farther. Holding her head, he invaded her mouth as his hips settled tight against hers, his cock pressing into her core. Overpowered, yet safe, her body thrummed with his welcome invasion, making her heart race and her breaths shallow.

  She couldn’t contain her thrill and a whimper escaped.

  He broke the kiss. “Are ye all right?”

  Unable to make any sound move past her desire, she nodded.

  As he slowly lifted his hips, she stifled a groan, wanting to keep him inside, her sheath grasping at his exit. He would return. She could tell by the straining muscles in his neck and shoulders that he held himself back. He cared more than she’d expected he would.

  Then he slid back in and her hips rose, pushing against his, as excitement raced from her center to every nerve ending in her body.

  He pulled back again, his breath coming fast now, his control slipping.

  Oh, yes, that’s what she wanted. She wove her hand into the hair at the back of his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. The dual sensations of his tongue ravaging her mouth and his cock pumping into her built fast as her blood pounded in time with his rhythm. She met every thrust, each sensation sp
iking her pleasure, her body spiraling upward toward her release.

  He moaned against her tongue and her orgasm sprung free, sending her body into euphoric spasms around the man inside her. She held on to him like an anchor in a raging storm while wave after wave of ecstasy crashed through her.

  His body tightened before he threw his head back and buried himself deep. His release was fierce, his seed bringing her to a new intensity that made her gasp for air.

  As they both calmed, she sighed. She’d never experienced anything so beautiful, even the ground beneath her, the trees and the gurgling of the nearby stream made it perfect. In that place, that moment, they were simply a man and a woman, the most basic of definitions. No time. No responsibilities.

  If only it could last.

  He looked down at her, his face fully in shadow. “Lass, ye are a wonder.”

  “I was thinking the same about you.” Satisfaction filled her with contentment.

  His grin was well earned. The man was pleasure incarnate. “I do not want to leave yer warm body.”

  “We can always enjoy each other again.” She wiggled her brow.

  He chuckled. “I like that idea, but I think a brief rest and a drink would speed that along.”

  She pretended to pout until he pulled himself from her and it became real. She loved the feel of being connected to him. She never wanted to give that up and right now she hated her job.

  “Lass, what did I do?” He looked at her, a cup of ale in his hand.

  She sat up and winked. “You stopped pleasuring me.”

  His grin came back as he handed her the cup. “Do not ye worry. I do not have plans for anything else for the rest of the day.”

  She took a swallow of the ale. “I like the sound of that, but this time I want to feel all of you.”

  She raised up on her knees to unpin his brooch, but his hand covered hers and held tight. “Whisht.”

  She stilled. His look was keen, though he didn’t move a muscle. Then she heard it. Horses!

  Their gazes met and in that one moment, his need to protect overwhelmed her. He lowered his voice. “Stay behind me no matter what occurs. I do not want these men near ye.” He took her hand and helped her rise, grabbing up his sword with the other.


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