A Wolf's Savage Embrace

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A Wolf's Savage Embrace Page 15

by Darlene Kuncytes

  They ran up the steps and through the entryway. “Geez, don’t you have any security in this place?” Harper asked as they stepped onto the elevator.

  “No need,” Kat replied, pushing the button for the fourth floor. “It’s a small town, and…well… it was home. I’ve never had any problems.” She felt the hot sting of tears as she thought about never again living here. Never again seeing Abby or Desmond or Luke… No! She couldn’t dwell on what she was losing. She had to keep Luke safe.

  She dashed down the hallway to the last apartment with Harper close at her heels. Dropping the bags, she dug through her purse for her keys and opened her door with trembling hands. “We have to hurry,” she whispered, “Luke’s not stupid – he’ll figure out that I would come here to grab some things.”

  As soon as Kat stepped through the doorway – she knew that something was horribly wrong. The apartment didn’t feel right. It felt dark and foreboding. She lifted her arm and held it out in front of Harper – preventing her from going any further into the room, when she heard a familiar voice.

  “Finally,” Elaine Winslow said, walking from the bedroom – and Kat felt as if her world had just come crashing down around her. To say that she felt a strong sense of foreboding was putting it mildly. What she was feeling was utter terror.

  “Elaine,” she whispered and pulled Harper up against her side, wrapping her arm around her sister’s shoulders protectively.

  Elaine stared at her daughters in silence - her eyes surveying the two women thoroughly. “You didn’t do as I asked,” she finally said, her tone chilling Kat to the bone. “You just had to defy me, didn’t you Katrina? You always were the head-strong, stubborn child – never doing what you were told to do. Fighting me at every turn.”

  Kat glared at her mother as she pushed Harper behind her – closer to the door. “I have no idea what you are talking about,” she bit out – a deep, sudden feeling of dread overtaking her. It was a strong, oppressive feeling that chilled her to the bone – and filled the room with its touch.

  “You just couldn’t leave the wolf behind, could you?” She ground out, as two men came walking up behind her from the bedroom - and flanked Elaine on either side. Kat gasped when she recognized the man from the Bradford’s house. Oh, dear God! This just couldn’t be! This had to be another nightmare!

  “Just what is going on Elaine?” She asked, although she was pretty sure that she already knew the answer to her question.

  “What is going on?” She shrieked, her eyes flashing with fury as her mouth twisted into a snarl. “You screwed that wolf – that’s what is going on! And because you just couldn’t follow directions - you quite possibly may have destroyed everything! It’s bad enough that we couldn’t stop that bloodsucker and his meddling Fey bitch!”

  Kat took a tentative step back, trying to push Harper closer to the exit, but her mother knew what she was doing and motioned for the two silent goons beside her to stop them. The one that had been at the Bradford’s grabbed Kat’s arm and pulled her roughly into the room – the other grabbing Harper and holding her in what seemed to be a death grip – her arms wrenched roughly behind her back.

  “Let go of me, you slimy piece of shit!” Harper bit out – struggling with everything that she had to break free.

  He just laughed and shoved her forward - and Kat could see the pain in her sister’s face.

  “You were involved with Lexie’s Coven the whole time,” Kat breathed, her eyes going back to her mother as utter shock hit her full on.

  Elaine took a step closer to Kat and leaned in – her icy blue eyes boring into daughters. And Kat found herself wondering if her mother had ever cared for her – even just a little.

  “Of course I was,” she spit at her – and Kat realized with a painful twist of her heart that – no, she hadn’t. “You have no idea what you and your little band of bleeding hearts have started! No idea at all!” She grabbed Kat by the arms – her nails digging painfully into her flesh, and glared at her. “You should have just listened to me! But no – not my Katrina!” She gave her a shake, her voice rising to the point of a scream. “And now, I have to contend with the child!”

  Kat looked to Harper who had stopped struggling, and just stood there – her mouth hanging open in shock.

  “You leave Harper out of this!” Kat said, her gaze going back to the woman standing in front of her. Was this really happening? Was her mother actually doing this? How could she not have seen what an evil, lying bitch she was? But, it wasn’t like she had been around much – Kat silently answered herself.

  “You have no idea at all, do you?” Elaine ground out. “Well, it doesn’t matter right now. There are more important things to contend with at the moment.”

  “I’d have to agree with you on that one, Endora.” Kat stiffened at the sound of Luke’s voice coming from behind her, and she felt her knee’s begin to shake with the pure terror overtaking her.

  No! He couldn’t be here! Please…please no! And in an instant, her nightmare came rushing back to her full force – stealing the breath from her body. And again she was assaulted with visions of Luke bleeding; Luke dying – and a sob wrenched from her throat as she dropped her head in sorrow.

  “You!” Elaine shrieked, pointing to the man who held Kat’s heart in his grasp. “You have no idea what you have done!”

  Luke assessed the situation in an instant - his eyes scanning the room quickly, only to land on Kat when he heard her cry out. Her head was bowed in defeat and Luke had the overwhelming urge to kill the persons responsible for her pain. His wolf howled – craving the blood of those who would dare touch his mate.

  He had smelled witch the moment that he had entered Kat’s building, and his body tensed with fear and raw fury at the thought that he might be too late. He had never felt such fear before in his entire life.

  “Ah, but you are too late,” Elaine whispered, as if reading his thoughts - and Kat’s head snapped up as she noticed her mother reach into her pocket and remove a small glass vile. Before Kat could react – Elaine threw the bottle to the floor where it burst open with a foul, vile smelling yellow cloud.

  Kat choked as her head began to swim and tip dizzyingly towards the ensuing darkness. And she tried with everything that she had to fight it as she turned towards where Luke stood – only to find him swaying unsteadily.

  “No!” she screamed, and she watched helplessly as he fell to the floor- and a moment later… there was nothing. Only blissful blackness.

  Chapter 11

  Kat struggled with her entire being to open her eyes - knowing that she needed to fight the powerful urge to remain in the calming dark. She had to find Luke! She had to find Harper!

  She shook her head, and groaned at the sudden pounding in her head that followed the movement. Oh, Holy Christ! What in the hell had happened? Her mother had…shit! Her mother had knocked them out with her damn dark magic!

  “Ka…Kat?” She heard Harper murmur – her voice shaking with fear, and Kat forced her eyes open – searching for her sister.

  She found Harper sitting against a stone wall, her hands securely shackled behind her back and her tear-stained face showing the pain she was clearly in.

  Kat pushed herself up onto her hands and knees and crawled over to the girl. “It’s all right,” she rasped, her throat raw and dry from screaming. “Harper, where…where is Luke?”

  Harper shook her head sadly, tears welling up in her eyes and Kat felt her entire body clench with an overpowering fear. Fear that her nightmare had just come true.

  “I…I don’t know,” she stammered, shaking her head wildly. “When I woke up, it was just you and me in here.” She choked back a sob and looked at Kat beseechingly. “What do they want with us?” She cried, and Kat wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly.

  “I’m not sure,” Kat whispered – her fear for Luke emanating through her body like a volcanic eruption – and again her nightmare hit her. No! He wasn’t dead! She silently s
creamed, her entire body beginning to quake from the force of it.

  “Can…can you get these off of my hands?” Harper asked, leaning forward slightly to show Kat her bound wrists. “My shoulders hurt something fierce.”

  Kat leaned around and studied the cuffs that held her sister prisoner - realizing with a deep feeling of dread, that there was no way that she would be able to break them.

  “I need to find something to try and pick the lock,” she replied, quickly looking around her for anything that might be of help – but her hopes were dashed a moment later when she found nothing. The dank room was completely bare – not even a cot or a blanket in the dark, damp space - and Kat felt her anger swell. “Damn it!” She screamed – her eyes filling with hot, angry tears.

  She needed to get them out of here. She needed to find Luke.

  Luke groaned as he opened his eyes and searched for any sign of Kat. He struggled against the shackles around his wrists and neck and growled in fury at the uselessness of it. Shit! Silver!

  He knew that he couldn’t shift because of the silver binding him, and his anger only grew into full-blown rage. He needed to find Katrina – and he needed to find her now!

  His body tensed when he caught the scent of witch, and a moment later Elaine walked through the door - her eyes scanning his impressive frame with contempt, and what looked to be lust – and Luke’s skin crawled.

  “I will admit that my darling daughter does have rather good taste,” She said, as she walked over to him and scanned his body from head to toe. Her eyes met his and she graced him with a smile that made him want to smack her across the face.

  He had never been one to hit a woman – but at that moment in time, he would have gladly made an exception for this bitch. He could smell the evil radiating off of her like a thick, toxic cloud - and it made his stomach clench in fury at the thought of this being Kat’s mother. She deserved so much more than this sorry excuse for a woman.

  “Where are Katrina and Harper,” he ground out between clenched teeth, his eyes glowing with his rage. He wanted nothing more at the moment than to rip this woman’s throat out. And he swore that if she harmed one hair on their heads – he would do just that.

  “They are resting,” she informed him with a haughty grin. She lifted her hand and traced her finger along the line of his jaw, and Luke snarled. “My, my - you are a snappy one, aren’t you? I can see why my daughter is so smitten. You do have that dark, brooding appeal that woman like so much these days - don’t you? Although, I must admit, your type has always held a certain fascination for me as well. I always did love a sexy bad-boy – and I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree –as they say.” She took a step closer and rested her hands on his bare chest – her mouth set in a disgusting smirk.

  “Thankfully, Kat is nothing like you,” he ground out, his eyes blazing into hers with pure hatred.

  “Oh, I’m afraid you will find that she is more like me than even she is willing to admit. My daughter has never fully realized her full potential as a witch, I’m afraid – but that will change soon enough.” She sighed heavily and took a step back. “I would have loved to convince you to join us, and reap the rewards of being all-powerful – but I realize by the look in your eyes - and the fear that you feel for my head strong daughter - that you are much too far gone. Do you love her?” She whispered, her brows rising quizzically.

  “Go to hell,” Luke growled, his lips pulled back in a sneer.

  “Oh, you do – don’t you? That just makes this all the more tragic, I’m afraid. Pity, really. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have enjoyed having you share my bed.”

  “In your dreams, Endora,” Luke seethed, pulling against his restraints - and Elaine burst into laughter.

  “We shall see soon enough,” she remarked as she headed for the door. “Luckily the moon will be at its fullest tonight – so we won’t have long to wait.” She glanced back at him and blew him a kiss. “It ends tonight for you wolf,” she informed him softly. “I cannot risk having you running around out in the world. It’s quite sad really, but we must do what needs to be done – mustn’t we?” And with that, she walked through the door, slamming it behind her, and Luke felt an overwhelming sense of doom hit him. Christ!

  Chapter 12

  “Son of a bitch!” Desmond barked as he slammed his cell phone down onto his desk. He ran his hands through his thick, black hair and sighed tiredly.

  “Desmond,” Abby asked, standing in the doorway - her brow creased with worry. “Are you ever going to tell me what has been bothering you?”

  “My, love,” he said, standing and walking over to her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. He knew that is was time to tell her everything – but his heart still hesitated. He never wanted her to have to worry – and this was killing him. “I’m afraid we have a problem,” he murmured.

  “What kind of problem?” She asked, leaning back slightly and eyeing him suspiciously. She had felt her mate’s unease for the past several days, and although she knew that something was eating away at him – she didn’t know what it was exactly – only that he was worried. And he was not being very forthcoming with any information – which was slowly driving her mad.

  She knew that in time, he wouldn’t be able to keep anything from her, but until that time came - his silence was seriously pissing her off. They were mates for God’s sake, and that meant that what affected one – affected the other. They were two souls joined as one, and she was going to make damn sure that he honored that. No matter how much he wanted to shelter her from the world.

  He would only tell her that everything was fine when she questioned him, and she knew that he was trying to protect her. Well – she thought with a straightening of her spine – enough of this crap! “Desmond LaGrange, you tell me right now just what is going on.”

  “Sweetness,” he said, leading her over to a chair and sitting down. He pulled her down onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her – his blue depths boring into hers. “I’m afraid that Kat and her sister have taken off on Luke – and now he is not answering his cell.”

  “What?” She shrieked, her eyes growing wide. “Oh, my God Desmond! Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Luke and I were handling it,” he said, his voice low and apologetic.

  Abby stared at him in silence, thoughtfully chewing at her bottom lip - and he knew without a doubt that her mind was working overtime. He felt her anger and confusion and fear – but he also felt her love and understanding.

  “I do understand where you two hardheaded jackasses were coming from,” she said finally, caressing his check tenderly as her eyes held his with affection. “Not that I’m happy about it in the least. But sweetheart, you can’t protect me from the world.”

  Desmond leaned forward and kissed her, his mouth gentle. “I just never, ever want you to feel a moment’s worry,” he whispered against her lips. “You are my life Abby, and I only want you to experience happiness – never any sorrow or fear.”

  Abby sighed and kissed him back. “You have made me happier in the past few weeks than I ever thought possible, Desmond – but Kat and Luke are our family - so you must promise me that you will never keep something like this from me again. We are partners - in good and in bad.” She gave him a fiery little smirk. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to have to kick your sorry asses.”

  Desmond chuckled deep in his chest and hugged her tightly, burying his face in her hair - stunned at the realization that his love for this woman just grew. He wouldn’t have thought it possible to love her any more than he already did – but by God, he did. This woman’s strength and selflessness was awe-inspiring.

  “So, what do we need to do now?” she asked, giving him a gentle smile that couldn’t hide the worry creeping back into her eyes.

  “Luke was fairly certain that Katrina would head back to her apartment; so we might as well start there.”

  Abby nodded and gave him another quick kiss. “All right
then,” she said, reluctantly pulling herself from his embrace, and standing. “I guess we go to Kat’s.”

  Kat jumped when she heard the sound of the lock being turned in the door, and watched warily as the door opened and her mother walked in. She pulled the sleeping Harper a little closer to her as Elaine closed the door and walked over to them – her mouth set in a tight line.

  “Where is Luke?” She rasped, glaring at the woman, wanting nothing more at that moment than to scratch her eyes out. She didn’t know how long they had been here, but in the time that Kat had been awake, she had heard nothing. Not a single sound – and her fear for Luke had just grown as the silence overwhelmed her.

  Kat had made Harper as comfortable as possible – but she knew that the poor girl had to be in pain with her arms so securely bound behind her, and she trembled in fury at her sister’s discomfort. She was supposed to be the big sister – she was supposed to watch out for and take care of her!

  Elaine took a step closer and watched Kat, her expression blank – as if she were staring at a stranger.

  “Can’t you at least unbind Harper’s wrists?” she asked – her eyes searching her mother’s face for any semblance of emotion – but there was none, and Kat felt her blood run cold. “She’s in pain.”

  Elaine seemed to consider this a moment and watched the two of them silently. Harper had woken, and was huddled up against Katrina – her eyes wide and frightened.

  “I suppose for now,” she said finally, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small key. “I guess she can’t do much damage in here.” She tossed the key to Katrina who caught it – wondering just what in the hell she was talking about. Harper was the sweetest girl that Kat had ever met, and she couldn’t imagine her ever being a threat.

  She reached around Harper and unlocked the cuffs and the girl let out a rush of air as she cautiously moved her arms.

  “Where is Luke?” Kat asked again – glaring at her mother. Hating her for doing this to them.


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