Dragon's Heart: Melanie's Men

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Dragon's Heart: Melanie's Men Page 11

by T. Cobbin

  Brock knew in his heart that his mate was right. His cock was so hard it was almost painful. He wanted his little female with a passion. He wanted to fuck her into oblivion, even more so to spread his seed inside of her until she carried his cub. Or even Cole’s for that matter. She was theirs, and he wanted her to know their love for her would never die. No matter what, they were never going to be far from her. She would know now and forever more that their hearts belonged to her.

  Looking at Cole, Brock could see the pained look on his face. Cole wanted her just as badly as he did. She might be willing if they sucked, licked, and brought her close to orgasm. But what if she woke and didn’t want that? What if she woke and had accepted them into her body, but then later, when she had all her senses back, she regretted sleeping with them?

  With one last look at Melanie, he rolled over onto his back. He was about to tell Cole he owed him a blow-job when Melanie stirred again. With a what sounded to be a contented hum, she curled into him and laid her head on his chest, her fingers lightly caressing his left nipple.

  The sensation was like an electric shock. It ran straight through his body, down to his already hardened shaft. He tensed for a moment, thinking she would wake. But slowly, as she relaxed, so did he. Wrapping an arm around her back, he held her lightly against him. His bear chuffed inside of him, happy that both mates were there with him.

  “Lucky bastard,” came the whispered grumble from Cole.

  Lifting his arm from Melanie’s back, not wanting to lift his head in case it disturbed his female, Brock blindly searched for Cole’s t-shirt. Finding it, he pulled Cole in close to the other side of Melanie, sandwiching her in between them.

  “Shut the fuck up and go to sleep.” With a deep sigh, glad that both his mates were with him, Brock let sleep claim him.

  * * * *

  Melanie was warm, like she was sleeping between two hot water bottles. She hummed and wiggled. What day was it? Was she teaching today? She slowly remembered it was the summer holidays and she didn’t have to get up early.

  She went to pull her quilt up and over her shoulders where the cool air was giving her goosebumps but was shocked when it didn’t feel like her bedding. It came back to her then: sleeping bag, tent, camping…Brock and Cole.

  Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was a naked chest. Tilting her head up, she was surprised to see a sleeping Brock. Was that a smile on his face? What was she doing in a sleeping bag with him?

  The weight behind her moved. She knew without a doubt that had to be Cole. She’d woken a few weeks ago like this, sandwiched between two gorgeous men she’d spent the night with.

  With a quick evaluation of what she could feel against her skin, she summed up she was still fully dressed. Staring at Brock’s peaceful face, she wasn’t sure what to think. She liked him…well, more than liked him; he made her body thrum with excitement, with sexual energy. He also seemed to piss her off a lot too. The night she had spent with him and Cole had been one of the best things that had happened in her life.

  But she thought of her job, the life she had now, the one she had worked so hard to achieve...it could all be ruined in a flash. She knew what some of the parents in her school would think. One of the previous teachers had an affair with one of the parents. She was drummed out of the village by nasty comments and numerous gossip that made her work life hell. Could Melanie risk that? She had once already, by sleeping with both Brock and Cole that one night at Dragon’s Heart. Could she risk sleeping with these two delicious men, with their gorgeous bodies and their extremely long, hard cocks pounding into her again? Her nipples hardened, and her pussy moistened in readiness.

  “I can hear your brain ticking over, sweetpea.” Brock opened one eye and looked down at her. “I can also smell your arousal. Are you wet, little one?”

  Melanie was about to open her mouth and deny the fact she wanted him when one of his hands slid between her legs and touched her sex through her shorts. She knew the moment he felt the damp patch from the small, erotic groan that left him. Both his eyes were now open and staring into hers. Lust burned inside those dark orbs.

  He lifted his head and pressed harder against her crotch, his thick fingers pressed over her clit. She was already panting, and electric shots were running through her body. Her brain was urging him to press harder, to enter her. Indecision clouded her mind. She wanted this so bad, and yet…

  “No one is here,” Cole whispered from behind her.

  She felt Cole move and his head came into her vision. He ducked down and began kissing her neck. Melanie’s breasts began to ache, they felt heavy. She couldn’t help but buck her hips and press up against Brock’s fingers.

  “Is this a yes?” Brock asked, his voice husky. “Say yes, sweetpea, be ours. Let us give you what you want.” He pressed harder against her sensitive nub through her shorts.

  Cole’s teeth clamped down on her neck gently, and she could feel his breath wash against her skin. She should say no. She should just walk out of this tent and go home, live her… Cole pulled her t-shirt down over her shoulder, which wasn’t too hard since the material was stretchy and several sizes bigger than what she’d normally wear. His lips brushed across the skin on her shoulder. Leaning over her arm, his lips skimmed the side of her breast.

  Fuck it. Melanie threw all her inhibitions away; no one was there but her and her men. She grabbed hold of Cole’s head with one hand, running her fingers through his thick, silky hair, and pulled him against her breast. His warm mouth covered her nipple, and she thrust her hips up, along with her breasts. With her other hand, she reached for Brock’s head. She found his hair and entwined her fingers through his locks.

  “You better kiss me then, before I chang—” As she hoped, before she could finish her sentence, Melanie found herself on her back and looking up into Brock’s amazing dark eyes, before his firm lips were covering hers.

  “You say the sweetest things,” Brock said, pulling back, then capturing her mouth with his once again.

  One of his hands cupped her cheek while the other grasped her hair. He lifted her head off the ground to meet his. His tongue slid between her lips and entwined with hers. His taste filled her mouth. Along with Cole nipping and sucking at her breasts, Melanie felt on fire.

  A hand moved between her shorts and her skin, moving down until she felt thick fingers sweep across her trimmed pubic hair and slip between her damp folds. She didn’t think she could feel any hotter, until those digits encircled then touched her clit. Her hips bucked, and she pressed up against what she thought were Cole’s fingers.

  “You really want this, sweetpea?” Brock’s voice was full of question. His eyes held hope that she replied with the right answer.

  She lifted her lips, giving him a cocky grin. “What would you say if I actually said no?”

  Cole chuckled against her stomach. Lifting his head, he looked at her. “He would fuck me, and probably make you watch.” He winked, and twirled his tongue in her belly button, which sent all kinds of nerves tingling. Images of Brock fucking Cole immediately swam around her mind. “She likes that idea,” Cole murmured against her lower stomach.

  Melanie started to deny it, but decided lying would be worse than how she felt now. She did like the idea, and maybe one day… No, she stopped that thought before it went any further. With her job, a relationship with two men would never work.

  The worry she suddenly felt drifted away, along with the shorts from her body. Brock lifted her t-shirt over her head, as Cole pulled her bottoms off. Self-consciousness crept in as she lay naked before them, but that soon went away when she saw the gleam in both their eyes as they looked over her. They made her wanton, it made her feel needy, she wanted their hands all over her body.

  “Please,” she whispered, fearing the others around them in their tents might hear her plead.

  She lifted her head slightly to see Cole shift himself between her legs. His long hair tickled her inner thighs and lower stomach when he b
ent his head over her pussy. Her breaths were becoming short pants, her anticipation building as she waited for Cole to touch her. His warm breath skimmed the skin on her inner thighs, causing goosebumps to rise. She almost moaned aloud when he kissed the right side of her hip.

  “Eager beaver,” Cole muttered, running a finger across her lower lips.

  Melanie glanced at a motionless Brock beside her. He was kneeling with his knees touching the side of her stomach, his cock rigid and pointing straight up, the tip just reaching his belly button. His dark eyes were watching Cole intensely, his tongue running over his lips as if anticipating her taste. She wondered if he was thinking of Cole’s taste too.

  Her thoughts were cut off when something warm touched her lower lips. Looking down her body, she saw Cole bob his head over her heated pussy. His hands moved her legs slightly more apart to accommodate his shoulders, then he went to work with his tongue.

  Shocks rocked her lower body, growing out in waves, up toward her breasts, causing them to tingle. Cole’s tongue lashed and laved her clit. Brock lowered into her eyesight with a sexy grin on his face just as two of Cole’s thick fingers entered her pussy.

  Brock laid a hand on her lower stomach. “No moving,” He smirked. “Let the man enjoy his meal.”

  How could she lay still? Cole was causing her body to heat up more.

  Brock’s other hand caressed an aching breast, squeezing the nipple, which sent more shocks rocketing through her nerves. Brock lower his head over her chest, and her breath shuddered when his mouth enclosed her nipple, drawing it inside. Occasionally, as he sucked, she could feel the sharp edge of his teeth as he gently bit down on the sensitive bud.

  With both men licking, biting, and sucking at her body, she didn’t know where to turn. She could feel the growing tingle of an orgasm as it started in her lower stomach. All she could do was lie there and take what her men handed out. The cool air in the tent grew heated, and a thin film of perspiration covered her body as she writhed underneath their working mouths and fingers.

  Chapter 14

  Cole thrust his skillful fingers inside Melanie’s pussy—one, two, three times. His fingers crooked and touched that most sensitive place inside her. Her orgasm built to its final crescendo, and her pussy clamped down over Cole’s fingers, her peak blinding her enough with bright lights that she squeezed her eyes shut. She opened her mouth to scream, forgetting where she was, but thankfully, a mouth covered hers, capturing any sound she allowed to escape.

  When finally she felt like opening her eyes, she realized just how close she’d come to screaming and the park hearing her. Her cheeks heated even as her body lay limp like wet noodles between the two men wanting more. Both men were currently staring down at her with sexy grins on their faces. Cole withdrew his fingers from her pussy.

  “Here, let me,” Brock said. Grabbing Cole’s hand, he began lovingly sucking each digit that was covered in her juices.

  Melanie watched avidly as small aftershocks rocked her body. Brock’s eyes closed as he sucked each sticky digit, and he sighed with a deep moan as if was the best thing he’d ever tasted.

  “Fuck me,” Brock exclaimed. “She tastes divine.” His eyes opened in a flash, and she felt like she was a rabbit caught in his dark orbs. They were burning with both love and lust.

  It almost frightened her to see such an intense look, but she chose to use it to her advantage. She lifted herself up on her elbows, then sat up. Grabbing the back of his head, she entwined her fingers into his hair and pulled him toward her. She ran a tongue over his lips, wetting them, tantalizing him with her more of her taste. She watched in fascination as his tongue darted out to follow hers. A slow, seductive smile slid across his face before he too grabbed her hair and tilted her head and lowered to kiss her.

  Wrapping her arms around Brock’s neck, Melanie lifted herself off the ground and straddled his muscled thighs. Breaking the kiss, she looked down. His long, thick cock strained between their bodies. The mushroomed head looked red and angry, and a small bead of pearly white cum lay on the top.

  “He looks hungry,” she murmured.

  “I’m hungry,” Brock replied and started to nibble her neck. “Cole, give me a hand down there, will you? I have my hands full of woman.”

  Cole fisted Brock’s cock below her and pumped it a couple of times, making her desire heighten. She felt Brock’s muscles bunch under her thighs, and a long breath whoosh from his lungs against her neck. Brock skimmed his hands over her back, making her shiver slightly. Reaching her buttocks, he grabbed a cheek in each hand and helped lower her down slowly over his sex.

  The erotic feeling of being connected to this very gorgeous male in the most primitive way nearly brought her to orgasm again. Her pussy oozed its own juices, helping him to enter, even though it was a rather tight fit. When finally, they were completely coupled, she sighed. How could she have denied herself this?

  “Feel her nipples, they’re like pinpoints against my chest,” Brock wheezed out to Cole.

  Melanie couldn’t help but arch her spine as Cole’s hands drifted around her and cupped her breasts and began to knead her aching nipples. His mouth made its way over her neck, adding to the overload of sensations inside and outside her body.

  She stared into Brock’s dark eyes as they began to move together. She seemed to know if his eyes could tell a story, it would be one of love, romance, and forever.

  The pair of them created a pattern of love. Brock began whispering sweet nothings into her ear. His cock filled her, stretching her walls, then he lifted her up, leaving her pussy partially empty, which left her feeling bereft, wanting more. Melanie wrapped her arms tighter around Brock. For the first time since finding Bobbie, she felt at home, she felt complete. It was like she’d been looking for this…love, these men, all her life.

  Brock’s eyes softened, losing some of their intense stare. “Oh, sweetpea, it feels like forever since I’ve been inside you. You don’t know how much I have wanted you, needed you,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  Tears welled in her eyes. Hearing the emotion in his voice made her realize just how much she herself had missed being with these men, even if it had only been for one night. Brock skimmed his lips over hers, then continued down her neck, making her quiver. Pausing, he placed his hands underneath her arms and held her tightly as he lowered her back down onto the sleeping bag. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Cole lay next to them; each of his hands lay on either her or Brock.

  Leaning on his hands, one either side of her head, Brock continued to fuck her, slowly at first, enough for her to feel each ripple his cock made against her pussy walls. She could feel another orgasm gathering, building inside her. She looked up into his face as he began surging harder into her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she encouraged him to move with her faster and harder, pushing down at the bottom of his spine with her feet. She lifted her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. Brock’s mouth danced against her dampened skin at her neck, his teeth skimming her collarbone. Her nipples felt overstimulated, rubbing against his firm chest. Melanie’s desire coiled up inside her, she needed something…

  “Harder,” she begged quietly. “More.” With her mind so full of the delight she couldn’t think in whole sentences; she’d been reduced to one word at a time.

  Her sex grasped each time his dick left her body. Brock kept fucking her, harder and faster like she’d asked. She found it hard to keep his beat, both of their bodies lost in their own urgent movements.

  She registered a second of pain in her neck before her body released waves of pleasure, making her toes curl. Heat seemed to seer throughout her body, her pussy clamping down on the hard cock inside her. Her body stiffened in response to the immense emotional feeling, her scream of delight freezing in her throat. Still, Brock rocked inside her, building her to yet another peak. A few more thrusts and Brock’s cock was jerking its seed inside her womb, causing another rocking orgasm, turning her mind and body to mush.

  * * * *

  Brock loved watching Melanie come around his cock. In fact, he loved seeing her come, full stop. The night they had spent at Dragon’s Heart seemed so long ago, but after fucking her again, it became a wonderful memory, the way her skin tinted a deep red as she came, her hard pinpoint nipples stabbing into his chest, and her pussy walls clamping around his cock.

  Melanie’s eyes drooped slowly as they lay panting together. Eventually, Brock’s softening cock slipped from his little mate’s body.

  Cole, who was eagerly waiting beside them, took his place between Melanie’s legs and entered her with slow, loving care. The intense look on his face changing when he was fully joined. He paused, closing his eyes, his chest heaving as he panted. Brock could almost hear Cole counting to ten in his mind, trying to calm himself down. Melanie also gasped at his entrance then wrapped her legs tightly around Cole’s waist. After a moment, Cole opened his eyes and stared down at their little female, a sexy as sin smile lifting his lips.

  “I see what you mean,” Cole uttered hoarsely. “I have dreamed about this since that night at Dragon’s Heart.”

  Slowly, Cole began to move. The sight of Cole’s thick sex glistening with their combined juices had Brock’s own cock swelling once again. The air inside their tent was getting rather heated, and the perspiration building up on all their skins made them look like they’d just walked out of a shower.

  “I can’t hold on. Watching. You. Two. Was driving me mental.” Cole groaned. “Come, little mate, come over my dick.”

  Melanie was getting a tad bit noisy, her grunts and long groans turning Brock on, but knowing Melanie didn’t like to advertise she was sleeping with one man, let alone two, and only two sheets of material separated them from outside, Brock covered Melanie’s mouth with a kiss, swallowing her moans and eventual scream as she orgasmed once again.

  They all lay in a limp pile, hugging each other. Brock couldn’t help the smug, satisfied smile on his face. He ran an appraising eye over their entwined bodies and noticed a fresh bite mark on the side of Melanie’s neck, which shocked him. Then a vague memory of him biting down on her neck came back to him. Running his tongue around his mouth, he tasted the faint copper tang that her blood had left behind. He realized what he’d done—he’d bitten her, he had started the bond that would grow between his mates. Besides the missing mark on the other side of her neck from Cole, it would take a few more lovemaking sessions before the bond between them all was set. That would mean not only would they all be able to tell where the other was, but they would also feel the others’ emotions.


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