A Wolf's Savage Embrace

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A Wolf's Savage Embrace Page 18

by Darlene Kuncytes

  He felt the slash of the whip across his chest, and it snapped him out of his stupor. Growling he looked at the man that held the leather strap and his eyes widened when he realized that he smelled Vampire. Christ, now they had Vampire’s in the Coven. Shit! How could this get any worse?

  Another slash of the whip and Luke grimaced in pain as the skin of his chest was ripped open – and he felt the blood running down his body in a rush, weakening him even more. They had chosen the Vampire to dole out the punishment, he knew – because of his extraordinary strength, and Luke struggled to see the bastards face – but it was hidden by his robe.

  Another strike, then another and Luke felt himself dangerously slipping into unconsciousness and fought it with every ounce of his being. He could not let the blackness win.

  Harper struggled against the two men holding her as she screamed for Luke, her heart breaking at the sight of him being tortured. She looked to Kat and felt her anger welling up inside of her. Why wasn’t she doing anything? Why was she just standing there?

  Kat watched the scene unfolding before her in a sort of haze. There was nothing. No emotion, no feeling - only hate; only the sublime darkness.

  “You feel it Katrina, don’t you?” Elaine whispered in her ear, her breath hot against her face. “You feel that power rushing through your body, and it feels wonderful – doesn’t it?”

  Kat nodded distractedly, her eyes on Luke. He had fallen to his knees and was fighting to stay conscious as his blood poured from him – and Kat found the sight strangely enthralling.

  “This is all his fault,” Elaine hissed, her hand squeezing Kat’s to the point of pain. “He put that child inside of you! He created that bastard that will take everything from us!”

  “Stop it!” Harper screamed, her body beginning to tremble with rage. This couldn’t be happening. “Stop filling her head with your crap!”

  Elaine turned to her and smiled. “Oh, my naïve darling - you will come to understand and embrace what you are. You are the dark, my dear. You have the power to take life. Think of it! You and Katrina are two halves of a whole. One who may take life, and one who may give it.” She looked back to Kat, her eyes blazing with excitement. “But we must ensure that this child that grows inside your sister’s belly will not destroy what we are – and in order to do that, the light must take the life of the one she loves most.”

  Elaine turned and reached for the dagger lying on the altar - holding it as if it were made of glass. She pulled Kat toward where Luke stood and nodded to the Vampire standing there – the whip held tightly in his hands. “It is time for Katrina to finish this once and for all.”

  He nodded quickly and disappeared into the shadows – disappearing into the night.

  Kat stood beside her mother and watched Luke with interest. He was gasping for air as he lifted his head and met her eyes. Eyes that she had…what? Loved? No, a voice whispered in her head. He had used her. He had…he had…played with her as if she were a toy.

  Kat shook her head, trying to clear the fog that was her mind. Hate! She hated this man! He would destroy everything. He would end everything they had…she felt her heart clench tightly in her chest as another thought crept into her mind. No! He cared for her. He had comforted her. He had protected her.

  “Katrina,” Elaine cooed - her voice soft and so comforting. “He will destroy you. He will take everything from you and leave you. You, and the bastard child that you carry. Can’t you see it?”

  Again Kat nodded at her mother’s melodic voice, and she felt Elaine slip the dagger into her hand. If felt so warm and wonderful, and Kat’s hand trembled with the surge of power that ran up the arm that was holding it.

  The chanting was building into a crescendo around them as she lifted the dagger and looked at it. It glinted red in the firelight, and Kat was mesmerized by the light dancing off of the highly polished silver. It made her feel powerful and alive. Didn’t it?

  “You must plunge it into his heart,” Elaine urged. “End this now, Katrina. End it!”

  Kat’s eyes lifted once again to Luke’s and she saw the pain reflected in them – and something else. Although she couldn’t grasp just what it was. It was something she had felt once – but was now gone - lost in the hatred that was her soul.

  “Please, Kat,” she heard Harper beg from behind her. “You can’t do this. You just can’t!”

  “Katrina,” Luke rasped, his breathing was labored and strained – and Kat felt a strange tingle course through her body. “I love you.” He whispered, his eyes locking with hers.

  “Do it!” Elaine hissed. “End this now!”

  “Baby… I love you,” Luke gasped; his voice, no more than a hoarse croak. “Just know that; if nothing else. Know that, I…love you.”

  Kat raised the knife - her hand shaking. And in the next instant brought the dagger down with everything that she had, meeting its mark with deadly precision. And a blood curdling, pain filled scream filled the air as the chanting abruptly stopped.

  Chapter 15

  Stunned silence filled the clearing as Elaine grasped her chest in shock and fell to the ground – and in the next instant, there was total chaos. The Coven scrambled and began running towards them and Katrina watched as Luke fell to the ground as the men holding him lunged for her.

  She glared at them, her body humming with a surge of power. Suddenly the two men burst into flame and took off running into the ensuing crowd, catching several of the others on fire as they slammed into them in their terror.

  Kat glared at the members of the Coven that were stupid enough to keep coming towards her and they, too burst into flame – their shocked screams cutting through the night air.

  Kat turned towards Harper and began walking to where she was being held. The men holding her dropped her sister’s arms when they saw her heading their way, and Harper turned quickly and pressed her hands on the ones chest to shove him away. Suddenly a flash of light burst from Harper’s palms and the man clutched his chest a moment in pain; before crumpling to the ground with a pain-filled scream, and turning to dust.

  The other man took off running and Harper took off after him. “Harper! No!” Kat called, but they had disappeared through the trees and out of sight.

  Kat turned, and watched as the remaining few witches screamed and scattered about, disappearing into the brush in different directions – and suddenly the clearing was silent - only the crackling of the fire and burning bodies filling the night.

  Kat gasped for air, her body shaking uncontrollably and tears stinging her eyes. She heard the sound of footsteps and turned to find Harper coming through the trees – a look of triumph on her face.

  “Way to go all Carrie on their asses’ sis!” Harper laughed happily as she ran up beside her and gave her a quick hug and nudge on the shoulder – her eyes shining with pride. “You were a total badass!”

  Kat glanced at her sister, and tried to give her a smile, but the sight of Luke lying on the ground just wouldn’t allow it. She tried to move, but it was as if her feet were planted to the ground where she stood. It was her nightmare all over again. Played out in cold, harsh reality, and Kat felt a fear welling up inside her that she had never known before. It shook her to the core. He had said he loved her – and she might have possibly killed him.

  Using every bit of strength that she had left, she broke free from Harper, and ran over to where Luke lay; dropping down to the ground beside him, and cradling his head in her lap.

  His breathing was almost non-existent, and she felt her heart slam against her chest at the sight of all the blood coming from his gaping wounds. No, Dear God, she cried - please don’t take him from me! Please…please, she silently begged. We need him!

  “Luke,” Kat cried, pressing her lips to his face, and kissing his cheeks. “Please…. don’t do this to me…to us!” She sobbed, pressing a shaking hand to her belly. When she didn’t get a response; her sobs came on full force - wracking her body with her pain as if it were a p
hysical force.

  Harper came walking over to them – her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. “Just heal him,” she said, looking down at Kat as if she were dense. She held up a key and smiled. “I’ll get those shackles off of him while you do your thing.”

  Wha…what?” Kat choked out, her tears streaming down her face, and her voice a hoarse whisper that Harper had to strain to hear.

  “Geez, sis,” Harper laughed, dropping down beside her and unlocking Luke’s wrists. She tossed the silver away and gave her sister a wink. “That’s why I took off after that jackass,” she explained, practically beaming with pride. “I knew he’d have this on him.” She tossed the key away and hugged her knees. “Well, go on, heal him already. What are you waiting for?”

  Kat shook her head, her face showing her fear. “I…I can’t…”

  “Didn’t you hear anything that those nut cases said? Or - were you just too biggity at having to watch your puppy here get whipped?” She rolled her eyes at Kat, and smiled, her expression filled with affection. “We are two halves of a whole. I can take life – and you can give it. God,” she huffed, shaking her head sadly, “and you are the older sister! Man, I tell you. What love does to the mind…I swear. I can tell you right now - I am never going to let that happen to me.” She grumbled good-naturedly. “Or is it just the hormones?” She asked with a grin. “Is my soon to be nephew messing around with your head? Making you all kinds of bat-shit crazy?” She laughed then -her hazel eyes – so much like Kats, sparkling happily. “Go on – do it. Heal him.”

  Kat looked back down at Luke, and closed her eyes – concentrating with everything that she had. She lifted her trembling hands and ran them along his chest – praying to the God’s in Heaven that this would work. She didn’t know how she had done what she had done, but if she actually could give life, now was the time for it to be true. Please, please…let it be true – she silently prayed.

  She could feel that tingling starting in her fingertips, as a heat suddenly burst from her chest, and ran down her arms – causing them to vibrate from the sheer force of it, and she let out a startled gasp.

  “There you go.” She heard Harper murmur, and opened her eyes to see a deep blue glow coming from beneath her hands. She watched in fascination and hope as Luke’s wounds began to knit together and heal.

  “Holy shit,” Kat breathed in awe. Was she actually doing that? “Please…oh, please let this be real.” She murmured, out loud this time so that she could be heard.

  “Pretty awesome; huh?” Harper asked quietly. “I wish that was my power. I’m not at all sure that I’m going to like being the damn Grim Reaper. I mean, seriously!” She finished; her voice a sullen grunt. “I guess that’s why my mom always wanted me to reign in my damn anger. Who knew?”

  Kat looked back to Harper; her mouth set in an understanding frown. “Don’t worry,” she reassured her gently. “We’re a family now, and you will never, ever have to use it. We’ll make certain of that.”

  When Luke groaned a moment later, Kat’s eyes shot back down to his face, and she was greeted by those amber depths -that she loved more than life itself, gazing up at her - that iceberg melting grin on his face.

  “It’s about damn time you realized that we’re a family. Good God, woman - but you are a slow one.” He stated softly, and Kat felt her heart slam once again against her chest with the force of a sonic boom – knocking the breath right out of her lungs in a whoosh.

  In the next instant, she grabbed his face in her hands and kissed him with all the love and relief - and happiness that was coursing through her body - to the very depths of her soul. Washing all the hate and anger from her and leaving only peace.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered against his lips, her eyes still sparkling with tears. “I’m sorry! Luke, I love you so much! I’m so sorry for everything. I…I don’t know what happened. I was…”

  Suddenly Luke’s strong arms were around her, and pulling her down onto his chest as his firm mouth stopped her words cold. He kissed her with all the hunger and need coursing through his body. She was his! His mate - his life…his love. And by God, she had finally said the three words that he had longed to hear – and it was about damn time!

  “Oh, shit up a pole!” He heard Harper groan, and broke out into a wide smile; reluctantly tearing his mouth from Kats, and looking at the feisty teenager with a raised brow.

  “Is there a problem, brat?” He asked with a whole hearted grin, and the girl scowled at him darkly.

  “Oh, come on! Do I really need to be subjected to this? I am just a kid, you know.” She grumbled, although her eyes began to dance and glitter with humor. “Geez, you two really need to get a room!”

  Luke burst into laughter. “Those were my thoughts exactly!” With that, he got to his feet and pulled Kat up with him. He wrapped his arms around her once again as she burrowed her face into his chest; and he felt her entire body shudder. “Baby?” He whispered into her hair. “What’s wrong?”

  Kat shook her head against his chest, unable to speak. She loved this man so desperately, that the thought of him almost dying at her hand was squeezing the air from her lungs – making it impossible to breathe. She had somehow found the strength within her to stop herself – but there was that small part that had wanted to, and that scared the ever-loving piss out of her. The only thing that had stopped her was her love for this man – but how could he possibly ever forgive her? She didn’t deserve this man.

  “Katrina,” Luke murmured, cupping his hand under her chin and lifting her face to meet his.

  When she looked up into his eyes – she saw only love there, and her heart skipped a beat. How could he not despise her? Not loathe her for what she had almost done - she wondered; her tears once again springing to her eyes and sliding down her cheeks. She had stood there as they had tortured him. She had almost plunged a damn knife into his heart! He should detest her with every fiber of his being.

  She choked back a sob and buried her face against his neck, her entire body shaking now. “Shhh,” Luke cooed, rubbing her back gently, trying desperately to soothe her. “Shhh, baby – it’s all right. It’s all over, now.” Luke glanced over at Harper, who just shook her head and shrugged – rolling her eyes as she did overdramatically.

  “Emotional,” she muttered as she walked away to give them some privacy; shaking her head in bewilderment as she did. If she lived to be a hundred –she didn’t think she would ever understand the thinking of some people! Sheesh!

  Luke took Kat by the shoulders and leaned back so that he could look at her – and it broke his heart in two to see the pain in her eyes. “Tell me right now, Katrina – just what in the Hell is wrong?”

  Kat wiped her nose with the back of her hand as she looked up at him, and sniffled. “You have to hate me,” she squeaked out, and Luke’s mouth fell open. What?

  “Why on earth would you ever say that?” he asked, at a total loss.

  He loved this woman with his entire heart and soul - and had spent the last few weeks trying desperately to make her realize that she loved him too. And now, they were going to have a baby. Christ, could his life get any better? She was carrying his child, and had said that she loved him! That was about as far from hate as you could possibly get.

  “Luke, I…I almost killed you!” She sobbed, her tears coming full force once again.

  Luke pulled her back against his chest and chuckled – the vibration of it rumbling against her cheek. “And I’m sure it won’t be the last time, red,” he joked, and Kat pulled away and batted at his arm.

  “It’s not funny, jackass!” She squeaked out; hating him for making her feel better. She didn’t deserve him. How on earth could this man say that he loved her after what she had almost done?

  “I think it is.” Harper piped in from across the way. She was sitting on the makeshift altar, her legs swinging carelessly beneath her as she played with the wax dripping from the candles.

  “Keep out of this!” Ka
t and Luke both called in unison- then looked into each other’s eyes, as smiles began to touch their lips.

  “Katrina, I love you.” Luke stated simply, his eyes locking with hers. “What happened was not your fault. And if you would just take a moment, and remember correctly,” he said, leaning in closer to her, so that his mouth hovered but a fraction away from hers. “You saved me. You found it within yourself to fight that mojo shit that they plied you with to save me, baby. And you did. In more ways than I could possibly count.”

  “But…” she began, but his mouth crashing down on hers stopped her. He kissed her hungrily, his hands sliding down to the small of her back and pulling her closer – and she could feel the proof of his words pressing intimately against her hip.

  “Again,” Harper called – sounding completely exasperated. “There is a child present here! A child that has no desire what so ever, to be introduced to the wonderful world or porn! Especially not by my sister, and soon to be brother! Ugh!” She made a gagging sound as she watched them.

  Luke forced himself to break away from Katrina’s mouth and glared at the obstinate little brat – but his lips were twitching with the beginnings of a smile. He adored Harper, he thought; and his grin only widened. She was so much like her sister, and it was going to be damn nice having a little sister to watch out for, he silently mused – and soon; a son. He shook his head slightly and looked back to Kat, his eyes brimming with happiness. She was giving him the world and he couldn’t have loved her more.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” he whispered, wrapping his arm around her waist and walking over toward Harper. “Let’s go home.”

  Kat looked up at him- her eyes shimmering with tears, and silently thanked God for allowing her to find this man. He was everything to her, and there was still a small part of her that wondered why she should be so fortunate.


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