A Wolf's Savage Embrace

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A Wolf's Savage Embrace Page 20

by Darlene Kuncytes

  “I love you, Desmond. With all of my heart and soul. Now, how about taking me upstairs?”

  “The pleasure is all mine,” he said standing – Abby still held securely in his arms, and started walking towards the stairs.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that,” she giggled.

  Chapter 17

  Luke whisked Kat through the doorway of the guest room and set her down, sliding her along the length of his body as he did. His eyes locked and held hers as his mouth turned up into a wicked grin.

  His hands slid down her back and cupped her backside, pulling her up against the painful bulge in his jeans – and he groaned in sweet agony when she wriggled against him – causing a laugh to burst from her mouth.

  “My, my Benji,” she cooed, running her hands up and down the tight muscles of his arms. “You have already most likely knocked me up. What else is there?” He could see the amusement in her face – but also the desire. And his heart knocked around in his chest like a bass drum.

  Luke growled and swept her up in his arms once again, carrying her over to the bed. He tossed her gently to the center of if, his eyes practically glowing with heat. His wolf was pacing, waiting to mark its mate once and for all – and Luke intended to heed its demands. This woman would finally be his. “Oh, baby – there’s plenty more, believe me. Besides, we have to make absolutely certain that you are.”

  Without saying another word, he pulled her shoes and socks off, and then went to work on the button of her jeans – his expression, dark and intense. Desire snapped and crackled around him in a deep, primal way that had Kat’s breath coming out in quick, jerky bursts.

  Luke pulled off her jeans and tossed them across the room, then quickly dispensed with her panties and t-shirt. He stilled then, and just stared down at her – his breathing ragged and his eyes seemingly troubled.

  “Luke?” Kat questioned, wondering what was going on in that thick head of his. It was as if he was fighting some inner battle with himself. “What’s the matter?”

  Luke shook his head. “Katrina, I…I need…I need so damn desperately to mark you,” he whispered, his eyes sweeping up to catch hers. “I don’t know how gentle I can be. And I have to know that this is what you want. Once I have marked you as mine - its forever. You will be my mate. There will never be anyone else – for either of us,” he rasped unsteadily, a tremor of fear running up his spine with the inkling of fear that, although she had said that she loved him – that she might not want something so permanent. She was fiercely independent and headstrong, and the thought of spending hundreds of years with him might not be what she truly wanted. He needed to let her know what this meant – to both of them. He had no doubts what so ever…but she might – and that thought scared the ever loving hell out of him.

  “Sweetheart, once I mark you; you will be mine. You will live as long as I do - perhaps hundreds of years. You will belong to me. And I know without a doubt that I will be ridiculously - and I am quite certain at times- stupidly protective. But I will also cherish and treasure you as my other half. I will never try to control you, or break your spirit.” He took a deep, unsteady breath – his body trembling with need…and fear. “I will only love you. I just need to know that you are one hundred percent certain. That you want to spend eternity with me - because once this is done, red – there is no going back.”

  He held his breath and watched as Kat studied him silently, her eyes traveling over his face, and shimmering with tears. Finally, she pushed herself up from the bed and onto her knees in front of him. Laying her hands on his chest - she leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips - and she could feel the tremors racing through his body.

  “Lucas Blackwater,” she whispered softly against his mouth. “The hardest thing I have ever had to do; was to leave you behind that day. It nearly killed me. And the most terrifying, was when I saw you lying on the ground in that clearing. I was certain that I had lost you, and I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t…” She sighed and shook her head slightly. “Love isn’t strong enough a word for what I feel for you. You try my patience at every damn turn, and you make me crazy – but you also make me feel protected and safe. I love your smile and your laugh and even your stubborn jackass ways.” She sniffled and swiped at her tears as she watched that smile of his form on his perfect mouth - and she felt as if in that moment - she had the world at her fingertips. “You are my friend, and my lover – and I want nothing more than to be your mate, and to spend the rest of my days proving that to you.”

  Luke shivered and pulled her to him - his mouth fusing with hers – and she melted into him as if she were made of jello.

  Kat wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his embrace, her tongue stroking against his and causing a shudder to run deliciously up his spine. She pulled away from him and gave him a smirk.

  “Now, let’s just see about evening out the playing field a bit.” She whispered.

  With that, her hands dropped to the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head. She leaned forward and ran her lips down his neck as her hands worked at the fly of his jeans, deftly opening it in an instant. With a tug, she slipped them over his tapered hips and let the proof of his desire spring free.

  Luke shrugged off the garment on shaky legs, and prayed that his knees wouldn’t give out on him – but in the next moment, when Kat bent down and took him into her mouth, he was certain that they would.

  “Oh, God…baby,” he groaned, the sound nothing more than a tortured breath as his hand plunged into her hair, and his head dropped back. Her mouth toyed and teased as her hand surrounded his steely length, and Luke knew that he wouldn’t last long. He was beyond the point of no return.

  With another tortured moan, he lifted her up and pulled her up to look into her face.

  “Hey,” she softly protested, her eyes glowing brightly. “I wasn’t finished.”

  Luke chuckled and dropped his mouth to hers - kissing her with all the love and promise that he had in him.

  “You keep that up, red - and I will be.” He pushed her down onto her back and slid his body next to hers – pulling her up against him. His mouth sucked at the pulse of her throat a moment before working his way down her collarbone to the soft swells of her breasts, where his mouth nipped and teased each sensitive peak until she was writhing beneath him and begging him to stop; to take her already.

  He slid between her thighs and looked into her eyes. “Baby, when I mark you, it might hurt a bit. I’ll try to make it as fast and painless as I possibly can.”

  Kat lifted a brow and smiled somewhat nervously. “You’re going to bite me, aren’t you?” she asked, and when he nodded – a giggle burst from her lips. “Oh, thank God!” She snorted. “I was afraid you were going to pee on me or something.”

  Luke burst out laughing and hugged her against him – his body shaking with his laughter. “No,” he finally choked out. “I promise not to do that, red.” He was assaulted by another fit of laughter and fell onto his back beside her, trying to get a grip on himself. “Christ, Glinda…you’re killing me here!” He choked out.

  Kat leaned over him, and took his face in her hands. Closing the distance between them; she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth as she pressed herself closer.

  “Let’s do this already,” she whispered fiercely. “Because, I have got to tell you Benji - if you don’t make love to me, and soon – I just can’t be held responsible for what I might do.” Her voice held a challenge, and as if to prove her point, she wriggled herself against him again - her eyes gleaming devilishly.

  In the next instant Luke let out a howl and tossed her back over onto her back, stationing himself between her thighs. He kissed her with a tortured urgency as he ground himself against her – his mouth devouring – yet cherishing hers.

  He shifted his body and Kat felt him slide home with a powerful thrust - and a sigh slipped between them. “Mmm, that’s its Fido. Now you are where you need to be.”

began to move his hips - his movements slow and steady at first – but with a growing urgency, and Kat felt for certain that he was definitely trying to kill her. She gripped his behind and dug her nails in – lifting her hips to meet his.

  She felt the low rumble of his growl against her chest and lifted her lids to find him staring at her. His gaze wild and untamed - and she felt her heart skip a beat. He increased his pace until she felt that fluttering start in her belly, and gasped from the sheer wonder of it.

  Luke pulled his lips back to reveal his now elongated canines - and as they came crashing down together in a wondrous release - she felt him sink his teeth into her shoulder.

  There was a moment of pain, followed by the most unbelievable pleasure - and tears sprang to her eyes as she realized that she was finally his. Mind, body, soul and heart. This man was her mate. Suddenly a feeling of rightness settled over her as she felt Luke tenderly lick at her wound, then kiss it gently - murmuring against her skin as he did - that he loved her. And that he would love her until the end of his days – and she smiled – completely content, and happier than she ever thought she could be.

  Luke rolled onto his side and pulled her against his chest – kissing her temple tenderly. She snuggled up against him and listened to the pounding of his heart. A heart that was all hers – and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it matched hers in perfect tempo. She could feel their bond forming as she lay there, and her smile only widened. There was an unbelievable sense of peace enveloping her, and she sighed.

  “I didn’t hurt you too much, did I?” he asked softy, his hand drawing circles across her back.

  “You didn’t hurt me at all,” she whispered back.

  “I love you so damned much,” he husked, his voice filled with emotion as his other hand slid down her body to caress her tummy lightly.

  She knew that he was talking to both her and the baby, and she felt tears welling up in her eyes.

  “I love you, Lucas. And I will forever.”

  This man was amazing – she thought with a contented sigh. For every moment that he tried her patience, he made up for it tenfold with his strong, beautiful, loving heart.

  He was a force to be reckoned with - yet had shown her what a caring, gentle soul he was – and she knew that their life would never be boring. It would be filled with love and laughter…and quite a bit of heat.

  And; as she fell asleep held securely in her mate’s embrace – she knew that it was going to be a wonderful, fun, wicked and absolutely wild ride. And she was looking forward to every moment of it.

  Please feel free to contact Darlene. She loves hearing from her readers! Here are her links:

  Amazon: http://t.co/crlnP5fvyH


  B & N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Darlene-Kuncytes?store=allproducts&keyword=Darlene+Kuncytes

  Also: Follow her on Twitter @VampireEmbrace

  There are so many people I want to thank so much for supporting me on this wonderful, crazy - amazing journey.

  First of all – my family. Deb, Den, Sue, Nick, Chris, Erin, Audrey and Sam. You have encouraged me, and loved me through all of this - and I could never thank you enough for that. I love you all so very much.

  To Sue, Angie and Bobby – we may not be blood – but we are family! And I love you guys more than I can say.

  To Linda Boulanger who always knows exactly how I envision my covers, and goes above and beyond to get them perfect! It’s as if you know exactly what is in this crazy brain of mine! You are amazing! Such a talented, special lady!

  To my editor – Sue McGarvie. You are a sister to me, and I adore you! Thank you for your pep talks and love when I needed it most – and just for being the beautiful person that you are.

  To my assistant / agent – Theresa Johnson – who has always gone above and beyond for me and blows me away on a daily basis – all the while keeping me sane and laughing in the process! I am so blessed to have you in my life -and to call you my friend! I don’t know how I would have survived all of this craziness without you!

  To Kelli Smith - for doing all that you do!!! And for making me laugh at all of your crazy antics! You rock it sista! And I love you!

  To Virginia McKevitt who has done so very much for me from the beginning. You have held my hand and helped me in more ways than I can count and to consider you my friend is one of the best gifts I could ever receive. Thank you!

  To Lisa, Jennifer, Crystal and SO many others who have encouraged me, supported me - and have shown me so much love – thank you all! Your selflessness is awe-inspiring.

  And a special thank you to my nephew Nick – because I promised, and I never break a promise! I love you, Nick! (Chris – yours will be in book 3!!)

  I hope that I haven’t forgotten anyone, although I am sure that I have. I have made so many wonderful friends on this journey - who I now consider family, and it means the world to me. You all are so special - and I adore you.


  p.s. - Look for Marcus’s story – coming next!




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