A Wolf's Savage Embrace

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A Wolf's Savage Embrace Page 12

by Darlene Kuncytes

  Luke chuckled and walked over to his duffle bag. He rifled through it a moment and pulled out a tube, holding it out to her. “Here you go, brat.”

  “Thanks.” She was about to make her exit, when her eyes suddenly lit up. “Hey, you got scissors in there?”

  “I believe so, why?” He asked, raising his brow slightly – his eyes narrowing.

  “Come with me,” she laughed. “Let’s rock my sister’s world.”

  Kat closed her eyes and let the hot water soothe her aching muscles. She thought she heard Luke’s voice, but couldn’t be certain. Shaking it off, she sighed and felt her eyelids growing heavy. Not having the strength to fight it, she let herself drift off – not caring in the least that she was instantly dreaming of amber eyes.

  Kat woke with a start a little while later shivering – the bathwater having gone ice cold. She quickly slipped out of the tub and wrapped herself up in a thick towel – trying to stop the tremors assaulting her body.

  She ran a brush through her damp hair and threw on her favorite overlarge t-shirt and a pair of panties – thinking now that she wished she had packed some pajama pants or even a pair of granny panties – and silently cursed her addiction to silk undergarments. She felt slightly over-exposed in the worn shirt that barely skimmed her thighs. Not to mention the deep purple French cut underwear. Oh, well – she thought with a sigh’ no changing it now.

  Gathering up her nerve, she left the bathroom and walked into the room – praying with all that she had, that the wolf was still fast asleep.

  Luke was still sprawled out on the bed when Kat walked in - but her mouth dropped open when she noticed that he was shirtless and missing the long braid he usually wore.

  His ravens-wing black hair was cut short in a sexy, messy style that only served to enhance his already spectacular looks, and she swallowed hard – feeling her previously chilled body instantly growing warm. Oh, Hell – who was she kidding! It was getting downright hot in here. Oh dear God! The man looked beyond amazing - he looked downright edible!

  “I take it that you approve?” he asked with that insufferable grin on his face - and Kat couldn’t be sure if he meant his haircut or his lack of a shirt – and in reality she approved of both with uninhibited abandon. It was taking all the willpower that she possessed not to just jump him right then and there!

  “Har…Harper did that?” She stammered, her face flushing with heat.

  “I have to admit – that little smart-ass has talent.”

  “Um…yeah. It looks all right, I guess.” She stammered, feeling that pull towards him that she did whenever he was near. “Every dog needs a good grooming once in a while, I suppose. Did she happen to give you a flea dip too?”

  Luke burst out laughing and patted the bed, his mouth turning up in a leer. “Come on, red. Why don’t you lie down and get some rest? It’s been a rough, emotional couple of days. You must be wiped.”

  Kat took a deep breath, and walked over to the bed - not about to let this man rattle her any more than he already did. Screw that noise! He could look at her all he wanted with that drop-dead gorgeous grin, and intense smoky stare. She wasn’t going to let him know how he affected her. She straightened her back and walked over to the other side of the bed and slipped in – pulling the covers up over her chest.

  “Geez, it’s not even nine o’clock,” she said, shaking her head with a groan. “I can’t believe I’m going to sleep this early.”

  Luke flipped onto his side, and rested his head on his hand as his eyes captured and held hers. “There are plenty of things I can think of to pass the time,” he whispered huskily, and Kat’s heart slammed in her chest with a resounding boom. Oh crap – this was not good.

  “I’m sure you could, Benji,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper – and suddenly her mouth felt dry - and her tongue exceedingly thick.

  Luke leaned over so that he was hovering above her, his mouth whispering across hers with the lightest of touches - and Kat’s damn toes curled. He was so unbelievably warm, and he smelled so good that she felt every bit of her resolve pouring out of her body in a rush - to leave only a deep, aching need that she felt to the very core of her being.

  She wanted him more than she wanted air – and her body, mind and soul cried out to him. Begging him to take her – and consequences be damned. She just wanted him so damn bad - if only for this one night.

  Tomorrow she and Harper would leave him behind - but she could have this one night, she reasoned. One night of total, uninhibited bliss – with the man she had come to care for more than she was willing to admit.

  “Luke,” she murmured against his mouth – not quite certain if it was a protest or a plea, but she didn’t have time to figure it out, because a moment later his mouth took hers with primal demand. His tongue swept past her parted lips and claimed hers as his arm snaked around her waist and pulled her flush against his strong, solid frame. And it felt wondrous. He was the perfect combination of smooth, hot steel – his muscles rippling against her heated flesh. He was strong and demanding, and there was nothing she could do but to respond.

  She plunged her hands into his silky hair and pulled his mouth closer to hers, returning his kiss in quiet desperation – and their teeth knocked together in their desire.

  She felt him growl deep in his chest when she kicked off the covers and tossed her leg over his – drawing his body closer to hers.

  Luke flipped over onto his back, pulling her along with him so that the lengths of their bodies were melded together, and kissed her fully, passionately - and Kat groaned at the feel of his desire pressing firmly against her stomach – demanding that she take notice. And, Lord help her – she noticed. How could she not? He was hot and firm and strong and so very well endowed.

  Straddling his thighs, Kat sat up and lifted the t-shirt that she wore over her head, eliciting another deep growl from the man beneath her.

  His hands instantly swept up and cupped her breasts, teasing her tender buds into firm, aching peaks - and Kat arched into his strong caress – biting at her bottom lip to keep from screaming out. His touch was like liquid fire that swept over her body in a rush.

  Luke sat up and kissed her tenderly between her breasts, as his hands continued to caress her, and Kat could feel that delicious heat coiling through her stomach only to settle at the apex of her thighs with a vengeance.

  He turned his head slightly and his mouth captured one of her nipples and suckled - causing a delicious shudder to run up her spine, and she knew that she needed this man – needed him more than she had ever needed anything before.

  “Oh, God…Luke,” she panted hoarsely, as she reached down between them to the waistband of his jeans, and tried with shaking hands to free him of the constricting material.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” Luke murmured - gently tugging at her bottom lip with his teeth. “Tonight, we take our time. I want to taste and feel every damn part of you.” With that he flipped her over onto her back once again, and gazed down into her eyes – seemingly taking in every aspect of her face as if it were a fine piece of art, and Kat couldn’t help but tremble at the tenderness she saw there.

  He kissed her cheek then moved to her jaw and down to her neck. He slowly and thoroughly worked his way down her body until he made his way down to the silk panties that covered her. With a roguish grin that sucked the air right from her lungs, he slipped the panties off and tossed them to the floor. “And - they are still intact,” he chuckled, before lowering his head and tasting her honeyed sweetness.

  Kat arched her back as she dug her heels into the mattress - her breath coming out of her in a sigh. Dear Lord, what this man could do to her!

  Luke slid his hand across her stomach as his other hand caressed her thigh a moment before moving to where his mouth worked its magic. He slipped a finger inside her, then another - and Kat felt as if every nerve ending in her body was suddenly alive and humming. His teeth nipped at her sensitive bud and Kat groaned with euphoria.
So close! So damn close – and she just knew beyond a doubt that she would never survive this. That this man was definitely going to kill her - leaving her nothing but a pile of ash.

  “Please,” she begged, curling her fingers in his hair and chewing on the inside of her cheek. Luke withdrew from her warmth and looked up at her, relishing the passion etched across her perfect features - a part of him swelling with pride that he was the one putting it there. He got off of the bed and heard Kats soft cry of protest - and his mouth turned up in a contented smile. There was nothing sexier than hearing his woman call for him.

  Kat watched him through hooded eyes as he shed himself of his jeans, and only a moment later slid back into the bed beside her – pulling her to him and kissing her deeply – taking his time as his hands wandered over her entire body – caressing and teasing her overheated skin.

  “You are so damn beautiful,” he whispered against her lips, as his hands slid down her back to cup and knead the perfect curves of her bottom – pulling her against him so that she could feel his desire for her. He was thrumming with need – and knew that he had to be inside her – had to feel her warmth surround him.

  He shifted and stationed himself between her thighs as he kissed her tenderly - and finally…finally slid very slowly into her heat – wanting to make this moment last an eternity. She was tight and warm and slick, and it was taking everything he had not to give into his baser instincts and just thrust into her and let the animal take over – but that wouldn’t due. Not with her – not with his Katrina. He planned on enjoying every single moment.

  He nibbled at her bottom lip as he sheathed himself to the hilt, and stilled – suddenly aware of that tingle rippling up his spine. “Christ, baby. You feel so damn good.” He rasped out, his eyes sliding closed as he enjoyed the feel of her surrounding him. This was as close to Heaven as he had ever been – and he wanted a thousand lifetimes of it.

  “Luke,” she gasped, and he knew that she was feeling the same thing that he was - that hot, intense hum of desire. “Please… Oh, please.”

  “Shhh, sweetheart,” he husked, kissing her neck. “I know, baby.” He began to move his hips - slowly and steadily, and Kat wrapped her legs around his waist – digging her feet into his thighs and curling her hips up to meet his in the same steady rhythm - and it was beyond sublime.

  “More,” she gasped, and Luke increased his pace – still not wanting to let this end. In all of his life he had never felt a connection to anyone the way he did with this woman, and he knew in that instant that he would do whatever it took to keep her with him. She was his, and he realized in that moment that he loved her with his entire heart and soul. That she was his to love and protect.

  He had never cared before if he had been tender – sex to him had always been just a means to an end. But with Kat it was so much more than that. It was all consuming and more important than anything ever had been before – and he needed her to feel that too. He needed her to know that what they shared was special – it was forever. There would never be anyone else.

  He moved faster as he felt her body beginning to tighten, and knew that she was close to her release. Staking claim to her mouth once again, he increased his pace, wanting to reach that pinnacle with her - and a moment later he wasn’t disappointed. His mouth absorbed her cry as she stiffened and came crashing down around him – her channel tightening up around him as he reached his peak with her - and the tingling in his body slammed through him like an electric shock – almost as if he had stuck his finger into a light socket.

  Kats body trembled and shuddered from the powerful orgasm ripping through her like a tidal wave of sensation, and she clenched her hands in his hair, wanting nothing more at the moment than to scream out to him – but painfully aware of her sister sleeping in the next room – so instead, she returned his kiss with desperation, moaning into his mouth as her tongue slid against and sparred with his.

  After what seemed an eternity of bliss - Luke rolled onto his back – taking her with him -still buried deliciously inside her as the aftershocks of their climax continued to rock through them.

  He kissed the corner of her mouth – working his way to her jaw, and finally her ear, where he tugged at her lobe a moment before softly kissing the area just below it - and Kat once again felt her toes curl. Oh, dear God, the man just knew all the right places.

  “You are absolutely incredible,” he whispered against her skin, hugging her to him so tightly that she felt the air rush out of her as his heart beat a tempo against hers.

  Kat kissed the hollow of his throat and sighed – refusing to follow every instinct in her body to run. No! She internally screamed. She’d be damned if she was going to do that again – not this time. She was going to enjoy this night with him, and carry it with her forever. For one incredible night – he would be all hers – to love and cherish.

  “You aren’t too shabby yourself, Benji,” she husked, and Luke felt his heart swell – as well as another part of his anatomy - and he saw her eyes widen in surprise. “You’re kidding, right?” She giggled when she saw his expression darken once again with desire and his eyes begin to glow with that look that she was beginning to know so well.

  “Not in the least,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss her cheek - and smiled that damn smile of his.

  He pulled her astride him, and sat up - burying his head in her hair. He moved his hips, setting the rhythm and Kat quickly took the lead, raising up on her knees and slamming back down – pulling a groan from his lips as she moved.

  Her arms wrapped around him - keeping his face buried snugly against her, as she rocked and swirled her hips against his – their body’s slick with the perspiration of their lovemaking.

  “Katrina,” Luke gasped, clenching his jaw and gritting the words out between his teeth. “That’s it, baby.”

  Kats head fell back as she increased her tempo, her fiery hair brushing against the arms that held her so securely, and she found herself once again on the precipice of that erotic release that only he could give. That earth-shattering finale, that shot her to the stars and back in a blinding explosion of colors.

  “Luke!” She gasped as that delicious climax once again slammed through her with a vengeance - and she knew that he was right there with her when he stiffened and growled deep in his chest – the sound rumbling through his body like thunder.

  They sat there silently; each trying to get their breathing under control, until Luke finally lifted her off of him, and cradled her against his strong chest – kissing the top of her head softly.

  “I swear to God - you are going to be the death of me,” he said quietly against her temple, and Kat felt like she had suddenly been slammed in the gut with a forty pound sledge hammer.

  That was exactly what she was afraid of - and that bitch called cold hard reality reared her ugly, vengeful head. As long as he was with her - he was in danger.

  She closed her eyes and snuggled up against him, needing to feel his warmth, and afraid to say anything. There were just too many emotions running around in her head, and she felt her eyes moisten with tears. This was all just too damn hard.

  “Get some rest, red,” Luke breathed against her ear as he settled himself onto the mattress with her still held securely in his embrace – their body’s intertwined.

  Kat let her eyes drift closed, as she listened to the steady beating of his heart - allowing the sound to lull her to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Luke woke the instant that he picked up the scent of witch in the air. Knowing without a doubt that it was not Katrina’s scent, he carefully slid out of the bed, and silently walked across the room to the window. He pulled back the curtain and gazed out into the parking lot - his skin beginning to prickle with a deep growing sense of danger.

  He walked over to the door and opened it slowly. Shifting into his wolf form, he padded out into the night – following the scent. The parking lot was deserted as Luke made his way silently through the parked c
ars - his body on full alert.

  A low growl of warning rumbled deep in his chest as he spotted the man making his way towards the rooms where Kat and Harper slept, and he bared his teeth – circling around behind a parked van and watching intently, fury overtaking him. His body trembled with the fierce need to protect, and he inched his way closer as the witch crept along the building, closer to their rooms.

  Luke’s hackles rose when the overwhelming scent of rotten meat hit him, and he turned his head – his glowing amber eyes sweeping the area. A moment later, another figure emerged from the shadows and joined the witch. Demon! Just what in the Hell was a witch doing with a Demon?

  Luke’s entire body trembled with rage as he padded over to where the two men stood, talking in whispers.

  “They are in the rooms at the end,” the Witch was saying, pointing to where Kat and Harper lay sleeping, and Luke’s ears twitched as his body tensed even tighter.

  He made his way closer to where the two stood - as silent as death. He was not going to let either one of these bastards anywhere near his woman - or her sister. He would protect them to the death.

  He watched the two closely - his mouth set in a snarl as he readied himself to pounce – his urge to kill overwhelming him.

  The witch spotted Luke as he leapt into the air and raised his hand - a ball of light shooting from his palm, and hitting Luke square in the side - knocking him to the ground with a painful thud.

  Luke struggled to get up – ignoring the blazing pain in his ribs, and leapt at the man once again before he had the chance for a second attack, going straight for the throat – and meeting his mark with deadly precision.

  He killed the witch in an instant, and turned toward the Demon - who stood there watching him in surprise – his yellow eyes glowing with shock.

  “Son of a bitch!” he hissed, right before Luke struck, knocking the vile creature to the ground and snapping. There was a high pitched shriek a moment before the Demon burst into flame – singeing Luke’s fur slightly as he burst into flame – then disappeared into a pile of ash.


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