Dragon's Heart: Melanie's Men

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Dragon's Heart: Melanie's Men Page 4

by T. Cobbin

  Before she could act, his face changed to show...worry? Had her brief emotion showed that much?

  “Sweetheart, I just want to dance with you. I like the way my hands feel on your waist. I like the way your eyes dance, the way your body moves. And I love the way you smell...it reminds me of honey buns.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tighter against him, and she was still too shocked to resist. It slowly dawned on her that this handsome man hadn’t made a mistake and it was her he wanted to dance with. In fact, judging by his hardness below he wanted more than to dance with her. Accepting her circumstance, she lifted her arms and placed a hand on each of his huge shoulders. The music slowly filtered back into her mind, the bass thrumming through her. Their bodies ground against each other. Occasionally, he bent his head down and buried it in her neck. He held her so tightly against him it felt like they were one body.

  The music suddenly switched to a slow song, and his arms tightened around her even more. She turned her head and laid it against his hard-muscled, warm chest. Together they swayed to the music as if they were the only ones on the dance floor. The music changed again, the beat picking up, becoming faster, and he loosened his arms from around her and placed a hand on the small of her back. Gently, he steered her off the dance floor and toward the bar.

  “Can I offer you a drink?” he asked. His voice flowed over her like chocolate melting on her tongue. He bent lower, his mouth an inch from hers. “Being the expert barman I am, I bet I can tell you what you’ve been drinking.” He lowered again, and this time his lips covered hers before she had the chance to say or do anything.

  His tongue licked over her lips. With her body humming from the sexual tension the man had caused, she parted her lips, letting him inside. His hands pulled at her waist, tugging her as close to him as she had been on the dance floor. Electric pulses seemed to shoot from his lips to hers, and her whole body felt alight.

  After his tongue swiped around her mouth, making her clit thrum, he pulled back and muttered, “Vodka and cranberry.” He kissed her again, their tongues stroking along each other. He tasted sweet and fruity himself. Again, he pulled back. “Peach Schnapps and…” He paused and ran his tongue over his lips. “Smirnoff.” He gave her a cocky smile. “Sex on the beach?” he asked.

  She shrugged and gave him a cocky smile back. “Maybe.” Feeling brave, she tempted him more. “Maybe you should, um…” She bit down on her bottom lip. “Have another taste. You might be wrong.”

  He grinned wide before lowering back down and kissing her like no one was around. Her breasts pressed against his hard chest, and his hands, although on her waist, held her close enough she could feel his erection press into her lower stomach. By the time he pulled away from her they were both panting. With a hand on the small of her back, he urged her toward an empty barstool.

  “You wait here, and I’ll make you that drink.” He was behind the bar with a bottle in his hand before she was seated.

  Man, he moved fast. She watched in fascination as he made the cocktail she’d been drinking all night. It was then she recognized his face. She’d been wondering why he seemed so familiar. He was the man Brock had spoken to before he pointed up at her. Was this all a cruel joke? For a split second she wanted to run back up to the VIP room, grab her friend, and leave the club. But then vengeance took over. If this was a prank being played on her, this man, as well as Brock...well, they would find themselves on the end of a tube of superglue, and an arse kicking from Troy after she told him.

  “What’s your name?” she asked, feeling a little silly that she’d kissed the man and didn’t know his name.

  “Cole,” he replied, placing a cocktail glass in front of her. She wrapped a hand around the cool, wavy glass stem.

  “And umm…that bloke over there...” She pointed toward Brock. She’d noticed him watching the pair of them. She could feel heat rise in her cheeks; it wasn’t half an hour ago that she’d been lusting after him, and now there she was accepting a drink from Cole after he’d kissed her. “I saw you two talking earlier and pointing up toward my VIP room.” She spun the glass between her fingers in a nervous gesture. “You are aware that I know the boss, right?” she said in a warning tone. “If you think it’s nice to prank the fat girl, I’m sure—”

  Cole’s large hands cupped her own, stopping the spin she was adding to the glass. “Sweetheart, first, you aren’t fat, and anyone who says so will have to deal with me. And second, I’m sure you have already felt what I think about your body.” He winked at her. “Not only that, but Brock—” He motioned with his head to the gorgeous bloke she’d been lusting after earlier, who was now walking over to them. “He will tell you the same.”

  She considered his dark eyes and was sure she saw a twinkle in them. But confusion had her frowning. “Brock? You mean he’s your friend and you’ve talked about me?” Why would the pair talk about her?

  Cole bent even closer to her. “He and I like to team up, so to speak.”

  “As in you’re lovers?” she asked, confused about the whole situation. He seemed to be insinuating one thing and saying another.

  “Yes, we’re lovers. But also, we like to add another in the midst of our lovemaking. A female with soft, luscious curves such as yours.”

  Melanie’s heart started pounding. Was this man, this Cole, suggesting what she thought he was? That he liked….that they liked… Oh my God. But he was, and were they? Half-questions and half-thoughts roamed around in her head, all of them unfinished as different scenarios flooded her mind. Her mind was so lost in everything she couldn’t speak. She watched Brock stand beside Cole, both pairs of dark eyes looking at her with heated stares.

  Chapter 5

  As she studied the men in front of her, Melanie began to believe they really did want her. Brock leaned on the bar, his hands closed around Cole’s, whose were still cupped around hers. Although her mind now readily agreed that these two men wanted to sleep with her, together, she was a little dubious.

  “No, you’re fucking with me, right? Bobbie is going to jump out and prank me in a second.” She looked up at their VIP room, but instead of seeing the room empty or Bobbie avidly watching her, she was surprised to see her friend yet again sucking face, but with… Was that Jaxon? The bouncer who’d been standing outside their door all night was now virtually dry humping her friend.

  “See, no joke,” Brock said.

  She looked back at the two men in front of her. Two men? She’d only had two lovers in the past, and they’d both failed to drive her to that ecstatic, orgasmic state she’d read about in books. She’d even asked Bobbie if it was her fault, and if she might be gay, thinking maybe she couldn’t find that orgasmic state because she was sleeping with the wrong sex. Bobbie had laughed and told her some men were just fucking useless. These guys in front of her were orgasms on sticks. Well, not sticks, not with their muscles, but fuck she wouldn’t mind sucking their lollipops. What made that statement better was they were offering that.

  Could she possibly believe this was true? Yes. She could believe that just by looking into their lust-filled eyes. If she didn’t take this chance, it would forever play on her mind. Just how many chances did a person like her get to have a trio? There might never be another moment in time like this one now. Her life after turning sixteen was her own and one she was determined not to regret.

  She pulled her hands from between the men’s and gulped down the drink like it was a shot, which was a lot harder than she thought with a cocktail glass. Some of the liquid escaped from the corners of her mouth. A serviette appeared in her hand when she raised it to catch the spillage.

  “Thank you,” Melanie said, dabbing her face. “So how does this work then?” she asked with a grin on her face, but her stomach was in knots.

  “Well first, my lady,” Brock drawled, “we...” He gestured between he and Cole. “...must finish work, being we are already two men down tonight and we’re covering their shifts. But,” he add
ed quickly, “you are more than welcome to sit here and be our gorgeous bar ornament until we’re done.”

  “Remind us what we have to look forward to,” Cole added. His fingers stroked the skin on the back of her hand. When he stopped to pick up the cocktail shaker and pour her another drink, the warm feeling it generated disappeared.

  Melanie looked up at the clock behind the bar. It was just after midnight. “What time do you finish?” she asked.

  Brock followed her gaze. Turning back to her, he couldn’t hide the wince on his face. “Two hours maybe?”

  She wasn’t going to be happy sitting still and watching these men serve other women for a couple of hours. “And what if some other female you like better comes along. I get tossed aside, right?”

  Both males frowned at her. Brock went as far as to look angry.

  “You are our female.” Brock stood straight, his arms crossed over his chest. He was angry?

  “We don’t want any other woman,” Cole said beside him, his voice softer. His eyes beseeched hers, begging her not to go. To believe them. He wanted her and no other. Suddenly, his face lit up. “I have an idea. For every drink we serve, you will pay us with a kiss.”

  “But Troy pays for our drin—”

  “Not your drinks, sweetheart. Everyone’s.”

  What? Everyone’s? Melanie looked up at the clock again. “Two hours in a nightclub...that’s a whole lot of drinks.”

  She scrunched up her nose. There was no doubt she would take that challenge. A kiss for every drink they served. Yes. Wow. Holy crap, yes.

  “I don’t think you can manage that,” Brock challenged.

  Looking away from the clock, she caught her reflection in the mirror behind the bar. That was one silly grin on her face.

  “Sweetheart?” Brock questioned. He looked toward Cole then leaned forward on the bar, looking at her with lust-filled eyes.

  “Challenge accepted.” She nodded, the grin on her face growing wider. “And after you have finished work?” she asked, trying to hide the sliver of excitement running through her. She bit down on her lower lip and looked up at the men through half-lidded eyes. She had to admit even if she was eager to experience what they were offering her, she was also a little embarrassed to even be thinking about a threesome.

  “Well…” Brock’s lips were a fraction from hers. If she was to lean forward a tiny touch, their lips would meet. “After everything is locked up, we’ll take you to our place, if you want, or we’ll go to yours, but either way, by the end of the night and well into tomorrow, you will be thoroughly fucked, sated, and hoarse from shouting our names. Your body will forever remember us. We will be forever imprinted on your mind, in your thoughts, and definitely your body will thrum when you think about us.” His words were like chocolate coating her skin and being licked off and then repeated. Her thighs clenched together, and she even surprised herself by whimpering.

  Brock leaned that little bit forward and his hand cupped the nape of her neck. He held her tightly while he ravished her mouth. Her panties were now very damp. She straightened her back and opened her legs, trying to rock her throbbing clit against the barstool. The action had her hard nipples brushing the inside of her dress as her breasts rubbed against the wood of the bar. She whimpered into his mouth. The sexual tension this male’s words had enticed added to her sexual frustration.

  Panting, he pulled back from her. His fingers stroked along her cheek, and his thumb caressed over her now swollen lips. Oh, he was good, he was really good.

  “Later, sweetheart. I’ll be watching you. Don’t drink too much, we want you to remember tonight.”

  So do I, she thought.

  Brock winked and swaggered off to the other end of the bar and started serving someone.

  Cole looked at her with a sexy smile on his face. “What he said.” He motioned toward Brock with a slight nod.

  “Is he always so…so…”

  “Dominating, cocky, and sure of himself? Yep. Don’t you just love it?” Cole’s white, straight teeth seemed to shine underneath the UV lights, giving him a magical look. Leaning over the bar, he gave her a chaste kiss before moving down a little to serve a customer.

  She glanced at herself in the mirror behind the bar again. Not only did she had a rosy tint to her cheeks, but her eyes had their own sparkle. She was looking forward to the evening ending and the night beginning. Oh my God, I’m really going to do this.

  Above her head, she caught sight of the VIP rooms, which had her turning to look up at them. Bobbie was still lip-locked to Jaxon. She had better go up and tell Bobbie that she’d meet her back at the hotel in the morning. As she slipped from the barstool a hand shot out and gripped her wrist gently. She turned to see Cole looking at her worriedly.

  “Where are you going, sweetheart?”

  Melanie wasn’t sure, but it seemed Cole had asked the question with a twinge of panic in his voice. She frowned at him. “A bit clingy much?”

  “Sorry, I was just… I didn’t want…” He huffed out a breath. Frustration? Shaking his head, he muttered, “Brock is better at explaining.”

  “Don’t worry so much. It’ll make you go gray.” She chuckled. “I’m only going to tell my friend I won’t be going back to the hotel with her tonight.” She felt herself blush. Admitting it out loud was more embarrassing than thinking it. That just added another inner question—was she making the right decision?

  “But what about our kisses?” he asked cheekily, which caused her to smile.

  She leaned over the bar, a hand snaking behind his neck, and pulled him toward her. His lips were soft and lush. She nipped at his bottom lip after kissing him and then licked it. She retreated back and winked at him. Who knew she could be such a tease? She stepped backward from between the barstools.

  “Add them up and I’ll pay you in one lump sum.”

  “That’s cheating,” he called after her as she began walking.

  “Yep, but it’s also better than having the police chase us down because my friend got worried.” She started up the stairs leading to her VIP room, adding a little extra sway to her hips. She could feel Cole’s eyes on her, and perhaps another set belonging to Brock.

  When she reached the bubble room, Jaxon was standing back outside with a stormy look on his face. Briefly wondering why, Melanie walked into the room to see her best friend chugging back a drink, only to refill her glass again and drink that too.

  “Woo, girlfriend, who pissed you off?” she asked.

  Bobbie looked up from her glass, and her gaze quickly shot to the doorway then back to Melanie.

  “Bad meat?” Melanie asked, using one of Bobbie’s expressions—meat meaning men she liked.

  “No, just meat with a caveman attitude,” Bobbie grumbled and slumped into her seat.

  Isn’t calling men ‘meat’ a cavewoman attitude? Melanie wondered.

  “Well, have another drink and open your ears, because I have something to tell you that will make you smile.” She poured a drink and handed it to her. Melanie waited until Bobbie had downed that, then sat next to her with what she hoped wasn’t a too cheesy grin on her face.

  Bobbie twisted in her seat and began firing questions. “Who? What does he look like? And do you think he could give you multiple orgasms in one night?”

  “How do you know there’s a who?” Melanie shot back, laughing

  “Girlfriend, you have a smile on your face that tells me there definitely is a who…” Suddenly Bobbie’s eyes grew big, realization showing in her face. “Oh my God, it’s that Brock, isn’t it?”

  Melanie couldn’t help but laugh. “I think you mean who are they? What do they look like? And yes, I really do think they could give me multiple orgasms in one night,” she replied, her voice getting higher toward the end of the sentence as her excitement took over.

  “They! Really?” Bobbie squealed. “You go, girl.” She gripped the top of Melanie’s arms and pulled her into a hug.

  For the next ten minutes t
he two friends talked together rather animatedly before Melanie promised to leave her phone on and keep in touch. They made plans to meet up in the morning so they could head home.

  Chapter 6

  Cole watched his female walk up the marble stairs with a swing in her step. She was soft, curvaceous, and he couldn’t wait to get her underneath him. He glanced at Brock and saw he was watching her too. With a smile, Cole reluctantly moved to serve a customer.

  What about our kisses? he had asked.

  Add them up and I’ll pay you in one lump sum.

  Oh, he’d be counting all right, and he would make sure every kiss counted.

  When Brock told him earlier that he’d found their mate, Cole had been dubious. But then seeing Brock, sitting on their couch with a stupid grin on his face and a rock-hard erection, he didn’t doubt it. Brock had fucked him with abandonment; his arse cheeks still felt a slight residue from their lovemaking.

  Watching Melanie walk up the stairs, Cole knew she was right. With each kiss he would place on her soft lips for every drink he served, the next two hours were going to be very long indeed. He had to admit when Brock had come down and said he’d had her hand in his, that her skin was soft, Cole had felt a twinge of jealousy. Not because he felt he would lose Brock, but because his mates had touched and he hadn’t been there. Now, after each time his lips met hers, he knew how Brock had felt touching her for the first time.

  Cole had been brought up by his two fathers and mother in a small clan of bears. They had a cabin in the south of Britain, with a wooded area behind the house and a beach in the front. He didn’t know who his biological father was, and he didn’t care. Both males had treated him as if he were theirs. The family had shared everything. He had a wonderful, loving upbringing, he never wanted for anything, and being the only child he never had to fight for affection. He wanted that and more with Brock and Melanie. He wanted to fill their home with cubs, with laughter and love.


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