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Resignation Page 4

by Missy Jane

  “How’s that, baby?” he asked.

  “Mmm, that feels really good, Sol. You should probably stop before we get started all over again. I’m hungry.”

  He looked at where his fingers rested and licked his lips. “Me too.”

  She giggled. “I need breakfast if you’re going to keep working me out this way.”

  He frowned as she pushed his hand away. “Do you want me to make you breakfast in bed or would you like to go out?”

  She shook her head and smiled up at him. The sight made his chest ache.

  “You cooked last night. It’s only fair for me to make you breakfast in bed.”

  He was shaking his head before she even finished.

  “Darina, didn’t you hear me say I plan on taking care of you this weekend? You stay here and conserve your energy and I’ll make breakfast.”

  Before she could argue he was off the bed and pulling on his slacks. He headed to the kitchen without a backward glance, knowing the sight of her still sprawled on the bed would be his undoing. The thought of going back to the professional courtesy they normally shared depressed him as he considered Monday morning.

  Will she even want to sign in again, or will she go to HR for a new nametag?

  She hadn’t had her badge for days and he’d looked forward to talking to her every morning. The thought of her avoiding him at work slowed his progress as he looked around her kitchen.

  Damn, I hope that doesn’t happen.

  He closed his eyes and wondered if this wasn’t the biggest mistake of his life. He wanted Darina so much it hurt, but having her only to lose her again would hurt worse. There was no way he could ask for more right now. Her pain was still too fresh from that asshole, Marc. Sol shook his head and began to rummage through her refrigerator. After locating a few staples he set about making breakfast.

  Just get through the weekend and enjoy it as much as possible.

  With that mantra in mind, he got to work. As soon as everything finished cooking, he served their plates and set them on the kitchen table. He cleaned up the mess and headed back upstairs to the bedroom. The rumpled bed was empty, but there was a trail of bed sheets to follow. As he approached the open bathroom door he heard moans coming from within and his cock instantly stiffened.

  “Hey, gorgeous, you’re not starting again without me are you?”

  Her eyes flew open while his gaze ran over her naked flesh. She was reclining in her bathtub with her legs spread, a washcloth in one hand over her mons. He looked down at her and his heart raced. Her hair was pinned in a loose knot on the top of her head, a few loose tendrils caressing the sides of her face. Beads of water slid down her graceful neck, calling to his aching tongue.

  “No,” she replied. “I’m just soaking my poor sore muscles.”

  He frowned, instantly feeling like a monster. “I’m so sorry—”

  “Oh no. Don’t you dare apologize. It all felt wonderful, I’m just a little out of practice.”

  She winked and set the washcloth aside, setting his blood on fire.

  “Kitten, I’m trying to be good here and feed you first. But if you don’t cover up we could very well starve to death this weekend.”

  She laughed and shook her head as she sat up. He reached down and gently grasped her arms, raising her from the water.

  “Sol, you’re getting all wet,” she said with a laugh.

  “That’s all right. I don’t plan on keeping these pants on much longer.”

  She stepped away from him, wrapping a large towel around her body to cover from breast to calf. His exaggerated sigh made her laugh as she leisurely strolled into the bedroom. He glanced at the bed and considered how to convince her not to dress, but she surprised him by heading straight for the stairs in just her towel.

  Well now, eating naked again I can handle.

  He followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen without a word, watching her supple form move within the terrycloth. She took a seat at the table as if she were already comfortable eating mostly naked with him. He decided not to comment in the hopes the towel would slip off sometime during their meal.

  “Sol, this looks wonderful. Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome. I want you to keep up your strength since we still have the whole day ahead of us.”

  She smiled and shook her head, lifting a forkful of scrambled eggs to her mouth. The sight distracted him for a moment as she wrapped her plump lips around the lucky metal. He swallowed a groan and looked down at his plate.

  Food. She needs food before anything else.

  It was hard to concentrate on the simple task of eating with her sitting in nothing but the towel. He did his best to think of other things, including where she planned to go if she left Wellington.

  “So, tell me about the job offer.”

  She looked surprised by his request and took a sip of coffee before answering.

  “Well, it’s another firm on the other side of town. The head of HR is a friend of mine from college, and she said their accounting department is a mess right now. It sounds a bit daunting but nothing I can’t handle.”

  He waved his empty fork in the air dismissively at that.

  “Of course not. I’d put my money on you handling anything. Is the pay the same?”

  She stared at him a moment with her fork halfway to her mouth and he raised a brow in question. A pretty flush filled her face as she set the forkful back onto her plate and shrugged.

  “Um, I’m not sure. We haven’t really gotten that far yet. I had lunch with her last week and she asked how I was doing after…you know. I just said a change of environment would be nice.”

  He nodded his understanding, not really wanting to bring Marc’s betrayal into their perfect morning.

  “Makes sense to me.”

  She nodded and resumed eating as he finished his coffee. They spoke of mundane things like the weather, politics and current events in Houston. He quickly realized they shared a lot of interests and his chest ached at what could be. But it couldn’t…not really.

  “Do you like being a security guard?” she asked.

  He thought it over as they cleaned off the table together, the domestic scene giving him pause. He cleared his throat and looked away from her curious gaze.

  “It wasn’t my first choice but it’s been good so far. Wellington Consulting is a good company. I’d considered joining the force, but my mom made me promise not to.”

  He chuckled with his admission and she smiled. “Smart woman.”

  “She’s brilliant.”

  Her smile brightened and he pulled her into his arms for a searing kiss. She leaned back to catch her breath and stopped him from taking over her lips again.

  “Sol, we need to go to the store.”

  He groaned at her reminder and let her slip from his grasp. With a sigh and a short nod he followed her back upstairs. She talked him into taking a shower without her and he was more than a little disappointed to find her dressed when he emerged. She approached him with a shy smile he found irresistible as he pulled her into his arms for another scorching kiss. Before long she was making her kitten sounds again and rubbing against him. The towel wrapped around his waist did nothing to hide his erection when she finally pulled away.

  “Mmm, I see you’re still up for more,” she said with a breathless sigh.

  He didn’t think he could verbally respond so he tried to pull her to him again, but she resisted.

  “Not so fast, hotshot. If you plan on staying for dinner I need to go to the store. We’ve pretty much gone through what I had left from my last shopping trip.”

  He groaned and took a deep breath.

  “Give me a minute. I won’t be able to walk around a store like this.”

  She looked down at him and licked her lips.

  “Let me see what I can do to help you.”

  He froze as she slowly unwrapped the towel from his waist and dropped it to the floor. She pushed him backward onto her bed and he sa
t in silence as she climbed onto his lap.

  “One of us is wearing too many clothes,” he whispered as he leaned forward for a kiss.

  She allowed a quick meshing of lips before pulling back to look down at his stiff cock standing proudly between them. She contemplated his manhood for a moment as he leaned back onto his elbows and tried to relax. If she wanted to play, he was more than willing to let her do whatever she wished. He remained still, showing his willingness to sit at her tender mercy. She smiled at that and gently wrapped both hands around his erection. A groan escaped and he closed his eyes in ecstasy.

  God, her hands are so soft. “Mmm, your hands feel so good,” he whispered.

  Her breath sounded loud in the quiet room as she moved her hands up and down his shaft in an ever-increasing rhythm. He fought the urge to buck his hips, wanting to give her complete control. He opened his eyes and watched as she kept her full concentration on pleasuring him. She licked her lips, making him gasp as the urge to come crept up his spine.

  “That’s it. I’m almost there.”

  She stroked a finger over his glistening tip, spreading the moisture around and he went off like a rocket.

  “Darina, yes!”

  He came messily over her hands and his belly, floating in sated bliss. She slowed her movements but kept rubbing over him, as if she liked the feel of his seed in her hands. He loved watching her play with him, but stopped her to keep from getting hard all over again.

  “Okay, I can get dressed now,” he said as he gently pulled on her delicate wrists.

  She grinned as she climbed off his lap and picked up the discarded towel. She wiped her hands then tossed it onto his lap.

  “I’ll make a list while you clean up and get dressed.”

  She leaned over and kissed him softly on the mouth. He fought the haze of afterglow as he looked up into her beautiful face.

  “Condoms,” he panted. “We definitely need more condoms.”

  * * * * *

  Darina tried to ignore the warmth creeping up her spine from Sol’s hand at her waist. He’d been touching her the entire time they walked through the store and even now, as they stood waiting to check out, he seemed reluctant to let her go. She loved the sensation of being wanted so much. No man had ever treated her this way and even though she barely knew Sol, she found herself thinking of future outings with him.

  I wonder if he’d always be this touchy with me in public, or if the novelty of having me would wear off.

  That had happened with Marc sooner than she would’ve expected, especially since they’d been engaged.

  “What’s wrong?” She looked up as the deep, sexy rumble slid down her spine and found Sol’s deep-brown eyes staring back at her. His look was so full of concern it nearly brought tears to her eyes. Suddenly she found herself in his arms. “Darina, what’s wrong?”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of warm, clean male. It made her smile, and his hand rubbing soothing circles on her back chased away the depressing thoughts.

  “Nothing. I’m fine.” He pulled back enough to look down at her and raised a brow in question. She relaxed and her pasted-on smile turned natural. “Sorry to go drama queen on you for a second there, but I’m fine, really.”

  His embrace tightened for a second before he let go of her and they moved forward in the line.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” he said quietly.

  She laughed and shook her head. “I promise they aren’t worth even that much. Let’s just say I was thinking of past mistakes and hoping for a smarter future.”

  He simply nodded and began loading their food onto the conveyor belt. She wanted to kick herself for even mentioning the word future.

  Idiot. Who knows where this thing between us is going, if anywhere.

  The last thing she needed was to get him thinking about their future. She knew the smartest move would be to concentrate on the present and just enjoy him while he was willing to stick around. That would be the best she could hope for.

  The pretty, young cashier flirted softly with Sol as Darina dug in her purse for money. He was polite, but put a possessive arm around Darina’s waist as she paid. She wanted to laugh at the slight pout on the young girl’s lips, but who could blame her? Sol was a sexy man and more than one gaze had turned his way as they’d shopped. His complete focus on her alone filled Darina with confidence and brightened her day. If she could just keep from saying any other stupid things it would be perfect.

  They drove back to her loft in silence with only the soft jazz emanating from her speakers as background noise. It was a comfortable silence, and she realized she had never really known what that term meant until now. Marc liked to hear himself talk, especially on subjects she knew little about. There had been many conversations that ended in her feeling like an idiot while he sat with a grin on his face as if he’d won some type of contest. She had always hated that, but chalked it up to his competitive nature. Sol was a refreshing change. His needs ran to other things and competing with her wasn’t one of them.

  They reached her loft where he insisted on carrying all three bags of groceries, so she hurried before him to open the door. He just laughed.

  “Don’t I look like I can handle three bags?”

  “Of course, but I know how awkward those things are when full. I hate grocery shopping because getting everything into the house is such a pain.”

  His smile slipped off his face as he placed everything on the kitchen counter.

  “Living alone does have its downside,” he said quietly.

  She nodded and began putting the food away. As soon as the last item was safely stored, his hands grasped her hips and his lips warmed her neck.

  “Mmm, that feels good,” she whispered, as she leaned back into him.

  He ran his lips over her skin more aggressively and slipped his hands beneath her shirt. She fought for breath as he began to knead her breasts. Her nipples stiffened immediately and she moaned.

  “Table or bed?” he asked with a low growl.

  She gasped and a shiver snaked up her spine at the memory of what he’d done to her on that table.

  “T-table,” she said, closing her eyes as her breath caught in her throat.

  He turned her around and gently pushed her onto the hard, flat surface. Her lids drifted open slightly and the look of complete concentration on his face as he quickly undressed her sped her pulse into overdrive. He grabbed the new box of condoms from where she’d left them on the kitchen counter and set them next to her legs. She watched him strip off his shirt and unbutton his jeans, anticipation building in her veins. She was glad they had decided to stop by his apartment before heading to the store. Sol’s ass in jeans was not a sight to be missed.

  “I can’t believe how much I want you again. I swear you’re going to kill me by Monday.”

  Before she could respond, he leaned over and took command of her mouth. The demanding kiss curled her toes and she couldn’t help her body’s response as she wiggled against him. He put his hands between them and began pulling his clothing out of the way. She opened her eyes when he stood and watched him roll a condom onto his erection. She licked her lips and smiled as his eyes caught the movement and followed it.

  “What’s taking so long, hotshot?”

  He grinned as he grabbed her beneath the knees and lifted her legs. His hard cock probed her entrance and she tried not to squirm in anticipation. Then he entered her slowly as he kept his gaze locked with hers.

  “You are so damn beautiful,” he whispered as he began to thrust.

  She couldn’t find the breath to respond as he took command of her body and set her on fire. She began to thrust against him as he changed the angle just enough to rub against the perfect spot.

  Oh. So good. It’s so good.

  Within seconds she was screaming his name as her orgasm burst through her. She dug her nails into his thighs and continued to moan through the aftershocks. Her eyes began to drift
closed when Sol stopped thrusting and released her legs. She looked up at him and caught a mischievous grin on his face.

  “Time for a change of scenery.”

  “Oh?” she asked breathlessly.

  “On your feet, kitten. I want to see that delectable ass of yours.”

  Chapter Four

  Sol worried Darina might protest, but then she hopped up to do his bidding without a word. He got her turned around and bent over the table in record time, loving the way she responded to him. It set his pulse racing and made him feel invincible. He suddenly realized he’d never felt this way about any woman, but quickly shoved those thoughts aside. Darina was special, but this weekend might be all they had.

  He ran his fingers over the smooth skin of her beautiful ass as he massaged a cheek in each hand. She moaned and pushed back against him, making him want to ravage her. He took a deep breath.

  Take your time, savor each second.

  Leaning forward, he kissed a path up her spine until his body blanketed hers against the table.

  “Sol, please. I need you.”

  Her softly spoken plea was his undoing. He grabbed his cock in one hand while testing her readiness with the other. She was still wet and eager for him as he filled her with one full thrust.

  They moaned in unison when he began to buck against her, shaking the table violently. He vaguely wondered if it was sturdy enough for their play before his thoughts became consumed with her soft walls squeezing his shaft. He knew he couldn’t last long as he stood upright while still thrusting. She pushed back against him and he grabbed her hips to steady her.

  “Darina, you feel so good.”

  “Sol, oh, Sol…”

  His name intermittent with her breathless panting quickly brought him to the edge and with a final strong thrust he was there, coming hard and shouting her name. He dropped his hands to the table on either side of her shoulders as he fought to catch his breath and steady his weakening knees. Below him, Darina lay panting with her eyes closed and a look of satisfaction on her face. He smiled, knowing he’d put that look there and hoping he could do it again soon.

  “So…that’s doggy style, isn’t it?”


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